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Extreme 187 {10/6/10}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 05:46:07 PM

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October 6th, 2010

So Extreme returns to Wednesday night and here we are inside a sold out United Center in Chicago Illinois. The crowd rowdy as hell as always for SEF when they come down to the windy city and pyro shoots off over the stage pumping them up even more. DESIRE plays over the pa as our cameras around the place and Nick Miller is heard now.

Welcome to Extreme back on Wednesday night and tonight we feature a World Title match with Ash Silva challenging Rick Reynolds!

The view rests on Nick now as DESIRE keeps playing, the crowd cheering loud all around him as he says.

Hello everyone, Nick Miller here and yea, Reynolds finally defends his belt against Ash who earned a shot back at DOGG DAZE, but with the DC in his corner what's it matter? He has too much manpower and too much political power, plus he's one of the best wrestlers there is. Ash can hang in an SEF ring and just made Knox O'Bannon tap last week, plus he has friends to help, but enough, we'll see!? Bob defends his Underground Title again against Havoc and this time with Destruction legally helping and no one allowed to be at ringside. The DC gained the TV Title which is now the North American Title, last week using similar tactics and now it appears they'll have more gold. Rob is in action facing three guys who would all love a shot at his new title, but in that fatal four way only one can win. Chris Orton faces Johnny Camaro tonight and many more matches than that, so let's get started with two guys battling for the first time, Matlock and Justin Rodgers is now!

BORN WITH NOTHING, DIE WITH EVERYTHING hits the speakers and the crowd boos as Matt steps out onto the ramp. He stops a minute to look out over the crowd before he heads down the ring while Tina makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring from Cape Breton Island Canada, weighing in at two hundred seventy pounds.......Matt Matlock!

Matlock makes his way into the ring now, heads for the far turnbuckle, climbs it and raises his arms to taunt the crowd, before stepping down and getting ready for the match. PRAYER begins to play. When the bassline kicks in pyro goes off in a row across the entry ramp with one dropping from the ceiling like a bomb. Justin comes running out, pauses, then rips off his Oilers jersey and hat showing their autographed, then tosses them to the crowd. He then makes his way down the aisle as Tina introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Dallas Texas, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds...........Justin Rodgers!

Justin climbs the steps and gets in the ring, then he goes to the top rope. Justin turns kinda old school Bret Hart except he's pointing. He finally slips from the ring, finds a little kid who is cheering for him and pulls off his wrist band that is half Canadian Maple Leaf and half Old Glory. He slips it onto the kid's arm, then turns and slides under the bottom rope. He's fired up and he raises his arm in the middle of the ring yelling.

Come On.

He removes his shirt and he has a black arm band that says "Forever Fox" He touches it before slapping his chest three times before pointing up to the sky. Justin then bounces back and forth on the balls of his feet before dropping into a crouch waiting. The bell rings and Matt runs over and Justin bolts out quickly with a spear flattening him. Justin jumps up waits for Matt to get up, grabs him in a waistlock and executes a german suplex, rolls into a second and then a third releasing Matt. Justin quickly applies a koji clutch to finish his variation known as Fox Fire. Matt screams and thrashes around all wild and crazy trying to get free. Justin just hangs on and Matt is going nuts when Rob Rocco down, leaps up to the apron, then to the top rope and flies off with a dropkick to Justin's head breaking the hold and causing the ref to call the match over. The crowd boos and we see Thor hit the ring now as Tina makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match by disqualification...........Justin Rodgers!

But he gets up and Thor gores him into a corner, then whips out violently with the side belly to belly for his Prime Cut. Rob pulls up Matt now and delivers a cradle piledriver on him as the crowd keeps booing. The two stand up raising their arms high, then bail from the ring as Ash, Maegan, and Grace come running down and slide in the ring. Rob and Thor take off through the crowd, Ash on the ropes yelling as the girls check on Justin and we hear Nick Miller say.

Interesting, Thor and Rob attacking Justin, but I guess it's the DC continuing to try and control everything. Bastards need to be stopped, but who can band together and stop them? Bob is up next in his fourth title defense against Hal Havoc who now has Destruction legally in the match and if anyone interferes their fired, the whole roster has been banned. This is out of control, but no one seems to want to work together and stop them. Something has to give soon!

And right now we go into the back find Black Bob standing as usual in front of a backdrop, title around his waist and eyes showing that undying love for this business, the will to give the best and now he raps.

Kill me or die trying cause this belt ain't leaving me no other way
The DC wants to screw with me, fuck around, not today
I don't care who you bring with ya Hal, bring the whole DC
Bring the US armed forces and any militias, line up as far as ya can see
And I'll knock 'em all the fuck down cause I stood against an army before
Got beat down and almost went away, but kept fighting and won the war
You'll never keep me down, Black Bob will always be coming a knocking
Cause I never stop fighting, never stop pimping, not even when I be limping
Until the day I die, so I say again, Hal, kill me or fie trying
Cause when we get done nothing changes, the man just started frying
And your ass is in for a war you can't handle, so step the fuck back son
I'm a roll on down and whip all yo big asses, every last ton

And then we cut to ringside, the fans fired up and cheering loud turn to boos as the opening of BLACK DIAMOND is heard over the pa, the slow, quiet riff flows through the arena, then after thirty seconds it gets louder and a heavy riff starts pouring from the pa kicking the song up. Its then when we see Hal come out on stage making hand gestures to his ears, then shaking his head no and doing the up yours gesture to the fans who boo him. Tina now introduces him.

Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a handicapped match for the SEF Underground Championship scheduled for one fall! Introducing at this time from Hollywood California, he weighs ion at two hundred eighty five pounds, he is "Hollywood" Hal Havoc!

Hal is making his way down the ramp pointing at the fans and flexing his huge arms acting all cocky. He gets to the steel steps soon and walks up them steps into the ring and continues the rude gestures, flexes his arms some more and kisses each bicep before lowering them. INDESTRUCTABLE rumbles over the pa and Destruction make their way to the ring dressed in leather gear that includes chaps, vests, and their masks. Frankie follows them in his suit and trench coat holding his cell phone and wearing his Detroit ball cap as Tina makes the introduction.

And his partners, making their way to the ring now, they weigh in together at 635 pounds and are accompanied by Frankie, they are Thrash and Slash......Destruction!

Frankie heads up the steels steps as Thrash and Slash slide in under the bottom rope and stands up just looking like the monsters they are and standing dominantly tall. Frankie rips theirs masks off revealing their faces painted in war type paint looking all cool, but crazy. He gets out as they discard the vests and chaps getting ready to destroy. FREEDOM comes over the pa and we see the lights flash a bit and some spotlights roam around a bit. Bob then makes his way out and does nothing real special, sorta pumps himself up, high fives fans on his way to the ring, and just walks on down the aisle while Tina introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from the streets of Detroit Michigan, he weighs two hundred five pounds, the Original Gangsta and the SEF Underground Champion......Black Bob!

Once in the ring he grabs the top rope on any side and raises his fist in the air, then spins around quickly and makes motions of slapping up his opponent, flashes some thug symbols, and talks trash. Destruction stand in front of Hall and stare down at Bob who shows no fear of their intimidating size. He just unstraps his belt and lifts it up yelling.


Bob tosses it in Thrashes face, then runs up on Slash firing punches at him, then to Thrash and goes back and forth swinging like mad man, like a man in a three on one situation. The bell is rung and Nick Miller says.

Man, Bob starts this with offense, just crazy punches and not only is this three on one, but think of the size Bob gives up to each man individually!

The ref has the title out of the ring and Bob is still firing off punches when Hal runs up on him, but gets a kick to the ribs and Bob takes him back to the corner burying a shoulder to his ribs. Thrash and Slash recover and slobber Bob across his back, then they reach up under his throat lifting Bob up and slamming him down with a double choke slam from hell. Hal orders them away and quickly goes for the pin hooking Bob's leg, ONE................TWO..........Bob kicks out and the crowd unloads with cheers. Hal jumps up demanding it was three and orders Destruction to take him, to end him. Thrash pulls Bob up across his knee while Slash heads up the turnbuckles, but from the crowd we see Nick Torres? What the hell? He wears all black like usual, his hair slicked back and jumps on the apron pulling Slash on to the top rope, then pulls him off with a ddt on to the apron laying him on the floor. The crowd cheers and Thrash comes out after him, but Troy Storms comes over the rail and charges with a boot to Thrashes face laying him out. Hal is going nuts in the ring and the ref not sure what to do calls for the bell, but Hal says no, hell no. Storms and Torres get in the ring now and stare down with him as Tina announces the winners.

Here are your winners of the match by disqualification..............Hal Havoc and Destruction!

Some boos, but the crowd more into the stare down in the ring when Hal backs out and heads around the ring helping Destruction up and pulls them to the back. Storms and Torres just smirk and we see Torres getting a mic, but in the black jeans and black tees, of course their not full black as they have Da Gangstas across the front, ya know, the shirt available on SEFZONE?! Anyways, Torres lifts the mic and says.

Ya know were back, but once again, you don't know why!?!

He tosses it down and the crowd cheers loud, then he and Storms do the gangsta sign as COWBOYS FROM HELL hit's the pa and we hear Nick Miller say.

Wow, Nick Torres and Troy Storms return to SEF apparently as they are back, but like Torres said, why are they? I'm sure we'll find out, hopefully tonight, but coming up we got Johnny Camaro fucking for virginity basically and Chris Orton trying to rise back up to the World Title!

Torres and Storms have left to the back and so now the sound of SAVE ME is heard throughout the arena and the view focuses on the entrance to see the man who is about to come out through the curtain. The lights begin to flash silver, orange and purple, as the video screen shows the man hitting various opponents with a series of devastating moves. Finally, through the curtain comes Johnny Camaro, clad in a fur coat and sunglasses covering his eyes, the fans cheering a little, but mostly booing. With a smirk on his face, he walks forward as wind blows his hair showing off his modelesque capabilities. He shrugs his shoulders a few times as he walks out letting the coat fall to his elbows, before throwing his left arm in the air, providing a perfect Kodak moment for the crowd. Tina now makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Making his way to the ring from Newport Beach California, weighing in at two hundred twenty eight pounds.........Johnny Camaro!

He walks down the ramp quickly, plays to the crowd trying to get some cheers as he pretty much ignores his opponent in the ring. He suavely stretches his arms out to slap the fans hands, before he reaches the padding outside the ring. He brings the coat up to his shoulders, and jumps in place for a few seconds, before running and sliding into the ring, laying with his head on his hands as he enters the ring. He then gets up, and walks towards the nearest turnbuckle. He climbs to the second rope, and does the same pose that he pulled on the stage, before getting down, taking off the fur coat and the sunglasses. He leans in the corner, staring at his opponent, going through strategies in his head. The lights go down and I STAND ALONE hits, then a spotlight shines down at the entrance where Chris comes walking out standing with his arms spread out arrogantly basking in the boos of the fans. Then lacey comes out behind him running her arms up his chest from behind. Tina now makes the introduction.

Making his way to the ring accompanied by Lacey Daniels, he is from Miami Florida, weighing in at two hundred forty five pound........Chris Orton!

Lacey comes out to his side, her title around her waist and Chris puts an arm around her shoulders suavely and they start down the aisle now, the spotlight following them. They get to the ring and Chris gives Lacey a kiss, then heads up the steps. He gets inside and moves to the middle of the ring standing there, looks around at the booing crowd smirking arrogantly. The bell soon rings and both face off in the middle of the ring, then lock up and struggle a bit. Chris backs up Johnny and is soon ordered to break, so he does, but gives a little slap first and smirks. Chris backs off spreading his arms arrogantly, but Johnny quickly rushes out for a spear taking Chris to the mat. Johnny swings with punches, but gets shoved back and kicked away, then Chris gets up. Johnny springs off the ropes looking for a flying forearm smash, but Chris ducks and turns. Johnny stays on his feet and whip around, but Chris leaps up hitting a dropkick to him. Chris sits up Johnny in a sleeper now, the crowd booing and he wrenches it on. Johnny thrashes around wildly and gets up to his feet elbowing Chris in the ribs. He shoves him out to the ropes and Johnny leaps up for a dropkick, but Chris hangs on to the ropes. Johnny falls to his back and Chris runs up on him for Darkness. Johnny dodges it and leaps up slamming a forearm to Chris' back, then grabs him in a waistlock for a german suplex. Chris elbows Johnny to the head, then turns around and looks for a ddt. Johnny rams him into a corner and buries a shoulder to Chris' ribs. He backs up and runs to Chris leaping up with a kick to his head. Johnny pulls Chris out looking for the Heartbreak Hangover when Rob Rocco runs out and slides into the ring. The ref is on him holding Rob back and we see Drake Sage come from the crowd. Lacey gets in the ring too and using her title she runs at Johnny. He ducks, but Drake catches Johnny with the Sage Effect and rolls out of the ring. The ref turns and sees Johnny down, Lacey holding her title and he calls for the bell and Rob hops out heading up the aisle with Drake while Tina makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match by disqualification...............Johnny Camaro!

But PERFECT STRANGERS is what plays over the pa as Rob and Drake stand tall at the head of the entrance smirking, the crowd booing loud and Lacey helping Chris out. Johnny rolls out and Nick Miller says.

Johnny's last match no so great and already we see Rob and Drake working together, I wonder what this means for the fatal four way later tonight? Coming up though is a triple threat and so this roll of dq wins so far to start our show should end as this match has no dq's!

BEAUTIFUL BUT DEADLY plays over the arena speakers as Christine Smith steps out on the ramp, posing a little seductively as her husband Adam comes out behind her. As they make their way down to the ring, she stops to pose with her arms outstretched to the side while Tina makes the introduction.

The following is a triple threat match scheduled for one fall! Making her way to the ring, being accompanied by her husband Adam Smith..from St. John's, Newfoundland, Canada, weighing 175 pounds....Christine Smith!

By now they have reached the ring, and Christine grabs a hold of Adam's butt and gives it a quick squeeze before climbing up onto the apron. She grabs the top rope with her right arm and runs her left hand down her face and chest seductively before climbing between the ropes. She then gets ready for her opponent. The sound of footsteps against a floor are heard as LOVE LIKE WINTER starts to play over the speakers. The lights in the arena will flash blue as Jessica steps out to the entrance ramp. She waves to the fans before walking down the ramp as Tina makes the introduction.

Making her way to the ring from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred twenty pounds.....Jessica Winters!

Jessica steps in between the ropes and waves to the fans as she gets ready for the match. POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME now plays and the crowd boos loud as Lacey walks out strutting as usual and paying more attention to her titles, one on each shoulder, then Chris steps out putting an arm around her shoulders and kisses her while Tina makes the introduction.

And now making her way to the ring accompanied by Chris Orton...from Calgary Alberta Canada, weighing in at one hundred twenty five pounds, she is the SEF International Champion........Lacey Daniels!

They head down the aisle into each other ignoring everyone else, then at ringside Chris kisses Lacey again before she heads up the steps, does her usual tease pretending to bend over the middle rope, but goes under instead. Lacey just stands up raising both her titles in the air to boos. She lays both in a corner, then lacey turns and all three women look ready to go as the bell rings. Chris suddenly slides into the ring catching Christine and Jessica's attention and looks for a CKO on Christine. She shoves him away and Lacey hit's the Sugar Kiss on Christine. Jessica runs over clotheslining Lacey down, but gets caught with a CKO from Chris who then he's dragged out by Adam and taking into the rail with shoulders to the ribs. The crowd ois mostly booing and Lacey grabs Jessica's legs wrapping her up in the Sweet N Low. Christine stirs, but Jessica feeling the CKO still and out of it a little taps out. Lacey lets her go and stands up as Tina makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match..............Lacey Daniels!

POUR SOME SUGAR ON ME hits as the crowd boos loud and Chris rakes Adam's eyes shoving him down, comes in and grabs the titles handing them to Lacey when Matt Matlock runs down to the ring sliding in. Chris gets Lacey out and dives out escaping a Yakuza Kick Adam aimed at him when he ran in. Matt checks on Jessica now and we see Chris and Lacey take off up the ramp. Adam checks on his wife now and the crowd kinda cheer, but really doesn't care for those who don't care for the business their in. So we go to Nick Miller who says.

Chris and Lacey with a screw job win pretty much, but Matlock and Adam Smith chasing them off to protect their girls. Coming up we got, no, wait, I got word we got a feed from El Psicopata somewhere in the desert, Mexico, what the fuck is he doing in Mexico?!

And so the tron lights up showing El Psicopata standing with a dress shirt opened up flapping in a breeze, dust blowing behind him across the desert landscape and he sports baggy blue jeans, a psychotic look on his face as he says.

So it seem Mesa is down for the count, this whole team ain't looking that good, and I gotta get out, I gotta get lost down here, so adios amigos, see ya in Tijuana!

And with he turns and runs off across the sand disappearing into the blowing sand and now we go back to the arena, the crowd buzzing loud over what was said and Nick Miller says.

Interesting, Psicopata with some crazy words, apparently he's not here and not gonna be, Mesa is out as he said folks, small injury, so he may be back sooner than later. Next we got Adam and Nikky clashing for fame, for pride, for the chance to maybe get in line for a title?!

As the crowd stirs, the opening chords of DON'T TREAD ON ME play over the arena speakers. As it kicks into full gear, "The Jackal" Adam Smith steps out onto the stage to a mixed reaction alongside his wife Christine Smith. Adam holds his arm up in the air and makes his way down the ramp, Christine close behind and Tina makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Now making his way to the ring accompanied by Christine, he weighs in at two hundred pounds and hails from St Johns New Foundland Canada.........Adam Smith!

The two exchange a quick kiss before Adam rolls inside the ring, bouncing off the far ropes and stopping in the middle of the ring staring up at the ramp, eagerly waiting his opponent. The sharp guitar chords of KICK START MY HEART reverberate across the arena. The lights darken and spotlights switch to a variety of different colors to the beat of the song. The electric guitar, bass, and drums all make their presence known within the song. As the vocals come in, the curtain opens up and Nikky steps out to a few cheers, but more boos. A smirk across his face, he throws his arms in the air, his palms together and his arms forming a diamond as Tina introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at two hundred fifty nine pounds.........Nikky Venom!

He walks down to the ring, a cocky swagger in his step; slapping a few fans hands on the way down, he stops short of the pads outside the ring and jumps in place for a second, before sprinting towards the ring and sliding in. He stands up, and walks to the nearest corner, quickly ascending it. He then lifts his arms in the air, throwing the same taunt he used before, much to the appreciation of the camera flashes. He gets down and leans in the corner, awaiting his opponent. Since Both are in the ring we hear the bell and out the two men stomp into a lock up. A struggle ensues and Nikky backs Adam to a corner, but gets a knee to his ribs and hammered out of the corner. Adam whips him to the ropes and looks for a shoulder block, but Nikky dropkicks him in the knees first bringing Adam to his stomach. Nikky quickly locks on La Statica and wrenches hard leaning back even harder. Adam screams and reaches out for the ropes. He crawls, pulls himself over and Nikky lets go, jumps up and stomps down on Adam's back, then sits down looking for a camel clutch. Adam pulls himself out of the ring though and Nikky now grabs the top rope catapulting himself out to the floor. Adam moves out of the way and pulls a Singapore cane from under the ring and quickly smacks Nikky over his head, the ref calling for the bell and the crowd booing as Adam simply lifts up Nikky and delivers Stuffed & Mounted. Tina now makes the announcement.

Here is your winner by disqualification.............Nikky Venom!

Christine comes over rubbing Adam's back, lets him know he's the real winner and then DON'T TREAD ON ME plays, then the couple heads to the back, the crowd booing loud when the arena goes dark. The tron now lights up showing clips from back at SEF's King Of The Ring #1 main event featuring Mack versus Viper for the World Title in a Japanese Deathmatch. The crowd pops for this and even more when COCKY by Kid Rock comes over the pa. More images of Mack are seen from the match and him standing tall with the title, then fade to black and the lights come back on. The crowd is hot now, loud cheers and then a chant.


Nick Miller chimes in now.

Whoa, what the hell, Mack, is he back? These fans sure wish he was from the sound of it which I'm not sure I can hear any sound anymore after the way they blew the roof for him. We'll find out eventually what the deal with that was, but more matches to go, so lets keep the show rolling.

And so now ANXIETY hit's the pa and here comes Grace to a few cheers. She runs out slapping fans hands as Tina makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Greenwich Connecticut, weighing in at one hundred fifty pounds..........Grace Payne!

She comes sliding into the ring and pops up to her feet winking and waving to the crowd. PIECE OF ME then plays and out walks Dusty to boos and with her is Knox who has an arm around his wife. Dusty flaunts her tag title on her shoulder and ignores the crowd as Tina introduces them.

And now making her way to the ring accompanied by Knox O'Bannon, she hails from Dallas Texas and weighs in at one hundred twenty pounds........Dusty O'Bannon!

The couple get to ringside and Dusty kisses Knox, then hands him her title before stepping into the ring. The bell is soon heard and both women look for a lock up, but Dusty moves around slamming a forearm to Grace's back. She lifts Grace up hitting a back suplex, then gets up and drops an elbow to her chest. Dusty locks her in a head scissors, Grace fighting it rolls on to her knees and pulls Dusty upside down hitting a styles clash type of move. Grace pulls up Dusty and tries for the Canadian Bomb. Dusty backdrops her to the mat though and turns stomping on Grace, then yanks her up looking for the Heartbreaker. Grace slips around and grabs Dusty in a full nelson slamming her down in the Fighting Fox turning her over into the inverted dragon sleeper. Dusty screams and swings her arms, Knox on the apron trying to get in and the ref holds him back. Dusty taps out, but Knox holds the ref now ordering him to break the hold. Maegan Fox comes running down and yanks Knox to the floor bouncing his face off the apron, then nails a spinning heel kick to head sending him down. The ref turns and sees Dusty still tapping and calls for the bell. Maegan rolls in as Grace gets up and Tina makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match.............Grace Payne!

And ANXIETY now plays as Maegan raises Grace's arm in the air, the crowd cheering and Grace soon makes her exit. Knox helps Dusty out and Nick Miller now says.

Grace putting down Dusty and making her tap out, nice win for her and now Maegan gets to go next and prove herself in a fatal four way, but with the alliance between Rob and Drake, does she or Cody stand a chance?

Maegan is still in the ring as ANXIETY continues to play and now Tina makes the announcement for the next match.

The following is a fatal four way match scheduled for one fall! Introducing first from Dallas Texas, weighing in at one hundred twenty five pounds...........Maegan Fox!

The lights dimmer and the crowd boos and as the beginning of BMF starts as smoke simmerz in the air by the arena tron. Drake Sage pops out looking at the crowd. He walks slowly down the ramp down to the ring as Tina makes the introduction.

Now making his way to the ring from Portland Oregon, weighing in at two hundred fifty eight pounds..........Drake Sage!

Once to the ring he jumps up and grabs the ropes for leverage. Walks into the ropes. and gets in the ring looking ready to fight. We now hear VOICES and out walks Cody to a small cheer as Tina now introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Nashville Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred five pounds...........Cody Jericho!

He slides into the ring eyeing Drake and Maegan, then NO ONE LIKE YOU plays and out walks Rob looking cocky and strutting a few steps before pointing his right index in the air and then motions to himself arrogantly while Tina makes the introduction.

And now making his way to the ring from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds, he is the SEF North American Champion.......Rob Rocco!

He gets to the ring, the crowd booing him and Rob just hops on to the apron and steps in pointing both hands up and letting out a small wooo, flashes a cocky grin and gets ready to wrestle. He unstraps his title handing it to Tina, then the bell rings and Rob moves near Drake. The two look across the ring and Rob picks Cody as Drake picks Maegan whop steps near Cody motioning to work together. So then Rob and Cody move into a lock up as Maegan ducks under Drake and comes around slamming forearms to his back. Rob gets a knee to his gut and shoved into a corner as Drake elbows Maegan in her head, then whips her to the ropes and looks for a spear. Maegan leapfrogs him and turns for a chick kick. Drake catches her leg and pulls her forward stepping and nailing Game Over. He gets up and Cody runs at him firing punches to his jaw, then whips Drake to the corner where Rob moves in time. He runs at Cody who ducks a clothesline and tries for a neck breaker. Rob twists around and kicks him in the ribs, then hits him with a ddt and goes for the pin, ONE...................TWO............kickout. Drake was running for the two men, but turns kicking Maegan in the ribs, then yanks her up and goes for the Sage Effect. She shoves him away, then runs up behind him looking for a bulldog. Rob runs over clotheslining her down, then turns running at Cody for a kick to his head. He ducks it and jumps up punching Rob into a corner. Drake comes over slamming a forearm to Cody's back and Maegan rolls from the ring grabbing a Singapore cane, then rolls back in and runs slamming Drake across his back, then uses it to nail him with a Russian leg sweep. Rob kicks Cody out of the corner, then runs out for a clothesline. Cody ducks and Maegan swings the cane to Rob's ribs, then cracks him over the back and runs him out of the ring. Maegan turns and Cody jumps on Drake for the pin, ONE............TWO.......Maegan slams the cane to his back and yanks Cody up delivering the Fighting Fox locking it in tight. Cody screams and Drake gets up as Cody taps and he runs at Maegan hitting her with the Noob Killer to boos. Rob comes in the ring as Tina announces the winner.

Here is your winner of the match................Maegan Fox!

Rob pulls up Cody and slaps him, then shove shim to Drake who nails the Sage Effect on him. We now hear PERFECT STRANGERS hit the pa as Rob grabs his title and raises it and Drake's arm in the air showing their alliance. The crowd boos heavily and Ash Silva runs out with a chair sliding in the ring. Drake and Rob bail out and run to the back as Ash looks crazy, then checks on his wife as Nick Miller says.

Maegan barely getting the win before Drake took her head off, then he and Rob took care of Cody before Ash ran them off to protect his wife. Hope she is ok, but moving along, oh, we got Torres and Storms backstage, let's go!

So backstage we go where we find Troy Storms with his big back to the camera, looks like some chick who he's blocking the view of all, but some blonde hair, he's talking to. Nick Torres stands facing the camera, dark shades and toothpick in mouth, sly smirk and then we see Doug Melvin next to him holding a mic and he says.

So Nick, tell me, why ya back in SEF, why did ya help Bob earlier, what were guys thinking, why are you back?

Nick just keeps his smirk and says.

Well let me tell ya what Dougy, I got only one thing to say and that is if you feel like wearing a nice, brand new t-shirt with the name of your favorite band on the front!

He points to his shirt reading Da Gangstas with his thumbs and then says.

SEFZONE baby, the stand here in the arena, go online, pick it up, but hey, they got more than that, Mack 4:20 shirt, good one for all the stoners, not that any would be around SEF, right?!

Some huge cheers from the crowd and Doug smirking says.

Yea, well anyways, why ya guys back, Nick, Troy, what's up?

Torres just looks at Doug still smirking and says.

What's up is sales for these damn shirts, SEF can't make enough and what's up is gonna be me and this big ape on the ladder of SEF once again. As far as that cheap chump Rick Reynolds and his so called Dangerous Corporation, well c'mon, you think we don't have an answer, then sit down, shut up and watch cause we'll answer when we feel like it!

Nick grins and Storms now turns around, the blonde chick walking away and he's wearing the same shirt, smirks and brushes back his long hair, then rests and arm on Torres shoulder and says.

Reynolds, its high time you got a lesson in dominant stables and who better to teach you and your so called dangerous faction than the men who ran one of the most dominant stables in history!? But remember, ya still don't exactly why were back, but like my brother said, you'll soon see why when we feel like showing you!

Storms grins and holds the gangsta sign up as does Torres, then they walk off separate way, Torres shoving Doug away. He then comes wlaking back by yelling.

Hey, wait up man!

We now go back to ringside, the crowd cheering and chanting.


DESIRE is playing as Nick Miller says.

Could find out what these two are up to tonight as they mentioned Reynolds who defends his title tonight, but first we got Shane Jericho still looking for a win and he faces Knox O'Bannon!

And so PEOPLE ARE CRAZY hit's the pa and here comes Shane to some cheers, his girl Brandy on his arm, and Tina makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall! Introducing first, accompanied by Brandy Gibson, from Nashville Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred twenty pounds..........Shane Jericho!

He slaps a few of the fans hands, then kisses Brandy and slides into the ring popping up with his arms raised. AMERICAN BAD ASS then plays and out walks Knox to boos and on his arm is Dusty flaunting her tag title. The couple heads down the aisle full of themselves as Tina introduces them.

And now making his way to the ring accompanied by Dusty O'Bannon, from Dallas Texas, weighing in at two hundred forty pounds.............Knox O'Bannon!

They get to ringside, Knox yelling at some fans who jeer him real loud, then he kisses his wife before sliding into the ring and popping up into a charge spearing Shane into a corner. The ref forces him back and the bell now rings. Shane comes out and gets a kick to the ribs, then Knox takes him down with a snap suplex and moves into an armbar using his legs. Shane struggles to get free and thrashes wildly, pulls himself up and over trying to roll Knox up. The pressure on his arm too much and pulls away crawling for the ropes getting a hold. Knox lets go and gets up kicking at Shane, then yanks him up into an irish whip. Shane hit's the ropes and comes back ducking a dropkick from Knox, then kicks him in the ribs. Shane lifts up Knox hitting a swinging neck breaker on him, then goes to the nearest corner climbing to the top. Dusty jumps on the apron distracting him grabbing the top rope and shaking it causing Shane to slip down crotching himself. Brandy runs over yanking her down and shoves Dusty to the floor who looks wide eyed. Knox gets up nailing a kick to Shane's back, then climbs up delivering a back suplex to him off the top rope. Knox applies the O'Bannon Lockdown now and Shane tries to crawl free, pain seen on his face and Brandy cheers on Shane to fight. Dusty up now runs over clocking her in the head with the tag belt knocking Brandy to the floor. The crowd booing and Shane ends up tapping. Knox is forced to let go and we hear Tina with the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match...............Knox O'Bannon!

Dusty comes in as AMERICAN BAD ASS plays. The crowd boos and she raises Knox's arm in the air, then they kiss before heading to the back. Shane and Brandy compose themselves and Nick Miller says.

Knox picking up a win, but coming up is the much anticipated showdown between Rick Reynolds and Ash Silva who hasn't really shown he wants this opportunity much, a damn shame as Reynolds needs to be stopped, the DC needs to be stopped, but with the World Title secured by them they have too much power!

And then backstage we go to the DC room where Rob Rocco walks inside with Drake Sage and we follow, but their stopped by Rick Reynolds who is dressed to compete. He lets Rob go in and stops Drake saying to him.

You made a good choice and in time you'll wear gold like me and Rob, were one man stronger and the DC already owns SEF, so help us and we'll make sure your rewarded. Now have a seat with the rest of the boys, watch as I show the world their champion and destroy that undeserving Ash Silva. As for anything else, just follow their lead and welcome to the big leagues Drake!

He smirks and Drake smirks too, then Reynolds extends a hand and they shake. Rick pats him on the shoulder and Drake moves into the room, then Rick heads out with Destruction following him and Frankie following them. We now go to ringside, the crowd booing and Nick Miller saying.

Reynolds with a little talk to his newest member of the DC Drake Sage, then he heads this way and he's not alone. Hopefully Ash is more prepared than he has been showing lately!

We now hear LET'S GO hit the pa and some cheers from the crowd as Ash walks out with his wife Maegan on his arm and his partner Justin behind him along with Grace. They head down the aisle and Tina makes the introduction.

The following match is scheduled for one fall and it is for the SEF World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first accompanied by Maegan Fox, Justin Rodgers, and Grace Payne, hailing from Dallas Texas and weighing in at two hundred thirty five pounds............Ash Silva!

The four get to ringside and Ash kisses his wife, then slaps hands with Justin and slides into the ring popping ready to fight. The lights dim down and KING OF THE HOLE plays as the crowd begins to boo and out walks Rick in a spotlight scanning over the sea of fans with a disgusted smirk. He just moves down the aisle keeping away from them as Tina introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Amarillo Texas, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion and The REAL Franchise......Rick Reynolds!

Boos continue to pour from every fan as Rick gets more cocky now patting his title and heads up the steps. He moves along the apron looking out at the fans with an arrogant smirk and steps into the ring raising his arms up and motions to his body with even more arrogance, then leans back in a corner awaiting for the opening bell. Then PERFECT STRANGERS hit's the pa and more boos now as we see Destruction walk out with Frankie and Sly following them and behind them is Hal Havoc, Thor, Rob Rocco, Drake Sage and Axel who is behind them all. The entire DC makes their way down the aisle standing at the base of the ramp and just watch the ring now, waiting. Justin watches them intently pointing a finger, the ref telling the DC to stay out and Frankie yelling to just do his job and we'll do ours! So now we hear the bell ring and Ash focuses from the DC to Reynolds who smirks arrogantly and yawns. Ash rushes over for punches, but Reynolds backs off ducking out through the ropes yelling for the ref to keep him back. Loud boos pour out and Ash is forced back. Rick gets out of the ropes and Rob suddenly rushes forward leaping on to the apron. Ash urns and Rick slams a knee to his ribs, then a snap mare and a kick to the back. Rob is down and backs off quickly, Destruction standing down with Justin and company. The crowd keeps booing loud and Rick applies a rear chinlock on Ash yelling at him to just give up now, but Ash fights up to his feet and Rick lets go slamming a forearm to his back, then grabs him for a german suplex. He pulls back and Ash uses the momentum to flip over on to his feet. Rick gets up and receives a kick to the ribs, then a flurry of fists and gets whipped to a corner. Ash charges in with a spear to his ribs, then lifts Rick to the top rope and reaches up hammering him with punches. Ash climbs up and gets a thumb to the eye, then Rick shoves him down and leaps off with a missile dropkick putting him down. Rick quickly moves in applying a front facelock and pulls Ash to his feet wrenching hard on him. He then lets go and clubs Ash across his back, hooks his arms and delivers a double arm backbreaker and goes for the pin, ONE...............TWO.......kickout. Rick jumps up and stomps on Ash, then looks out at the DC and smirks shaking his head no. The crowd booing and Rick looks around at them, then pulls Ash up looking cocky and slaps him. He pulls Ash into a suplex position, but Ash knees Rick in the ribs, then counters with a snap suplex and floats over into a mount hammering down punches. Ash gets up pulling Rick up and delivers a belly to belly suplex, then heads up the turnbuckles leaping off with a moonsault. Rick gets his knees up driving them to Ash's ribs and he flips back clutching his stomach in pain. Rick pulls himself up in the corner and runs out for a kick to Ash's ribs, then drops down with real aggressive punches. The ref issuing a count and pulls Rick off. Rick grabs the ref and backs into a corner on the other side of the ring from the DC. Rob and Drake go after Justin on the outside while Destruction puts down both women, then we see Thor enter the ring and gore down Ash. He then rolls out and helps beat down Justin and company while Hal and Axel stand with the GM's. Rick lets the ref go who yells at him, then sees the fight on the outside ordering them apart and to the back. Rick runs to the ropes leaping off the middle with a lionsault to Ash, pops up and pulls Ash up nailing The Plunge. Rick grabs Ash's legs now and turns him into the Deathtrap elevating him almost vertical with a knee to the back. Ash screams and the ref is asking him if he gives. COWBOYS FROM HELL hit's the pa and out walks Nick Torres and Troy Storms to huge cheers. Ash ends up tapping and so the bell is rung. Rick on his feet staring at Storms and Torres while Tina makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match and still SEF World Heavyweigh-

But she is cut off by the sound of DOMINATION by Pantera coming over the pa and then out walks Viper dressed in a black casual suit holding a mic in his hand. The crowd cheering massively loud now and the DC stands at ringside while Rick is in the ring on the ropes with his title behind them. Huge chants now.


And with a smirk on all three of their faces Viper raises the mic to say.

Rick Reynolds, World Champion, well congratulations pal, really, I mean it, you are without a doubt one of the most talented men in this industry and deserve that title, but your political power is sickening and is about to come to an end as I have been appointed The SEF Manager to make sure Sly and Frankie keep their power in check!

Loud cheers and Viper just smirks and says.

So here goes, in an effort to really make you challenged for that belt were gonna have a fatal four way elimination at the next pay per view Extreme Revolution and in order to determine your opponents. Well next week on Extreme which is back on Sunday night, we'll have a fatal four way elimination, but with a twist. Whoever wins the first fall is eliminated and earns a spot into the World Title Fatal Four Way, so then it's a three way elimination with the winner of the second fall earning as pot and then one on one with that winner getting the third spot and the overall loser, well he loses. However, that pay per view needs more, so Lacey Daniels will defend her International Title in a triple threat match and to determine her contender we'll hold a similar match next week on Extreme. Similar to how we determine the World Title contenders, it'll start as a triple threat elimination and the first winner secures a spot, then one on one and the second winner earns a spot. Now as far as this DC, maybe a tag team match is in order for the pay per view, maybe a ten man tag team match pitting any five of the DC against these two men standing here with me and those three!

And then the crowd pops loud as Black Bob with a bat, Hardcore Haz with his cane, and Joe Dumar with a chair all hop the rail and slide into the ring. Rick dives out and Thor jumps in getting a chair shot to the head from Joe while Rob takes a cane to the ribs and gets a Russian leg sweep from Haz. Drake takes the bat to his ribs from Bob who then delivers the Back Alley Bomb on him. Haz and Joe swing at the rest keeping them out, then Storms and Torres make their way down and Viper removes his jacket and follows them rolling his shirt sleeves up. Rick sees them and orders Destruction and Axel to head them off. Hal Bob jumps out taking the bat to Hal's back and slams him to the floor with reverse Russian leg sweep. Rick jumps on Bob with punches, but Joe jumps out slamming the chair to his back, then Haz comes off the top rope with Hazardous laying Rick out. Axel and Storms slug it out as does Viper and Thrash alongside Torres and Slash. Haz and Joe run up behind them, Joe with a chair to Axel's back and Storms lifting the monster up and hitting a power slam. Haz cracks Slash across his back and Bob now hammers Thrash across his back with forearms. Haz is choke Slash while Torres kicks him in the ribs, then he and Haz delivers a double Russian leg sweep to him while Bob and Viper deliver a double suplex on Thrash. The six men stand up together nodding and getting cheered insanely loud, then Viper grabs Storms and Torres arms raising them up, Haz and Joe next to Torres do the same and Bob next to Storms pumps a fist in the air. We then hear COWBOYS FROM HELL hit the pa as the six back off and Nick Miller is heard saying.

Wow, what a shocker seeing Viper return to SEF as the man in charge, he is overseeing both Frankie and Sly as The SEF Manager and what a lineup he made for the upcoming pay per view, but what a bout the matches for next week's Extreme?! I think we found an answer to the DC even if it did take a legendary return! That's all for this week though, so tune in in next to find out what happens leading into Extreme Revolution, goodnight folks!

And now DESIRE plays over the pa and the camera pan around the arena packed full of cheering fans, then the show ends fading to black.

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