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Started by Liz, April 09, 2023, 01:35:08 AM

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Date Posted:30/12/2009 12:09 PMCopy HTML
"Devil's Messenger"
Aimoo Username

Crowd Status

June 6th, 1983
Huntington Beach, California
Theme Music
"Blinded in Chains" by Avenged Sevenfold
Finishing Move
The Message
(Go To Sleep)
Trademark Moves
Powerbomb, Piledriver, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Flying Elbow Drop, Hurricanrana, Spinning Kick, Dropkick, Handspring Back Elbow
Submission Moves
Modified Camel Clutch, Indian Deathlock, Armbar, STF
Pro Debut
April 20th, 2008
Little is known about the man, Gabriel. But all that is known is that on June 6th, 1983, Gabriel Aaron Dante was born to a wealthy family. He grew up in Venice Beach, California around some kids that watched wrestling and that were his friends. After watching it for many years, at the age of 13, he finally came out and announced that as soon as he was done with school and everything, he was going to become a professional wrestler. His family and friends supported his decision to go after his dream. At the age of 19, he entered wrestling school and did very well. After he graduated from wrestling school, he traveled around the country to wrestle in the indy circuit. Now at the age of 24, he has came to SEF to become the best. He had a couple matches when he debuted in SEF but left due to unseen circumstances. Now it's 2009 and Gabriel is ready to get back in the ring to wrestle.
Favorite Weapons
Steel Chair, Sledgehammer, Steel Chain, Brass Knuckles, Steel Baseball Bat, Lead Pipe
Favorite Quotes
"I am The Devil's Messenger!"
"I got The Message from The Higher Power!"
Favorite Matches
Hell In A Cell, Ladder, Cage, Hardcore

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