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WAR 39 {5/5/08}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 15, 2014, 07:32:09 PM

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Daddy Mack

May 5th, 2008

The night after Reckless Rebellion and here we are still in South Carolina, but in Spartanburg inside the American Coliseum which is sold out as usual for an SEF event. The opening pyro blasts off from the stage lighting up the arena and pumping up the fans. The lights then come on and the crowd is wild, the camera is roaming and were ready to go.

Nick Miller: Welcome to the show everyone, welcome to Monday Night WAR. Nick Miller here with Greg Boone and last night we witnessed a kickass pay per view, but tonight is the fallout and we have for a main event the returning Xanthus against the World Champ Ares!

Greg Boone: Truly a main event, but it should be for the title. Ares was probably too scared to put it up cause he knows he can't beat X.

Nick Miller: I believe the match was made by Frankie after the beatdown last night and he probably felt X needed to earn a shot being this is his first match back.

Greg Boone: Oh stop the excuses, Ares is afraid, face it!

Nick Miller: Whatever! Aside from that match we have Destruction returning to action and they face newly crowd International Champ L.A. Jay and Mesa, plus we got the new kid Gabriel in his second match facing Joe Dumar.

Greg Boone: An easy win for him, Joe is just, well, heh, never mind. Be nice to see Destruction back destroying everyone in their path.

Nick Miller: Well I can't argue they don't destroy everyone, Jay and Mesa aren't pushovers. Neither is Joe for that matter.

Greg Boone: Oh shut up. Mack is who's gonna steal the show when he kicks Thor's ass.

Nick Miller: He is The Showsteala, a name he earned, but Thor is coming off an impressive win last night, a brutal and bloody win over Scorpion.

Greg Boone: Pfft, Thor can't hang with Mack, plus he got lucky last night, tonight is luck runs out.

Nick Miller: Your hopeless, but least your consistent, sort of. Anyways, we got a show to get on with and we open with a triple threat and the return of The Machine...Eddie taking on Pung Loa and hardcore Haz!

Triple Threat Match
Eddie v. Pung Loa v. Hardcore Haz

We hear the sound of "Pedal To The Medal" by Kazzar hit the pa and then out steps Eddie looking mean, like a badass, has a black armband up on his biceps with Harry on it. The crowd cheers for him as he walks down the aisle full of intensity.

Nick Roland: Making his way to the ring at this time, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, he weighs in at 240 pounds, he is The Machine......Eddie!

A big pop for the announcement and we see Eddie speed up sliding into the ring and he pops up, leaps into the air delivering a spin kick, then turns and hops on to the nearest turnbuckles rising his arms into the air. "Distant Dream" by Vader begions playing and soon we see Pung Loa walk out and throw a high kick in the air, then stands legs together and hands in a prayer and he bows.

Nick Roland: Making his way to the ring, from Tokyo Japan, he weighs 195 pounds........Pung Loa!

Pung heads down the ramp high fiving a few fans. He rolls in the ring and stands up kinda crawling up the turnbuckles raising a fist in the air, then leaps down doing a spinning kick turning to face the whole ring. The sound of Metallica's "Enter Sandman" blast over the pa and the crowd comes alive with cheers. No one comes from the back and so the camera looks around the around the crowd and soon spots Haz making his way through the sea of fans carrying his singapore cane and drinking beer.

Nick Roland: Making his ay to the ring, from Philadelphia Pennsylvania, he weighs 240 pounds................Hardcore Haz!

The fans are going crazy and Haz just makes his way through them drinking beer, pulling can after can from his pockets. He finally gets to the guard rail and stands up on a chair, yanks a beer out cracking it and steps on to the rail balancing quite well, then tosses back the beer and smashes the can to his head. Haz hops down and pulls another beer out, cracks it and pours it down some chicks tits, then sticks his face in them licking up the beer. She loves it and he just turns rolling in the ring and gets up thrusting the cane in the air inciting more loud pops from the crowd. The bell sounds and Eddie bolts across the ring at Pung with a clothesline taking his head off. Haz rushes him with the cane lighting up Eddie, then whips him across the ring and swings the cane. Eddie leaps over it, then springs up with a kick to the back of Haz's head dropping him on his face. Pung is up and nails some quick kicks to Eddie's legs, whips him to the ropes and leaps up for a dropkick. Eddie steps to the side letting Pung hit the mat, then stomps on his chest. He picks up Pung and hits a suplex on him, jumps up running to the ropes and comes back with a quick elbow drop. Eddie gets up and gets hammered with punches from Haz, gets rocked into a corner, but is able to get a knee up to Haz's ribs. Eddie turns him into the corner and buries his shoulder to Haz's ribs, then rips him up to the top turnbuckle and climbs up raining down punches on him. Pung rolls out on the apron and gets to his feet. Eddie lifts Haz for a superplex and Pung climbs up the outside of the turnbuckles and leaps off flipping over hitting Eddie and Haz with his back and all three men crash down to the mat.

Nick Miller: Good god, what a collision in midair and a wreck on the mat.

Greg Boone: That was pretty crazy I'll admit.

The crowd is going nuts over it, a small chant of Holy Shit even breaks out. Pung rolls to the ropes pulling himself up as Eddie sits up. Pung runs at him nailing a shining wizard knocking him back down, then executes a standing moonsault and pins, 1.......................2...........kickout! Pung gets up and Haz is up, swings at him, but Pung ducks and nails a quick superkick staggering Haz against the ropes. Pung runs at him leaping up with a knee to his ribs, then whips him across the ring. Haz reverses sending Pung to the ropes, but he dives forward in a handstand against the ropes, flips backwards for a flying back elbow. Eddie is up, he and Haz catch Pung and rush forward tossing him over the top rope to the floor, Pung landing on the guard rail and springs back to the floor. Eddie and Haz turn to each other trading punches back and forth now.

Nick Miller: Man, what a sick toss to Pung that was, he may be down for a while.

Greg Boone: Good, I don't like him.

Eddie gets the best of the exchange and whips Haz across the ring, looks for a clothesline, but Haz ducks it and whips around with a hard punch to Eddie's jaw. He kicks Eddie in the gut, bends him down and nails a cradle piledriver, then pins, 1........................2............kickout! Haz gets up stomping on Eddie, then lifts him up and nails a scoop slam near the turnbuckles. Haz climbs up to the top turnbuckle now and leaps off with the Bitchin' Leg Drop to Eddie, turns into a cover and pins, 1..........................2................kickout! Haz shows a bit of frustration now and kneels up raining down a few punches to Eddie. He then gets up and lifts Eddie to his feet, hammers him with more punches rocking him into a corner, then turns searching around.

Nick Miller: What's Haz looking for?

He finds it laying at the edge of the ring and picks it up, his singapore cane. He sees Pung getting up on the apron and swings the cane to his head knocking Pung back to the floor, then heads over to Eddie pulling him out of the corner and looks for the white russian leg sweep. Eddie sends an elbow to haz's head, then twists around for a suplex, but twists in mid air before landing bringing Haz down hard unorthodoxed. Eddie gets up and climbs to nearest top turnbuckle, raises his arms in the air and leaps off with Total Annihilation, his frog splash, and pins, 1...............................2...............................3!

Nick Roland: Here is your winner by pinfall...........Eddie!

"Pedal To The Medal" hits the pa now and Eddie jumps up, the ref raising his arm in the air and the crowd cheers.

Nick Miller: Nice victory for Eddie in his return match, wonder if the other stars returning can have the same fortune?!

Greg Boone: If Eddie can I'm sure Destruction can and especially Xanthus!

Nick Miller: Xanthus has to face our World Champ, but that's last, next we got Joe Dumar facing new kid Gabriel.

Singles Match
Gabriel v. Joe Dumar

The lights dim down and a faint blue light comes from the entrance along with smoke as "Blinded in Chains" hits the pa. We see Gabriel come walking out slowly and methodically.

Nick Roland: Now making his way to the ring, from Huntington Beach California, he weighs 200 pounds........Gabriel!

The crowd boos as Gabriel continues his walk to the ring, ignoring the jeers of the fans, then he suddenly springs the rest of the way sliding in the ring. Gabriel pops up and spreads his arms out in a crucifix, then brings his hands together in a prayer motion while lowering his head. The lights return to normal and he raises his head showing those sinister eyes. A white light flickers at the entrance as "Rise" comes over the pa and out walks Joe in his ring pants and an SE f'n F shirt to some cheers.

Nick Roland: Now making his way out to the ring, he hails from Detroit Michigan and weighs 240 pounds............Joe Dumar!

Joe is high fiving fans as he heads down the aisle, then once at the ring he rolls in and stands up cracking his neck a bit and stretches his arms out in a crucifix. Joe lowers his arms and the bell rings, he steps into the middle of the ring where Gabriel is and the two just stare at each other, no words exchanged. Joe steps back a lil, extends his hands to which Gabriel shows a smirk, raises his hand, but then in a flash slaps Joe across the face. He quickly nails a couple left jabs, then grabs Joe's arm whipping him across the ring and meets him with a jumping calf kick taking Joe down. Gabriel gets on his knees over Joe applying an armbar on him, wrenches it on tight and moves to his other side twisting his arm in the process. He lifts Joe up moving into a hammerlock and runs him into a corner slamming Joe's shoulder against the turnbuckles. Grabriel pulls Joe out in a waistlock looking for a german suplex, but Joe looks for a back elbow. Gabriel ducks it and Joe spins around, then Gabriel charges him backfirst into the corner, buries his shoulder to Joe's ribs, stands up and nails a couple elbows to his jaw. He wrings up Joe's arm and walks him out of the corner, steps up the turnbuckles to the top rope and starts to walk along it.

Nick Miller: What the hell, Gabriel walking the top rope, an odd sight, but impressive really.

Gabriel gets to the middle of the ring and leaps off bringing his legs around Joe's neck and twists around delivering a hurricanrana to him. Gabriel springs up and delivers a short dropkick to Joe, then gets up again and climbs to the top turnbuckle leaping off with a flying elbow drop. Joe rolls out of the way at the last second and forces himself up running to the ropes and bounces off with a baseball slide dropkick to Gabriel's ribs. Joe gets up and pulls up Gabriel whipping him to a corner, charges in with a clothesline and pulls him out with a bulldog. He turns Gabriel over going for the pin, 1....................2.....kickout! Joe sits up Gabriel in a sleeper, but he fights up quickly backing Joe to the ropes, then shoves him across the ring. Joe hits the other side and comes charging back leaping up for a shoulderblock, but Gabriel drops down grabbing the top rope pulling it down and Joe tumbles out to the floor.

Nick Miller: Oh, nasty fall for Joe, Gabriel could really take advantage here.

Greg Boone: Like he needs any advantage, he's facing Joe.

Gabriel rolls out to the floor now and kicks Joe in the ribs, then lifts him slamming Joe's head on the guard rail. He whips him around ramming him against the ring apron, then rolls Joe in the ring. Gabriel climbs up on the apron and leaps up to the top rope and over it landing a leg drop on Joe, then floats into a pin, 1........................2.............kickout! Gabriel gets up pulling Joe up and delivers a side russian leg sweep on him, rolls backwards to his feet and leaps up and stomps on Joe's right knee. He begins kicking at it, then lifts up Joe's left leg and drops an elbow to his knee. He grapevines in it, Joe screams and grabs at his hair, but Gabriel elbows him and gets up still holding his leg and turns him over wrapping Joe up in an stf. Gabriel has it applied perfectly, Joe is screaming and trying to crawl, he inches across the mat.

Greg Boone: Oh c'mon Joe, tap out, your a loser anyways, no one cares if ya do.

Nick Miller: Shut up! Joe is a fighter, plus he's loyal, a lot of heart that man has.

Greg Boone: Still won't get him the win, won't make him worth a damn.

Joe crawls and reaches out for the ropes, he almost touches them when Gabriel lets him go and jumps up, then drops an elbow down into Joe's back. He gets back up and lifts up Joe hammering him with elbows, then knees him in the gut bending him over, looks for a powerbomb, but can't quite lift him. Joe lifts Gabriel up back body dropping him to the mat, then drops to his knees. Gabriel pulls himself up as Joe gets up and runs to the ropes, bounces back with a kick to Gabriel's midsection, then hoists him up for the Death Valley Driver. Joe flips Gabriel over, but he uses the momentum and brings his body over more landing on his feet. Joe is surprised and Gabriel spins around with a spinning back kick to Joe's head staggering him, then quickly rips him in the dvd position. Gabriel pushes Joe up and drops him a knee to the head delivering The Message, then pins him, 1...........................2...........................3!

Nick Roland: Here is your winner by pinfall..........Gabriel!

"Blinded in Chains" hits as Gabriel kneels up with a sinister grin, the crowd booing him, and the ref raises his arm. Gabriel yanks away and rolls out to the floor backing up the ramp.

Greg Boone: HA, told ya he'd put Joe away and not only cause Joe sucks, but this kid is pretty good.

Nick Miller: No doubt he is good, but Joe by no means sucks. It was a good contest and the next one should be as good, Destruction's return, can they be as destructive as before?

Tag Team Match
Destruction v. L.A. Jay & Mesa

"Iron Man" hits and Destruction make their way to the ring, dressed in leather gear that includes chaps, vests, and their masks.

Nick Roland: Making their way to the ring now, they weigh in together at 635 pounds, they are Thrash and Slash......Destruction!

Thrash and Slash slide in under the bottom rope and stands up just looking like the monsters they are and standing dominantly tall. They rip their masks off revealing their faces painted in war type paint looking all cool, but crazy. They then strip off their leather chaps and vests tossing them out with their masks. We soon hear "No Hope = No Fear" by Soulfy hit the pa and out walks Jay and Mesa high fiving each other, then both point to the sky as the crowd cheers them on.< /FONT >

Nick Roland: Now making their way to the ring at a combined weight of 445 pounds......L.A. Jay and Mesa......the West Coast Connection!

Jay and Mesa head down the ramp high fiving fans, then get to the ring and both men roll in. Mesa just stands up as Jay hops up and leaps to the nearest middle turnbuckle doing the thumbs as the crowd chants L...A...Jay! Mesa stands in the opposite corner pointing a finger to the sky, then both hop down. Jay unstraps his title and lays it in his corner, Mesa says he'll start, so Jay hops out on the apron. Thrash starts for his team and the bell rings, so here comes Thrash charging over. Mesa ducks under his huge arm and runs to the ropes leaping up on the middle rope and flies backwards with a calf kick to Thrash's head knocking the big man down. Mesa gets up and applies an armbar on him now. He drops down wrapping his legs around Thrash's head in a headscissiors while keeping the armbar half ass applied.

Nick Miller: Damn, Mesa already has Thrash down and tied up in a headscissors and an armbar, he's done his homework.

Greg Boone: He got lucky!

Thrash rolls his body side to side and Mesa just holds on, Thrash is able to roll over on his stomach and he starts kneeling up. Mesa moves into more a triangle choke now slowing Thrash down, but not enough as Thrash fights up on his knees and starts trying to get to his feet. He grabs Mesa's upper body wrapping his huge arms around it and lifts up Mesa getting to his feet, then lunges forward with a powerbomb, but mesa holds on still and both men go down. Upon impact Mesa lets go of the choke and Thrash rolls to his back.

Nick Miller: Good god, what raw power by Thrash, but what tenacity by Mesa.

Greg Boone: Power wins though, it always wins!

Thrash sits up now and gets on his knees crawling over making the tag. Mesa is up and Slash comes in rushing him with a kick to the gut, then rips him up for a powerbomb. Mesa flips over Slash and lands on his feet, runs to the ropes and bounces back with a front dropkick knocking Slash backwards against the ropes. Mesa gets to his feet and runs for his corner, but Slash gets in his way and catches Mesa lifting him into a bearhug. Slash tosses Mesa side to side wrenching his body in the bearhug, then tightens his grip up trying to squeeze the life out of Mesa. Jay claps his hands and stomps the mat trying to rally Mesa on, the crowd following the lead and doing the same.

Nick Miller: Mesa in a bad way, he needs to tag out.

Greg Boone: He outta just give it up, Destruction will just destroy him like they do everyone.

Mesa struggles to get free, he tries hitting Slash in the head, but the grip is too tight and he begins to fade. Slash wrenches him side to side again, Mesa hangs on, but really slips away and his arms just hang down now. The ref grabs his left arm holding it up, but Mesa pulls away and slaps Slash in the ear, then starts biting his ear. Slash screams in pain and lets go now, shoves Mesa away, then charges him with a big boot. Mesa ducks it and crawls for his corner as Slash stops in a corner putting his hands on the top rope. Mesa makes the tag and Jay leaps to the top turnbuckle now. Thrash turns and Jay flies off with a missile dropkick knocking Slash down. He pops up to his feet and leaps to the middle rope, but springs off with a kick to Thrash knocking him off the apron. Jay takes a few steps and does a cartwheel to Slash into a moonsault and pins him, 1.......................2....kickout! Jay gets up and leaps to the top turnbuckle doing the splits bouncing back with another moonsault. He flips backwards to his feet and hops up dropping a double leg drop across Slash.

Nick Miller: Man, Jay is really on fire here, he's taking it to Slash.

Thrash slides cookie sheet in a corner, then rolls in the ring and gets up going for Jay. The ref stops him and he backs off, but Mesa runs in and the ref stops him now. Thrash grabs the cookie sheet as Jay has Slash up for a piledriver. Thrash smacks the cookie sheet across Jay's back, then lifts him into a torture rack, but then flips him off his shoulder with a reverse death valley driver. Mesa lunges across the ring at Thrash tackling him through the ropes and they brawl on the floor. Slash gets up pulling Jay up and delivers a backbreaker to him, then he hops up on the middle turnbuckle and flies off with an elbow drop to Jay and pins him, 1........................2.........................3!

Nick Roland: Here are your winner by pinfall........Thrash and Slash......Destruction!

"Iron Man" hits the pa as Thrash gets away from Mesa who rolls in the ring now. Slash rolls out and heads up the ramp with Thrash, the ref coming out and raising their hands.

Greg Boone: Hell yea, the monsters of mayhem return successfully, they return with their dominance, they return to destroy everyone in their path.

Nick Miller: Can't really argue, Destruction won, though a first I think, Total Destruction was not used, still, they got the job done. Lets see if Thor can get it done against Mack, next!

Backstage we see Ares sitting on a metal crate in his ring shorts wearing one of his t-shirts, his World Title lays next to him with a six pack of beer, but only one left. One is in his hand and the rest are empty and laying on the floor. He tosses back a drink and just leans back, but from the side we see Jordan Brooks come into view and just stare at Ares who doesn't look, but senses someone is there. He just slams the rest of his beer and tosses the can down, then stands up and turns staring at Jordan who steps into his face now.

Ares: Can I help you son?

Jordan Brooks: Yea, help me get what I deserve, a shot at that title, if ya got the balls to face me!

Ares just smirks.

Ares: Son, your invading my personal space, your interuptting my prepartion time, so if its a title shot ya want, fine by me, but if its a fight you want, then that I can give you...now!

Ares throws a right hand to Jordan and several more, Jordan responds with his own punches and their brawling like madmen. Ares is able to get the best of Jordan, knees him in the gut, but Jordan gets a finger to Ares eye, then slams his head against the wall. He runs Ares across the crate, then kicks him in the ribs. Jordan picks up the title and the last beer, opens it and takes a drink, then pours the rest over Ares. He slings the title up on his shoulder, but Ares pops up and tackles Jordan to the floor hammering the hell out of him with punches. Ares gets off him and stomps on Jordan now, kicks him in the head, then security comes down the hall before anything more can happen. They pull Ares away and help Jordan up as we cut away to ringside.

Nick Miller: Whoa, Jordan outta nowhere challenges Ares, but gets in his face and they end up brawling.

Greg Boone: If security hasn't broken them up we'd have seen Ares get his ass kicked.

Nick Miller: I don't know about that, I do know I'd like to see them face off in the ring. Next wee see Thor and Mack face off though!

Non Title Singles Match
Thor v. Shane Mack w/Sammy

"I Don't Want To Stop" hits the pa and Thor comes running out, thrusts his fists in the air, then bolts down the ramp and slides into the ring, pops up and jumps on the turnbuckles.

Nick Roland: Now in the ring from New York City, he weighs 250 pounds, Thor!

He thrusts his fists in the air again, then hops down and is ready for the match. The opening chords of "Slave To The Grind" are heard and after thirty seconds we finally see Mack come dancing out from the curtain to a mixed reaction with Sammy on his arm. He struts around and dances like the ol' school HBK, kisses Sammy and does some crotch chops, raises his arms high in the air spreading them out arrogantly as pyro shoots off on the stage behind him and Sammy.

Nick Roland: Making his way out to the ring, from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 210 pounds and is accompanied by Sammy, he is "The Playa" Shane Mack!

Mack heads on down the aisle acting cocky, taunts the fans and teases the girls. Once at the ring Sammy heads up the steps as Mack will then step up on the apron and prance on the apron with some cocky steps, then he steps into the ring circling around and pumps up pointing his thumbs to himself. He drops down in an ol' school HBK pose as pyro shoots off behind him in the ring and Sammy puts her arms around his neck. She steps back and Mack leaps up doing a crotch chop as the pyro shoots off in an X. Mack then heads to the turnbuckles stepping up to the middle one, raises his hands up doing the wolfpac sign and then does a crotch chop before hopping down disrobing his vest and earrings getting ready for the match. He kisses Sammy and her the IC Title, slaps her on the ass, then she climbs out of the ring. Mack dances around acting cocky as the bell rings. Thor just stands across the ring as Mack motions him to come get some. Thor takes a couple steps, then bolts across the ring like a huge bullet. Mack quickly leaprogs Thor and runs to the ropes, Thor hitting them and both men spring off running at each other. Mack leaps up for a cross body and Thor just barely ducks under him. Mack hits the mat and rolls near the edge of the ring. Thor gets up and runs at him dropping down in a baseball slide dropkicking Mack out to the floor.

Greg Boone: That was illegal, Mack was in the ropes.

Nick Miller: Oh c'mon!

Thor slides out on his feet and kicks Mack in the ribs, rips him up and slams his back against the guard rail. He rips up Mack in a bearhug and runs for the ringpost slamming Mack against it, then lits him on to the apron rolling him in the ring. Sammy comes up behind Thor who turns around stopping her. Sammy looks wide eyed and backs up, but falls back on her ass.

Greg Boone: Stop him ref, first he illegally hurts Mack on two pieces of steel, now he's scaring a defenseless woman.

Nick Miller: Thor hasn't done anything illegal and Sammy was trying to sneak up behind him.

Sammy scoots backwards and gets up turning and runs up the ramp. Thor stops at the ramp and just smirks, then turns sliding back in the ring just before the ref counts him out. Mack is up and drops an elbow across the back of his head, then pops up and drops a knee to his left shoulder. He applies an armbar on him really putting torque on that shoulder. Thor fights up to his knees, Mack letting go and kicking at Thor's side, then pulls him up and nails a couple chops to his chest. Mack whips Thor to the ropes and leaps looking for a thesz press. Thor catches him and charges forward, turns and bounces off the ropes diving down with a hard spinebuster. Thor kneels up and rolls on Mack hooking both legs, 1.......................2.....................kickout!

Nick Miller: Damn, what an impact by Thor and Mack has to be hurting now, plus he's all alone out here after Sammy got ran out.

Greg Boone: So what, Mack doesn't need anyone, he'll still win.

Thor has Mack sitting up and applies a sleeper on him, Mack reaching out with wide eyes, tries pulling his body up, but Thor kneels up and bends over him pushing all his weight down on Mack who tries pulling Thor's arms apart. Thor's grasp is too tight and he starts wrenching away at Mack thrashing him from side to side, then clamps down tight still leaning his weight on Mack. He brings his right knee into Mack's back now, Mack reaches out, he reaches up at Thor's head who pulls back out of his reach. Mack flails his arms around trying to wiggle away, but can't and he starts to fade a lil. The ref checks on him, grabbing his arm, Mack pulling away, but Thor keeps clamped on with the sleeper and Mack drops his arms, his head falls forward. The ref grabs his right arm raising it up and lets it drop which it does. He raises Mack's arm again and we see Scorpion come running out. The ref lets Mack's arm go and it drops, Scorpion slides in the ring and Thor lets Mack go. He bolts up, but the ref stops him and orders Scorpion out of the ring.

Nick Miller: What the hell, why is Scorpion out here?

Greg Boone: Well after getting cheated in his last match with Thor, he probably wants revenge.

Nick Miller: HUH?

The re is in between Thor and Scorpion keeping them apart and yelling at Scorpion to get out. Mack is recovering meanwhile and pulls himself up in a corner. Scorpion finally backs up and leaves the ring. Thor turns walking towards Mack who steps out of the corner with Da Shows Ova dropping Thor and drops on him hooking his leg, 1............................2...............................3!

Nick Roland: Here is your winner by pinfall...........Shane Mack!

"Slave To The Grind" hits the pa and Mack gets his title, rolls from the ring and heads up the ramp, the crowd booing him.

Nick Miller: Thor beat Scorpion fair and square in their last match, but apparently Scorpion can't handle being beat.

Greg Boone: He's the better man, Thor can only win on a fluke.

Nick Miller: Call it whatever you want, but Thor has beaten Scorpion fairly. Now lets see if the returning Xanthus can beat Ares that way or will the rest o Da Gangstas get involved!

Main Event
Non Title Singles Match
Xanthus v. Ares

"The Way I Am" hits the pa and the first few lines are heard before we see Xanthus come out on stage pumping his fists in the air. He jumps around somewhat, flips off some fans, does crotch chops to others, flashes thug symbols in a mocking manner and just taunts the crowd like an asshole.

Nick Roland: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 195 pounds, Xanthus!

Once he gets to the ring X just rolls in under the bottom rope and gets to his feet, looks at the crowd with a smirk, then grabs his nuts and then motions to everyone to suck him off as his music fades. Nothing fancy shows up, no pyro shoots out, we just hear "Rock You Like A Hurricane" blast over the pa drowning out any other sound. In about thirty seconds we see Ares come swaggering out on stage and he throws up his arms in the air extending his middle fingers bringing the crowd to cheers.

Nick Roland: Now coming out, he weighs 250 pounds, he hails from Albuquerqe New Mexico, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion.......Ares!

The fans go crazy as Ares swaggers down the aisle and shoots up the middle finger some more. He gets to the ring and rolls in, pulls himself up and goes to a far corner climbing up and flashing the middle fingers again. He hops down, discards his vest and lays his title in a corner, then runs the ropes getting ready for his match. The bell rings and both men step to the middle o the ring talking trash, then they start swinging with fast, wild punches going back and forth. Ares gets the better of it rocking X back, then whips him across the ring. X comes bouncing back and leapfrogs Ares, then spins back with a heel kick, but Ares ducks and kicks X in the gut going for the Atom Bomb. X shoves Ares to the ropes and catches him with a spinning kick knocking Ares down. X runs to the ropes and comes back with a quick leg drop, then floats around into a side headlock.

Nick Miller: Wow, X with Ares grounded after that awesome spin kick taking him down.

Greg Boone: X is a great wrestler, better than Ares and he'll prove tonight why he outta get a title shot soon.

Ares fights up on his knees, X keeps the headlock clamped on. Ares hammers him in the gut, then shoves X into the ropes. X springs of for a shoulderblock, but Ares stands his ground colliding with him and knocks X down. Ares runs to the ropes and comes back dropping an elbow to X. He gets up and stomps on X's ribs, then pulls him and scoop slams him. Ares stomps on him some more, pulls X up looking for a piledriver, but X fights it. Ares pounds on his back, slams a knee to his head, then tries again and nails the piledriver. He turns X over and hooks his leg, 1........................2...........kickout! Ares gets up and pulls up X hammering him with a couple hard rights, then whips him to the ropes, waits for X to the bounce back and jumps up taking him down with a thesz press. Ares hammers him with rights and lefts, stands up and stomps on X's chest, then runs to the ropes and comes back dropping a knee to his head. Ares sits up X applying a sleeper on him, but X twists and turns fighting up to his knees, then pushes up on his feet and plants some elbows to Ares midsection. X tries running out, but Ares yanks by the hair slamming X to the mat. The ref yells at him warning Ares he'll be dqed next time.

Greg Boone: C'mon ref, just dq him now, that was bullshit.

Ares has X up in a corner and slaps his chest, then hits a couple chops, and now just hammers him with right hands. He kicks X in the midsection a few times, forces him down into a sitting position, then starts kicking and stomping the holy hell outta him. The ref makes a count to five and orders Ares off, so he backs up, turns and flips a double bird to the ref. Ares moves back in kicking X in the head, then backs off. X starts to pull himself up, but Ares grabs him pulling X out of the corner and lifts him up and around with spinebuster, then pins, 1........................2..................kickout! Jordan Brooks comes running out now. Ares has X up and nails a couple punches, whips him to the ropes as Jordan slides in the ring behind him. X comes back and Ares kicks him in the gut, goes for the Atom Bomb, but its blocked and Jordan comes charging across the ring spearing Ares to the mat. X leans in a corner clearing his head, the rell calling for the bell.

Nick Roland: Here is your winner by disqualification............Ares!

Jordan is up staring down at Ares while X looks at Jordan, then flies across the ring at him with punches rocking Jordan into the ropes.

Nick Miller: Xanthus none to pleased by Jordan's actions and no one else is either.

Greg Boone: Well I would have liked to see X beat Ares cause we all know he is better, Jordan was just getting some revenge and proving he is better than Ares too.

Nick Miller: I don't think he proved he's better, he just wants a title shot, oh my, here comes Da Gangstas.

And here comes Stroms, Torres, and Bob down the ramp. Bob and Torres slide in and aim for Jordan who quickly escapes as Storms comes in. Jordan heads around and up the ramp as Da Gangstas stare him down, Ares has rolled to the floor. Frank E Dangerously steps out on stage now with a mic and Jordan turns seeing him and stops wondering what he wants. Ares starts up the ramp with his title as Jordan steps up face to face with Frankie. Ares stops midway up the ramp and stares at Ares. Frankie raises up his mic now.

FED: So Jordan, ya want to stick your nose in this match, ya want a shot at Ares, but it seems Xanthus didn't like what you did in his match, seems all Da Gangstas have a problem with Ares, so I tell ya, ya both probably want a shot and next week it'll be Xanthus one on one against you Jordan. The winner gets a title shot against Ares at Snake Eyes and oh yea, I think I'll let Ares have a good view of the match, the best view because he'll be in the ring as the referee!

The crowd pops loud for that and Jordan looks pissed, Ares is smirking and Xanthus is staring at Jordan. The rest of Da Gangstas stare at Ares and Jordan, Frankie backing off now and disappearing to the back as "Start A War" hits the pa.

Nick Miller: Wow, Xanthus and Jordan fight next week for a shot at Ares World Title and Ares is the re for the match.

Greg Boone: He better call it fair and square if he knows whats good for him.

Nick Miller: I don't think there's any worry with Ares as the ref, we'll definitely have a clear cut winner cause he'll take no shit from anyone. But that's next week, tonight is over, so we'll see ya then, goodnight folks.

The music keeps playing as the cameras roam around the arena and soon the show ends and fades to black.

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