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Jade Talks About Her Match Next Week

Started by The Perry Family, December 24, 2020, 04:06:22 AM

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The Perry Family

Jade is walking around backstage drinking some egg nog and she then begin to talk.

Jade i personally blame simon nash for me and the ressurctor for not being Sef tv champions if he didnt interfear and now next week i have to defend my sef tv championship against Mj again oh well i beat him twice il do it again,

Jade i need to retain my championship again and again il do anything to keep my sef tv championship around my waist and make myself a long defending champion Nws got promise in me they know how powerfull iam dedicated!

Jade Mj is going get his once again il do whatever it takes everybody knows that

she drinks her egg nog n somebody replies.

tbc by anyone involved
Jade West

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