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Tonya Walker Has a Secret Meeting.

Started by Tonya Walker, March 25, 2024, 10:34:24 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. is shown outside of a bar she shown drinking her beer she is wearing a leather jacket, ripped blue jeans she is all alone well for now she takes a deep breath, looks around somebody she Knows shows up outside the Bar, she not sure what to think and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. Well so far my two surprise guest should be here, anytime i  can not wait this is going to mean something, people think oh Lexi is gone so poor Tonya is going to be all alone Now will she ever return to the ring, who knows people not sure what to think these days.

Tonya Walker. im not sure what to think but Ido ohh Ido got a plan that is going to shock the world at Wrestle X i may not even be on the contracted Roster right Now, but the lord works in Mysterious Ways im going leave people talking ohh Iam!

[ she drinks beer and she been watching videos on Sef.com and whatever she is planning she got a secret plan to do something big at Wrestle X and if anyone Knows Tonya is going make and make my impact on this entire world no matter what the cost is.

Tonya Walker oh they are here perfect. Right on time, time to go and greet some Ol and new friends of Mine. get this meeting going.

[ she goes and greets somebody who faces can not be seen expect for Tonya Walker she orders 3 drinks and a pizza from the bar she is at they sit down, and she then sits down and begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. oh great you two showed up so i ordered some food, and let's get this going.

Mysterious Friend look, we not sure if this plan of yours is going to work i mean we never really got along, in the past u know the past between devils playground and your family.

Mysterious Friend. i mean we got fired due to you two Joining Devils Playground now how do we know this wil not happen again.

Tonya Walker. I know oh trust me i know but look that was all Lexis Fault it was trust me it was Jade to she was the main talker with that but this time it is going to change just me and you this is what your sister would of wanted we going be unbeatable unstoppable, this is our chance nobody else.

Mysterious Friend i know oh that does sound good Ido want make a return and shake things Up, this is a chance to make my own impact on the wrestling world make our own impact on Life, even if it is going to be with you.

Tonya Walker. We can call ourselves the Wildcats what u think.

Mysterious Friend oh im not sure we can discuss names later but right now we need to discuss our plan, nobody can take us down again this could be our final chance to make names for ourselves.

Tonya Walker yes so we need to shake on it and we can also eat our foods. Because right now iam Hungry a year ago the Wolf had a plan to beat Lbd for the i think Evolution Womans Championship but soon enough the plan of Tonya and you two is going be the main plan nobody is ever going to see coming.

their food comes Out and they begin to eat

Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

Nikita perry. this pizza is so freaking devilish good i absolutely love it so good im so ready wait to 

Nikita perry are we even under contract to sef we are in reality but are we even allowed to make a impact at wrestle x

Nikita Perry how is this even going to work Tonya! 

Tonya Walker. hold on calm down Kita it is going to work we just going get permission to return at wrestle x and find what ever match we can interfere in and take it from there

Nikita perry. i say we make ourselves Known in Lbd vs Taylor Andrews Match for the Universal title match

she continues to eat her pizza and drink her soda and eat her bread sticks she continues to be happy which is what tonya wants and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker i wonder how our other friend feels about this 

she waits
Jade West


Blackheart shows up as a surprise she walks over sits by Tonya and Nikita who are at the table having pizza she smiles and begin to talk.

Blackheart. Tonya Walker it has been a long time hasn't it wow you know when you called me and told me what you had in mind for a return in sef i thought you was just crazy but when u called us here for a meeting to discuss it further i continued to think you was just Bull shitting us

Blackheart considering my SEF Career ended hell it never got started!

Tonya Walker. you see you see that why we need this team going, asap we need to do this we need to make a stand! we need this return and Nikita needs things with Wins we get Paychecks and Paychecks mean Money, plus think about the fans in the attendance when you two come down to confront me in middle of the ring

Tonya Walker. Hey would think u2 are coming down to confront me cause of the past several Months Nikita u have been doing vintages about coming down to Sef or coming down to wherever iam at to kick my ass and what happened with that nothing so trust me this team is going to work!

they sit there and listen to Tonya talk about their return to the ring and about how she is doing this for them, she smiles and blackheart then begin to talk again.

Blackheart keep talking Walker we are Listening to EveryWord

somebody then begin to talk

The Perry Family

Nikita perry. one word wait if this works im not saying it would it is going to work, how long wil this work ya know i don't want make a return and then have somebody fire us again we have to as Lbd would put it, we have to really want this and not doing this just for the sake of doing it this is wrestling and competing in the ring brings huge risk, and Injuries and im not sure we know that your not going to betray us at some point, we need to make sure, we are going be a family and a team and we need to make this work Hun

Tonya Walker i promise you two this is going to be us this is going to work, when i was with Lexi you remember my sister Lexi we fought each other, we yelled we fought we spend the past decade at each other throats saving each other, being there for each other 

Tonya Walker anyway we are going be a family it is i truly believe going to be about us 3 u me and Blackheart maybe even Simon nash now how fun would that be  i mean i got such high hopes for us at night i sleep and day dream about the inpact we are going to make during our run. i even made shirts up.

she holds up shirts with the words the Walker Perry Wildcats or just Wildcats with their pictures on the front of them the shirts are black she giggles and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker so family what do you two think

she waits
Jade West

The Perry Family

Nikita perry. wow i love these shirts walker hope one of them is my size, 

Blackheart both of our sizes would work u know ido really hope this works considering our past history, i do hope this is no game of yours just to get yourself re hired by sef

Tonya Walker  no ido respect and realize where u are going and the truth answer is No this is no game of yours i mean why would i go to all this trouble to call you two out here discuss all of this stuff, give u 2 all of these promises, call you two my family and then i would never do that trust me i won't

Tonya Walker. im sure this is what Cruella and Sierra would want, I mean when they turn on their tv in the church and see us the 3 of us kicking ass at Wrestle X, this is a chance of a life time, all i ask for is this chance to prove to you this is on the up and up trust me believe in me believe in us

she wait
Jade West


Blackheart pulls Nikita aside where Tonya can not hear them, she looks at Nikita and then begin to talk.

Blackheart. look Kita hun do you really think we can trust her i mean this is like all Happening so fast

Blackheart ido think she is up to something, we don't know about what going happen if we get Hired and she Don't

Blackheart. or if we only end up being, her Bodyguards i got a gut feeling something is going happen and we going

Blackheart. be Left With Nothing, we already told her yes no need to go back on our words besides we do got to have a

Blackheart. Meeting with SEF Managment before we even get Re-Hired you Know,

Nikita Perry dont you think that already Crossed my Mind as well and what wil Cruella and Sierra say about this im not going to think about them they trust us, and that is All that matters. your thoughts your concerns have crossed my Mind to i can just say stay Close and be Careful do not let our guard down,

Nikita Perry Besides this could be fun, you Know

her and Blackheart continue to have a One on One Conversation on if they willing to trust Tonya or Not

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. See's them talking she walks over to them and begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. hey u 2 all right done talking our food is over here getting Cold, yes let's Eat have some Fun,

Tonya Walker. Dont'Worry Girls all is going to be fine we going be back inside a SEF Wrestling Ring, we wil be Successful

Tonya Walker. shakes her head as they go off and finsh their pizza Tonya wonders what she get herself in to,as their night continues or ends.

Tonya Walker.

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