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WAR 63 {8/1/11}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 23, 2014, 01:28:03 AM

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August 1st, 2011

Back inside the Motor City Arena in the city of the same name, Detroit, and the crowd is packed in tight anticipating another kick ass edition of WAR. Pyro shoots off over the ring followed by WAR ZONE rumbling over the pa and the view going wild as Nick screams.


The view still goes wild showing all the rowdy fans while Nick catches his breath, then says.

We also have L.A. Jay and Mesa going one on one and those two will open the show right now!

But I KISSED A GIRL hits bringing Tina out instead and the crowd cheers for the real t & a, for that one hot bitch as she proclaimed herself. Tina just heads for the ring looking all business, grabs a mic before she rolls and stands up, then raises the mic saying.

Cut the music!

And it cuts as she continues.

Last week I busted my ass to win that match and maybe I wouldn't have anyways, but we'll never and all because someone had to stick their nose in my business. Lil Miss Stacy had to return at my expense, well listen up cunt, why don't you bring your skank ass out here right now and get in my business!?

Loud cheers for that and Tina looking ready to fight when SWEET DREAMS hit's the pa bringing out Stacy in a loose, short jean skirt, knee high stilletos, and a white bikini top. She grins deviously and sways her hips as she comes down the aisle, stopping at ringside and Stacy grabs a mic saying.

Honey, you don't deserve to even have me come this close to your worthless ass. I returned at your expense because it was time to take the trash out of SEF, so take a hint and get to walking or your going to regret calling me out here!

Stacy looks downright mean, sadist like as Tina just smirks and raises her mic saying.

I regret nothing I have ever done, so if you think I'm some pushover, get in here and find out how wrong you are!

Stacy just squints her eyes and drops the mic, then gets on the apron when OPEN EYES hit's the pa bringing, whoa, a redheaded Sammy out in , short, tan shorts, a shirt with a winged skull on the front ripped a little to show some cleavage, and knee high wrestling boots laced up. She sports knee pads and fingerless gloves as she skips down the aisle slapping fans hands, then takes a mic and slides into the ring as Stacy stays on the apron. Tina keeps her eyes on both while Sammy just smiles and raises her mic, the crowd cheering, and she says.

As much as these people would love to see you two get it on right here and now, I couldn't help, but pick this opportunity to help us all get to the biggest event of the year. So ladies, Stacy, we know each other pretty well, and Tina, we don't, but we should and Wrestle X would be the place to introduce ourselves. So what do the two of you think about a triple threat involving the three of us, just to see who is better!

Loud cheers for that and Tina nods yea extending a hand out to which Sammy shakes. They both look at Stacy now who steps in putting on a smile and shakes hands with Sammy agreeing, then snatches her mic and slams it into Tina's head knocking her down. Sammy nails a couple elbows to Stacy before she falls down and rolls out of the ring backing up the aisle. Stacy holds her mouth and smirks as Sammy leans on the ropes daring her to come back in, then checks on Tina when BLACK DIAMOND hits and out walks Hal havoc to boos. He sports a grey suit with a white shirt, black sunglasses and walks on down grabbing a mic, then gets in the ring saying.

Alright, alright, you three bimbos need to take a hike, but first, Wrestle X, your match ain't happening. The only thing the three of you deserve is to come backstage and rub me down and rub me down there!

Loud boos and Stacy looks mad, still in the aisle while Sammy and Tina are in the ring seething with anger and get in Hal's face. He just motions them back and says.

Easy girls, I am in charge and you can't touch me or your out which maybe I should do to ya anyways, but I got more important things to get to, so scram!

But then the lights go out and soon a spotlight shines in front of the entrance and the slow beginning to THE UNFORGIVEN begins playing. The crowd drown it out with loud cheers which get louder when Viper steps out into the light. He's in all leather, dark sunglasses, and his hair tied back tight, then he walks on down the aisle as the lights come up to a blue tint. He gets a mic and looks at Stacy, then in the ring and slowly raises the mic. The crowd go nuts for him and begin chanting.


He just nods around the arena and holds the mic up as the music dies, the lights come on and he brings the mic to his mouth saying.

First things first, Stacy, Tina, and Sammy, you deserve the match at Wrestle X and you already booked it, so who am I to stop you? And I know Hal here can't stop you, so your match is on for Wrestle X, however, tonight it seems Stacy and Tina need to work something out and I'm thinking Sammy could referee a match between you two later on!

Loud cheers for that and Stacy a little furious just motions she'll snap Tina in half who tells her to bring it on. Viper steps into the ring, Hal back up to the other side as Viper steps into the middle and says.

Now ladies, if ya don't mind, I got business with this guy and it may get a little physical, least these fans can only hope!

He smirks and the crowd cheers loud as Hal shakes his head no. Sammy and Tina hop out as Stacy heads to the back, then Viper says.

Now its just you and I, ya miserable sack of shit. You honestly think you could get away with trying to takeover this show for very long. Your lucky I let your ass go for a week, but now, no more bullshit. That contract signing last week, null and void, and I already signed Corez and Nick Torres to a new match contract for Wrestle X making the DOGG Fight the main event and no more title matches that night. As for you, your still gonna be in action and the funny thing is...

Viper grins big and says.

So am I!

Then he gets serious and almost scowls staring a hole through Hal who gulps and backs out to the apron, then down the steps. The crowd cheers insanely loud now and Viper turns as Hal moves around the ring looks almost ready to run. Viper then says.

At Wrestle X though, I'm giving you a chance to become the Manager of SEF, if you can beat me one on one, however Hal, if I beat you, then I name a new Manager of SEF and your gone!

Loud cheers now and Hal just points at Viper yelling.


Viper just tosses the mic and waves him to come on in, but Hal backs up shaking his head no as DOMINATION now plays. Hal just heads to the back as Viper stands on the ropes doing a crotch chop, then heads out of the ring and to the back slapping hands while Nick Miller says.

Whoa, Viper returns to call out Hal on not really being in charge of SEF, man, I wondered about that last week, but accepted it, damn! Anyways, Hal has a chance now to earn the Manager of SEF spot if he can beat Viper at Wrestle X, the main event is back to normal, a DOGG Fight between Corez and Nick Torres, plus were gonna see a triple threat match between Tina, Stacy, and Sammy! Wrestle X is shaping up nice and tonight has kicked off incredibly great and all before the first match which should be phenomenal as its former tag team partners going one on one, Jay and Mesa were like brothers at one time!

Now we hear BLEED IT OUT hit the pa bringing the fans to cheers for Jay who steps out nodding his head. He looks ready to go and does the thumb pose while the crowd chant his name and Sara makes the introduction.

The following is the opening contest and is set for one fall! Introducing first from Los Angelos California, weighing in at two hundred twenty five pounds.........L...A...Jay!

He comes down the aisle slapping a few hands, then rolls in under the bottom rope and jumps up to his feet. Jay circles around some, then heads up the turnbuckles doing his thumb pose again while crowd chant.


Then the lights go completely out and then we hear the words......

The Suicidal, Homicidal, Arabian Knight Has Arrived

We then hear BAD RELIGION hit the pa and play for a few seconds, then the lights pop back on to find Mesa sitting in a corner of the ring with his hands in a prayer motion as he looks up to the heavens yelling.


And Sara now introduces him.

In the ring now, from Los Angelos California, he weighs in at two hundred twenty pounds.......Mesa!

Mesa gets up after he is announced and stretches his arms, removes his headgear handing it to someone out of the ring and gets ready to fight. The bell sounds and he moves into a lock up with Jay who shows more power sending Mesa into a corner with a shove. Jay buries a shoulder to his ribs, then flips backwards and runs forward leaping up for a knee. Mesa ducks letting him hang up on the top rope, then clubs jay across his back and climbs up back suplexing him to the mat. Mesa gets Jay on his stomach and clubs him over the back, then sits over him and nails a few cross faces to the head. Mesa then rips his head and arms back into a camel clutch. Jay flails his arms trying to break free as Nick Miller says.

Fast start to this one, but Mesa already grounding Jay and has him tied up looking for a submission.

Jay tries rolling his body to get Mesa unbalanced, then tries to lift him up. Mesa rips back hard on Jay's neck, then let's go and leaps up only to drop down hard on Jay's back. He tries to lock in the camel clutch again, but Jay scrambles forward quick enough to grab the bottom rope. The ref keeps Mesa back as Jay stands up, then rushes off the ropes for a clothesline. Mesa ducks and runs to the ropes as Jay hit's the other side of the ring.They spring back with Mesa ducking down and Jay flipping over his back and turns for a spinning heel kick. Mesa ducks and let's Jay spin around away from him, then nails a neck breaker. He jumps up and leaps high crashing down with a knee to Jay's head, then applies a side headlock on him. Jay scrambles to his knees as Mesa tries to wrench it on as hard as he can, trying to crane Jay's neck backwards while Nick says.

Mesa targeting Jay's neck, looking for a submission maybe.

Jay manages to get to his feet and back Mesa to the ropes, then uses them to shoves him away. Mesa runs to the other side and comes back leaping up into a dropkick, but Jay barely escapes ducking under him by doing the splits. Mesa flies through the ropes crashing to the floor and Jay gets up running the ropes to leap out with a senton bomb to Mesa. Jay uses the rail to get to his the feet and the fans go nuts slapping his back . Jay kicks at Mesa, then rips him up for a suplex and drapes him over the rail. He goes to the ring apron and spins off for a leg drop, but Mesa slides backwards letting Jay split his legs on the rail. Mesa then jumps on to an empty chair and tackles Jay to the floor, rolls up lifting him on to the ring apron and hammers down with punches. Mesa climbs up on the apron, then to the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a leg drop to Jay's neck as he lays hanging off the edge of the ring, but is forced out back to the floor. Mesa hurting a little from the move and the crowd somewhat cheering, but hating Mesa. He lifts up Jay and rolls him in the ring, then heads to the top rope looking for the Arabian Aerial Assault, but no one home and he crashes to the mat. Jay gets on his knees and looks around seeing Mesa clutching his ribs on his back, so he springs up and runs to the nearest corner leaping up to the top. He sees mesa still down and leaps high turning just right for the West Coast Splash, but Mesa rolls out of the way now. He gets up as Jay rolls in pain, then springs off the ropes into a low dropkick right to Jay's head. Mesa kicks at his head, Jay trying to cover up and Mesa then drops a knee to his head. He pushes the knee down on Jay's neck, grabbing an arm for leverage, then moves into a front facelock and rips Jay up to nail a ddt. Mesa rolls him over and runs up the turnbuckles to the top rope, then flips back with a moonsault on him. Mesa jumps up stomping on his ribs, then goes out to the apron and climbs up to the top flying off and this time connecting with the Arabian Aerial Assault. The crowd booing as Mesa hooks a leg for the pin, ONE.....................TWO......................THREE! And the bell sounds as Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match............Mesa!

Mesa gets to his feet as BAD RELIGION plays over the pa. He then starts stomping all over Jay's chest and drops a knee to his throat before rolling out to the floor. Mesa gets a Singapore cane from under the ring and rolls in cracking the cane across Jay's throat a few times. Jay rolling for the floor while clutching his throat and the ref tries keeping Mesa back. Mesa just shoves him down, then jumps out of the ring cracking the cane across Jay's back, then kicks him in the head. He tosses down the cane and gets a steel chair smacking it down across the face of Jay, then unfolds it enough to put over his head. Mesa folds the chair under his chin, then hops up on the apron and leaps off stomping the chair into his neck. Jay rolls away, the chair around his neck which he frantically tries to pull off and gurgles. Security is out there now keeping Mesa back and helping Jay who clutches at his throat spitting up some blood. Mesa is forced to the back as EMT's come out to help Jay and Nick Miller says.

Wow, hell of a match here with Mesa winning, but not satisfied with that he looked to end Jay's career. He may have after that stomp off the apron to a chair wrapped around Jay's neck. A horrific sight and one can only imagine what Jay is thinking, hopefully he can escape anything serious. The show goes on though, well maybe, depends on if Corez has a partner for his match in the Tag Title Tournament next!

The lights flicker as FLOODS plays over the pa, then when it kicks it in Corez steps out in a THC shirt doing a crotch chop. He brings his right hand up taking a swig of water from a bottle, then tosses it away and spits it out in a mist while ripping the short off. Underneath is a white sleeveless shirt reading The Corez Effect in green and black, then he turns showing a picture of him bloody and it reads Smoking & Bleeding! Corez whips around and down the aisle slapping hands as Sara makes the announcement.

The following is a semi final match in the World Tag Team Title Tournament and it is set for one fall! Introducing first, from Memphis Tennessee, weighing in at two hundred fifteen pounds........Corez!

He grabs a mic and rolls in the ring sitting in a corner, then stretching his arms out in a crucifix getting some cheers. Corez pulls himself up and raises the mic as he turns facing the aisle.

X to the fucking A has fucking left and I doubt if he'll ever be back, but it doesn't matter because I found a partner for tonight's match. So without wasting anymore fucking time, here he is!

Corez drops the mic and does a kliq style point up the aisle as we hear DRAG THE WATERS hit the pa and Storms comes calmly walking to the ring. He just stands on stage staring at the crowd for a few seconds, then makes his way down the ramp as Sara introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at three hundred thirty five pounds.........Troy Storms!

He flashes the wolfpac sign, then he gets on the apron and steps over the top rope. Storms then moves to the ropes and thrusts his fist in the air before turning and slapping hands with Corez. Nothing fancy shows up, no pyro shoots out, we just hear ROCK YOU LIKE A HURRICANE blast over the pa drowning out any other sound. In about thirty seconds we see Ares come swaggering out on stage and he throws up his arms in the air, then turns his fists around flipping the crowd off enticing a few boos along with the cheers while Sara makes the introduction

Now coming to the ring from Albuquerque New Mexico, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds, he is the Defiant God.......Ares!

The fans pretty well cheer as Ares swaggers down the aisle and flips them off. He gets to the ring and rolls in, pulls himself up and goes to a far corner climbing up and flipping off the crowd. He hops down discards his vest, then runs the ropes getting ready for his match. The lights go out and red and gold lights circle the arena as SCREAM hits the PA. Sara introduces him.

On his way to the ring from Bensonhurst, Brooklyn, New York, he weighs in at two hundred forty five pounds..........J...G...Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he slowly walks down to the ring. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by stretching his arms out in a relaxed crucifix pose. Brooks then hops down and runs the ropes to warm up. He and Ares nod to each other and bump fists, then watch to see Corez coming in to start. Ares motions he'll start and Brooks backs off, then the bell sounds and we see a lock up. Corez trying to keep out of the corner manages to twist Ares around into it and slaps him hard across the face before backing up and doing a crotch chop. Ares rushes out getting dropped toe hold style, then Corez is up and springs off the ropes into a low dropkick to the head. He gets up dropping an elbow to Ares' chest, then gets a side headlock applied, but Ares gets to his knees and hammers Corez in the ribs. He gets to his feet pushing Corez against the ropes, then shoves him away. Corez bounces back looking for a spear, but Ares leapfrogs him and whips around waiting. Corez leaps to the ropes launching himself back into a moonsault, but gets caught and power slammed to the mat. Ares jumps up running to the ropes bouncing back into an elbow drop, then kneels up applying an armbar. Corez fights to his knees, but Ares gets up and wrenches his arm keeping him there. Corez screams and fights through the pain enough to punch Ares in the ribs, then fights up to his feet with a few more punches and backs Ares to a corner forcing a break. Corez backs off and Ares charges out tackling him to the mat raining down punches. He jumps up on a count of four and runs to the ropes springing off for another elbow drop, but Corez gets his knees up. He wraps his legs around Ares arm and holds him down in an armbar of his own now. Ares thrashes around wildly trying to break free and crawls for the ropes inching his way to them breaking the hold. Corez rolls up to his feet and Ares rolls to his corner letting Brooks tag in. Corez backs up to his and tags Storms who steps in over the top rope eyeing Brooks who runs over trying to gain the advantage with punches. Storms takes a couple before getting a hand up and head butting Brooks back, steps all the way over the ropes and shoves him away, then charges for a big boot. Brooks ducks and runs to the ropes springing off with a spear taking Storms down, then kneels up raining down punches. Brooks gets up and starts stomping all around Storms, then backs up to the ropes springing off into a leap and a knee drop. Brooks sits up Storms in a sleeper and wrenches it on tight trying to keep him grounded, but not for long. Storms gets to his knees and struggles to get a few elbows planted into Brooks ribs before ripping up and dropping back into a side slam. Storms leans back hooking a leg for the pin, ONE....................TWO............kickout as Ares is in kicking Storms in the head. Corez charges in tackling him and they roll to the floor brawling. Storms is up and pulls Brooks up into an irish whip looking for Impaled, but Brooks leaps up high crashing on to him for a thesz and brings the big man down a again. Brooks hammers him with punches, then jumps up running to the ropes springing off into another knee drop to the head. He pulls Storms up in a face look looking for a ddt, but gets rammed into a corner where Storms slams his shoulder to Brooks ribs, then puts a foot to his throat. He wait's the whole five count and backs off getting scolded by the ref, Ares and Corez back in their corner, so Storms tags his partner who goes to the top rope. Storms pulls Brooks out of the corner and over his knee for a backbreaker as Corez leaps off into a leg drop flipping Brooks over to the mat. Storms gets out and Corez goes for the pin hooking a leg, ONE...............TWO.........kickout and Corez gets up kicking Brooks in the chest, then pulls him up nailing a European uppercut. Corez kicks him in the ribs and runs to the ropes springing off into a knee lift, then lifts Brooks up and drives him forward into a spine buster. Corez gets up pulling Brooks into a facelock and looks for The Corez Effect snapping back quick, but Brooks gets his head free shoving Corez to the mat. He backs to the ropes and springs forward kicking Corez in the head, then stumbles over making the tag to Ares. He jumps in running over with stomps to Corez, then rips him up into a Cyclone Slam and grabs his legs stomping him in the ribs. Ares pulls Corez up and flips him off, then plants a kick to his ribs and looks for the Atom Bomb. Corez shoves him away and runs into a dropkick against Ares back sending him across the middle rope. Corez then crawls to his corner making the tag and in comes Storms running to the opposite side of the ring as Ares, springs off and looks to slam a knee to his back, but Ares rolls off the ropes. Storms stops himself grabbing the top rope, then turns kicking Ares in his shoulder and rips him up into a press. Ares thrashes out of his grip and drops behind Storms kicking him in the back of his left knee, then backs up dives into a chop block bringing him down. Ares gets up running to the ropes and springs back with a kick to the head, then runs over tagging Brooks and charges across the ring knocking Cores to the floor. Ares heads back to his corner as Brooks kicks Storms in his back, then pulls him up back to back and drops forward into a backbreaker, then covers Storms hooking a leg for the pin, ONE.................TWO...kickout.

This crowd is hot and rightfully so as this match is on fire, both teams pulling it all out, but only one can win!

Says Nick Miller as Brooks is up stomping all over Storms, then he drops down into a push up position on his knuckles. Storms starts to get up and Brooks waits staying behind him as Ares runs around the ring tackling Corez into the guard rail and pounds away at his head. Then he rips Cores up running into the ring post and launches over the guard rail. The ref ordering him back now as Storms is up and Brooks leaps up for BAD, but gets sent flying across the ring to his back. Ares comes charging into the ring, but gets Impaled and Storms rips him up tossing Ares over the top rope. He turns and gets dropped with BAD, then Brooks covers him hooking a leg, ONE.................TWO................THREE! The bell sounds and the crowd mixed a little, but loving the announcement by Sara.

Here are your winners.............J...G...Brooks and Ares!

Ares comes crawling in and is helped up by Brooks as SCREAM plays and the two men drink a few beers now. Storms rolls out regaining himself and Corez comes over, then Ares hands the two a couple beers. They crack the beers and toast him and Brooks, then head to the back letting the celebration go on as Nick says.

Awesome match with Ares going wild at the end taking Corez out and distracting Storms to give Brooks a chance to hit BAD for the win. They advance though and later tonight we find out who they will be facing next week, YES, next week on WAR, when Rick Reynolds and Rob Rocco meet Jason Price and Chris Crest! That is later and the final World Tag Team Title Tournament will happen next week indeed and it will be the main event, so by the end of next weeks WAR, we will have crowned new Tag Champs. Now coming up we got Hardcore Haz and Joe Dumar in a sit down interview, if ya can believe that, with Greg Boone!

And so to the back we go inside a room where Greg sits on a metal chair and on his right is Joe dressed in jeans and a Fuck The Circuit shirt. On Greg's left is Haz leaned back in ripped jeans and a sleeveless Ultimate Sandman Fan shirt drinking beer with a cooler next to him. Greg just nods to both men and looks up saying.

Hello everyone, I'm here with Joe Dumar and Hardcore Haz who at Wrestle X on August the twenty eighth will compete in a Circus Hightower Deathmatch where the rules are simple. Toss your opponent off a fifty foot tall piece of scaffolding into the ring which is covered in barbed wire until you can pin them or make them give up.

Haz throws down an empty saying.

Joe will give up after one toss, fucking pansy ass that ya are, ya don't know shit about violence!

He grabs a new beer cracking it and drinking as Joe looks over saying.

You'll see how much I know about violence at Wrestle X, unless you want a preview now!?

Greg puts his hands up and quickly says.

Whoa, ok, save it guys, settle it in the ring, I got questions I think we all want answered.

Haz swallows a drink down and says.

Then start talking douche bag!

So Greg asks.

Well Haz, first one is for you, why did you really, honestly beat down Joe earlier this year?

Haz just guzzles down his beer and drops the empty, then answers.

Cause he's a no good, untalented, undeserving, overrated, windbag who gets handed everything while get shit!

Haz grabs another beer cracking it and Joe shaking his head side to side laughing quietly while Greg asks.

You stated once before it was because of him winning the Underground Title, so is that what you mean by him being undeserving and overrated?

Haz smirking says.

I know what I stated before and yea, you could say its why he don't deserve shit. It should be me as a former Underground Champ cause if I was I'd still be wearing the belt right now!

Greg nodding says.

Well it was stripped from Joe when SEF closed, you would have suffered the same fate.

Haz says.

Bullshit, I'd a kept SEF alive as champion, if they woulda let me get more time in instead of this waste of space.

Greg nods and turns to Joe asking.

Well, what do you think Joe? Ya heard it from Haz himself as to what he thinks of you and why he did all this, does he make a valid point about anything?

Joe takes a deep breath and collects himself, then says.

The only valid point was that Haz should have more of the spotlight in SEF, but as for anything honest about myself he had to say, all I can say, is its far from honest!

He stares dead at Haz who ignores him drinking down his beer. Joe suddenly pushes Greg into Haz knocking both over, then Joe jumps up grabbing the cooler closing it and pulls Greg off Haz to slam the cooler down on his shoulder. Joe kicks Haz in the ribs, then bashes the cooler down to his head and tosses it away hammering him with punches now and yells.


And Joe pulls up Haz looking for a ddt right there, but gets shoved backwards against a cement wall. Joe brings his elbow down to Haz's back, then rips him around against the wall and pulls him backwards into a piledriver on the floor. Joe gets to his feet breathing a litle hard as Haz lays there out of it and Greg is gone as security rushes in pulling Joe out. They check on Haz too and the view cuts back to the arena with Nick Miller saying.

As expected that interview did indeed turn violent, but will Joe be able to do that and worse at Wrestle X or will Haz be fueled even more to bring the violence on Joe? A question only answered at Wrestle X, so until then let's keep the show rolling with the second Tag-

But he's cut off by the sound of NEVER ENOUGH hitting the pa and out walks Bill nodding his head and smirking. He spreads his arms out in sort of a relaxed crucifix pose as the Ice Bull walks out behind him smoking a cigar and carrying a fifth of Wild Turkey. The two slap hands and then head down the aisle, Bill cocky as hell, but whips off his glasses putting them on some kid. And now Bill stands at ringside letting his leather shirt fall down his shoulders and whips it off tossing it out into the crowd, then grabs a mic and slides into the ring whipping his legs around real quick and pops up to his feet spinning around in a relaxed crucifix pose. Bill then backs into a corner smirking as he brings the mic up and Bull moves around at ringside near the corner Bill is in.

Last week I probably had the best match on the card, I damn sure stole the show on my own because there is no one who can match me in this ring or on this mic even!

Quite a few boos, but a few cheers and Bill just says.

Now this week I am left off the card, me, the greatest wrestler on the roster today is given the night off. No wonder SEF almost died this year with foolish decisions such as this to not book your most talent wrestler. I am not leaving this ring until I have answers or better yet, a challenge worthy of my talent!

More of a mixed reaction from the crowd and then we hear KILLING IN THE NAME by Rage Against The Machine start playing and once it kicks it in we see Shane Mack sporting a big old beard once again with his ring gear on. He just stands at the entrance spreading his arms out wide as the crowd realizing who it is stands up screaming too loud to hear yourself think. He just flashes a slight smirk and then turns motioning someone else and that is some leggy black chick wearing a loose red dress with black high heels. Her red hair curled and in a perm and she hooks her right arm around Mack's left, then the two walk down the aisle. Bill is in the ring looking shocked like the fans who continue to scream so loud Nick Miller has to shout to be heard.

Ladies and gentlemen, it is deafening in here, but with a surprise return by Mack, what else can ya expect?! I wonder if these two are gonna end up in a match here tonight or down the road though?

Mack stops at ringside and grabs a mic from the announce table, then let's the girl head up the steps while he hops on to the apron. He steps in the ring and circles around into his pose dropping the mic to jump up and do a crotch chop. The girl steps in front of him now and Mack brings his arms around her waist doing a crotch chop in front of her as she arches back to kiss him. He then picks up the mic and turns draping an arm around the girl as the fans go absolutely nuts still. Mack raises the mic and waits for a little calm to say.

So Bill Roberts wants a challenge worthy of his talent, well then first things first son. I gotta tell you that you are indeed talented, but if ya want to truly steal the show, then allow me the honor of going one on one with you right here, right noww!!!

Bill just nods yea and raises the mic, but the crowd drown him out with chants.


He looks around a little uneasy and Mack just shrugs, then raises the mic bringing the noise down some.

Oh yea, this cutie here next to me, her name is Nykki Delight and she's SEF's newest wrestler as well as my student. Now then, what did you have to say Bill?

And Bill says.

I'm not sure now, so let's just dance!

He drops the mic and steps out of the corner staring Mack in his eyes. Mack grins and nods letting Nykki disrobe his vest, then hands her the glasses before she gets out. The bell sounds and Mack stands nose to nose with Bill now who suddenly shoves Mack away, then leaps up for the Whack Off. Mack ducks and runs to the ropes flying back with a forearm smash taking Bill down, then kips up and drops an elbow to Bill's chest. He tries to lock on the Show Strangla already, but Bill scrambles free rolling to the ropes while Mack gets up smirking. Bill looks up and pulls himself nodding no way as Mack waves him out for a lock up. Bill steps into it and the two men struggles around the ring a bit before Bill forces Mack to a corner, then let's go looking for a right hand. Mack ducks and turns Bill into the corner lighting his chest up with knife edge chops to the chest, then irish whips him across the ring. Bill reverse sending Mack flipping over the turnbuckles to the apron and Bill runs over, but Mack leaps to the top rope flying off with a clothesline. He takes Bill down and Mack rolls to his feet, then whips around leaping high and stomping on Bill's head. Mack pulls him up and nails a chop to the chest, then whips him to the ropes and leaps up for a dropkick. Bill stops short letting Mack fall and runs to the ropes springing back into a baseball slide dropkick sending Mack almost out of the ring. Bill jumps up and backs off grabbing the ref to complain about something when Ice Bull runs around the ring with a boot into Mack's head rolling back in the ring. Nykky Delight runs around the ring spinning into a heel kick right to the back of Bull's head, then grabs him and slams him against the steel steps before backing off. The crowd cheers her, but boos Bill who springs off the ropes into a shining wizard to Mack, then jumps to the top turnbuckle leaping off into a twisting senton bomb. Bill gets up yanking Mack up to nail Interview This, then hooks a leg for the pin, ONE..................TWO..............kickout and Bill sits up in shock as the crowd cheers. He jumps up yelling at the ref, then stomps away at Mack, lifts him up and hit's a quick ddt near the ropes, rolls him over and climbs up top. Bill stands up and leaps high crashing down for Heartbreak Heaven, but Mack rolls out of the way and to the ropes trying to pull himself up. Bill sits in pain and tries pulling himself up as Nick Miller says.

Hell of a match so far despite what Ice Bull did to Mack.

Mack gets up and waits for Bill to get to his feet, then runs over flying into the air with a dropkick planting both feet to his chest sending Bill falling back into a corner. Mack gets up and backs off, then charges into the corner slamming a knee to the side of Bill's head. He pulls Bill up and nails a snap suplex on him, then heads up the turnbuckles delivering a moonsault. Mack gets to his feet and stomps at Bill's chest and ribs, then pulls him hooking his arms and nails the Mack Attack. Mack turns him over and goes back to the rope flying off for X right to Bill's chest and then wraps his legs around Bill's head an arm for the Show Strangla. Bill feeling it locked in goes nuts trying to get to the ropes and thrashes like a madman screaming in pain. The crowd cheer loud hoping Bill taps and Mack hangs on like a pitbull. Bill reaches out and tries crawling for the ropes, inches his way over dragging Mack. He tries rolling over and pinning Mack's shoulder down, but only gets a one count before being flipping to his stomach. Mack hangs on and Bill crawls for the ropes wearing down, his arms feeling heavy and his eyes fluttering. Bill fights it and still screaming in pain continues to make his way to the ropes getting close enough to scrape his fingertips. His hand falls to the mat and he looks almost out of it, so the ref pulls up Bill's arm and he tightens up stretching and pulling to grab the bottom rope. The crowd not happy, but Mack breaking it and kicking Bill away almost out of the ring so his head and chest hang off the edge of the ring. Mack heads up to the top rope leaping off with X to Bill's chest again dropping him to the floor, then gets up yanking Bill up into a Russian leg sweep against the guard rail. He sees Ice Bull coming around the ring and motions him to bring it on, but the ref seeing this keeps Bull back. Mack just pulls up Bill, but gets rammed into a ringpost by him and rolled into the ring. Bill rolls in now and covers Mack hooking a leg for the pin, ONE...................TWO....kickout and Bill gets up stomp all over Mack. He pulls Mack up delivering a power bomb near the turnbuckles, then turns towards them leaping up into a split legged corkscrew moonsault to Mack. Bill crawls into the pin hooking a leg, ONE.................TWO.........kickout and Bill jumps up in the ref's face demanding it was three, but gets told off. Bill turns back and rips Mack up nailing a hanging suplex on him, then runs to the ropes springing back into a low dropkick at Mack's head. Bill gets a side headlock on him and wrenches it tight, drags Mack up and runs for a bulldog, but Mack runs to and shoves Bill into a corner. He staggers out and around getting hit with Da Shows Ova sinking back into the corner while Mack falls to his stomach and the crowd cheer loud. Mack starts to push himself up as Nick says.

Mack out of nowhere as usual with that super kick, but needs to pin him quick unless Mack still isn't going for the pinfall in matches as he has yet to tonight.

And still a man of his word Mack shows no signs of going for a pin, instead he gets up and stands over Bill who lays with his head on the bottom turnbuckle, then Mack leaps up to the middle turnbuckle and grabs the top rope swinging his feet down into a sort of dropkick to Bill's face. Mack rolls backwards to his feet and jumps up running into the corner slamming another knee to Bill's face, then pulls him up and nails a piledriver. Mack turns Bill over on to his stomach and sits across his back, nails a couple cross faces to the head, then tries to lock on Crippled. He gets his hands locked and a knee to Bill's back who screams and reaches out for the ropes. Mack rips back hard putting a lot of torque on Bill's neck and the crowd is cheering loud yelling, several yelling for Bill to tap. Bill refuses and crawls a little towards the ropes dragging Mack with him again, but appears to pretty worn out already. His arms looking real heavy for him to lift and Bill makes fists now punching the mat. He tries pushing himself up to break the hold, but Mack with that knee to the back presses down hard as he rips back on the head. Bill screams and looks ready to tap it seems, but he hangs on and crawls, inches over to the ropes grabbing a hold and the rest of body appears limp now. Mack breaks it and gets up backing away as the ref checks on Bill when suddenly Ice Bull slides in with an empty whiskey bottle. He slams it to the back of Mack's head, then tosses it out unbroken and quickly nails a gut wrench power bomb to Mack before rolling out to the floor trying to hide by kneeling down. The crowd livid now and Nykki running around the ring gets stopped when Bull jumps up to head her off. Nykki backs off now as Bill pulls himself up in the ring and goes to the turnbuckles nearest Mack, climbs up and hits Heartbreak Heaven on him, then floats over hooking a leg for the pin, ONE......................TWO.....................THREE! The bell rings and the crowd is really lividly pissed now as Bill gets up and Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match..................Bill Roberts!

Many, many boos echo through the arena as Bill gets his hand raised and Ice Bull smirks at Nykki who snarls a bit. Bill just looks out showing his body to Nykki and mouthing to her something about this is a real man. Nykki just males a motion to vomit and Bill rolls his eyes before heading to the back with Ice Bull in tow. Nykki then gets in the ring checking on Mack and helps him out and to the back while Nick Miller says.

Hell of a match right there, but a blatant cheap assault by Ice Bull to give Bill Roberts the win which he did get by pinning the one and only Mack for a count of the three. A huge victory for that young man who has the talent to go far, but Mack never forgets, so this could get interesting. What else is interesting is the way this tag tournament is shaping up. We have some great tag teams in SEF and coming up two of the best technically sound teams in this entire sport clash when the Canadian Cripplers meet The Triad!

RAISE UP comes roaring over the pa bringing this crowd up to their feet as Chris walks out with Jason leading waving the Canadian flag. The cheers turn to boos, but is a little mixed while Sara makes the announcement.

The following is a round two World Tag Team Title Tournament match set for one fall! Introducing first at a combined weight of four hundred fifty five pounds, they are the Canadian Cripplers..........Jason Price and Chris Crest!

Jason heads up the steps and moves down the apron and around the corner holding the flag proudly while Chris heads up into the ring getting ready to go. Jason props the flag in the ring steps and enters the ring as PERFECT STRANGERS hits bringing the crowd into more boos. We then see Rob Rocco step out in a Triad shirt and his tights stepping aside as Rick Reynolds struts out in his robe that's pink and very lights, almost like satin with some white fur along the edges as well as the belt to close it which it is. Thor comes out as well and before Sara can introduce them, Rick raises a mic in his right hand as he walks down the aisle.

Just sit that pretty little ass of yours down Sara cause its like I been saying, there is no introduction needed for the likes of myself and my friends. Now on to the Canadian Cripplers, two men I have to honestly say I despise very much after your betrayal ending the most dominating force SEF has ever see, my Dangerous Corporation!

Boos ring out at the mention of that group as Rick heads up the steps entering the ring while Rob just hops to the apron stepping in. Thor remains at ringside as Chris and Jason just stand in the center of the ring letting Rick and Rob come face to face. Rob and Jason stare down as do Chris and Rick who lifts the mic saying.

Tonight you two find out that as good of wrestlers as you may be, we are the ones who carried the DC, we made it, The Triad owns everybody in SEF because we are the greatest team in history!

Loud boos for that and Rick sneering says.

Tonight we simply make our move to advance into the final match where we will rip apart and dissect those no good, never was, wastes of space, Ares and Brooks!

More boos and Rick just looks to continue when Chris grabs the mic from him and actually gets a little pop before he says.

Look you loudmouth prick, are we gonna wrestle or talk cause I came here to do the aforementioned and if you didn't, you better get out of my goddamn face!

And now the crowd pops pretty loud and Rick is livid when Jason crosses over punching him in the jaw only to get taken down by Rob. Chris seizes the opportunity and moves in to takedown Rick, then kneels up over his back hitting cross faces while Rob struggles to keep Jason down getting him into a full nelson and keeps him on his knees. Chris floats into a front facelock on Rick wrenching it on tight, then raises him for a couple knees to the head and a hard third one before grabbing his legs and whipping him to the mat on his back. Chris steps in his legs and turns over for The Shoot, but Rick scrambles into the ropes keeping it from locking in. The match not even started anyways as Jason is fighting up to his feet and tries pulling away when Chris runs over tackling Rob in the side taking him down. Rob rolls to the floor as Thor bolts into the ring cutting down Jason with a gore and rolls out with the ref right after him ordering Thor to the back. Rick tries protesting, but the ref says it's a forfeit otherwise. So Thor goes and the crowd cheers as Rick and Rob regroup in their corner on the steps. Chris remains in the ring in his corner as Jason is on the apron holding his ribs still winded from that gore. The ref is in the ring and ordering either Rick or Rob to come in and get started as Nick Miller says.

This match breaking down before the bell with Chris and Jason both nearly putting their opponents in submission holds, a good showing considering its Rick Reynolds and Rob Rocco. Their backup Thor stuck his nose into the action and got ejected already, so now were gonna see two on two, should be a real good classic!

Rick finally enters the ring to start and looks pissed as he yells to Chris.


Chris just waves his fingers to come on and Rick moves in cautiously bringing his hands up and they both go into a lock up. Rick almost lets himself get backed into a corner right away and leans into it calling for the ref to break it and Chris backs away. Rick grabs the ref complaining about his hair being pulled and Chris steps back over, but gets a low kick. He buckles to his knees and Rick moves in slamming a knee to his head while the crowd boos. Rick drops a knee to his head, then applies a side headlock to him as Nick says.

Rick with a cheap move and after declaring he'd teach Chris a lesson. As dirty as Rick is though he can wrestle, now if he'll only show us some of it or will Chris and Jason rebound for the win?

Rick brings Chris up to his feet and backs up letting Rob tag in who quickly does so kicking Chris in his ribs. Rick gets out as Rob sends Chris to a corner charging in burying a shoulder to his ribs. Rob lifts him to the top rope, but Chris punches Rob turning him around, then leaps off into a bulldog slamming Rob to the mat. Chris crawls for his corner tagging Jason who climbs in waiting for Rob to almost get up, then runs over him with a hard clothesline turning after hitting and stomping on Rob's head. Jason picks him up and nails a scoop slam in the middle of the ring, then backs up[ to the ropes springing off into a quick, hard knee drop to the head. Jason heads to a neutral corner climbing to the top and soars off for Pay The Price connecting heads with Rob and both men roll away from each other clutching their skulls. Jason gets to his knees shaking his head, then steps up to his feet and goes over to Rob who's on his knees and kicks him in the chest. He hammers down punches to Rob's head, then yanks him up into a snap suplex floating over into a pin hooking a leg, ONE..................TWO...kickout! Jason gets up ripping up Rob and slams him face first to the turnbuckles, then tags Chris. Jason whips Rob to the ropes and runs with Chris catching Rob with a double clothesline, then Jason gets out. Chris yanks up Rob over his knee into a submission pressing down on his chin and knees trying to bend Rob backwards. Rob nearly kicks free of the hold when Chris rips him up and drops him across his knee for a backbreaker, then goes into a side headlock wrenching it on tight. Rob scrambles to get free or get to the ropes. He tries getting to his feet after getting on his knees, but Chris slams a knee to his chest, then moves into a front facelock and slams a another knee to Rob's face. Chris then pulls Rob over to the side and nails a ddt turning him over and hooks a leg for the pin, ONE.............TWO.......kickout! Chris gets up pulling Rob up and nails some knife edge chops to the chest, then whips him to a corner and charges in for a clothesline. Rob manages to kick his feet up into Chris' face, then hops to the middle turnbuckle as Chris turns. Rob leaps off into a spear and then goes for a cover hooking a leg, ONE..............TWO....kickout! Rob kneels up and yanks Chris up whipping him to the Triad corner and grabs the ref complaining about his arm allowing Rick to choke Chris with the tag rope. Jason tries coming in the ring now and the ref stops him allowing Rob to run over burying a knee to Chris' ribs and then chop him across the chest while Rick still chokes him. Jason gets out quick and the ref turns, so Rick lets the tag rope go as Rob yanks Chris out into a brain buster, then hooks a leg for the pin, ONE...............TWO......kickout! Rob pulls Chris up looking for a cradle piledriver, but Chris fights it and drops down to the mat. He tries pulling Rob's legs out from under him, but Rob bends down clubbing Chris over his back, then drops a knee to the back of his neck. Rob presses his knee to the back of Chris' neck and grabs his left arm ripping it back as he just buries the knee down. Chris yells and tries grabbing at Rob with his right hand. He hits him in the ribs, but Rob keeps the hold on when Jason leaps to the top rope springing off into a clothesline taking Rob down. Jason rolls out to the floor as the ref orders him back to his corner warning him to stay put or the match is over. Rick livid yells foul and yells to Rob for a tag as Chris crawls for his corner. Rob rolls over and reaches up tagging Rick's hand has Chris almost has the tag. Rick runs in kicking him in the back of the head, but not before Jason tags in and reaches in to hammer Rick back with punches. Jason leaps to the top rope again and launches off with a missile dropkick knocking Rick down. Jason gets up stomping Rick and then picks him up from behind in a waistlock hitting a german suplex, hangs on and rolls through into a second, then a third for the Triple Threat and now tries for a fourth nailing that and bridging into a pin, ONE..................TWO.......Rob drops an elbow to Jason's ribs and his forced out by the ref. Jason gets up and yanks Rick up whipping him into a corner, then runs over clothes lining him and hit's a knife edge chop to the chest. Rick suddenly snaps and nails one back to Jason who hits another chop to Rick. Jason gets hit with another and then delivers yet another to Rick who fires back with a third chop. Jason hit's a fourth and quickly follows up with a knee to the ribs, then hit's a fifth chop to Rick's chest and he flops out to the mat. Jason drops down locking on Priceless and Rick yells loud in pain. He frantically tries to get free as Rob tries coming in, but the ref keeps him back. Rick knowing where he is tries backing up to the ropes and gets a foot hooked on the bottom rope. Jason ends up breaking the hold on four and gets up pulling Rick up into a gut wrench side slam, then goes into an armbar locking up Rick's left arm. Rick fights to his knees and tries punching Jason in the ribs, but gets kicked in the ribs. Jason then let's his arm go backing up only to rush forward for a kick to the head. Rick ducks it and rolls Jason into a school boy yanking on his trunks, ONE............TWO........kickout! Rick gets up and chops Jason across his chest a few times, then grabs in a side headlock nailing a few quick punches bringing the ref over to warn about a closed fist. Rick pulls the ref close saying it wasn't closed and mule kicks Jason in the nuts. The ref pulls away not seeing the low kick and Rick runs into a bulldog driving Jason to the mat, then turns him over hooking a leg for the pin, ONE................TWO.....kickout! Rick gets up pulling up Jason and shoves into the corner, then tags Rob before pulling Jason out for a suplex. Rob gets to the top rope as Rick lifts Jason up in the air and leaps off into a cross body slamming Jason to the mat hard. Rick gets out as Rob hooks the leg for the pin, ONE..............TWO.......kickout! Rob gets up yanking Jason to his feet and rips him up turning him into a neck breaker. Jason spins around kicking Rob in the ribs, then whips him to the ropes and drops Rob with a back elbow. He drops an elbow to his chest, then tries going for Priceless, but Rob scrambles to the ropes grabbing a hold. Jason gets up and backs off letting Chris tag in as Rob gets to his feet on the ropes. Chris moves in on Rob looking for a lock up and gets Rob in it, then goes into as side headlock wrenching Rob down to his knees. He tries shooting up, but Chris kicks him in the back of his knee, then turns slamming a knee to his jaw. Rob staggers up and Chris moves in for a takedown turning Rob facedown to the mat and gets on his back nailing cross faces as Nick Miller says.

Looks like Chris is going for The Shoot for a second time tonight as he almost had Rick locked in it before the match. Can he get Rob locked in and tapping out to push he and Jason one step closer to the tag titles?

Chris has the front facelock locked on and slams knees to Rob's face, then lets him up. He grabs Rob's legs bringing him down to his back, then Chris steps in and turns Rob over locking him in and sitting back. Rob screams and Rick is kept back with a threat of a DQ while Chris just holds on and the crowd cheering a little want a tap out. Rob crawls for the ropes as Jason cheers his partner on and Rick yells for Rob to get out. Rob tries pushing himself up and then pulls himself further, then crawls on his elbows. He tries stretching his right arm out almost touching the bottom rope, but looks ready to pass out. Rob brings a hand up and he doesn't tap, but instead crawls just a little more when Chris sees Rick about to come in and jumps up to take care of him. Rick backs off and Jason runs around the ring yanking him to the floor and hammering Rick with punches. The ref yells for them to break it up as Rick is firing back with punches and Chris turns back to Rob who kicks him in the nuts. The crowd booing and Rob pulls Chris to a corner slamming his face to the top turnbuckle. Rob goes out and climbs up the outside as Nick says.

Damn, Rob with a low kick as well, but still a good match.

Jason tries getting back in the ring, but gets slammed to the rail by Rick as Rob pulls Chris up for a power bomb nailing the R & Rand then rolls Chris into as jacknife pin, ONE...............TWO...............THREE! The bell sounds and the crowd boos as Rob gets up and Rick comes in joing in him in the celebration as Sara makes the announcement.

Here are your winners...........Rick Reynolds and Rob Rocco!

They stand tall with arms raised as PERFECT STRANGERS plays over the pa. The crowd just pours out the boos as Rick and Rob shake hands, then head to the back acting arrogantly, a number of women liking what they see it seems. Sara seems not care and Nick just keeps on with the show saying.

Another nice tag team match like only SEF can offer the world with The Triad heading to the finals against Ares and J.G. Brooks to find out who will become the new Tag Team Champions! Coming up next though we got Stacy's return match against the young and talented Tina with the recently returned Sammy as the referee!

So now I KISSED A GIRL hit's the pa bringing Tina out to cheers and she just stands arms spread out and up, then drops them in a crotch chop. She heads down the aisle slapping hands as Sara makes the announcement.

The following match is set for one fall! Introducing first from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds.........Tina!

She comes sliding into the ring and pops up to her feet leaping up to the middle turnbuckle and does another crotch chop, then pumps her fists in the air before hopping down. The crowd keeps cheering as OPEN EYES hits and out comes Sammy pumping a fist in the air, then puts her index finger up. She smiles at the crowd and spreads her arms out showing off her ref shirt which is sleeveless and cut off above the belly button as well as being low cut at the top. She comes down the aisle slapping hands as well and Sara introduces her.

Now making her way to the ring from West palm Beach Florida, weighing in at one hundred forty five pounds, she is the special guest referee for this match............Sammy!

She slides in the ring as well and jumps up turning to the ropes raising her index finger of her right hand in the air to cheers, then turns and acks up to the ropes. SWEET DREAMS now hits and the crowd turn to boos as Stacy walks out with a devious stare down to the ring. She just stands in the aisle looking on and let's the fans boos fall on deaf ears as she continues her walk down while Sara introduces her.

And now making her way to the ring from Tucson Arizona, weighing in at one hundred thirty five pounds, she is the Queen of Bitches......Stacy!

Taking her time does Stacy and she gets to the ring now, looks in with a smirk and brings her right leg up on the apron, then hops up with her left leg getting a slight pop now. Stacy quickly slides in and brings her legs together standing up and holding a hand up to the crowd who now boo. Sammy comes to the middle of the ring as Stacy and Tina step somewhat close, then its on and the bell sounds as Sammy steps back. Stacy turns to her pointing a finger yelling.


And Tina now tackles Stacy to the mat laying in punches, then gets up pulling her to a corner and buries a shoulder to her ribs. Tina whips Stacy to the opposite corner and runs at her leaping up for a splash, but Stacy ducks to the mat. Tina crashes and bounces back staggering as Stacy gets on the middle turnbuckle waiting for Tina to turn her way and leaps off with a leg lariat. She takes Tina down and locks her in a head scissors now wrenching it on tight. Tina twists and rolls around getting on to her knees and folds Stacy up pinning her shoulders down, ONE.................TWO..kickout and Stacy still holding her legs tightly around Tina's head slams her to the mat. She rolls up on top of Tina pinning her down, ONE...............TWO......Tina kicks up rolling Stacy to her back and tries getting her legs over Stacy's shoulders for the pin, ONE................TWO......kickout and Stacy rolls backwards to her feet as does Tina. The two women run at each other grabbing for one another's hair and end up spinning each other around face first to the mat. Both enraged now and they jump locking up moving round and round before Tina backs Stacy to a corner. She buries a shoulder to her ribs, then backs off on Sammy's order, but Stacy charges out with a spear taking Tina down. She unloads with punches not wanting to stop on five, so Sammy pulls Stacy off and shoves her away. Stacy gets in Sammy's face who points to the ref shirt and says to focus on Tina who gets to her feet. Stacy pushes by Sammy and looks to kick Tina in the ribs, but gets her foot caught and Tina pulls Stacy over with a dragon screw moving right into a leg grapevine. She wrenches tight as Stacy screams and crawls for the ropes stretching her arms out for them. Tina hangs on to her wrenching as hard as she can while Stacy raises her hands to hit the mat and push herself up, then she crawls and crawls grabbing the bottom rope. Tina breaks on four and rolls up to her feet holding her arms up as Stacy pulls herself up to her knees on the ropes. Tina runs over slamming a knee to her head, then yanks up Stacy whipping her across the ring. Stacy springs back and Tina leaps up for a hurricanrana, but gets dropped in a power bomb with Stacy holding her for the pin, ONE................TWO........kickout and Stacy gets up kicking at Tina's head, then yanks her into a facelock nailing a ddt. Stacy gets to her feet with the crowd booing and arrogantly kicks at Tina's head, then punts her in the ribs turning her over near a corner. Stacy stomps on her ribs now, then steps out on the apron heading to the top. She gets up there and stands straight up, swivels her hips sexually before flipping off for Dream On. Tina gets her knees up in time driving the air out of Stacy sending her rolling away clutching her ribs. Tina pulls herself up in the corner as Stacy gets on her knees still winded. She pushes up to her feet and Tina comes up from behind grabbing her in a sleeper, no, she nails a rear naked choke drop, then heads up the corner flipping back into a moonsault. Tina hooks a leg for the pin, ONE.................TWO.............kickout and she gets up kicking at Stacy, then runs to the ropes. Tina springs back into a leg drop, then applies a head scissors of her own wrenching it on tight. Stacy struggles to get on to her knees and tries folding Tina up for a pin, but can't keep her shoulders down. Stacy tries lifting her up, but Tina holds on too tight weakening Stacy who then flips over into a jacknife pin, ONE..................TWO....................THREE! The bell rings and out rolls Stacy to the floor holding her neck and smiling as Sara makes the announcement.

Here is your winner of the match.............Stacy!

The crowd booing now as Sammy comes out raising her arm up and SWEET DREAMS hit's the pa, then Stacy pulls away and points at Sammy yelling.


To which Sammy looks away to ignore her perhaps, then whips around kicking Stacy in the ribs. She bends Stacy over and rips her up nailing the Sammy Bomb on the floor, then Tina rolls out raising Sammy's arm in the air as OPEN EYES now plays. The crowd cheer for the two ladies who run around the ring slapping a few hands before heading to the back and Nick Miller says.

Damn good match with Stacy successful in her return, but paying the price for calling Sammy a slut and is just now getting to her feet.

Stacy looks over that way and Nick just gulps, then she grabs Sara by her hair whipping her to the floor hard. Stacy screams and storms to the back as the crowd boos and Nick helps up Sara who looks kinda frightened, but a little furious. We then go backstage to where Hal Havoc is looking smug as usual in his suit and shades heading out the back door, but stops when seeing Nick Torres. Hal backs up as Torres steps that way and right into Troy Storms, then Hal turns sideways backing up a little, drops his bag and pleads.

Look guys, whatever your thinking, keep in mind that I can't be touched, remember?!

Torres and Storms eyes each other in confusion, then grinning and Torres says.

Wow, really, that's right, just like your really in charge of SEF?!

And Storms says.

Yea buddy boy, you really got one on us!

Cheering heard from the arena as Hal gulps and tries to run for the door, but gets tackled to the floor by Torres who lays in a few punches to the ribs. He pulls Hal up and runs him into an Impaled kick from Storms letting Hal drop to the floor. Torres stands over Hal to doing a crotch chop, then yanks him up and tosses him out the back door, Storms tossing Hal's bag out after him and slams it shut. The two touch fingers while doing the gangsta sign, then head back in towards the arena as the view cuts to the arena where Nick Miller says.

Well it seems Hal Havoc has been unceremoniously ejected from the building by the men he cost in the first round of the tag title tournament. Since he's out of power Hal can be touched and Da Gangstas just proved it, but man, Stacy really is living up to her moniker, Queen of Bitches, Sara Marie here can attest for that. He points to the ring announcer who holds her head from slam to the floor from Stacy as Nick says.

But folks its now time for the main event and it is Black Bob's chance at redemption for the way Rockstar retained the title last week, tonight it is No DQ!

And now FREEDOM comes over the pa and we see the lights flash a bit and some spotlights roam around a bit. Bob then makes his way out and does nothing real special, sorta pumps himself up, high fives fans on his way to the ring, and just walks on down the aisle while Sara makes the announcement.

The following is the main event and it is a no disqualifications match set for one fall! Making his way to the ring from the streets of Detroit Michigan, he weighs two hundred five pounds, the Original Gangsta......Black Bob!

Once in the ring he looks over to Sara standing and motions for her to hold the mic for him which she does. Bob looks to the back making a cutting motion and then stares to the floor as it fades.

A so called Rockstar is who I gotta face
No DQ can save ya, and I'm a win the race
Then cash in on opportunity and get in the real chase
Take that title from yo scrawny ass and drink a case
Then get ready for the real chase to begin and go lace
Them boots up to kick ya in the fucking face

Then Bob backs off and rolls into the ring pushing himself up and backs off into a corner. And now LOUNGE ACT hit's the pa bringing out Rockstar with his title draped over his left shoulder and wearing a grey tee. He stands in a wide stance and raises the belt high letting the boos soak in as Sara introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring from Oakland California, weighing in at two hundred forty five pounds, he is the North American Champion..............The Rockstar!<br

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