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Unforgiven {9/22/02}

Started by Taylor Andrews, January 01, 2014, 03:37:20 AM

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Taylor Andrews

September 22nd, 2002

A huge pyro shoots down from roof of the arena and The Unforgiven hits as more pyro begins shooting off as Unforgiven kicks off live from the sold out Staples Center in Los Angeles California! The cameras pan around the arena, then focus on jr and the king sitting near the entrance in the announce position!

Jr: Hello everybody an welcome to unforgiven! I am jim ross alongside jerry the king lawler and tonight, we have one hell of a show! A show you will not want to miss!

King: Oh my god do we ever! There are so many great matches tonight! And two of them are triple threat matches with all women!

Jr: those should be good too! Also the vacant ic and hardcore titles will be up for grabs tonight! Kevin nash and rapid go one on one for the ic title and we have a free for all for the hardcore title!

King: Don't forget we also have two different twenty man battle royals tonight! One for the number one contender spot to the tag titles and the other for the number one contender spot to the ic title!

Jr: And of course who could forget about the main event, daddy mack against the rock in what could be the biggest match in sef yet! But now, lets show you some highlights from what was viper and stephanies wedding, but turned out to be daddy mack and stephanies wedding!

Daddy Mack&Stephanie McMahon's Wedding
(formerly viper&stephanie's wedding)

The day starts out with minister matt hardy in the chapel chasing squirrels waiting for everyone to arrive! Stephanie is in the back still getting ready! A few people begin to show up, like hurricane, chris jericho, libby mcmahon, ashanti, lita, johnny diamond, and a few others! Daddy mack makes a small appearance, but them stephanie comes out and he disappears as quick as he can! Then viper shows up and after a while the wedding gets under way! Stephanies comes halfway up the aisle, then viper takes her arm and brings her the rest of the way up, flips back her veil and matt proceeds on with the wedding! After steph does her vows, viper gets a call on his cellphone and leaves! Then about ten minutes later daddy amck shows back up with a few friends, xanthus, johnny x, and rapid, all with ballbats and sledgehammers! Mack is dressed in tight leather pants and a ruffled dres shirt , and his same biker boots, dressed much the same way as jim morrison has dressed before! He tells everyone viper won't be back and tells steph he wants her happy, then gets on his knee, pulls out a ring and proposes to here right there! She says yes and matt then proceeds again with the wedding! Once they get their vows out of the way, matt gets to the end starting with steph!

Minister Matt: Do you stephanie take mack to be your lawfully wedded husband?

Steph: Hell f'n yea!

Minister Matt: And do you mack take stephanie to be your lawfully wedded wife?

Mack: Oh f'ck yea!

Minister Matt: Then I hereby pronounce you man and wife, mack do your thing!

Mack gently takes stephs cheek in her hand and lays a long, slow, passionate kiss on her that seems to last forever! They then walk out of the chapel arm in arm and hop into a long, black, limo and ride off together as a happy couple, the happiest and most loving couple ever!

Free For All
Hell In A Cell
Barbed Wire Match
Hardcore Title

Details: Once all seven competitors are in the ring and the bell sounds, they all just start tearing into each other! A lot of weapons like bats, two by fours, singapore canes, and other stuff soon gets involved! Shylo and hurricane fight to the outside as buff and julie do the same! X and strife are fighting and xzibit nails x knocking him down, then strife goes after him with a bat to the head, then sets him up for the agony cruch and delivers it, but x breaks it up and nails him across the head wiht a singapore cane, then grabs xzibit and gives him the death drop through a table and pins him!

Winner: Johnny X via Pinfall

Jr: That was good! Nice way to start off unforgiven with a hardcore bout!

King: Yea it is! Everyone tried, but x succeeded!

Triple Threat Match
#1 Contender For Womens World Title On Raw

Details: Roxxi and alexia start off by going after each other before gwen even makes it out! They both gain some quick near falls over each other, then gwen comes out and goes after both women! Roxxi soon makes it up and takes her down, then proceeds to take it to the two others and quickens the pace a bit! Gwen tries for the stefani ddt at one point on alexia, but roxxi breaks it up and gives her the reality check! Roxxi then picks up alexia and hits a few moives on her, then lays her out with a ddt fo her own and goes up top hitting the adrenaline rush and pins her!

Winner: Roxxi Torretto via Pinfall

Jr: Very good match! Roxxi looks like she will give kaci some good competition!

King: She definitely will if kaci is still the womens champ!

20-Man Tag Team Battle Royal
#1 Contender For World Tag Team Titles On Raw
Last Two Men Left In The Ring Will Team Up On Raw

Details: At the start of the match most everyone begins going after each other! A few people work together, like matt and jeff, xanthus and rapid, and nash helps rapid and tries taking out xanthus but to no avail! The first man eliminated is hunter havoc! These men soon follow! Stone Van Dam, Chris Benoit, Rutless, Test, Buff Bagwell, Sainj, Jeff Hardy, Shylo, Minion, Ricky Hope, Sting, and Johnny Diamond! Jericho, Matt, Nash, Xzibit, Xanthus, Strife, and Rapid are all left in the ring! Jericho and matt fight each other, trying to put the other out! Nash is still trying to throw out xanthus, but xanthus is moving around too quick! Rapid sneaks up on jericho and matt and pushes them both out, then strife tries throwing him out, but while nash is preoccuppied with xzibit, xanthus dropkicks strife as rapid ducks and pulls down the rope sending strife out! Nash throws out xzibit and xanthus begins toying with him making nash cahse him right into a huge clothesline by rapid and the two then throw out nash together!

Winners: Xanthus&Rapid

Jr: That was some great team work by xanthus and rapid! Those to have a great chance at the tag titles on raw!

King: Yea they do! What a clothesline to nash! I wonder how those two will do later tonight?

World Tag Team Titles

Details: Hurricane and shane start off and hurricane gets the better of shane! After working over shane a bit, dan tags in and does the same! Kane manages to make it in and destroys both dan and hurricane! At one point though, the ref gets taken out and kane has hurricane set up for the chokeslam, but dan runs in with a lead pipe and takes out kanes knees, then nails shane in the head busting him open! Kane gets up, but hurricane nails him with a top rope cross body taking him down, then immediately followingh dan comes off and hits kane with a swanton bomb and pins him!

Winners: Hurricane&Dan Hardy via Pinfall

Jr: That was alright, but why did they have to use that lead pipe!

King: Hey now, they were just doing whatever it took to win!

Fatal Four Way
Cruiserweight Title

Details: Xanthus begins by tearing into rey mysterio! The two go back and forth with some downright amazing high spots! Meanwhile, matt is really taking it to fenix and nearly has him beat, but xanthus breaks it up and takes matt down with a flowing ddt! Rey jumps in and breaks up that near fall! He then gives fenix a hurracanrana, but once he stands up, xanthus coems off the top with the acapulco driver on rey and pins him!

Winner: Xanthus via Pinfall

Jr: Wow, what a high flying match that was! Xanthus and rey stole the show with their moves!

King: Yea they did, but xanthus must have did better cause he won!

Triple Threat Match
Womens World Title

Details: Lita begins taking it torrie before kaci can make it out! Torrie puts up a good fight, but lita is just too good! She almost has it won after a twist of fate, but kaci comes out and breaks the fall! Kaci then begins working over lita and really suprising her with some good moves! Lita herself does some good moves as well and soon a good match is underway! Torrie tries taking down lita, but kaci gives her the innocent kiss knocking her to the outside! Lita then nails kaci from behind knocking her down and looks for a moonsault, but kaci moves at the last second! She then hits lita with a spinning heel kick and goes up top and hits paradise to pick up the pinfall!

Winner: Kaci via Pinfall

Jr: Another good womens match, this time for the title itself! Kaci and lita did great!

King: Yes they did! Wow! I love these matches, but I wonder torrie needs any help?

20-Man Battle Royal
#1 Contender For Intercontinental Title On Raw

Details: Once all twenty men are in the ring and the bell sounds, utter chaos begins! Everyone starts tearing and ripping into each other fighting for their lives it seems like! The first man eliminated is Buff Bagwell, then these men soon follow! Matt Hardy, Minion, Xzibit, Kane, Johnny Diamond, Sainj, Brock Lesnar, Test, Sting, Corey Extreme, Ricky Hope, Jeff Hardy, Dan Hardy, Chris Benoit, Stone Van Dam, and Test! Jericho, Strife, Hurricane, and Viper are the last four left! Jericho goes after strife as hurricane tries chokeslamming viper, but viper just laughs and lifts him up in a press slam throwing him out of the ring! Strife knocks jericho out, then viper and strife get set to tangle, but johnny x, and xanthus run out and take out the refs, then as viper as strife almost out, they slide in and nail viper with ball bats, then throw him out of the ring and leave! A ref comes to and sees viper out of the ring, so he calls for the bell!

Winner: Strife

Jr: What the, that was not right! Viper would have won that had it not been for the interferance of johnny and xanthus! You gotta believe mack put them up to coming otu here!

King: Well he and viper don't get along and after what viper did can ya blame him!

Hell In A Cell
Last Man Standing Match
Intercontinental Title

Details: Nash and rapid begin by locking up with each other and after a struggle, nash overpowers rapid sending him down! Nash then starts beating on rapids back trying to keep him down, but rapid fights back and begins putting some good mat moves on nash, trying to take out his legs mainly! Rapid then gets a some weapons from under the ring and begins beating nash down! Nash makes it up and fights back some, but his legs are beginning to weaken from the earlier attack! Rapid almost wins it a couple times, but nash keeps getting up! Nash puts rapid down after a booting a trash can into his face! Rapid however makes it to his feet before the ten count! Both men start trading punches, then nash knees rapid in the gut and sets him up for the jacknife powerbomb! Rapid grabs a bll bat and when nash lifts him in the air and gets set to drop him, at the last second rapid nails nash in the head and they both fall! The ref starts counting and makes it to eight, then rapid slowly pulls himself up the ropes and the ref counts nash out!

Winner: Rapid via KO

Jr: Now thatw as a hell of a match! Those two gave all they had to try and become the ic champ, but rapid just barely won!

King: Thats for sure! That match came right down to the very end!

Triple Threat Match
#1 Contenders Match For World Heavyweight Title At Next PPV

Details: The match is declared a triple threat rather than a fatal four way due to triple h(new sef) a.k.a. jeff hardy(old sef) a.k.a. jeffy walking out on sef once again like a coward! The match gets underway with johnny and austin double teaming ace who fights them off the best he can, which he does a good job of! Johnny and austin eventually get ace down and begin stomping him, then austin tries taking down johnny, but johnny ducks and puts the boots to austin and ends up giving him the death drop and almost wins! Ace gets up and breaks the fall, then goes to work on johnny in the corner with some big rights and lefts! Austin makes his way up, but ace sees him and nails him with the westsidaz revenge putting austin down! Johnny nails ace and tried for the death drop, but ace backdrops him, picks him up and hits the westsidaz edge and pins him!

Winner: Acetaker via Pinfall

Jr: That was good! Ace was pretty impressive out there and is now going to no mercy to challenge for the world title! I still can't believe triple h walked out on everybody like a coward!

King: Yea, I guess triple h just didn't have what it takes to hang in the big leagues! Ace did good though! But ace has a big challenge ahead of him, cause mack is good!

World Heavyweight Title

Details: Both men just stand in the ring staring at one another, then they begin trash talking, then mack slaps rock who responds with some right hands and really takes it to mack! He gets mack in the corner and begins laying into him, then whips him to the other corner and waits for him, then grabs him and nails mack with a spinebuster, setting up for the peoples elbow! Rock runs the ropes and nails mack with the elbow, but mack easily kicks out! Mack gets up, but is met with more right hands! Rock whips mack into the rope and goes for a clothesline, but mack ducks and comes back with a flying forearm smash, then begins to work over rock at his own pace! he hits mack with some high impact moves and takes to the air quite a few times putting rock down! He tries pinning him a few times, but the rock keeps fighting back and ends up hitting the rock bottom, but is unable to makes the cover right away and when he does, mack kicks out! From there mack goes back to working on rock and ends locking him in the show strangla, but rock refuses to tap and struggles for the ropes while also trying to break the hold! Rocks hand ends up going down and he starts to fade out! The ref raises his hand and lets it lower twice, but the third time, rock stops it and gets pumped up, crawls to the ropes and breaks the hold! They both get up and mack takes it to the rock again, beating him down! Steph grabs rocks foot at one point allowing mack to nail rock with da shows ova knocking to the outside of the ring! trish runs over and tries taking steph down, but steph slaps the hell out of her, then nails her with a ddt on the floor! Rapid and johnny x run out from the back, but the ref stops them and keeps them back! As he is distracted though, xanthus runs out through the crowd with a sledgehammer and nails rock right between the eyes, then rolls him in the ring! Mack picks up rock and hits him with the mack attack, then pins him!

Winner: Daddy Mack via Pinfall

After the match is over, rapid, johnny x, and xanthus all get in the ring with mack and steph who are now holding each other with macks title over stephs shoulder! Mack has a mic and says this!

Mack: I told ya all! Tonight was gonna get xtreme! And I went through with my word! Rock, your ass just became the first victim and to all the rest of ya so called superstar, you will feel our wrath, but the only question ya all need to ask yourselfs is this! Just who in the hell is next? Cause we are the Xtreme Rebellion and we are here to stay!

Mack then drops his mic as Rebel Without A Cause hits and they all stand around doing their thing, then leave the ring!

Jr: Wow! That was a hell of a lil speech by mack! And that was also a hell of a screwjob he pulled on the rock!

King: He's still the champ! Doesn't matter how, but it matters that he is, not the rock!

Jr: Thats true I guess and he is a great athlete, but I would love to see someone take that title away from him! Oh well, thats it for now folks! We hope you all enjoyed tonights show, we sure did and we hope to see you next month where we will be in the altell arena in little rock for no mercy! Goodnight and have a safe ride home!

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