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Started by Spiderman, April 09, 2023, 01:26:34 AM

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Date Posted:22/12/2009 5:12 AMCopy HTML

Picture or Name of Character Face
Character Name
Peter Parker / Spider-man 
230 pounds
New York City 
Wrestling Style
Speed / High Flying / Hardcore.  he likes to try and stand with a heavy hitter just to prove he can only it proves more then hes ready for more times then not.  
Theme Music
AFI "Kiss My Eyes And Lay Me To Sleep"
Finishing Move
Code Breaker
Description/Setup Of Finisher 
Shock Therapy the move is set up after hitting a big time move,spinebuster,clothesline,ddt etc, after knocking the opponent to the mat, he lifts them back to their feet he then leaves them standin as he runs against the ropes coming back and dropping them with the Finisher
Trademark Moves 
Leaping Clothesline from the top rope,Big Boot,Spinebuster,DDT,Diving Cross Body,Rolling Thunder
Submission Moves
Anaconda Vice,Sharpshooter 
Pro Debut
August 21 2001 (XWF)
From the time peter could walk and undertand what he was watching on tv he had always wanted to be a professional wrestler. he nevr hit the gyms or did any training and it wasn't intil much later in his life before he was giving the chance to wrestle. he was working for a small time company (XWF) and from there things just got bigger and better. Peter went on to win the tag team titles and even had a shot at the XWF Heavyweight title but lost to Hulk Hogan. after that peter would move from company to company holding titles in the tag team division in (MNW,ECW(elite championship wrestling) it wasn't  intil 2005 before peter had his first heavyweight title but it came at th end of MNW run. since that time peter has worked local companys waiting for his chance to get back into the ring he was given that chance in 2006 and from then intil 2008 he has enjoyed success at (WHWL) intil it was closed...it was only a matter of time before a new company would arrive and welcome peter with open arms and so here we are today..
Favorite Quote(s)
"Get Ready To Feel The Thunder" 
Favorite Weapon(s)
Kendo Stick 
Favorite Match(s)
Ladder Match,TLC,Hardcore 
Manager/Valet/Bodyguard/Tag Partner/Signifigant Other
(optional and obvious of course)
Other Accomplishments
(2)XWF Tag Team Championship (2) MNW Tag Team Champion (1) MNW World Championship (2) ECW Tag Team Championship
Peter Went To Marvel Studios And After explaining to them what he wanted to do they made him an exact replica of Spider-mans costume. Peters Real Name Is Paul Parker but hes been called Peter so long he has changed his name

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