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I will cut my way to win!

Started by JordanCut, February 16, 2014, 08:29:20 PM

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Sacrifice camera is rolling showing Jordan Cut in his locker room preparing for Hardcore Rumble as he started speaking.

Why I deserve to win hardcore rumble then rest? I think I prove myself to cut in this business going up against The Mack multiple times, and I know losing is disappointing, but I know I can cut as being number one guy in this business. I have sacrifice a lot training harder then I have for this hardcore rumble match to cut my way to get a shot being top guy in this company, and I feel this is right time for me to take it becoming number one. We have other guys to deserve it as well look I'm not going to bash these guys knowing they deserve it along with me just need to consider who the one who made impact right away stepping up to the plate that would be me. I mean stepping in the ring with The Mack going to war with him a lot of time takes balls even though I lose I always comes back for more that why I'm here to tell you that I will do whatever I need to do to cut in this company even it means suffering pain like no man or woman has before I will do it to cut it and win hardcore rumble.

Jordan Cut stop talking hearing "Cut!" chants, and he continue on speaking.

Tonight on Sacrifice, I will cut my way to win, and I will cut it in this company even it means I will be carry out of the ring, because I Jordan Cut promise that I will cut every single wrestler in this hardcore rumble to win that is a promise very soon the future of Jordan Cut is going higher which no one I mean NO ONE will be able to stop me!

Jordan Cut stop talking a loud pop reaction is heard, and Sacrifice went to a commercial break.

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