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Extreme 34 {11/17/04}

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 28, 2014, 05:58:12 PM

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Taylor Andrews

November 17th, 2004

The show opens up inside the Worcester Centrum up north in Worcester Massachuesetts. Pyro shoots off on stage and shoots over the crowd while some fireworks go off over the ring and Paranoid by Black Sabbath hits the pa. The fans go into a frenzy for the start of Extreme and scream their hearts out, wave their signs, the camera capturing all it can before dropping down to ringside where Black Bob and Shane Cobain sit. 

Black Bob: Man, we be moving further and further north, getting damn cold outside, but in here we fixing to see some hot action.

Shane Cobain: Fuck that, these pissy ass whores, sorry ass excuses for superstars we got in SEF ain't pulling their weight, fuck them!

Black Bob: Dude, c'mon, tonight's show was down, but things should pick up next week with a pay per view coming up.

Shane Cobain: Yay, three matches announced, no stips yet and no main event made, SEF used to thrive way better than this, we were as active as a first time hooker would be on 8 Mile!

Black Bob: I have heard about it from you before, Mack as well, the ol' boys knew how to handle the business better, these new kids can't.

Shane Cobain: Exactly why I am gone now, fuck SEF, Shane Cobain is going home to PA where I belong. Sorry Bob as its been fun and I hate to do it to Mack and SEF, but I am too used to the ol' days, I am out, now!

With that, Shane takes off his headset and flings on the table, then stands upa nd grabs his bag of weed and 40 oz. He salutes to the fans and walks around the ring heading up the ramp and to the back.

Black Bob: Whoa, crazy shit there, Shane is gone now, left SEF and now I am all alone. Well I suppose I could call the show myself, but he took the weed, now I gotta get more.

Just then, we cut backstage where we find Shane climbing into an ol' '87 Ford Excort, rusted up bad. He starts it up and revs the small engine as exhaust pours out and Corez comes walking over and climbs in with him nodding his agreement on Shane's earlier words. They soon drive outta there while Shane quickly slams his beer and tosses the bottle out, then smokes a joint with Corez as they disappear in the distance. Xavier is seen running out after them, but chokes on exhaust fumes and looks pissed at the loss of part of his staff. Xavier soon heads back inside and we cut back to ringside.

Black Bob: Damn shame, but ya can't blame an ol' school cat like that! Sucks too, Corez left with Shane! As for our show, we got a couple fatal four ways that will see the winner of each advance to November to Remember and fight for the Diva Title. Scorpion battles Derek in a match of pride, Duke and Fireproof much the same, but Duke is out to destroy Fireproof. We got my man DB in action fight three guys in a non title fatal four way, none of which have done shit, so Blade be kicking ass fo sure! Main event baby, tag team cage match and the first man of the winning team to leave the cage is the number one contender for the Heavyweight Title, damn crazy shit, plus the Tag Titles are on the line. Extreme has the looks of a great show, just hope our stars can make it that as they ain't shown they will.

Fatal Four Way Elimination
Ashley w/Derek Helms vs. Erika Valverde w/The Serial Thriller vs. Christine vs. Cassidy Michaels
Stipulation: Winner Goes To The Diva Title Match @ November To Remember 

The four women are in the ring and we see Cassidy charge Erika quickly, but Ashley takes her down with a cross body block. Christine and Erika starts fighting now. Erika whips Christine into a corner and starts laying in chops to her. Ashley as Cassidy up and looks for a suplex, but Cassidy blocks it and looks for her own suplex. While in the air, Ashley counters the move by whipping around and nailing the Final Vision, then she pins Cassidy...1...2...3!

Ashley gets up and runs over nailing a forearm to Erika's back, then drops her with a reverse ddt. Cassidy is rolled from the ring and she storms up the ramp. Ashley and Christine work together for a bit nailing a couple double team moves on Erika, but Christine soon turns on Ashley hammering her with punches. She soons whips Ashley into the ropes and follows up with a neckbreaker. Erika is up now and she tackles Christine to the mat pounding on her with fists. She soon pulls Christine up and nails a ddt, then climbs up top and hits an elbow drop. Ashley gets up, but Erika drops her with a suplex. Christine gets to her feet and gets poked in the eyes, then Erika nails Faded Dreams on her. Before she can pin, Ashley dropkicks her in the back, then drops down pinning Christine....1....2...3!

Ashley kicks Christine out of the ring, then turns back to Erika who is up and kicks Ashley in the stomach, then lifts her up hitting a powerbomb. Erika positions Ashley near the turnbuckles, then climbs up top and leaps off with Darkness Falls and pins....1...2....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall.....Erika Valverde!

Rumors by Lindsay Lohan hits the pa as Thriller climbs in the ring and celebrates with Erika.

Black Bob: Man, Ashley was on fire pinning two chicks in a row, but Erika caught her off guard and picked up a huge victory tonight. What do ya think Shane.....Shane............oh fuck, never mind!


We cut to the back where Cassidy is slamming her hand against the wall of the hall and soon makes her way into the locker room. She heads over to her bag, but its already packed and Xavier stands next to it staring a hole through her.

Cassidy Michaels: What do you want?

Xavier: You out of my arena right now and out of SEF cause baby, your fired!

Cassidy looks shocked and mad, but sad somewhat and kinda scared, so she moves closer to Xavier trying to "convince" him to change his mind. Xavier just grabs her arms and shoves her away.

Xavier: Go, get the fuck outta here! Ya never wanted to help SEF thrive, now your getting canned, move your ass!

A few guards walk in now and Cassidy plops to her knees and lunges at Xavier. He kinda laughs now, but keeps her back and the guards rush over pulling Cassidy up. One grabs the bag and Xavier says.

Xavier: Get this bitch outta my arena, now!

The guard haul her off kicking and screaming like a child as Xavier just shakes his head and walks out of the room towards his office as the view cuts back to ringside.

Black Bob: Man, Cassidy fired, good riddance is what I gotta say as that dumb cunt didn't deserve to be here.

Fatal Four Way Elimination
Nazalia Dyson vs. Valarie Ryan vs. Rhapsody w/David Blade vs. Yesenia Lopez
Stipulation: Winner Goes To The Diva Title Match @ November To Remember 

Three of the women show up, but Valarie decides to no show, so she is automatically eliminated from the match due to count out or whatever. Rhapsody starts the match by going after Senia and tearing her apart with punches and chops. Nazalia kinda lays low and waits to attack. Rhapsody is cleaning house on Senia and hits a hard ddt on her, then climbs up top, but Nazalia runs over and dropkicks her sending Rhapsody off the turnbuckle and to the arena floor. Nazalia lifts up Senia now and drops her with a suplex, then runs of fthe ropes with an elbow drop and soon pulls Senia up hitting Co-Dependent into a pin, but Rhapsody is in the ring and dropkicks Nazalia in the back, then pulls her up and hits The Burning Red out of nowhere laying Nazalia out by Senia, so she pins them both....1....2....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall......Rhapsody!

Flaming Youth by KISS hits the pa now and Rhapsody jumps up on her feet in celebration over such a victory. David Blade comes in a raises her hand congratulating her on the win.

Black Bob: Rhapsody definitely proved she wants this shot at the title, she just pinned two women at once.

Just then, The Way I Am by Eminem hits the pa and Xavier comes walking out to huge cheers from the crowd. He makes his way down the ramp and around the ring taking a seat next to Bob and puts on the headset.

Black Bob: Well Xavier, boss, what up man, what brings you out here?

Xavier: Here to help call the show, we need two guys to feed off each other otherwise what point is there of having commentators.

Black Bob: true to that, be a pleasure calling ths broadcast with you X.

Xavier: As will it for me, you become good at this gig, so good your the play by play commentator now, the voice of SEF and whoever I hire will be someone help you by back up sorta, the color commentators job.

Black Bob: Damn man, ya didn't have to, didn't think I was real good, but thanks man, I appreciate it and will do my best job.

Xavier: I know ya will, but lets move on with our show now.

Singles Match
Scorpion vs. Derek Helms w/Ashley 

We see both men in the ring now and they waste no time tearing into each other. They start with punches, but Scorpion buries a knee to Derek's gut and sends him to a corner chopping at his chest. Derek turns him around and irish whips Scorpion to the opposite corner, then charges him hitting a body splash. Derek pulls Scorpion out and lifts him up hitting a death valley driver and pins....1....2....kickout! Derek pulls Scorpion up and delivers a powerbomb, then he climbs up top and tries for a moonsault, but Scorpion barely rolls out of the way. Both men get up and Derek strikes with some punches, then backs Scorpion into the ropes and looks for a clothesline. Scorpion ducks down and backdrops Derek to the floor, then runs the ropes and leaps out with a vaulting body press to Derek. Scorpion gets up and sends Derek into the steel steps, then starts beating his head into them. Ashley comes over and tries pulling him off, but Scorpion grabs her by the hair and soon plants a kiss on her. He then piefaces her to the floor and goes back to work on Derek kicking at his ribs now. Scorpion pulls up Derek and rolls him into the ring, then climbs up on the turnbuckles and comes off with a missile dropkick to Derek. He soon works over Derek's legs quite a bit and nails a double arm backbreaker at one point, then starts to work over Derek's back. Scorpion lifts up Derek for backdrop, but he flips over on his feet and dropkicks Scorpion in the back. Derek runs up top quickly and jumps off with a missile dropkick, but Scorpion catches him by the legs and turns him over for the Scorpion Deathtrap. Derek is going nuts now and pounds the mat, doesn't tap, but punches with his fist and screams in pain. He struggles to break free, but can't do it and tries crawling for the ropes. He gets inches away and start to fade, but Scorpion applies more pressure keeping him awake and in more pain now. Derek reaches out and almost taps, so close to it, but he manages to pull himself over and grabs the bottom rope. The ref counts and soon forces a break. Scorpion lets go and thinks he won, rases his hands in the air. The ref tells him otherwise and they argue. Derek recovers and limps up on his feet, but charges with a chop block to the back of Scorpion's knee. Scorpion holds his knee in pain and clutches it telling the ref he is hurt bad, so the ref checks on him. Meanwhile, some unfamiliar guy, looks like Matt Hardy, comes running out and slide sin the ring. He turns Derek around and nails a Twist of Fate like move, then rolls out of the ring. Scorpion obviously faking injury jumps up and leaps off the ropes with his Supersault on Derek and pins him...1...2...3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall....Scorpion!

Sinner by Drowning Pool hits the pa as Scorpion gets to his feet and raises his hands high, then exits the ring and leaves with the new guy.

Black Bob: Crazy shit man, a good kick ass match, Derek showed his toughness, he lasted in the Deathtrap, but Scorpion musta had this planned from the start.

Xavier: Yea, they both gave a good match though, Scorpion had to have help, but he did what he did to win.

Singles Match
Duke McDoogle vs. Fireproof 

Once Duke is in the ring he charges Fireproof and tackles him out of the ring and to the floor in front of the commentators table. Duke lays in some hard punches and slams Fireproof's head off the floor, then lifts him up and sends Fireproof crashing into the steel steps. Duke rushes him, but Fireproof boots him in th eface, then grabs a chair and smashes Duke over the head right in front of the ref getting himself dqed.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by disqualification.....Duke McDoogle!

No music plays as Fireproof assaults Duke with the chair leaving him lay on the floor bleeding from his head.

Black Bob: Well goddamn, Duke gave his all for that match and looked to kill Fireproof, but no, Firebitch has to grab for a chair, what a coward.

Xavier: Yea, that was a short match and all because of Fireproof, Duke will be recognized for his efforts in the long run though.

Non Title Fatal Four Way Match
M² vs. Kid Lightning vs. Kid Rock vs. David Blade w/Rhapsody 

All four men are in the ring and staring at each other, Blade gets eyed the most due to the target of being the champ. Kid Lightning runs at him, but Kid Rock heads him off ith punches and takes him out of the ring with a clothesline that sends both to the floor. M charges Blade, but gets a kick to the gut and punched backwards, then is given a ddt. Blade now runs the ropes and leaps out with a somersault quancha on to both Rock and Lightning. He soon lifts up Lightning and sends him slamming into the ringpost, then gives him a piledriver. Rock is up and clubs Blade in the back, then runs him to the steel steps, but Blade brakes himself and shoves Rock into the steps, then lifts him up for a backdrop, but instead crotches him on the ringpost. Blade rolls back in the ring, but M is on him with kicks to the head and soon pulls him up nailing a neckbreaker. M climbs to the top rope and comes off with a twisting moonsault on Blade, then rolls to his feet and lifts up Blade nailing him with Up In Smoke, then pins...1....2....kickout! M looks shocked and pulls up Blade looking for Up In Smoke again, but Blade counters it by pulling M over his head and slamming him to the mat. Blade nails a knee drop to M's throat, then climbs up top and hits the Moshpitt Plunge and pins...1...2....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall.....David Blade!

War Machine by KISS begins to play, but before Rhapsody comes in or Blade gets up, the lights go out. You can hear Blade mutter, "what the fu....", then he is cut off and a few minutes later the lights come back on. Blade is found spread eagle in the ring knocked out. Rhapsody climbs in and checks on him as the ref has his title and calls for more officials to come help.

Black Bob: What the hell, who did this to Blade, what asshole would knock him out in the dark?

Xavier: I got no idea man, this sucks though, that's my champ. Whoever did this is gonna get not only revenge from Blade, but fucked up be me as well.


We go to the back where we see Duke McDoogle bandaged up and he has a ball bat in his hand. He is searching the hallway and soon finds who is looking for, Fireproof. Duke charges down the hall and collides with Fireproof punchibng at him. Fireproof punches back and Duke so fired up sends him reeling, then swings the bat to his gut and looks to take his head off, but security breaks this up and hauls both men to seperate rooms and we now cut back to ringside.

Black Bob: Man, Duke is pissed after what Fireproof pulled and I don't blame him, I can't wait to see Duke get his hands on Fireproof.

Xavier: I feel for him, Fireproof is a lil bitch who needs to be taught a lesson.

Tag Team Cage Match
SEF Tag Team Championship
#1 Contender To SEF World Heavyweight Championship
D-Von Dudley & The Serial Thriller w/Erika Valverde vs. The New Diamonds[c]
Stipulation: The 1st Man Of The Winning Team To Exit The Cage Will Become The #1 Contender 

Both teams are in the ring and two men who can't wait collide finally. Thriller and Matt charge each other and start swinging punched like madmen. Jackal and D-Von go at it as well ad D-Von ends up backing Jackal into a corner and hammers him with punches. Thriller gets the best of Matt and whips him to the ropes hitting a nice dropkick on him. Thriller now kneels next top Matt and just punched him, nothing fancy, just punches. D-Von has Jackal sinking down now and backs up some, then charges and buries a knee into his face. He lifts Jackal up on the top rope and climbs up for a superplex, but Jackal ducks down and pulls D-Von's head into the cage, then shoves him to the canvas. Jackal leaps off with the Pounce of Jackal on D-Von. Thriller is now running Matt's head into the cage wall busting him up bad when Jackal runs from behind and nails a Yakuza Kick to the back of Thriller's head. Thriller bounces his head off the cage and falls to the canvas. Matt recovers and kneels down pounding on Thriller with fists. Jackal pulls him up and motions for them to finish him off double team style. They lift Thriller up for a doble front slam, but D-Von gets up and nails Matt in the back allowing Thriller to ddt Jackal into the canvas. Matt and D-Von end up running the ropes and double clotheslining each other, then Thriller hits Jackal with Perfection At Its Best. He lifts up D-Von and helps him to the cage door. Thriller exits first and looks to pull D-Von out, but Matt is up and runs with a dropkick to Thriller sending him back against the guard rail. Matt picks up D-Von and nails the Matlock Go Round, then exits the cage and starts brawling with Thriller. The two end up on stage where security comes out and drags them to the back. Jackal looks to exit the cage now, but D-Von grabs his foot and pulls him up and to him nailing a diving clothesline. D-Von crawls to the door and looks to climbs out, but Scorpion comes running out and slams the door into his head real hard busting D-Von open. The ref pulls Scorpion back and tells him to get out of here, but Jackal capitalizes and exits the cage to win the match for his team.

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners of the match and still SEF Tag Team Champions.....Matt Matlock and The Jackal!

The End Of Heartache by Killswitch Engage hits the pa as Jackal and Scorpion have a staredown. Scorpion's new friend comes out now and stands next to him causing Jackal to just back up and leave. Scorpion and his friend now climb into the cage and starts to lay in some hard shots to D-Von now. Suddenly, a missile coes barreling down from the rafters and explodes on stage, then Bombshell by Powerman 5000 jams over the pa and the crowd explodes in cheers as Bubba Ray Dudley comes walking looking pumped and pissed. He swaggers to the ring and tries coming in the door, but Scorpion keeps it shut while his friend keeps D-Von down. From the back comes running Spike Dudley who scales the cage as quick as a cat and leaps off with a cross body to the new guy, then jumps up and nails some forearm shots to Scorpion. Bubba now enters the cage and is boiling over. The new guy gets up and he is floored with a clothesline that looked like a semi truck from Bubba. Bubba now turns to help Spike and lets loose on Scorpion with some uppercuts, does his gesture and elbow him in the head, then he scoop slams Scorpion and Spike climbs up the ropes stomping on his chest. Bubba turns to D-Von who is up and the two lock eyes. The time away from each other was a long one, they had battles before, but in the end, the Dudley Boyz are brothers 4 life. They give a huge hug now and then pull Spike over for a group hug. Scorpion gets to his feet and D-Von hoists him up and with Bubba give him the 3-D baby, Dudley Death Drop! Spike pulls up the new guy and delivers the Dudley Dog and the cage rises up as The Dudley Boyz truly do stand tall and together as one unit, a family, no leader, just three ol' friends, brothers standing to the end.

Black Bob: Hell yea, we got the boys back, damn this cool as hell, The Dudley Boyz are back in SEF and together, this could save SEF.

Xavier: How right you are, if these three stick together and pick up the pace, SEF will thrive again, I know it!

The talking is down though, the Dudleyz remain in the ring as Bombshell plays and the crowd goes insane with cheers, a reaction that could rival that of Daddy Mack, so one of the biggest we have seen yet. They continue in the ring celebrating their reunion and the camera pans over the arena, but we soon fade away to darkness and the show ends.

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