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WAR 69 {5/9/12}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 23, 2014, 12:37:09 PM

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May 9th, 2012

The Mid South Coliseum is rocking hard tonight with a full crowd! Pyro blasting from the stage lights up the darkened arena, then "Another Way To Die" by Disturbed blasts from the pa pumping up the crowd even more.


Shouts Nick Miller who then says.

Nick Miller here with Richard Dangerously, or perhaps better known as Fate! Its a hot one tonight and with this lineup its gonna be boiling by the end of the show. We got the II Title on the line in the main event, plus we see the I-con Title defend in a hardcore bout. Two newcomers debut with this Tadakatsu seems to be intent on teaching John Carter some respect when they meet as John was mocking the samurai warlord.

Fate saying coldly.

Could be good, though John may be facing another loss.

Nick saying.

Moretti most definitely will as he faces Jason Stratus who made an appearance from nowhere. Good to see he is still around, perhaps he can get back into the mix, after all, he did manage to win the International Title once before. The World Champ has a bit of a challenge when he faces the fiery and seductive Jenom and their up first!

Jenom v. Nick Torres

As Katy Perry's "E.T." plays over the loudspeakers, the arena goes into total darkness as pink, red, purple, and blue lights circle the arena for a couple of seconds then out comes Jenom and does Candice Michelle type of "Go Daddy!" of dance. After she does so, she walks down the ramp with left hand on her hip as she moves her right hand down her body.

Making her way to the ring from St Louis Missouri......Jenom!

She gets up to the ring and does the Stacy Keblier type of leg over the second rope. After she she's in the ring, she bends down and then flips her hair back as she raises back up. She just sits on the top turnbuckle...flirting with a couple of guys and girls in the front row. "Walk" come over the pa and the crowd cheers as Torres comes out with a cocky swagger. Some mixed emotions as he waves the crowd off arrogantly and Julie makes the introduction.

Now making his way to the ring from Seattle Washington, he weighs two hundred eighty pounds and is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion........Nick Torres!

He heads down the ramp making a sliding motion with his hands, gets patted on the back by fans, though a number of them are booing, not that he cares. Torres heads up the steps and gets into the ring, stomps his feet as he kinda bends down some and points his thumbs to himself getting pumped up, then raises his arms out straight. He tosses his toothpick away and smirks as he stretches his arms. The World Champ rips his vest off and hands the belt to Julie. The bell sounds and Jenom in the middle of the ring ready to fight as Torres stays back waving her on. Jenom smirking just turns sideways slapping her ass, then runs into a leaping roundhouse kick. Torres ducking out and Jenom hangs herself up on the top rope. The World Champ comes off the ropes with a full head of steam, smashing into Jenom, then pulls her out of the corner into a suplex. Torres moving into an armbar wrenches on Jenom's left arm kneeling over her. He slaps the back of her head arrogantly and let's her up into an irish whip. Jenom springing off the ropes slides under Torres' legs, then pops up chop blocking the back of his left knee. Jenom with a dropkick to his back gets back up running to the ropes and springs off into a leaping stomping to the back of the World Champ. She drops down trying to apply a camel clutch on him, but Torres pushing himself up runs back into a corner smashing Jenom to the turnbuckles. Torres stepping out turns and bends down slamming his right shoulder to Jenom's ribs. He rips her to the top rope and climbs up, but Jenom clawing at his eyes kicks the World Champ away. Torres stumbling back and Jenom leaping off with a front missile dropkick to the chest. The World Champ staggers back to the ropes and Jenom on her feet runs at him for a clothesline as he hits the ropes. Torres dropping down yanks the top rope down letting Jenom fly out to the floor. Torres rolling out kicks Jenom in her ribs, then pulls her up with a club to the back and delivers a pump handle slam to the floor. Torres pulling Jenom back up rolls her in the ring, but The Resurrector coming around the stage yells.


Torres turning and The Resurrector lunging for an attack brings the World Champ closer and ready to fight. The Resurrector backing off though and he points to the ring as the ref gets to NINE..........................TEN! Torres keeping his eyes on The Resurrector shrugs saying.

You and I at King of SEF as I need an opponent anyways and kicking your fat ass sounds just right!

The Resurrector sneering and then forms a smirk nodding yes, but reaches out with a kick to the left knee of the World Champ. A few punches to the head and The Resurrector rips up Torres for the Resurrection. Torres slipping down shoves the big man, then runs at him for a clothesline. The Resurrector meeting him with Impaled rips Torres up hitting the Gangsta Bomb on the ramp! The crowd exploding with a wide range of emotions for these two favorites. The Resurrector leaving now and Jenom is long gone while the World Champ holds his back and Nick Miller says.

Damn good match with Jenom getting the win thanks a lot to The Resurrector who gave warning he would be after the World Champ.

Fate saying.

And now the war really begins!

Nick saying.

Should be good between them and I am being told the challenge is official, it is The Resurrector challenging Nick Torres at the King of SEF pay per view on May twenty seventh for the World Heavyweight Championship in the first of two main events!


Michael Moretti v. Jason Stratus

Bothmen in the ring and the bell rings bringing them into a lock up. Jason with a knee to the gut and a side headlock running Moretti into a bulldog to the mat. Jason up and off the ropes into a rocker dropper pulls Moretti up into an irish whip looking for a superkick. Moretti ducks and hits the ropes rebounding back for a flying forearm smash. Jason ducking it and pounces on Moretti's back with forearms to the side of his head, then pulls him back into the Dragon Sleeper applying a body scissors. Moretti tapping out ends the match and the bell sounds

Here is your winner by submission..........Jason Stratus!

"Blow Me Away" plays over the pa as Jason heads up the turnbuckles acting arrogant in his celebration, then heads to the back while Moretti is helped away.

Eric Callahan v. Matt Matlock

Ladies and Gentlemen, WAR continues with our next match and it is scheduled for one fall! Currently in the ring, from Seattle, Washington...Eric Callahan!

We see Callahan already in the ring getting ready and pumped for his debut match as "You Know My Name" is heard over the P.A. as Matt Matlock steps out from the curtain, getting booed. He stops midway down the ramp as pyro goes off down the sides of the ramp and Julie introduces him.

Now making his way to the ring, from Cape Breton Island, Canada and weighing two hundred seventy pounds....Matt Matlock!

Matt then makes his way into the ring, sliding under the bottom rope and heading for the far turnbuckle. He stands on the turnbuckle and extends his arms as pyro shoots off HBK style in the ring. He lowers his arms as the pyro stops, and then gets off the turnbuckle, now preparing for the match. The bell rings as the two pace around the squared circle. Nick Miller feeds off this small "stalling" time by being able to promote all of Matlock's past accomplishments and that this is certainly going to be quite a test for the up and coming Callahan. The two briefly lock up but only for a moment as Callahan then lets go...appearing cocky as always. Rich pointing out that he better have something good planned. Eric then tells Matlock to "take the first punch" Matlock...looking confused then punches Callahan. Only to see Eric smile in response. Callahan then tells him to hit him again...once again Matlock does but the effects are hardly a factor as Eric Callahan just laughs and we see the frustration on Matlock's face now. Callahan then looks at Matlock, square in the eye and says...


As Matlock goes to land, seemingly a knock out punch of Callahan, Eric then reverses it, setting Matlock up for his trademark move, "Who Really Needs A Neck Anyway". Matt twisting out and around lifts Callahan for the BFA The newcomer drops down pulling Matt around nailing a fucked up uppercut into Who Really Needs A Neck Anyway nailing it this time. He then pins Matlock and the ref goes for the three count...One...Two...THREE! The bell rings and Julie makes the announcement

Here is your winner...Eric Callahan!

"Doomsayer" plays over the pa and the crowd on break waits for more action. Callahan just laughing at Matlock kicks at him and lifts Matt up tossing him out to the floor. He then leaves to the back as Nick Miller says.

This new kid, Callahan getting a bit cocky, but he picked up the win.

Fate saying coldly.

Now if he can show us something different and actually combat a real challenge.

Nick nodding yea says.

True, he's only got a foot in the door, what is next for Eric Callahan in SEF?


Coca Seeds - Erythroxylum Coca Seeds

SEF Intercontinental Championship Hardcore Match
Shane v. Corez(c)

Shane is in the ring as "Floods" is playing over the pa and Corez rolls in the ring. Shane running into a baseball slide dropkick knocking the I-con Champ to the floor slides out after him dropping down with punches to the head. Corez shoving him away and Shane right back up, but Corez with a tackle taking the challenger down. Corez hammering with punches pulls Shane up into a suplex on the floor, then pulls a cookie sheet from under ring climbing on the apron. Corez running off into an elbow drop smashing the cookie sheet on to Shane's right shoulder. The champ gets up pulling Shane into the ring, then gets a table sliding that in. He grabs a ballbat and sides in getting to his feet twirling the bat. Shane getting up and Corez swinging and missing with Shane catching him with a neckbreaker. Shane on his feet pulls Corez up for a suplex, but is blocked and countered with a swinging neckbreaker. Corez getting up and he sets the table up near a corner. The I-con Champ picking up the ballbat rips Shane up into a russian leg sweep using the bat. He nails Shane in the ribs with the bat and drops it picking him to roll Shane on the table. Corez headbutting him, then climbs out grabbing a steel chair and climbs to the top turnbuckle. Corez raising the chair up gets a round of cheers when Cody and John Carter run down the aisle sliding in the ring to boos. Corez leaping anyways smashes through Shane and the table, then gets a kick to the head from Cody who rips Corez up to take the High Kick from John. Cody catching Corez when Xanthus comes sliding in with a singapore cane slamming John out of the ring. Cody coming after X gets caught in the head with the cane and dropped with the Ghetto Busta. Xanthus pulling Shane up nails the Asshole Cutta, then dives out of the ring with a suicide headbutt to Cody. Corez laying an arm over Shane for the pin, ONE............................TWO..............................THREE! The bell rings and Xanthus rolls back in as "Floods" plays over the pa!

Here is your winner and still SEF I-con Champion..............Corez!

Xanthus helping his brother up, but then "Simple Man" plays over the pa and out walks the Owner in blue jeans and an sef fuck the circuit shirt available on SEFZONE. He has a mic in his left hand and raises it up as Xanthus and Corez look on.

You two boys, next week, hardcore rules for the I-con Title and its a retirement match!

Lot of cheers with a few boos at the sound of one of these icons leaving SEF and both brothers turn eyeing each other up. Norm says.

And also, next week Shane and Cody will be in a US Tag Title Match, that's all, peace!

And he flashes the peace sign before turning and heading to the back. The crowd buzzing and Nick Miller saying.

Wow, so either Xanthus or Corez retire next week when they meet for the I-con Title, plus the US Tag Titles return with Cody and Shane getting a shot. A decent showing by Shane tonight, but he felt The Corez Effect who may not be here after next week!?

Video Game Voters Network

Tadakatsu v. John Carter

The lights fade out for a couple of seconds before "Ren" – Sakura Sakura fills the arena and the lights behind the stage light, showing the silhouette of three figures. Like a sunrise, the lights fade on to reveal the three, two of them being lovely oriental handmaidens, carrying baskets as they walk ahead of Tadakatsu, dressed in the armor of his ancestors with his hand resting carefully on the hilt of his katana while the other hand laid over his stomach. Tadakatsu calmly walked down the ramp, gracing the path of roses peddles.

Making his way to the ring, weighting in at 215lbs, The Warlord of the Land of the Rising Sun! Tadakatsu Mōri!

The pair of beauties lead the warlord to the ring stairs as they lavish the steps with even more rose peddles, he makes his way up, being careful due to the weight of the armor as he bends over, stepping between the ropes and getting into the ring. Tadakatsu rests his hand on the hilt of his katana, staring straight ahead before raising his hands up, unlatching his helmet as he removes the article slowly, revealing his cloth mask he wears underneath the helmet. Over the next few moments are spent carefully removing the pieces of ancestry. John in the ring already waits calmly across the ring, snickering at his challenger. Once the bell rings John rushes across the ring leaping up for a splash, but Tad ducking out let's him smash into the turnbuckles. John bouncing back and around gets hit with the Warrior's Charge. Tad moving in for the pin hooking a leg, ONE.......................TWO...........kickout! He wastes no time pulling John up into an irish whip catching him coming back with a spinning heel kick. John sitting up and Tad with a hard kick to his back, then a quick snap kick to his chest. Tad yanks John up in a front facelock, tries slamming a knee to his face, but is caught. John charging Tad back to a corner buries a shoulder to his ribs, then backs off. Tad charging out with a jumping axe kick putting John down, then he kicks him in the head again. Tad lifting John up into another whip into the ropes catches him with a shuffle side kick, then backs up across the ring staring at his challenger. John raising up and Tad running full steam into him with The Final Showdown connecting hard to the head. Tad dropping down hooks a leg for the pin, ONE.............................TWO............................THREE! The bell sounds and the newcomer stands getting a nice applause while Julie makes the announcement.

Here is your winner by pinfall...........Tadakatsu Mori!

Tad with his arm raised just bows to his opponent in respect of a well fought match, then makes his exit with his escorts as "Ren" plays over the pa. John rolling out as Nick Miller says.

Tadakatsu with a successful debut and impressive with those kicks. John actually seemed to do better this week too, but not good enough, not yet!

Fate saying.

Tadakatsu did in one match what John Carter has not done.

Cody v. The Resurrector

Cody on his way to the ring gets a few boos as Julie introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Winnipeg Manitoba Canada, weighing in at two hundred twenty six pounds.........Cody!

He rolls in and then "Rest in Pieces" plays over "Monster" bringing the crowd to their feet. The Resurrector making his way out on stage gets sent down to his face from Nick Torres bashing the back of his head with the SEF World Title belt. The crowd booing the champ a bit as Torres kicks the big man in his ribs, then drops the belt and lifts The Resurrector up running him down and into the ring, then heads up grabbing his title. The ref asking Resurrector if he wants to do the match and a nod from gets the bell rung. Cody running on him in a corner pummeling The Resurrector with punches tries for an irish whip. The Resurrector let's himself be pulled out, but reverse sending Cody to the opposite corner and charges in with a massive clothesline rocking him into the turnbuckles. The Resurrector lifting Cody up and Torres at ringside when Shane runs out and slides into the ring. The Resurrector dropping Cody nails Shane with Impaled and kicks him from the ring. Torres dragging Cody out waits for the ref to see and nails him with the belt to the face, then heads for the back as the match ends with Cody getting the DQ win. The Resurrector nodding with a smirk just points at Torres and does a cut throat, so the World Champ does a crotch chop and raises the belt high. The crowd torn between both men as Nick Miller says.

Torres with some revenge frome arlier when The Resurrector cost him a match to Jenom, now things are really heating up between these two old friends. Their match at the King of SEF pay per view on May twenty seventh is gonna be awesome as is the tournament itself to find out who faces the winner of that World Title match!


Main Event
Tables Match
SEF Interactive International Championship Match
Xanthus v. Tina(c)

The following is a Tables match where to win you must force your opponent through a table and it is for the SEF II Championship! Making her way to the ring from Sacramento California, weighing in at one hundred thirty pounds, she is the SEF Hardcore and II Champion..........Tina!

Tables litter the ringside area leaned up against the guard rail as Xanthus leans in a corner of the ring while Tina makes her way in flaunting both of her titles in the air. She climbs the turnbuckles arrogantly showing them off to loud boos, then the Golden Gal steps down handing over the II Title to the ref. He shows it off, then hands it to Julie who takes the Hardcore strap too. The bell rings and Xanthus steps out motioning to the belt around his waist bringing Tina out with a chop to his chest. X taking it turns and nails her with a hard chop and they trade a few as the crowd goes nuts with the wooos. Xanthus whipping around into a spinning back kick to the champions stomach looks for the Ghetto Busta. Tina blocking it with a low blow nails a northern lights suplex to Xanthus. The II Champion gets up raising her arms arrogantly, then she kicks X in his head and sits him up nailing a hard kick to his back. Tina backs up and runs flipping over X pulling his head down between his legs and he snaps to his back. Tina sitting upw ith a smirk rolls out of the ring grabbing a table. She slides it in the ring and slides in pulling the table up to slam it down on top of Xanthus. Tina now sets the table up in the middle of the ring and kicks Xanthus in his head, then pulls him up for a snap suplex floating over nailing punches to the head. Tina swings to the left latching on to X's arm with a grapevine and kicks her heel into his head. Xanthus screaming and thrashing around gets Tina rolled up trying to get his arm free. Tina letting go rolls away as does Xanthus and they both spring up into a sprint. Xanthus leapfrogging Tina turns ready for a roundhouse, but gets a superkick to the jaw. Tina heading to the top rope flies off with a senton bomb, then pulls Xanthus up rolling him on to the table. She heads back to the top rope and leaps to the top rope flying off with shooting star press. Xanthus rolling off the table Tina smashes through to the mat as the crowd on their feet are chanting...


Tina on her knees holding her ribs and Xanthus with a kick to her head yanks Tina up into the Ghetto Busta. He yanks her up into a russian leg sweep, then heads to the top rope flying off with the Gangsta Splash hlafway across the ring or more. Xanthus rolling out to get a table slides it back in and comes with it setting the table up near a corner. He yanks Tina up looking for the Asshole Cutta, but Tina spins off to her feet grabbing X's hair and kicks him in the nuts. She delivers a ddt to him, then runs to the springing back into a baseball slide dropkick to his head. Tina pulling Xanthus up nails a cradle piledriver, then she lifts him on top of the table and heads to the top rope nailing a moonsault. Xanthus smashed to the mat through the wood and Tina rolls off as the bell rings.

Here is your winner and still SEF II Champion............Tina!

"Foxy, Foxy" plays over the pa and the crowd cheering a bit mostly boo the Golden Gal who gets to her feet and orders the ref to bring her the titles. He does and Tina takes them up the turnbuckles lifting them high and smirks confidently. Jenom comes running down now and slides in the ring going for Tina who hops down to meet her, but too late. Jenom spearing Tina to the mat lays in punches on her and slams Tina's head to the mat shrieking a bit as she does. The ref trying to pull them apart and Tina makes her escape with the gold heading up the aisle. Jenom on the ropes pointing at her yells.


Tina just sneers at Jenom before turning to the back and the Hardcore Desired One helps Xanthus up as "E.T." plays over the pa. The couple raises each others hands and makes an exit slapping fans hands as Nick Miller wraps up the show.

Hell of a match between Xanthus and Tina, no lack of excitement and the crowd really getting into it with that shooting star earlier. Jenom wanting a piece of Tina now and I got word she is gonna get it next week whens he challenged for both the Hardcore and II Titles. Be sure to cast your vote on the stipulation at SEF.com and we'll see ya then folks, goodnight.

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