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Started by Taylor Andrews, December 29, 2014, 08:17:22 AM

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Taylor Andrews

Steve White

February 27th, 1982



Douglas, Wyoming

Theme Music
Electric Chair by 3 Pill Morning

Finishing Move
Gutwrench Powerbomb

Trademark Moves
Death Valley Driver, Torture Rack, Neckbreaker, Powerslam, Abdominal Stretch, Big Boot, Full Nelson, Rear Chinlock, Boston Crab, Suplex, Superplex, Dropkick, Armbar, STF, Sleeper

Pro Debut

Worked as a bouncer and security guard, even personal protection for years, then got into wrestling as a gurd and the chief of security there at SEF. Ended up getting into the ring and could move, he has power, but lacks a real drive to be the best rather than just go out there and do a job. After being given the free and clear to finally do what he wants though, Steve has returned to show us his vengeance.

A pair of black tights with basic boots and knee pads and that's it. Tapes his wrists and hands sometimes, wears a plain or printed shirt of a rock band sometimes and backstage its the same kinda shirts with blue jeans and sneakers.

Taylor Andrews

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Date Posted:04/09/2010 12:37 PMCopy HTML

Steve Whitmore

February 27th, 1978

Height / Weight
6'6" / 250lbs.

Douglas, Wyoming

Theme Music
Walk by Pantera

Pro Debut

Finishing Move
Gutwrench Powerbomb

Trademark Moves
Death Valley Driver, Torture Rack, Neckbreaker, Powerslam, Abdominal Stretch, Big Boot, Full Nelson, Rear Chinlock, Boston Crab, Suplex

Wrestling Style
Power/Brawler; Knows how to wrestle, but not a technician by any means. Relies more on his power and his ability to brawl, knows how to slug it out and bring a brutal fight against anyone.

Started out in SEF as the chief of security, fit perfect for the job, but nothing lasts forever. SEF had to make some cuts and Steve was one of them, so he looked for work elsewhere,
even did some wrestling, got into it for a while and was ok. Didn't get into real heavy and worked as a bouncer in clubs and bars, did a lot of odd jobs, construction even. In '09 he was hired back to SEF, but as an announcer backstage, and interviewer as the guy has a wild personality now. He's kinda off the wall a little, gets crazy, but he's cool and he's still fairly a big guy, so you better be big to fuck with him. He ain't mean though, just easy going and crazy, smokes a lot of cigars and is often seen drinking whiskey from the bottle, any brand. Got fired in '09 due to the mass firing in the fall, worked as a wrestler, a bouncer, whatever jobs he could and when MCW was re opened under SEF in the summer of 2010, he showed up to learn the craft. Stayed in SEF after MCW was cancelled and works Sacrifice.

Favorite Match

Favorite Weapons
Ballbat, Chair, Chain

SEF Accomplishments
Chief Of Security, Interviewer

A pair of black tights with basic boots and knee pads and that's it. Tapes his wrists and hands sometimes, wears a plain or printed shirt of a rock band sometimes and backstage its the same kinda shirts with blue jeans and sneakers. Always seen smoking a big old ciagr too, ever one to turn down beer or liquor either.

Ring Entrance
WALK plays and Steve just does that walking out and reaches to slap some hands as Tina introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Douglas Wyoming, weighing in at two hundred fifty pounds.........Steve Whitmore!

He gets to the ring and rolls in, stands up and just runs the rope sgetting warmed up.

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