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Wrestling Promotion => SEW Friday Night Evolution Event Promos => Evolution Event Archives => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on November 29, 2014, 12:51:52 PM

Title: Evolution 22 {9/12/03}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on November 29, 2014, 12:51:52 PM

September 12th, 2003

Head Like A Hole starts jamming over the system as some pyro explodes kicking off tonight's show from the Birmingham/Jefferson Convention Center in Birmingham Alabama. The camera pans over the rowdy fans, capturing all of them screaming and wanting some action. It then falls to ringside where Kid Rock and Eminem are at.

Kid: Yeehaw muthafuckas, here we be up in Alabama for the second time this week and let me say, southern hospitality has been good.

Em: For sure man, these damn chicks love us down here, uh huh. But hey, we got a show to do, so yea dogg.

Kid: Yea man, let's do it and we may as well start with the match of SEF's own southerner, Whitney defending her title against Courtney in that bra and panties lumberjack match. Man, bra and panties, yes.

Em: Oh yes, both the chicks are hot and we could very well see some nice action in this one. But hey, the other Women's Title is on the line too when Kayleia defends against Cassie.

Kid: Yea man, that one is gonna be good too. Also, we have for our opening match, Strife challenging Jackal for his TV Title in what looks to be a good one.

Em: Sure does man, both men are upcoming superstars in SEF. The fatal four way after that for the US Title is nice, but I think D-Von will win.

Kid: Yea, considering his opponents are not doing shit as of late and Mack being ref, ya know something will happen.

Em: We got that triple threat too, those three girls can go and the match should be nice.

Kid: That it should, but hey, let's roll on with it.

XCW Television Championship
Strife w/Daddy Mack vs. The Jackal[c]
Referee: Uncle Cracker

Minerva hits over the pa and out walks Strife along with Mack. The two get to the ring and Mack soon takes a seat at the commentator's table while Strife steps in the ring. Don't Tread On Me soon hits and Jackal comes walking out with his titles and makes his way into the ring. As he does, Mack says a few words.

Mack: Yo boys, what up?

Kid: Just looking to call a great show Mack.

Em: Yea, tonight looks to be good and what a match to start with.

Mack: I know, Strife is gonna kick some ass.

Jackal is now in the ring and the bell has rung. He and Strife lock up and try for power, Jackal getting the better of it and backing up Strife into a corner. They look for a clean break, but Strife thumbs Jackal's eye and starts pounding on him with punches, then scoop slams him and goes up top hitting a leg drop. Strife picks up Jackal and hits a few forearm shots, then whips him across the ring and looks for a clothesline, but Jackal ducks and comes back with one of his own knocking Strife down. Jackal stomps on Strife some before picking him up in a press slam and dropping him face first into a turnbuckle. Jackal grabs Strife in a waistlock and gives him a release german suplex. Jackal then looks like he may pin, but Mack gets up and heads for the ring. Jackal sees him and the two lock eyes. Strife soon gets up and dropkicks Jackal in the back, sending him down on to the second rope. While Strife pulls the ref away from Jackal, Mack turns his back to Jackal and nails him with Da Shows Ova knocking him off the rope and back into the ring. Strife then picks up Jackal and lifts up on to his shoulders, then hits the Agony Crush and pins him as Cracker counts, 1..........2..........3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner and new XCW Television Champion..............Strife!

Minerva hits as Strife grabs his title and holds up high. Mack then grabs a chair and tosses it to Strife who takes it and nails Jackal in the head quite a few times, leaving him lay on the mat and bleed. Strife heads to the back as Mack stays out at ringside and whips off his jacket revealing a ref shirt for the next match.

Kid: Damn man, Mack certainly showed us who he wanted to win, what a fucking kick.

Em: I know, Jackal and Strife looked pretty even there, but after Mack got involved, Jackal was done, bet he wants payback.

Fatal Four Way
SEF United States Championship
X-Rated vs. Johnny X vs. Mark Williams vs. D-Von Dudley[c]
Special Referee: Daddy Mack

Mack is in the ring with a ref shirt on and in the ring already is X-Rated, Johnny X, and Mark Williams. Then, Bombshell hits and out comes D-Von with his title around his waist. He gets in the ring and hands it off to Mack, then the bell rings. D-Von heads straight after Mark and starts hammering on him with a fury of punches. Johnny and X-Rated tangle with each other and end up outside the ring fighting out in the crowd. Mark tries his all to fight off D-Von, but can't. D-Von is enraged and tears Mark apart. He whips Mark into the ropes and nails a reverse elbow, then picks him up and gives a piledriver. D-Von soon picks up Mark from behind and nails a huge Reverse DDT, then pins as Mack counts, 1.2.3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner and still SEF United States Champion............D-Von Dudley!

Bombshell hits as D-Von poses with his title, but from nowhere, Johnny comes in with a chair and nails D-Von in the back, then bashes him in the head. Mack waits for Johnny to turn around, then hits him hard with Da Shows Ova laying him out. X-Rated comes running into the ring, but Mack grabs the chair and lays him out as well. Mack just grins as the crowd boos him and he heads to the back.

Kid: Holy shit dogg, Mack just left all them boys laying and didn't even help D-Von up.

Em: I guess even though he gave a quick count, Mack don't want D-Von in the Rebellion.

Triple Threat Match
Lita vs. Fayte vs. Cassidy Michaels
Referee: Dr. Dre

LoveFuryPassionEnergy hits and Lita comes running out and does her pose in the ring. Her Ghost In The Fog then hits and Fayte comes walking out and steps into the ring, then is soon followed by I Still Don't Give A Fuck and Cassidy comes walking out looking ready to fight. All three women are in the ring and the bell sounds as Cassidy goes running at Lita and tackles her, laying in some hard punches. Lita rolls her over and looks to do the same, but Fayte jumps on her and throws off to the mat and starts kicking away at Cassidy before picking her up and whipping her into a corner. Lita is up and grabs Fayte from behind and backdrops her, then picks her up near the ropes and suplexes to the outside. Cassidy comes running over and dropkicks Lita, then nails her with a hard ddt and goes up top hitting the Swanton Bomb, then pins as Dre counts, 1........2........3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner............Cassidy Michaels!

I Still Don't Give A Fuck hits as Cassidy celebrates her win.

Kid: Nice win Cassidy just picked up and she pinned her trainer Lita at that.

Em: Definitely a nice win, but I don't think this deal with Lita and Cassidy is over.

XCW Women's World Championship
Cassie Michaels w/Andrew Velzian vs. Kayleia Manson[c]
Referee: Dr. Dre

Don't Let Me Get Me hits and Cassie comes walking with a determined look and Velzian following her like a lost lil puppy. Cassie steps into the ring while Velzian stands outside looking stupid and gets set to act like a cheerleader for her. Then, Just A Girl hits and Kayleia comes walking out with her Women's Title over he shoulder. She makes her way down the aisle and steps into the ring, holds up her title, then hands it off to Dre who holds up and passes it to an official at ringside. Cassie and Kayleia step to the middle of the ring and stare one another down and the bell soon rings. At that sound, Kayleia swings with a right, but Cassie ducks it and starts hammering away with elbows before whipping Kayleia into the ropes. Kayleia reverse sending Cassie into the ropes who comes back with a flying clothesline taking Kayleia down. Cassie then jumps up and starts kicking Kayleia, then grabs her by the hair and backs her into a corner where she chops away on Kayleia. Cassie then looks for an irish whip, but Kayleia reverses and sends Cassie into the opposite corner and runs at her with a huge clothesline. Kayleia then lifts up a staggering Cassie into a press slam and drops her face first into the mat. She runs up and kicks Cassie in the ribs, then picks her up and looks for the Last Ride. Once in the air, Cassie counters the move into a hurracanrana, then goes up top and flies off on to Kayleia with a cross body block. Cassie gives Kayleia a hard ddt near the corner, then goes back up an hits a perfect Shooting Star Press. She pins Kayleia as Dre counts, 1........2.......3!

J-Lo: Here is your winner and new XCW Women's World Champion..............Cassie Michaels!

Don't Let Me Get Me hits as Cassie is awarded her title and celebrates in joy. Velzian gets in the ring and jumps up like a girl being happy for Cassie. The two then head to the back so thy can really celebrate.

Kid: Nice match, them two women really went at it and wanted to beat the other, Cassie won a hard fought battle.

Em: She sure did, what a match man. Wonder if her sister will do as good by winning the other Women's Title?

Bra & Panties Lumberjack Match
SEF Women's World Championship
Courtney Michaels vs. Whitney Marret[c]
Lumberjacks: Daddy Mack, Strife, Kevin Nash, Scott Hall, Viper, Bubba Ray Dudley, Spike Dudley, Patricia Stratigias, Matt Matlock, The Jackal, Andrew Velzian, Cassie Michaels, Lita, Angelus, Kayleia Manson, Cassidy Michaels, D-Von Dudley
Referee: Uncle Cracker

White America hits and soon The Corporate Rebellion comes out without Courtney and takes the side of the ring near the commentator's table. Then The Unforgiven hits and The Deadly Force comes out without Whitney and takes the side of the ring across from the Rebellion. Soon after the rest of the lumberjacks comes out with Cassie, Velzian, and Lita take the left side to the Rebellion. Angelus, D-Von, Kayleia, and Cassidy all take the side of the ring to the right of the Rebellion. Then, Tourniquet hits over the pa and Courtney comes walking out looking psyched up and ready to fight, getting in the ring and walking over to Mack's side and giving him a kiss. Soldier soon hits and the crowd goes nuts as Whitney comes walking out with her Women's Title around her waist and soon makes her way into the ring. She poses, then hands her title to Cracker who raises it up, then rings the bell. Whitney and Courtney step to the middle of the ring and stare ice cold looks full of hatred through one another, then out of rage and frustration, Courtney swings at Whitney who leans back and kicks Courtney in the stomach, then backs against the ropes and tackles Courtney laying some hard elbows. She then stands up and grabs Courtney by the hair, whips her into the ropes for a clothesline, but Courtney ducks it and comes back for her own clothesline, but gets hiptossed. Courtney gets up and the two women lock up, struggle for a while, then Courtney backs Whitney into a corner and starts shoulder thrusting her in the stomach. She then whips Whitney across the ring to the opposite corner and charges her, but Whitney kicks her in the face and comes charging with a clothesline taking Courtney down. Whitney then grabs a hold of Courtney's top and starts tearing it off and soon holds it up in the air. Courtney jumps up and looks pissed, clubbing Whitney in the back, then tosses her over the ropes to the side of the ring to the right of the Rebellion. Angelus and D-Von kinda stand back as Kayleia and Cassidy beat down Whitney a lil. Mack sends Nash and Hall over, but Viper and Bubba head them off and start brawling. Whitney is rolled back into the ring where Courtney starts to rip at her top. Whitney fights her off and shoves her into the ropes, then tosses her outside to the Deadly Force. Spike holds Courtney while Patricia gives her a few shots and then rolls her into the right. Whitney looks to pull off Courtney's pants when she gets rolled over and Courtney rips of Whitney's top. Courtney then looks to take off the rest, but Whitney tackles her and starts hammering her with hard punches. She then picks up Courtney and gives her a powerbomb, grabs her legs and rips off her pants winning the match.

J-Lo: Here is your winner and still SEF Women's World Champion...............Whitney Marret!

Soldier begins to play, but before any celebration happens, Mack and Strife come after Whitney. Viper and Spike jump in the ring and Strife goes after Viper while Mack grabs Courtney and escapes the ring heading up the aisle. Viper and Spike look to put down Strife when Nash pulls him out and helps up to Mack along with Hall. Bubba climbs in the ring and the entire Deadly Force stares down the Rebellion, Mack holding Courtney while Nash, Hall, and Strife keep up their guard.

Kid: Holy shit man, this match just escalated into an all out brawl between both groups.

Em: What a rivalry going on here man, this thing is getting good.

Kid: Sure as fuck is, but hey, we'll have to wait to see what else happens, so later people.
