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Extreme 89 {2/13/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 20, 2014, 10:54:52 PM

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Daddy Mack

February 13th, 2006

And so we open up for another edition of Extreme and this week we come from the Garrett Coliseum in Montgomery Alabama. Our cameras pan all around the arena capturing the crowd packed in and cheering, then we drop down to ringside to the commentators table.

Nick Miller: Welcome to Extreme everyone and man do we ever have a huge show for you all tonight. The main event is phenomanol, a fatal four way elimination for the SEF Title. Whitney defends against Spike Dudley, D-Von Dudley, and Shane Mack!

Frankie Malone: A huge match for sure and its about time we see Whitney lose that title, hopefully for good this time. Two chicks tonight who are gonna lose, Blaze being the other, good for nothing, well, whore!

Nick Miller: I'll admit Blaze may not be that great, but Whitney has proven she is one of the best ever in SEF, so who knows who'll be SEF Champ after tonight.

Frankie Malone: Right, well we also have that triple threat tonight with McMoney set to destroy the two has beens in Taz and Bubba Ray.

Nick Miller: Seems to be McMoney thinks that'll be the case, but Bubba has other ideas, a good fight it should be and with Taz in the mix it'll be crazy.

Frankie Malone: McMoney has it all over those two chumps, he's undefeated.

Nick Miller: No doubt he is and no doubt he may go on to be huge, but like Bubba said, all things come to an end. We also got three new guys debuting, so let's see how it all kicks off on Extreme!

Singles Match
The Sandman

Were supposed to have a match between newcomer Thunder and The Sandman, but we pan backstage where Thunder is seen in his street gear, jeans and whatever, basic clothes. He has a bag on his shoulder and is heading to the parking lot when Jack Hines comes up to him.

Jack Hines: Thunder, where you heading, ya got a match!

Thunder: Out of my way!

Thunder shoves Jack, but a hand comes in shoving Thunder back a few steps and we see Troy. Sean Martin steps from behind him now, but before he can speak we see Sandman come from behind Thunder cracking him in the back with a singapore cane. He hooks the cane around Thunder's leg, then snaps him back with a white russianleg sweep. Sandman is on his feet as Sean just shrugs and says.

Sean Martin: Hey Thunder, trying to walk out, fine, your fired, after this hardcor ematch with Sandman. Troy, see to it Thunder is escorted out right after.

Sean walks off as Troy stands nearby and we see a ref come on to the scene. Sandman slams the cane into Thunder's ribs, then lifts him up and nails a ddt pinning him soon after, 1........2.........3!

Sandman jumps up and Troy hands him a six pack, then lifts up Thunder over his shoulder and walks off outside. Sandman just cracks a beer and walks off as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Interesting match we ended up with, guess Thunder is out of SEF, damn ingrate.

Frankie Malone: Yea and to think he coulda had an easy win against Sandman, but instead for jumped and beat down like a bitch.

Nick Miller: Next up though we got that triple threat with Taz, Bubba Ray, and McMoney, so stay tuned everyone.

Triple Threat Match
Bubba Ray Dudley
Michael McMoney

Taz and Bubba Ray are in the ring sluging it out as McMoney is walking down the ramp now. He moves slowly, acts kinda sly heading up the steps letting Taz and Bubba fight a bit. Bubba pounds Taz into a corner and nails some chops, then whips him across the ring to the corner McMoney is coming up behind. Bubba charges across the ring, but McMoney jumps up on the ropes and leaps over them feet first nailing a dropkick to Bubba's chest knocking flat on his back. Mike springs up and leaps at Taz in the corner nailing a splash on him, the catches him staggering out and nails a hard european uppercut. Mike lifts up Taz and nails a diamond cutter, then pins, 1........2.......Bubba drops an elbow to his back, then lifts up Mike and sends him into the ropes catching him in a sleeper. Bubba tries locking it in, but Mike moves to the side quickly and backdrops him.

Nick Miller: Good match so far, McMoney tried sneaking in, but literally jumped in.

Frankie Malone: Irregardless to the fact that he will win.

Mike gets up as Taz comes behind him and grabs him for the Tazmission. Mike struggles to keep out of it and Bubba gets up charging at them for a clothesline. Taz shoves Mike down and sidesteps Bubba who ends up knocking the ref down. Taz comes behind Bubba locking him in a full nelson, then throws him backwards in a dragon suplex, but with so much force Bubba flips on to his stomach.

Nick Miller: Damn, Taz is still the human suplex machine!

Taz gets up and starts trading punches with Mike who soon gets a knee to Taz's gut, then whips him into a corner. Mike charges him, but Taz ducks out of the corner and hammers Mike in the back, then hooks him in a half nelson and twists back with an unorthodoxed suplex sending Mike on his stomach. Taz jumps up and looks pumped, then grabs Bubba and looks for a belly to belly suplex. We see referee Jeff Haynes come down to ringside now as Mike gets up and hammers Taz in the back, then turns him into a ddt. Bubba grabs Mike in a full nelson looking for the Bubba Bomb. Mike fights out of it and turns around clubbing Bubba in the back, then snaps him back in a german suplex. Jeff slides in now to count, but the other ref comes to and counts as well, both mens shoulders are down, 1.........2...........3! Jeff gets up quickly and calls for the bell.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Michael McMoney!

Perfect Strangers hits the pa as the other ref gets up and yells no, but Jeff shoves him now and we see Mike get up and deliver Money Talks to the official ref. Jeff smirks, but Bubba and Taz get up as Mike rolls out quickly and backs up the ramp. Bubba and Taz corner Jeff who gets scared and Bubba locks him in a full nelson while Taz gets a table bringing it in the ring. He sets the table up and Bubba lifts Jeff way up in the air, then delivers the Bubba Bomb through the table.

Nick Miller: Now that was a lil shady, seems to me McMoney may have bought off a ref, but that ref seems to have paid for it.

Frankie Malone: Whatever, McMoney won fair and square, that act after the match by Bubba was unfair and uncalled for.

Nick Miller: Are you serious?!? Jeff had it coming and he best not piss off a Dudley again.

Were in the back now where we find McMoney heading down the hall and smiling after what wha he just pulled off during his match. Jack Hines comes running up to him for a few words.

Jack Hines: Mike, what happened, did you pay off that ref to call the match in your favor or what?

McMoney: Jack, I answer to no one, so can it son! Fact is, I beat Bubba and Taz as I said I would, so I deserve the shot at the International Title.

Jack Hines: Well ya may have won, controversial or not, but it was not contender match.

McMoney: I don't give a damn, I am undefeated still, no one can beat me, Matlock is next to fall cause I will get that belt!

Just then we see Matlock himself stroll into the picture and flash the title on his shoulder, then pushes Jack away and steps in fron tof Mike.

Matlock: I'm next, this is your title? McMoney, you need to step back to reality cause it don't matter that you hang with Mack, I'll beat your ass and end your lil streak.

McMoney: Funny thing son, you said this before and I am still undefeated, so enough, get in the ring with me, put that belt up and let's do this or maybe your too afraid!?

Matlock: You haven't earned it, yo-

Jack Hines: Hey guys, why not accept Bubba's challenge for a triple threat at the next pay per view whenever that may be?

McMoney: Yea Matt, I'm game for that, you still afraid?

Matlock: I am afraid of no one, so I should accept, but a triple threat is what determined a new champ for this title and plus its unfair to me, so I say let's do this in a three way dance, an elimination triple threta basically to determine a true winner.

McMoney: I'm still game, so the next pay per view I'll be seeing ya and you'll be seeing a new champ!

Mike shoves by Matt now and walks off down the hall. Matt just stares at him as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: What a huge match accepted for our next pay per view, I am sure Bubba is cool, pretty much his idea, I hope its made official.

Frankie Malone: Matlock and McMoney would be enough, but to see Bubba get his ass beat, sounds good.

Nick Miller: Man, Bubba can kick ass, accept it and accept that he could win the title, but up next we got a tag match with the returning Crhistine and Jackal taking on the Cross brothers.

Tag Team Match
Adam Smith & Christine
Ryan Cross & Travis Cross

And so we see Travis and Ryan in the ring stretching out and waiting, but we hear no music and see no one come out. Travis leans back in a corner as Ryan leans on the ropes looking up the ramp. The ref just stands there a lil unsure of what to do, then we see Sean Martin come out on stage with a mic in his hand.

Sean Martin: Ya know, its funny. We get two former wrestlers back, they tell me their gonna comeback strong, then they fail to show up and I just get a call from them saying they missed their flight. Yes, Adam Smith and Christine, so this match is cancelled boys, and to Adam and Christine, fial to appear one more time and your out, again!

Sean turns walks to the back as Ryan kicks at the ropes and turns around, but right into a clothesline from Travis!

Nick Miller: What the hell!

Travis lifts up Ryan and hammers him with a right hand, then lifts him up hitting a brainbuster. He signals for the Criss Cross, then lifts up Ryan and locks it in on him whipping him around the ring a bit before lifting Ryan up and slamming him down to the mat. Travis just spits on Ryan before leaving the ring.

Frankie Malone: Wow, a huge impact by Travis and on his own brother, this could be the end of Triple X, but the start of a young career.

Nick Miller: A huge impact yes, but why do it to his own brother? Up next we got two more newcomers, wait, I got word of a brawl in the back.

Singles Match
Eric Michaels
The First

And so we pan backstage to find a chair being smashes down on to Eric Michaels skull who lays on the floor motionless. The man swinging the chair is The First and he just continues until Eric is bleeding and quite profously. First kneels down and lifts up Eric's head turning him to look into his eyes, the blood pouring ito them.

The First: You sack of shit, follow me, then management here decides we ned to face off in our debuts, forget it! I am here to rise up to the top, your just gonna stay at the bottom where ya belong.

First stands up and kicks Eric in the ribs, then grabs the chair and looks to slam him in the head again, but the chair is grabbed by Troy who turns First around and stares down at him. First just looks up and backs away smiling as if to say he wasn't gonna do anything. Troy just tosses the chair away as EMT's come over and we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Well that was messed up, no match, but the start of a fued possibly.

Frankie Malone: First seems like he may have what it takes to make it, who knows.

Nick Miller: yea, next up though, the International Title, Blaze and Matlock, it should be awesome.

Singles Match
SEF International Championship
Matt Matlock(c)
Blaze Inferno

In the ring is Blaze and we hear Matt's music playing, but he comes from the crowd and slides in the ring behind Blaze, stomps the canvas and floors her with a yakuza kick.

Nick Miller: A surprise attack by Matt and a kick normally used by his ol' partner Jackal.

Matt lifts up Blaze and runs her into a corner, smashes her head into the turnbuckles, then whips her across the ring and charges her with a splash. Blaze ducks out quickly and Matt lands on the turnbuckles, then Blaze grabs him in a waistlock and delivers a german suplex to him into a pin, 1.......2.....kickout! They both get up and start swinging with punches, Matt gets the upperhand and whips Blaze to the ropes, then looks to follow up with a clothesline. Blaze ducks down and backdrops Matt out to the floor, then she runs the ropes and comes diving out at Matt, but he dodges her and Blaze collides headfirst with the guardrail.

Nick Miller: Ooh, that could be costly for Blaze, looks painful.

Frankie Malone: Not like she stands a chance against Matlock.

Matt lifts up Blaze and drops her throat first over the rail, then grabs her by the hair and slams her backfirst into the ring apron. Matt lifts her into a spinebuster laying Blaze out on the floor, then he rolls in the ring breaking the ref's count. Matt rolls back out and kicks Blaze in the head, then lifts her up slamming her head into the ring steps. He rolls her in the ring, then slides in after her and lifts up Blaze looking for Animal Instincts. Blaze twists out of it and looks for a double underhook powerbomb, but Matt lifts her up, their arms still hooked and he plants her with a sorta reverse vertebreaker.

Frankie Malone: Yea, hopefully Matt broke the bitch's neck!

Nick Miller: I hope not, but this could be over now.

Matt turns her into a pin now, 1.......2......kickout! He sits up pissed and gets to his feet, backs up to the ropes and comes back wih a dropkick to Blaze's head. Matt lifts her up and nails a brainbuster, then signals to the top rope and rips up Blaze walking her over to a corner. He nails a couple elbows, then lifts her up to the top and climbs up looking for the Matlock Drop. Blaze blocks it and tries to counter to a tornado ddt, but Matt prevents it and climbs up to stand on the top rope, then he hooks her arms and twists off spinning in the air planting Blaze with Animal Instincts.

Nick Miller: My god that was a hell of a way to nail his finisher.

Matt has Blaze on her back and hooks her leg for the pin, 1..........2.........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and still the SEF International Champion, Matt Matlock!

Getting Away With Murder by Papa Roach hits the pa and Matt gets to his feet kicking at Blaze. He gets his title and flaunts it to the booing crowd.

Frankie Malone: Oh yea, I knew it, Matlock killed Blaze, fuck that whore!

Nick Miller: He proved he could beat her, but a fight she gave and who knows what their future holds, but next is the main event, fatal four way for the SEF Title!

We go to the back where we see Matlock walking from the curtain and he slings the title over his shoulder now. He heads down the hall looking down a bit not really watching where he is going when he bumps shoulders with Shane Mack who is heading to the ring. Matt obviously the cause of their collision, but neither caring for blame, just eyeing each other now with a silent, intense stare.

Matlock: Outdo that one Mack. I am taking over as the main show around here, you can't follow me!

Mack: I'd say to follow me, but then no one can which is why I main event these shows anymore. Anytime ya want another piece, I'm down, but maybe ya outta worry about McMoney cause it seems he's a lil too much for ya!

Mack smirks and pushes Matt to the side, then walks off to the ring as we cut to ringside.

Nick Miller: Intense situation there, Mack and Matlock have no love lost, simply hatred.

Frankie Malone: Seems Mack don't like Matt stepping up now when he told him too.

Nick Miller: Looked to me like Mack was telling him to prove himself first, but whatever, main event is coming.

Main Event
Fatal Four Way Elimination
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Whitney Marret(c)
Spike Dudley
D-Von Dudley
Shane Mack

And so were set for the main event and we hear Cowboy by Kid Rock hit the pa and see Shane Mack come strutting out to quite a few cheers. He makes his way down to the ring dancing and all that, hops in and does the usual pose, then strips to his ring gear as we hear Welcome To Dudleyville play and here comes Spike. He makes his way to the ring walking with a purpose and climbs in the ring going right up to Mack, but then Torn by Creed hits and D-Von comes walking out. he soon speeds up to a run and slides into the ring, then jumps up and looks to lunge at Mack, but tackles Spike into a corner. Mack come sbehind him clubbing D-Von in the back as we hear System by Linkin park hit the pa and see Whitney come out. Mack whips D-Von into the ropes and leaps up nailing him with a cross body. Whitney drops her title at ringside, then she slides in the ring now and charges at Spike in the corner, but he moves out of the way and drops her with a neckbreaker. Mack is up and pulls D-Von against the ropes, then backs up and looks for a clothesline, but Spike grabs him from behind and gets him in a side headlock. Mack lifts him up for a back drop, but Spike flips over on to his feet and backs up, then dropkicks Mack to the ropes. D-Von charges off them and clotheslines Mack, then Spike dropkicks his knee, jumps up and comes off the ropes delivering a bulldog to him and pins, 1........2.......kickout!

Nick Miller: A good match so far, these four are definitely showing why their in this match.

Spike gets to his feet and pulls up D-Von for a suplex. Mack and Whitney get up and start trading some punches moving into a corner. D-Von counters the suplex and lifts up Spike for one, but Spike drops down behind him and nails a reverse ddt. Mack is chopping Whitney in the corner, then he nails a hard european uppercut and soon lifts her to the top rope. Spike lifts up D-Von and delivers a piledriver, then pins, 1........2.......kickout!

Nick Miller: Second attempt by Spike to pin D-Von.

Frankie Malone: Dudleyz may suck, but Spike won't beat D-Von.

Mack has Whitney set up looking for a superplex, but she starts punching him in the gut and tries shoving him off the ropes. Mack keeps steady and stays with her, then headbutts her and jumps up quickly looking for a hurricanrana. Whitney leaps off the ropes as he hooks her head and jumps down planting Mack with a powerbomb, but falls backwards into the corner. Spike turns to pin Mack, but D-Von clubs him in the back and whips him into a corner, then drops down pinning Mack, 1.......2........kickout!

Nick Miller: Wow, Mack kicked out after that hard powerbomb, he always proves how tough he is.

D-Von sits up furious and Whitney leaps out of the corner with a dropkick to his head. Spike comes running out of the corner and drops a leg across Whitney's neck. He gets up and lifts her up, then looks for a ddt, but Whitney counters into a northern lights suplex for the pin, 1........2........kickout! Mack pulls himself up and ducks a clothesline from D-Von, then drops him with a spinning kick. Mack kicks Whitney in the ribs now and lifts her up whipping her into the ropes, but Whitney reverse quickly and follows up for a clothesline. Mack backdrops her out to the floor, then kicks Spike in the gut and runs him over the top rope landing near Whitney. D-Von is getting up and Mack kicks him in the head, then runs him to the ropes, lifts him for a suplex and tosses him out to the floor landing on Whitney and Spike. Mack now runs to the other side, comes back and jumps landing on the top rope, springs up into the air and comes down on all three of his opponents with a splash. The crowd jumps in cheers chanting Holy Shit and SEF.

Nick Miller: Oh my god that was insane, no one flies quite like Mack!

Frankie Malone: Agreeable, that man is one crazy sumbitch!

Mack rolls over near the steps holding his ribs as Spike curls up near the table and Whitney tries pulling herself up. D-Von gets on his knees, but we see Mack spring up and grabs Whitney delivering a bulldog across the table. He lifts up Spike and slams him into the table, then snapmares him on top of Whitney. D-Von is up and clubs Mack in the back, then looks for a powerbomb, but Mack backdrops on to the floor. He kicks at D-Von, then pulls the top of the ring steps over by the table and lifts D-Von on them. Mack hooks him up for a suplex and falls back over the table smashing through it and Whitney, Spike rolled off before they came down.

Nick Miller: Well our table is gone like usual and Spike appears to have gotten lucky on that one.

Frankie Malone: But the runt won't win, once was a fluke no matter what Mack says.

Spike is up on his feet and he pulls up Mack first ramming him into the steel steps. D-Von gets up and grabs Spike from behind rolling him in the ring, then slides in with him. He lifts Spike up and immediately tries for Saving Grace, but Spike pulls forward and kicks himself up off the ropes flipping behind D-Von. Spike shoves him to a corner, then pulls him out, flips back over D-Von's head, holds on and runs up the corner delivering the Dudley Dog and now pins, 1..........2..........3!

Nick Miller: Good god, Spike just pinned his brother, this is incredible, what a shocker!

Frankie Malone: Your telling me, damn runt got another fluke pin over someone, least he won't win the title this time.

Nick Miller: We'll see, he has the first fall.

Mack is in the ring standing in a corner, sort of bent down and Spike gets to his feet pumping his fists in the air. He turns around and Mack comes ou tof the corner with the Shows Ova, but Spike ducks it, grabs mack and rolls him up just like that one night back in December, 1...........2...........but no, Mack kicks out and rolls into the ropes. Spike gets up and Mack jumps up, the two swinging at each other with crazy punches. D-Von is being forced to the back and he just walks up the ramp pissed. Whitney is on her feet on the floor and she rolls in the ring now. Mack hammers Spike into a corner and starts laying in some hard chops to his chest. Spike yells in pains and Mack tears his shirt off and really chops him leaving red welts. mack whips Spike across the ring and goes charging at him, but Spike is able to duck down and backdrop him clear over the ringpost. Mack does a crazy flip and lands facefirst on the floor. Spike comes out of the corner and gets kick to his gut by Whitney, his arms are hooked and he is dropped with Southern Pride, then Whitney pins, 1.........2..........3!

Nick Miller: Oh my, Spike is eliminated now and by Whitney, this leaves her and Mack.

Frankie Malone: Looks like Mack is gonna be the new champ.

Mack is on the floor pulling himself up with the ringpost when Whitney comes baseball sliding out at him. Mack sidesteps her, then grabs Whitney's legs and pull sher out on the floor. He grabs her legs and sets her up for a catapult, then drops down sending her landing on the timekeeopers table. Mack grabs a chair now and looks to take Whitney's head off, but whe she turns she has the ring bell. Both swing their weapons and don't really hit the other, the bell and chair collide in front of their faces causing both to jump back, Whitney dropping the bell. The ref seeing both doing it let's go since its our main event and both want it this way. Mack looks to raise the chair, but he tosses it at Whitney, then leaps up for a spinning kick, but she ducks quickly and slams him across the back. Mack moves forward in pain, but tries for a superkick. Whitney ducks that and raises the chair, but Mack kicks her in the stomach and drops her with a ddt.

Nick Miller: Damn, this match is crazy as hell, rules are gone it seems, were definitely gonna see a true winner.

Frankie Malone: And his name is Shane Mack, guaranteed!

Mack kips up to his feet after the ddt, then he lifts up Whitney rolling her into the ring. He climbs up the apron and heads to the top rope now, then waits before leaping off with high cross body since Whitney is quite a ways away. Whitney ducks down in time and Mack rolls off the mat and gets up leaning on the ropes when we see Matlock get down to ringside with a chair and jump bring the chair right over Mack's head sending him backwards. The ref turns and has an idea, but just yells at Matt telling him he is outta here. Whitney is up and grabs Mack from behind dropping down and locking him in the Southern Sleeper!

Nick Miller: That was uncalled for by Matt, he had no business out here, but Whitney now has Mack locked in, this could be over.

Frankie Malone: Matt and Mack have history that has been dug up recently, but still, Whitney as champ, damn it!

Whitney has Mack in the middle of the ring and he was almost knocked out from the chair, now he is passing out quickly, but the fight inside keeps him alive and he rolls around struggling to break the hold, reaching for the ropes. Whitney gets her legs locked around his body finally and squeezes tight, she arches back like she is trying to snap his neck and blood is coming from Mack's head due to the chair. He flails his arms and tries to roll out, but he starts slipping away and passing out. The ref keeps asking him if he wants to give it up, but soon no response at all and so the ref lifts Mack's arm once, it drops. he lifts it a second time and it drops, then he raises one last time and it...........drops.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by knock out and still the SEF World Heavyweight Champion, Whitney Marret!

System by Linkin Park hits the pa now as Whitney releases the hold and stands up getting her arm raised. The title is handed to her and she holds it high in the air while the ref checks on Mack who blinks his eyes and shakes his head. A couple EMT's run out, but Mack kicks one, then grabs the ropes pulls himself to the floor. Whitney turns watching as Mack staggers on his feet to the back. She smiles at him and exits the ring running after Mack.

Nick Miller: Seems Mack is pissed at Matt, but still good enough to walk on his own, some bad blood and from the past.

Frankie Malone: He wants him to step up, Matt is stepping into his face and looking to take down the top man.

Nick Miller: If he can he'll go far, further than ever, but that's if he can and he needs to do step a whole lot more. That's it for tonight everyone, we'll see ya next week right here on Monday for Extreme, so take care till then.

And with that we pan up over the crowd who is cheering still and our cameras roam around a bit before we fade to black.

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