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WAR 11 {3/19/07}

Started by Daddy Mack, March 14, 2014, 10:17:53 PM

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Daddy Mack

March 19th, 2007

The last WAR before the biggest event of all time and we open live to to the Cobo Arena, the cameras roaming around like crazy as "Start A War" blasts over the pa.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to Monday Night WAR. We are just six days away from the grandest, the largest, the biggest show there is, Wrestle X and what a show we got tonight to go into this Sunday's show. A damn good main event with a young kid Corez facing legend, Viper. We also have the debut of Nick Torres girlfriend and new manager when the two face Jakob King and Veronica Price.

Sean Martin: Two matches that outta be good, the main event seems to look great, Viper seems ready to show up Corez.

Nick Miller: Viper is dominant, but Corez had some words for him and pretty modest ones at that, seemed to be pretty damn honest also.

Sean Martin: Doesn't change the fact that he'll lose to Viper, Corez is no match.

Nick Miller: You and Viper can think that, but Corez may just get an upset against that frame of mind. We do have other matches though, like the Tag Titles up for grabs when Destruction defends against Mitch McMoogle and Pung Loa, an odd pair.

Sean Martin: I agree with ya there, who knows why their teaming up, maybe Mitch sees something in Pung?

Nick Miller: I guess. We have another tag match with Black Bob and Neo Monoxide teaming up to face Justin Heath Rodgers and Xanthus, kind of odd teams there, but this is more surrounding X and Neo's rivalry.

Sean Martin: Not to mention Justin's goal to stay undefeated, but Bob, he was just Neo's partner once, guess we needed filler like we need at Wrestle X for the main event, a perfect job for Bob!

Nick Miller: Not quite, Bob has earned his place in SEF by busting his ass. Some other people looking to work hard are these new kids who are in action tonight. Justin is one as we noted, Jagger faces Jordan Brooks while Journey and Dusty have to face each other in a triple threat with Asesino.

Sean Martin: The three outta just strip down and take turns giving me lap dances!

Nick Miller: Damn, you sound like Frankie now! Let's just get on with the show, Aesino is already in the ring and we open with the triple threat.

And so we see Asesino standing in the ring in a corner watching the stage.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a triple threat match. Already in the ring, from Montreal Quebec Canada, she weighs 145 pounds, Asesino!

She just stays still and stares to the back. Electric guitar hits with a voice whispering "You Just Don't Know Me At All". The lights are lowered, then a strobe light begins to spin like crazy. A video flashes clips of a lot of martial arts tourneys. One girl seems to be the focus, she's little and blond. Several times this girl outclasses and often knocks out her bigger opponents. The cultimation of this is the girl winning a huge trophy at a World championship somewhere. As Lilian Garcia begins to sing over the pa, a spot light hits the entrance, and the girl is standing there dressed in designer clothes. She's wearing a funky L.A.M.B. top, True Religion jeans, and Christian Leboutin boots. Her sunglasses are Armani, small and matches the color of her top. She comes out flashes a peace sign, kissing it, and throws it to the crowd and behind her comes her boyfriend Jagger.

Brittany Fox: Now making her way to the ring from Tampa Bay Florida, she weighs 100 pounds and is accompanied by Jagger, she is Journey!

The couple kiss, Journey is a little intense as she keeps her eyes on the ring, slapping a few hands, as she makes her way to the ring. Jagger stays out at ringside while Journey and Asesino stare each other down. "What's Its Like to Be Me" hits the p.a. Showers of pink and silver pyro falls all over the arena. A clip of a young girl dancing/cheerleading, practicing martial arts, playing soccer&softball, and then training to wrestle hits the tron. The girl then comes out, all country cute, dressed in short cut off shorts, pink midriff shirt, and cowboy boots. Coming from behind is Corez who gets an arm around Dusty and lays a kiss on her. Dusty acts cute and she smiles a little shyly as she prances to the ring with Corez's arm around her.

Brittany Fox: Making her way to the ring from Dallas Texas, she wighs 105 pounds and is accompanied by Corez Version II, she is Dusty McKenna Rodgers!

Dusty gets a kiss from Corez, then climbs in the ring and walks to the ropes waving at the crowd, then she turns ready for her match. The bell ring and she moves near Journey, the two women smile at each other and move in on Asesino who steps out of the corner, but suddenly leaps around jumping on to the middle turnbuckle, then leaps backwards with a small moonsault to both women. Journey ducks out of the way as Dusty goes down into a pin, 1........Journey shoves Asesino off and rips her up, whips her to the ropes and nails a dropkick sending her down.

Nick Miller: Asesino with almost a desperation move, but she took down Dusty with it, Journey all over her now.

Journey is slapping Asesino in her face, then lifts her up backing her to a corner with elbows, whips her to the opposite corner and Dusty is up and charges Asesino leaping up and nailing a splash in the corner on Asesino. Journey makes her way over and the duo delivers a double bulldog out of the corner to Asesino, then they roll her over and each woman goes to the top rope opposite of each other. Dusty leaps backwards with a moonsault while Journey leaps off at the same time with a leg drop across Asesino's neck.

Nick Miller: Wow, nice double team high risk move.

Journey has Asesino up and whips her to the ropes, catches her with a savate kick spinning her to Dusty who drops Asesino with The Heartbreaker. Dusty lifts up Asesino and shoves her to Journey who lifts her up and hits the Diamond Cutter. She looks up at Dusty and signals to help pin her, so the two women sit on either side of Asesino and lean back in a double pin, the ref shrugs, but counts, 1..............2..............3! The ref gets up and lets Brittany know the desicion as it is a unique one.

Brittany Fox: Here are your co winners of the match by pinfall, Dusty McKeena Rodgers and Journey!

"Can't Hold Us Down" hits the pa as Dusty and Jourey get up raising their arms in the air and hug each other. Jagger and Corez soon come in the ring celebrating with their girls as the fans cheer them on.

Nick Miller: An odd way to win, but legal I guess.

Sean Martin: Co winners though, how would you do that if a title was on the line?

Nick Miller: I don't know, but there wasn't one this time. The girls probably don't wanna face each other unless they have to, but the match is over, we got Axel and Flamez right after this commercial.


We come from break to find Axel Tate already in the ring, "Hells Bells" is playing over the pa while Axel stands in the ring looking crazy eyed.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Already in the ring, from Australia, he weighs 340 pounds, Axel Tate!

Axel thrusts his fists in the air looking even more intense as music cuts out, then some Orchestrated Organ music hits the pa as the lights go almost out. Red lights start flashing and Flamez soon comes walking out as smoke rises around him.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way out from the depths of hell, he weighs 400 pounds, Flamez!

He just heads down the ramp looking all dark and shit, gets on the apron and heads over the top rope. He does some motions with his hands, praying it looks like, then lowers his arms as the music fades. He and Axel step nose to nose now, the bell rings and Axel suddenly shoves Flamez back a few steps. Flamez lunges forward with a clothesline, but Axel ducks it and they turn, Axel unloads with heavy rights clobbering Flamez back into a corner. He looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed and sent into the opposite corner. Flamez charges him for a splash, but Axel ducks out and hits the ropes, Flamez steps out of the corner and gets caught hard in the face with a big boot, Axel goes to the ropes and grabs them looking intense.

Nick Miller: Damn what a boot by Axel, he's one hell of a powerhouse!

Sean Martin: But he's not so bright, didn't even go for the pin.

Axel turns and pulls up Flamez, whips him to the ropes and catches Flamez lifting him up off the mat a few feet, then slams him down in a spinebuster. Axel stomps around the ring pumping his fists and looking real intense, then he lifts up Flamez hooking his arms and appears to be going for the Down Under Slam.

Sean Martin: No way, he can't lift him, no way!

Axel starts to rip up Flamez lifting him off the mat when the Boombastics Brothers come charging in the ring behind Axel each one chop blocking a knee bringing Axel to his back. Flamez stumbles back against the ropes.

Nick Miller: Damn it, where the hell did they come from? They got no business out here!

The ref calls for the bell.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by disqualification, Axel Tate!

Harry and Eddie stomp away at Axel while Flamez recovers and gets on his feet. Eddie goes to the top rope and Harry soon goes up, then they fly off with BOOM, their double flying headbutt. They roll away and Flamez runs off the ropes splashing Axel crushing him into the mat.

Sean Martin: Ha, ha, told ya Axel couldn't get the big man up.

Nick Miller: He looked to, but never got a chance due to some uncalled for intereferance.

Harry and Eddie stand on either side of Flamez as the "jWo Theme" hits and the three men soon exit the ring making their way up the ramp.

Nick Miller: I have a feeling this isn't over, the jWo needs to be put in their place. Up next though is the intergender tag match, but first we have Justin Heath Rodgers standing by with a few words.

So we go backstage now and finds Justin standing in front of a backdrop wearing his ring gear and a SEF Rules t-shirt, a sly smirk on his face and he appears to be chewing gum in a cocky manner.

Justin Heath Rodgers: Tonight is just another night that marks my impact in SEF and in a couple months from now I will be wearing the SEF World Heavyweight Champio-

Justin stops talking as Jordan Brooks steps into view on Justin's left and just stares at him with a grin. Justin stares back and looks to say something, then Triple V steps into view on Justin's right placing an arm on his shoulder. Justin turns his head back eyeing Viper, but kees Jordan in the corners of his eye. Viper just grins as well.

VVV: Don't mind us kid, continue on saying whatever it is you had to say.

Justin says nothing and just backs up some to get a better on eye on both men. Viper just smirks and folds his arms over his chest.

VVV: Look, ya wanna continue on undefeated, rise up fast in SEF, make an impact, you can like I said, I admit I see it in you, but keep in mind I told you that was only if you go on the right path. You stick your nose in my business for any reason and it will get broken, but that's not all, you will get broken! If your kid sister gets outta line, Whitney will take care of her and should your girlfriend try to take care of her, she'll get broken. I do like ya kid, I hope ya choose the right path for your sake, but you get in my way, you cross my path and your undefeated streak won't be your worry, trying to salvage your career will be!

Jordan steps towards Justin and reaches up pulling him forward by his shirt, then Viper shoves Justin backwards against the backdrop. He and Jordan walk off now as Justin just watches them go not knowing what to think of this.

Nick Miller: An interesting message from Viper to Justin.

Sean Martin: One that is easy to figure out and if Justin does want a good career he will stay clear of Viper and the DVF.

Nick Miller: A wise move it is for him early on, but if he can get a shot at the World Title it may be Viper he has to face. Right now we got two couples ready to face off, Jake and Veronica are in the ring as we speak.

And so we pan over the ring seeing the couple stand in the ring near a corner, Jake behind Veronica.

Brittany Fox: The following match is an intergender tag team match scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Atlanta Georgia, they weigh in together at 345 pounds, Jakob King and Veronica Price!

The crowd boos at the sound of their names. We hear "Regular People" come over the pa and the crowd gives off a mixed reaction as Torres comes out with a cocky swagger and on his arm is Stacy. The couple stands on stage and Torres pulls Stacy close to him, then gives her a kiss.

Brittany Fox: Now making thier way to the ring, from Seattle Washington, they weigh in together at 410 pounds, Nick Torres and Stacy!

The two are walking down the ring now, fans reach for them and Torres high fives some while Stacy just keeps her eyes on the ring. They get to the steps and Torres holds Stacy's hand while she walks up, then he follows her and they get into the ring. Torres kinda bends down some and points his thumbs to himself getting pumped up, then raises his arms out straight. He the gets behind Stacy placing his hands on her hips while she raises her arms in the air. The crowd cheers this couple on and they soon turn to face each other giving a kiss. Torres then backs up to his corner as Stacy looks to start with Veronica. Jake suddenly rushes past and clotheslines Stacy down, so Torres charges in booting him right in his head. Veronica is on Stacy, but Torres yanks her up by her hair and lifts her in a press, then drops her to his shoulder and nails a powerslam.

Sean Martin: What the hell, he can't do that a woman!

Nick Miller: Jake struck Stacy first, so I'd say their even now.

Torres gets back to his corner has Jake rolls out to the apron. Stacy is up and lifts up Veronica, sends her to the ropes and leaps up catching her with a hurricanrana. They both get up and Stacy kicks Veronica in her stomach, then bends her down and lifts her up for a powerbomb, but flips her above her head holding on to her arms and nails Torres Westsiders Edge getting a cheer from the crowd a grin from Torres.

Nick Miller: Wow, nice move pulled off by Stacy, Veronica may be out.

Stacy tags out though and in comes Torres, the ref keeping him away from Veronica and ordering Jake in due to the rules being intergender. Jake is hesitant, but is given no time as Torres rushes over ripping him over the top rope to his back. Jake scurries up to his feet and Torres hammers him with some right and left jabs, then buries a knee to his gut, whips him to the ropes and catches him for a powerslam, no, he holds him and then executes The Westside!

Nick Miller: Torres is on fire and dominating Jake.

Sean Martin: Only after that cheap shot with Jake in the ropes.

Jake stirs up to his knees and Torres pulls him a lil, then flips him up and over nailing the Westsiders Edge and pins, 1.................2...............3! Stacy charges in keeping Veronica back, whips her to the ropes and follows up with a clothesline sending her out of the ring.

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, Nick Torres and Stacy!

"Regular People" plays as Torres raises Stacy hand in the air. The crowd cheers them on and the couple embraces in a kiss before leaving the ring.

Sean Martin: A lucky win tonight, Jake has Torres this Sunday!

Nick Miller: We'll see, Torres has been stepping up his game every night he's out here. Up next is our Tag Title match, Destruction defends against Mitch McMoogle and Pung Loa right after this commercial!

We come back from break and we find Pung Loa in the ring throwing some kicks in a corner while Mitch McMoogle is seen entering the ring right now, "White & Nerdy" playing over the pa still.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall and is a tag team match for the SEF Tag Team Championship! In the ring already at a combined weight of 410 pounds, Mitch McMoogle and Pung Loa!

The crowd is mixed as Mitch sneers at them, then stands near Pung looking like he is ordering him around. "Iron Man" hits and Destruction make their way to the ring, dressed in leather gear that includes chaps, vests, and their masks. Frank E Dangerously follows them in his suit and trenchcoat holding his cellphone and wearing his Detroit ballcap.

Brittany Fox: Making their way to the ring now, they weigh in together at 635 pounds and are accompanied by Frank E Dangerously, they are the SEF Tag Team Champions, Thrash and Slash......Destruction!

Frankie heads up the steels steps as Thrash and Slash slide in under the bottom rope and stands up just looking like the monsters they are and standing dominantly tall. Frankie rips theirs masks off revealing their faces painted in war type paint looking all cool, but crazy. They rip off their chaps, vests, and belts as Frankie exits the ring. Thrash steps out to his corner as Slash stands in the middle of the ring. Mitch shoves Pung towards him and exits. Slash charges for a clothesline, but Pung ducks and starts nailing kicks to the back of his right thigh. Slash gets around and holds his leg, then looks for a lock up. Pung appears to go in, but ducks behind Slash and nails a superkick to his back sending him towareds Mitch who nails Slash with a hard right and shakes his fist afterwards. Pung charges behind Slash with a bulldog, but Slash stays put and launches Pung into the corner.

Nick Miller: Good god what power!

Mitch makes the quick tag on Pung and flies into the ring hammering Slash with punches, then runs the ropes and flies back with a cross body, but he gets caught and powerslammed with authority to the mat. Slash gets up and backs up making the tag. Thrash comes in lifting up Mitch backing him to the ropes, whips him across the ring and readies himself. Mitch grabs the ropes and runs over tagging Pung, then quickly exits. Pung caustiously comes in as Mitch steps down the steel steps some. Thrash bolts at Pung who ducks and runs to the ropes, leaps up on the middle rope and leaps back with a moonsault, but Thrash catches him on his shoulder. Pung wiggles free and to his feet, leaps up dropkicking Thrash against the ropes, then jumps up and charges with a clothesline, but Thrash catches him and slams him down with a spinebuster showing complete dominance.

Nick Miller: Pung is getting destroyed and Mitch could care less, some partner he is.

Sean Martin: Well he probably doesn't feel like having to carry Pung through the match.

Thrash has Pung up, tags Slash who gets in on the second turnbuckle. Thrash has Pung across his knee and Slash flies off, they deliver Total Destruction and Slash pins, 1.................2................3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winner by pinfall and still the SEF Tag Team Champions, Thrash and Slash............Destruction!

"Iron Man" hits the pa as Frankie comes in raising his teams hands, they get their titles and the three of them soon exit the ring.

Nick Miller: A dominant victory by Destruction, wait, what is Mitch doing?

Mitch is seen getting in the ring and he has a mic in hand. He kicks at Pung, drops the mic and lifts him up, hooks him for a suplex, but hooks Pung's leg with his own and drops back in a ddt executing The Plunge! The crowd boos loudly as Mitch gets up and picks up the mic.

Mitch McMoogle: You see this....this piece of shit I was forced to team up with and now because of him I have another loss on my record. I have been screwed since day one of signing with SEF and I am getting sick and tored of this bullshit! Now this self proclaimed "real" Worlds Champ Trent Flash wants to debut at Wrestle X and try to do it at my expense? Listen you piece of shit, I will detroy you in this ring, I am a master technician and I will school you in the art of wrestling and after I get done beating you two straight falls I will declare your title my own and I will be the real Worlds Champ! Your just a chump Flash, you and your cronie Dann-

Mitch is cut off by the SEFTron lighting up and Danny Hansen is seen on it.

Danny Hansen: Look you simpleton, you have no idea the magnitude of the man you have to face this Sunday. Your a small fish in an ocean and at Wrestle X Trent Flash will devour you! He is undefeated and he holds two World Championships, one of which was declared vacant when the company closed and the other he carries with him because he truly is the real Worlds Champion!

The crowd kinda cheers for Mitch being put in his place, Mitch fuming now and he storms outta the ring and up the ramp.

Nick Miller: That match is heating up pretty good, heard decent things about this Flash guy, but I've also heard bad things.

Sean Martin: Oh please, the guy is all good except when is bad, but he is so cool he makes it look good, so shut up Nick.

Nick Miller: Whatever you say. We got Jagger and Jordan and its on now!

"Next Contestant" hits and a mix video of Jagger and Journey is played on the tron. The arena takes on the look of a music video as smoke, lights, lasers, and etc plays all over. In his video, however Journey's all sexy dressed, working as a dj in a club wearing a burgundy, almost black mini dress, and platform knee boots. He comes out, dressed in black buttoned Tommy jeans, a black t-shirt, a red flannel shirt, and a black motorcycle jacket. He is also wearing black Oakleys. Around his neck is a silver St. Michael's medal. He smiles and then turns to hold out his hand. Journey comes out in black leather pants, a Journey t-shirt, and platform boots.

Brittany Fox: The following match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Tampa Bay Florida, he weighs 220 pounds and is accompanied by Journey, he is Jagger!

The couple makes their way to the ring amongst the crowds cheers. They soon head up the steps, Jagger holding the ropes, then he steps in and they raise their arms together and soon kiss. The lights go out and red and blue lights circle the arena as "You Don't Know" hits the PA.

Brittany Fox: On his way to the ring, from New York, New York, he weighs in at 350lbs............. "The Ultimate Protector" Jordan Brooks!

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he squats down and white pyro goes off from left to right as he raises up slowly and raises his fists in the air. Whitney comes walking out behind him carrying her Women's Title and walks with Jordan down to the ring. Once inside the ring, Jordan goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by pointing to himself. Whitney stays at ringside while Jordan runs the ropes getting warmed up. Journey is out of the ring and the bell rings, the two men go nose to nose now.

Nick Miller: This one outta be good, two young stars wanting to prove they have what it takes to reach the top.

Jordan gets a grin and steps back some raising his arms in a motion to bring it on, so Jagger lets a few punches fly to his jaw, then grabs Jordan looking for an irish whip. Jordan doesn't budge and just rips Jagger towards himself taking his head off with a clothesline. Jordan raises his arms and points his thumbs down, then turns pulling Jagger up and looking for the Big Apple Bomb, but Jagger starts punching him in the head while held up, then he snaps back with a hurricanrana.

Nick Miller: Jordan going for an early win, but Jagger proving he's too fresh and not an easy target.

Sean Martin: The end is inevitable for him though, Jordan has his number.

Jagger is on Jordan pounding him with punches, then locks him in an armbar sitting damn near on him to really apply the pressure. Jagger has it cinched in good, Jordan is screaming in pain and Whitney reaches to try and grabs his hand. The ref sees and so does Journey who comes over pushing Whitney away. Whitney holds her arms up innocently and acts like she'll back off, so Journey turns and Whitney bashes her in the back of her head with the Women's Title sending her to the floor. Jagger lets go of Jordan and goes to the ropes yelling at Whitney who smirks.

Sean Martin: Yea, Whitney just showed why she is the dominant female around here.

Nick Miller: It was more of a cheap shot really and one that distracted Jagger.

Jorda gets up and charges behind Jagger clotheslining him out to the floor, he staggers falling on the guard rail. Jordan climbs out on the apron and leaps off with a double axe handle smash to Jagger's back. Jordan lifts him up in a bearhug, then rams him bacfirst into the ringpost and rolls Jagger in the ring. Jordan slides in and gets to his feet, pulls up Jagger and sends him to a corner, then circles around and runs at him with a clothesline. Jagger ducks out at the last second. Jordan turns and Jagger nails some hard chops to his chest, then pulls him out looking for a suplex. Jordan blocks it and lifts Jagger up, holds him for a few seconds, but Jagger manages to slip down behind Jordan and rolls him down in a school boy, 1................2..........kickout!

Nick Miller: Oh my, near fall by Jagger.

Sean Martin: But its not three and he won't get a three count.

Jagger kicks Jordan in his head, then drops an elbow to his right knee and locks him up in a leg grapevine. Jagger wrenches away at Jordan's knee, Jordan screams and punches the mat. He grabs at Jagger's eyes and pulls his hair, the ref adminishes him and Jagger soon lets go, runs at the ropes and comes back with a dropkick to Jordan's head. Jagger gets up and grabs his leg wrapping him up in a figure four leg lock cinching it in and falls to his back causing Jordan to sit up in pain screaming.

Nick Miller: Jagger working on Jordan's knee and now has him in the figure four, this could be over if Jordan can't get free soon.

Sean Martin: Not a chance, he an take more than Jagger can dish out.

Jordan reaches for the ropes, he's close, but Jagger keeps the hold locked in tight really putting the pressure on. Whitney yells at the ref that Jagger is cheatig causing him to look over and check. Whitney grabs Jordan's hand and pushes the rope in while pullinghis hand to it. The ref turns and she lets go, Jordan's hand is on the rope and Jagger lets up, gets free and runs the ropes coming back with an elbow drop to Jordan's chest.

Nick Miller: That wasn'r very fair, Whitney needs to stay out of the match and just watch.

Sean Martin: What, she didn't even do anything!

Nick Miller: She reached in the ring and pulled Jordan to the ropes.

Jagger has Jordan up pulls his head down bringing his knee against it, then twists him around and into a dragon sleeper pulling him back to the middle of the ring. Jordan struggles to get free, his arms starting to fall a lil from fatique, Jagger keeps him locked in tight. Jagger wrecnhes his neck hard and Jordan looks about out, the ref holds his right arm up, lets it drop, then raises it again and lets it drop, but Jordan tightens up and starts rocking his body. He gets Jagger off balance, then twists around and lifts Jagger up on his shoulder and does a half cricle nailing a hard powerslam.

Nick Miller: I am impressed with the power Jordan showed there, that was raw power!

Sean Martin: You better be impressed with him no atter what, he's the next top star, he is learning from the best after all, Viper!

Jordan is up and shows pain in his leg, grabs at his throat as well. Jagger starts stirring and kneels up, but Jordan rushes him with a boot to the back of his head sending him to his face. He then rips up Jagger for the Big Apple Bomb, but Jagger jumps up over his head and leaps down behind him, runs to the ropes and comes back with a front dropkick knocking Jordan down. Jagger climbs up to the rope slowly as he is hurting, but he gets up there and measure Jordan who stands up. Jagger flies off at him looking for a hurricanrana and he lans, then snaps down, but Jordan holds on to his legs, rips Jagger back up and plants him with the Big Apple Bomb, rolls on to him hooking his leg and pins, 1...................2.....................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Jordan Brooks!

"You Don't Know" hits the pa as Jordan gets to his feet and raises a hand in the air, Whitney is in the ring and raises his other hand up. Journey crawls in and checks on Jagger. Whitney and Jordan just eye them and exit the ring.

Sean Martin: HA, told ya the future of SEF would win!

Nick Miller: Jordan is good, never said he wasn't, but his tactics aren't good. Regardless of that he did win and we have another tag match coming up, Bob and Neo face Justin and Xanthus right after the break!

We come from the break to the backstage area where Corez is heading into a room, but from behind comes Triple V with a sledgehammer to his back sending him lurching into the room falling on his face. Inside is Dusty McKeena Rodgers who jumps up and screams. Viper raises the sledge and brings it down into Corez's back and Dusty runs over throwing her body over Corez. Viper raises the sledge looking to strike her.

Nick Miller: No, damn it Viper, don't do it!

Viper looks out down the hall, then smirks at Dusty.

VVV: Later baby!

He takes off the other way down the hall and we soon see security show up at the door, apparently its who Viper saw. Dusty is checking on Corez has one of the guards radios for a medic.

Sean Martin: Damn security, why they gotta interefere in Viper's business?

Nick Miller: If they hadn't Dusty could have been hit with that sledge.

Sean Martin: So, she needs to stay out of the way.

Nick Miller: Your hopeless. Lets just get on with the tag match coming up.

"Black Bob" comes over the pa we see the lights flash a bit and some spotlights roam around a bit. Bob then makes his way out and does nothing real special, sorta pumps himself up, high fives fans on his way to the ring, and just walks on down the aisle.

Brittany Fox: The following match is a tag team match scheduled for one fall. Making his way to the ring first, from the streets of Detroit Michigan, he weighs 205 pounds, the Original Gangsta......Black Bob!

Once in the ring he grabs the top rope on any side and raises his fist in the air, then spins around quickly and makes motions of slapping up his opponent, flashes some thug symbols, and talks trash. "Revenga" hits the PA and Neo jumps out from under the stage and does a backflip.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring, from Elizabeth New Jersey he weighs 192 pounds, Neo Monoxide!

He walks to the ring and slaps the fans hands, then does a flip over the top rope to get in the ring. Neo climbs the ropes and taunts. He hops down and stands with Bob. "What I Want" plays and as his video plays above his head, despite the crowds reaction, Justin comes out and poses showing off his body as showers of golden pyro go off all around him. The Prodigy flashes across the screen so much it can even the most sane person schitzophrenic. As the chorus picks up, he flashes a sexy grin at the fans, a large portion of the females in attendance swooning as he shows off his abs.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Tampa Bay Florida, he weighs 235 pounds, Justin Heath Rodgers!

Justin keeps smiling as he heads up the steel steps and with a confident and cocky swagger gets in the ring. He climbs up the ropes and spreads his arms out wide lifting his chin high. "Public Enemy #1" hits the pa and the first few lines are heard before we see Xanthus come out on stage pumping his fists in the air. He jumps around somewhat, flips off some fans, does crotch chops to others, flashes thug symbols in a mocking manner and just taunts the crowd like an asshole.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 195 pounds, Xanthus!

Once he gets to the ring X just rolls in under the bottom rope and gets to his feet, looks at the crowd with a smirk, then grabs his nuts and then motions to everyone to suck him off as his music fades. X and Justin go nose to nose, but Neo charges over tackling X forcing him against the ropes, whips him across the ring and leaps up with a flying clothesline taking him down. Neo climbs to the top rope and flies off with a corkscrew moonsault. He gets up and rips up X looking for a twist of fate, but X shoves him to a corner, then charges behind burying a knee into his lower back. X pulls him ou tin a waistlock and looks for a german suplex, but Neo flips all the way over to his feet. X gets up and is dropkicked down, then Neo makes a tag to Bob, leaps on the middle turnbuckle and flies off with a short moonsault to X. Bob is in the ring and pulls up X whipping him to the ropes, buries a knee to his gut and flips him over to his back, then rips him back up and hits a suplex. Bob floats into an armbar with a bridge and X is struggling to get free.

Nick Miller: Match has been starting off good, Bob with a nicely applied armbar.

Sean Martin: If X and Justin can work together they got the match in the bag.

Bob releases the hold and puts a knee to X's chest, then hammers him with punches. he gets to his feet raising up X and lifts him up sitting him on a top turnbuckle. Bob nails a hard elbow to X's jaw, then walks over tagging Neo. Bob walks back over climbing up the ropes and nails a superplex on X. he rolls away as Neo leaps off the top rope with a moonsault, but twists around landing in a senton driving hi sback into X's ribs. He quickly covers X for the pin, 1..............2.....Justin is in the ring and pulls Neo's leg yanking him off X. He backs up to his corner, the ref making him do so, Neo glances at him with an angry stare, then pulls up X, but gets punched in the gut. X runs Neo back into a corner, thrusts him in the gut with a few shoulder blocks, then stands up and leaps up on the middle rope. X hammers down punches on Neo, then flips back grabbing Neo's head giving him a monkey flip. X crawls over making the tag and in comes Justin. Neo is up and gets hammered with punches, whipped to the ropes and nailed with a dropkick.

Nick Miller: Justin in for the first time, looks to be on fire after waiting so long.

Sean Martin: Kid has it, the real future of SEF.

Justin has Neo against the ropes and lights him up with some chops, then looks for an irish whip, but holds on to his arm and pulls him back lifting Neo up and drops him throat first across the top rope with a flapjack. Justin gets up and grabs Neo from behind dropping him with a modified backbreaker and pins, 1.............2.........kickout! Justin sits Neo up and applies a sleeper hold on him wrenching his neck tight. Neo flails his arms about, grabs at Justin's arms trying to get out of the hold. Neo keeps fighting, but starts to fade a lil, his arms drop down and he begins to slump. The ref raises one arm up and lets it drop, then he raises it again, but in comes Bob dropkicking Justin in his back. Bob is forced back out as Neo gasps for air.

Sean Martin: That wasn't fair, Bob isn't supposed to be in the ring.

Nick Miller: Not legal no, but Justin did the same earlier and you said nothing then, so why the big deal now?

Sean Martin: Shut up!

Neo gets up and make shis way towards Bob, but Justin grabs him by the hair, nails some elbows to his kidneys, then whips Neo to the ropes and looks for a back body drop. Neo rolls over his back and comes off the other ropes charging back at Justin with a cross body taking him down. Neo rolls back and reaches out making a tag finally. In comes Bob and Xanthus charges in, but Bob ducks his clothesline and comes off the ropes with a leaping shoulder block knocking him down. Bob is back up and fires some punches to Justin, whips him to the ropes meets him with a spear. X is getting up and Bob runs to him leaping up with a knee to his head sending him against the ropes, then backs up and charges clotheslining him to the floor. Justin is getting up and Bob walks over to him nailing a swinging neckbreaker.

Nick Miller: Damn, Bob is on fire.

Sean Martin: It'll get put out real quick here.

X is up on the floor and Neo comes off the top rope with a senton splash putting both men down on the floor. Bob whips Justin to the ropes and charges him with a clothesline sending him to the floor, then we see Triple V walk out on stage with a sledgehammer.

Nick Miller: What the hell is he doing?

Viper looks pissed and takes a few steps down the ramp as Bob motions him to come on, the ref exits the ring to keep Viper back.

Nick Miller: No, look out Bob.

Jordan Brooks has entered the ring via the crowd and he charges behind Bob clubbing him across the back, then whips him to the ropes and catches him with a spinebuster. Jordan lifts up Bob and nails the Big Apple Bomb, then rolls right out to the floor. He grabs Neo running him into the steel steps, then hops the guard rail heading to the back.

Nick Miller: Damn it, this is not fair.

Sean Martin: Life isn't fair!

Justin is back in the ring and Viper is up on stage now while the ref is back in the ring also. Bob stirs and Justin rips him up, then drops him with PO'd and pins him, 1.................2..................3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall, Justin Heath Rodgers and Xanthus!

"What I Want" hits the pa as Justin stands up stretching his arms out and has a cocky grin on his face. Viper is gone and Xanthus is in the ring behind Justin who ends up turning to leave and BAM, a superkick puts him down. X goes to the rope and flies off with the Gangsta Splash, rolls to his feet and points to Justin while talking some trash. He gets out of the ring and heads up the ramp.

Nick Miller: I know those two had heated words for each other, but they just won the match, so why would X attack Justin?

Sean Martin: Who knows why X does anything, the guy is crazy!

Nick Miller: That is true. Up next is our main event, but first lets go to the back to get an update on Corez's condition after that assault on him by Viper.

So we go to the back where we find Corez standing somewhere and with him his Dusty and next to them is Nick Roland.

Nick Roland: Corez, earlier you were banged up by Viper with that damn sledge of his, two shots to the back, gotta ask ya, you in any shape to go out to the ring?

Corez: Maybe I should take the night off, call it quits and cancel the match, sooth my back and get a rematch when I have a better chance to beat Viper.

Booing is heard from the crowd and Corez smirks.

Corez: Ya hear that, they don't like that answer and to be honest, neither do I!

Cheers are heard now.

Corez: So the big, bad Viper wants to jump me, put me down, try to put me out, well ya know as long as I am standing I am fighting, so Viper, its on! All you did was make me more intent to beat you, to upset you, whatever anyone wants to call it, I want a win tonight even more, I need to put you in your place, someone needs to and if its not me I'm try my fucking hardest. Bring your sledge with you Viper, I'll shove it up your ass you son of a bitch. Your a legend, but I'm a guy considered the future of the company and there is no time like the present to show you what I can do.

Corez waves off Roland saying no more, then he gives Dusty a kiss and we cut to a commercial.

Nick Miller: Were back from commercial, last one of the night and before we left we heard some comments from Corez who sounds real fired up now.

Sean Martin: He'll lose that fire after a few minutes in the ring with Viper.

Nick Miller: I doubt that, but lets get on with the match and find just what happens.

We hear "Becoming" hit the pa and Corez comes out on stage with a steady walk showing he means business, he is fired up too. At his side is Dusty who waves to the crowd, blows kisses to them, then stands right next to Corez. He pumps his hands in the air with the devils sign which he uses to proclaim himself as Version II, then puts an arm around Dusty and kisses her.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Memphis Tennessee, he weighs 220 pounds and is accompanied by Dusty McKeena Rodgers, he is.....Corez Version Two!

The crowd responds with cheering as Corez just taunts all the way down the aisle with Dusty on his arm. He rolls in the ring while Dusty climbs up the steps and gets in. Corez gets on the middle rope flashing the v2 sign while Dusty points to him. "The Unforgiven" plays for about one minute and the lights dim, then we see a single spotlight shine on the curtain and from it emerges Viper with a Metallica t-shirt on and a bottle of water in his hand which he douses on his head and takes a drink from as he walks to the ring. Whitney Marret is with him and wears a strapless leather dress coming to her knees, Fate is behind both in his black suit and glasses.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring now, from Las Vegas Nevada, he weighs 255 pounds and is accompanied by Whitney Marret and Fate, he is Triple V!

Viper heads down the aisle with Whitney, walks up the steel steps getting into the ring and gets a mouthful of water before tossing the bottle away. Fate stays on outside just watching. Viper goes to the side of the ring and stands with one foot on the bottom rope, another on the middle rope, and he thrusts his right fist in the air while spewing the water out in a mist, Whitney raising her arms up and motioning to him. Viper hops down and rips off his shirt tossing it to the crowd, then flexes on the turnbuckles. He hops down and kisses Whitney who soon exits the ring. The bell has rung and in the middle of the ring stands Viper. Corez starts to step forward, but suddenly he lunges at Viper with wild rights and lefts staggering him back against the ropes. Corez keeps hammering him, then looks for an irish whip, but Viper reverses it. Corez hits the ropes and comes back for a forearm smash, but Viper ducks and drops him with a neckbreaker.

Sean Martin: Oh yea, told ya the fire would be put out.

Nick Miller: Its not over yet.

Viper gets up and backs into a corner, does a crotch chop, then steps out and drops a knee to Corez's head. He sits him up and applies a sleeper, Corez fighting strong and gets to his one knee. Viper wrenches his neck hard and gets knee to his back. Corez is able to get a few elbows to Viper's gut, then springs to his feet and lifts Viper for a back suplex. Corez crawls up to his feet and runs the ropes coming back with a quick leg drop to Viper and pins, 1............2.......kickout! Corez kneels up and punches Viper in the face now. He lifts him to his feet and rocks him with punches to a corner where he then nails some chops. Corez whips Viper across the ring and follows up with a clothesline into the opposite corner, then looks for a bulldog. Viper shoves him away sending him down to the mat, then runs behind kicking Corez in his back. Viper runs the ropes and comes back with a kick his head, then turns Corez over and drops a knee to his back, buries it deep into it and rips up on his head applying a modified camel clutch.

Sean Martin: Oh yea, now its over, Corez is done, he may as well tap now and save himself.

Nick Miller: He's tougher than ya think, though it has to be hurting him.

And by the pain on his face it is, he screams as well and clutches at Viper's hands trying to break his grip. Corez tries pulling himself across the mat, but Viper rips his head back more and keeps his knee in place. Corez raises a hand looking like he may tap, but just punches the mat and screams real loud. Whitney gets up on the apron distracting the ref and Viper lets go of Corez and rolls to the outside, gets a sledgehammer from under the ring and rolls back in.

Nick Miller: Damn it, no.

Dusty comes around the ring pulling Whitney off the apron and points at her saying forget about it. Viper is about ready to strike Corez in his back when the ref comes over grabbing the sledge. The two begin to argue now as Whitney and Dusty are doing the same. Corez gets on the ropes holding his back. Jordan Brooks comes down the ramp and rolls in the ring now, gets up and charges Corez sending him out to the floor. Jordan gets out and lifts him up in a press dropping Corez on the guard rail, then picks him up and rams him into a ringpost.

Nick Miller: This is not fair at all.

Corez is rolled back in the ring and Viper just shoves the ref and lifts up Corez backing him into a corner. Whitney and Dusty are still arguing and Whitney lets a slap fly to Dusty's face. Dusty responds with her own slap and then two women begin letting some punches fly. Viper has Corez on the top rope and is climbing up them, hooks up Corez and superplexes him to the mat. Jordan comes around the ring grabbing Dusty and lifts her up, walks a few steps away and drops her, then backs up by Whitney. Viper is up and pulls up Corez by his hair, tucks his head between his legs, then hooks his arms and drops him with the Unforgiven and pins, 1...................2.....................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Triple V!

"The Unforgiven" hits the pa, but from the crowd comes Black Bob, he grabs the sledge at ringside and slides in the ring. Viper turns and Bob nails him in the gut, then runs the ropes and comes back hammering Viper in the head knocking him flat on his back. Jordan comes in the ring and Bob quickly drops the hammer and rolls out. Whitney comes in the ring to check on Viper as Bob backs up the ramp smiling and the crowd cheers him on. Corez is on the floor leaning on the apron, Dusty consoles him and helps him to the back. Jordan is staring at Bob who is on the stage now and makes the motion of a title around his waist.

Nick Miller: Viper with the win after some unfair tactics, but Bob with a lil revenge for all he's gone through so far.

Sean Martin: Revenge, he had to use a sledgehammer from behind on Viper, he's a cheap bitch!

Nick Miller: What do ya call what Viper and the DVF have done to him then?

Sean Martin: Them proving their dominance.

Nick Miller: Yea right! They are all good, but they hide it by their cheap attacks and tonight Bob one upped Viper, six days from Wrestle X at that. This is it for tonight, so we'll see everyone Sunday, take care folks.

"Start A War" plays over the pa as Viper is helped up and is bleeding, the crowd going nuts for what happened to him and cheering for Bob. The cameras go roaming around the arena and the show soon comes to an end fading to black, then the logo flashes.....................

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