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Two Iron Women...One Winner

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 04, 2023, 10:17:49 PM

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Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:19/12/2010 10:40 AMCopy HTML

An unusual scene we see with Julie wearing a pair of skin tight black stretch pants with large, white furry boots. A dark green sweater covering her upper body, looks knitted by hand almost and a red scarf is thrown around her neck. Julie's long, blonde hair hangs down her shoulders and back, her green eyes sparkling out as we see a snow covered landscape behind her. Somewhere in the woods as several pine trees and various hard woods are seen. Julie just brings her arms up crossing them loosely over her chest and says with a smile.
First things first, Lacey Daniels, if you ever want your rematch on your own terms, then shut up with the whining, stop spewing the lies you continue to let out of your cum receptacle of a mouth and say when ya want it. Your rematch is not up to me, its up to you, not even in the hands of management, its your call, though if ya wait Greg maybe book it eventually. Despite your recent lies too, there is nothing original about your ass which is truly the only real skank ass in SEF!
Julie smirks and kinda shrugs, then says.
May as well fight fire with fire right honey. You're a joke Lacey, you really are and I wish I would have been able to come in earlier and wrestle you cause then maybe what talent you had wouldn't have been wasted. Sad fact is that it may have been, so whenever your lacy ass gets up and decides to cash in on that rematch to my International Title, it won't matter because your no threat to me!
Julie looks serious now and then says.
This Monday we get to lock up in a tag match, no titles unless you and Dusty can manage to win the Tag belts tonight. Thing is, that is highly unlikely and even surviving to the next night to face myself and Tina, well, you two may not make it. I admit, I have to face Whitney Marret tomorrow night, a true challenge and dominant diva unlike you Lacey. I am facing the ultimate test, Whitney Marret and to top it off, its sixty minutes and whoever has the most falls wins. That isn't about titles as well, not the least bit because Whitney and I have a deeper history than you can imagine. We carried women's wrestling for years and seem to be doing once again since skanks like you can't be bothered to actually work their ass off. Tonight we show the world why in SEF there is no barrier and hasn't been one for over five years now, I don't know?! There is no real clear defining moment of when the barrier was broke, but its been a while now and its time to find out something about myself!
Julie still serious let's her arms drop to her sides, determination and focus shown deep in her green eyes as she says.
Whitney has come out the winner more times than I have when we battled I admit, though she never did beat me for the World Title, I never faced her when she was World Champ. I did beat her in the King of SEF and went on to be the first Queen of SEF. You Whitney, you are the Queen of SEF without even having earned the accolade. You founded this company and I wouldn't be a Queen had you not, but that's because I utilized the opportunity, I worked my ass off and made myself famous!
A slight smirk now as she did do just that and then Julie says.
Tonight we go one on one again and in an Iron Woman match and I hope Tina warmed you up because I'm on fire baby. Win or lose against you I am going back to the top of this company and engraving my name on that World Title one more time. Tonight I am looking to accelerate that rise back up and winning is the best way. I don't really need it, but I really want it Whitney, I crave that win over you in this match tonight so bad I will go to any lengths. If it kills our friendship, then so be it, but I seriously doubt there is anything that could do that because I know you'll be out for the same blood I am. You're a true competitor much like myself and like I said, no matter who wins the match will showcase two truly dominant divas at their best. But Whitney, that urge to win is like a great big, ball of fire burning hotter than hell deep inside myself!
Her green eyes intensify now and Julie looks almost devious as she says.
And its going to explode tonight, so get ready, truly be ready for the biggest, hardest fight of your life. I want this so bad I don't even know if you know, but I don't care because all I want is to beat you tonight and move on to take over the top spot in SEF once again!
She smirks now and brings her arms brushing her back some, then Julie turns and walks away out of view waving bye, then fade to black.

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