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Started by Showsteala, February 23, 2014, 07:10:00 PM

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Daddy Mack

This just in folks...

The SEF news desk set up with a city outline of Detroit in the background and it must be serious as Nick Miller sits there in a suit with his nerdy glasses. Why doesn't he get contacts? Maybe he has an irritation? Why are we questioning this when he has news to deliver?!

The Mack was involved in a car accident just a couple hours ago in Miami where he is at a hospital unconscious. Results are not confirmed yet as to his condition, so no word on whether he'll be able to attend WAR 158 on February 26th just three nights away where he faces newcomer Drew Stevenson. I'll bring you further updates when I get them myself as that's where I'm headed now, but will see ya on WAR with more!!!

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