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End Of Days {10/29/06}

Started by Daddy Mack, January 05, 2014, 01:28:55 PM

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Daddy Mack

October 29th, 2006

So here we are for this months SEF pay per view and we open up inside The Pyramid in Memphis, Tennessee. "Fade To Black" by Metallica plays over the pa as our cameras roam around the arena as usual capturing the large crowd of cheering fans.

Nick Miller: Hello everyone and welcome to SEF's End Of Days! I am Nick Miller of course and here with me is Frank E Dangerously. Tonight we have one solid card for you watching. Michael McMoney faces perhaps his biggest, literally his biggest challege when fights Skull in a prison yard.

FED: Let me tell you too, that match was created to be one of the most brutal, sadistic, structures ever and it has lived up to the hype twice now and we've only had two, so no doubt this will live up as well.

Nick Miller: Very true! We also have Orton and Xanthus in a barbed wire match that is probably going to be very brutal in its own right.

FED: Oh yea, Orton claims he is extreme, he shows no pain, but Xanthus is extreme and he will show Orton how its done!

Nick Miller: That could very well happen, I don't doubt Xanthus, especially in this match. We also have your client Mesa facing Red Flowers in a ladder match and plus in a triple threat match we have Neo's return to pay per view and he faces David Arana and Chris Jericho.

FED: Fuck the triple threat, its just an easy win for Neo! Mesa is the one to watch, he will kill Flowers off, just watch and see.

Nick Miller: I'd pick him to win I guess, so maybe your right.

FED: I am right just like I am right in saying that McMoney knows what he is talking about when he speaks of Skull. McMoney will kill off that big, dumb bastard!

Nick Miller: Well I believe he has a chance to win, I believe Skull has as great a chance, maybe better, we'll see I guess, so lets get on with the show.

In the ring we see Red Flowers leaning back in a corner, the Intercontinental Title hangs above the ring and were seconds away from the first match.

Brittany Fox: The following match is a ladder match for the SEF Intercontinental Championship. In the ring already, from Baltimore Maryland he weighs 230 pounds, Red Flowers!

Flowers just stands still in the corner. The lights go completely out and then we hear "Bad Religion" hit the pa and and play for a few minutes.

Brittany Fox: Making his way out now, from Los Angelos California, he weighs 220 pounds, the homicidal suicidal arabian knight, Mesa!

The lights come back on to see the ladder laying in the ring and Mesa perched on the top rope, but he leaps off flying at Flowers with his legs around his neck, then flips backwards nailing a hurricanrana.

FED: Now that is how you start a match like this!

Nick Miller: If you say so.

Mesa is on his feet and comes off the ropes with a short dropkick to Flowers face, then jumps back up ripping off his headgear, picks up the ladder and drives it into Flowers ribs. Mesa places the ladder in a corner in between the top and middle rope, then pulls up Flowers whipping him into the ladder. Mesa charges rocking him with a clothesline, then lifts him up to the top rope and punches him a few times. Mesa rolls out of the ring, gets a chair and rolls back in getting up quick and bashing Flowers in the head with it. Mesa sits the chair up in the middle of the ring, then backs up the opposite side and runs across the ring jumping on the chair. He leaps to the ladder and hops up grabbing Flowers head and floats backwards bring him down in a real sick looking ddt sending Flowers over on his back and Mesa folds over to his stomach.

Nick Miller: OH MY GOD!


The crowd is chanting holy shit and Mesa is getting up now, he grabs the chair and puts it around Flowers ankle, then grabs the ladder standing it up under the title and climbs up to the top grabbing the IC Title.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner and still the SEF Intercontinental Champion, Mesa!

"Bad Religion" hits and Mesa drops the title to the mat, then leaps off the ladder with his Arabian Areial Assault, but lands right on the chair around Flowers ankle. Flowers screams in pain as the crowd just goes nuts booing and some cheering. Mesa grabs the chair slamming it over Flowers head, then pulls him up and manages to walk him up the ladder, drag him up is more like it.

Nick Miller: Your client won, but what the hell is he doing now?

FED: You'll see!

Mesa has Flowers at the top and reaches up grabbing the loop above the ring, then gets it around Flowers neckpushes him off the ladder letting him hang by his neck. Flowers struggles and tries kicking back to the ladder, but Mesa is off it quick and tips the ladder over. Flowers is grabbing at the loop getting his hands between it and his neck, he kicks and kicks, just goes nuts as he is helpless.

Nick Miller: This is sick, what the hell Frank? He's hanging Flowers, this is illegal.

FED: Oh please, its not a tight rope, its just a statement, Flowers career is dead!

Flowers fades away and soon passes out, Mesa with his title heads to the back and EMT's rush out and Flowers is lowered down. They check on him and give him air, get him on a stretcher and wheel Flowers to the back.

Nick Miller: A horrible act by Mesa, a statement like you said Frank, but still it was not right.

FED: Oh shut up! Mesa was proving just how dangerous he is!

Were backstage where Mesa is seen going down the hall carrying his IC Title and just keeping to himself, his head down sorta and he suddenly stops when seeing a mans feet, just a pair of black wingtip type shoes. Mesa looks up and so do we seeing black suit pants, then a black suit jacket with a black silk shirt underneath and then we see his face, stone cold and no emotion. He has black circle sunglasses and has his black hair flowing down his shoulders and just stares at Mesa who stares back.

FED: What the fuck is Fate doing here and next to Mesa?

Nick Miller: Wow, this is weird!

Mesa just stares wild eyed and crazy as Fate just keeps his face the same.

Fate: Good match kid, we'll see what you can do in the future!

Fate brings a ring clad hand up patting Mesa on the shoulder, then steps around him walking down the hall. Mesa just stares at him with a cocked head sort of confused.

FED: I will get to the bottom of this!

Nick Miller: Does seem weird, guess we'll find out what is going on sometime.

So its time for the triple threat and we find Chris Jericho and David Arana in the ring already fighting each other. Jericho is stomping Arana in a corner, then lifts him up and whips him across to the opposite corner. Jericho charges him leaping up with a kick to Arana's head, then pulls him down in a ddt and we hear "Revenge" hit the pa. The crowd cheers as Neo Monoxide comes running out.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way to the ring, from Elizabeth New Jersey he weighs 192 pounds, Neo Monoxide!

Neo leaps to the apron, then to the top rope and flies at Jericho with a cross body and rolls to his feet. Neo runs at Arana flipping into the air and crashing on him with a senton flip. He gets to his feet and meets jericho with some punches, whips him to the ropes and nails a spinning wheel kick. Neo gets up and lifts Arana up, sends him into a corner, then grabs Jericho and scoop slams him in front of Arana. Neo backs up as Jericho gets up on his hands and knees, then Neo runs leaping off Jericho's back and flying sideways at Arana catching him with the side of his leg in the head.

Nick Miller: Damn, its been all Neo since he got in the ring.

FED: Kid is quick, but Arana and Jericho just plain suck as well!

Neo is up and kicks Jericho in his gut, plants him with The Slingshot, then grabs Arana nailing a ddt on him. Neo climbs up top now and salutes the crowd, then flies off with The Wrecking Ball and quickly pins, 1............2.............3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Neo Monoxide!

"Revenge" hits the pa as Neo jumps up to cheers and poses on the ropes.

Nick Miller: Fast paced match, nice return win for Neo.

FED: It was ok, but far from great, worst of the four tonight.

We go backstage where we see Neo just coming through the curtain and he starts his way down a hall when Mesa comes from behind some big technician boxes or speakers or something and bashes Neo in the back of his head with the IC Title. neo holds his head on the floor as Mesa kicks at him, then lifts him up and runs him into the speakers, then drops him with a reverse ddt on the floor. Mesa gets to his feet and grabs his title, puts it around his neck, then points to the heavens. He then points to Neo and makes a destructive motion before walking away.

Nick Miller: Mesa just destroyed Neo and these two will meet in the ring for the Intercontinental Title for sure, this outta make it that much better.

FED: Any match with Mesa is great anyways, that was just a preview of what Mesa will do to Neo.

Brittany Fox: The following match is a barbed wire match scheduled for one fall and it is for the SEF International Championship!

"Wake Up" hits the pa and the first few lines are heard before we see Xanthus come out on stage pumping his fists in the air. He jumps around somewhat, flips off some fans, does crotch chops to others, flashes thug symbols in a mocking manner and just taunts the crowd like an asshole.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 210 pounds, Xanthus!

Once he gets to the ring X just rolls in under the bottom rope and gets to his feet, looks at the crowd with a smirk, then grabs his nuts and then motions to everyone to suck him off as his music fades. The lights go out then images of Orton are shown on SEFTron, then fireworks shoot up under the entrance way then stop as "The Way I Am" by Eminem hits. Orton appears and he makes his way down the ramp.

Brittany Fox: Now making his way out from St Louis Missouri, he weighs 245 pounds and is the SEF International Champion, Chris Orton!

The ladies in the arena come after him touching his body, but security holds them back, so Orton smirks and gets in the ring, climbs to second turnbuckle moves his hands down his chest making the ladies scream for him. Xanthus charges from behind clubbing Orton in the back, then pulls his legs down dropping Orton facefirst into the tangled barbed wire on the turnbuckles.

Nick Miller: Oh man, Orton eating barbed wire already.

FED: Yea, this is gonna be cool, X gonna tear him up!

Xanthus tears the International Title off Orton who is bleeding and bashes him in the head, then tosses it down and nails him with a snap suplex. Xanthus grabs the top rope and hops up on it, then flies off with a sneton bomb, but Orton rolls out of the way. He rolls out to the floor and and pulls a plywood table covered in barbed wire out and slides it in the ring. Orton grabs a chair and slides in with it as Xanthus is on his feet. Orton is up and swings the chair, but Xanthus goes down catching him with a drop toe hold. Xanthus gets up and nails a quick leg drop to the back of Orton's neck, then sprints up and pulls up Orton for a Ghetto Busta. Orton blocks it and nails a northen lights suplex, X kicking out at one.

Nick Miller: Good match so far, a pin there, but Xanthus kicking out quick.

FED: Of course, you ain't gonna beat Xanthus in this match.

Orton is up and leans the plywood sheet against the ropes, then turns back pulling Xanthus up though he starts nailing some punches on Orton who fires back as well. Xanthus gets a knee to Orton's gut, then whips him to the ropes which tear his back up and he spring sback to Xanthus who tries a hip toss. Orton springs over on to his feet and lifts Xanthus up with a body slam putting him through the sheet of plywood smashing it and Xanthus gets tore up from the barbed wire.

Nick Miller: Oh damn, Xanthus just took a bad drop, what a mess he is in.

FED: He took worse, he'll come back off it.

Orton kicks the wood away and pulls Xanthus from the ropes, then pins him, 1..........2........kickout! Orton kneels up and just shakes his head, then stands up and grabs the chair and squats down some waiting. Xanthus starts getting to his feet, blood coming off his back and he turns backing up some, Orton rushes forward with the chair, but Xanthus lets his body fall backwards and he grabs Orton's leg dropping him to his face and locks him in a single leg boston crab.

FED: Oh yea, nice counter by X.

Nick Miller: That was nice and into a submission move at that.

Orton crawls to the ropes, but Xanthus holds him back and arches back a lot, then stands up and gets Orton nearly vertical now. He screams in pain holding his hand up, but just balls it into a fist punching the mat, then pushes himself up vertical. Orton pulls forward rolling through bring Xanthus backwards into the ropes tearing his back up more. Orton has the chair and gets up whipping around and slams it into Xanthus' head. He tosses the chair down, then looks at his title and kicks the chair away.

Nick Miller: Orton with a nice counter of his own and wjhat a chairshot, but I wonder what he's doing now?

FED: Who knows and who cares, X is about to end this, watch!

Orton grabs the title and lays it between he and Xanthus who moves forward all groggy like and Orton looks for the CKO. Xanthus pushes him away and nails a dropkick to his back sending Orton falling over the ropes tearing his chest up. X gets to his feet catching his breath, then he picks up the chair and charges Orton who turns around and nails a Sexy Slam on Xanthus and covers with one arm, 1...............2...........kickout!

Nick Miller: My god, Orton's old move and Xanthus kicked out, this match is great!

FED: Told ya X won't go down.

Orton gets up and grabs some barbed wire from the broken sheet of plywood, then wraps it around Xanthus' neck and starts choking him. Xanthus starts bleeding from it and goes nuts now twisting away from Orton and back into a corner. Orton gets up and runs at him leaping up for a splash, but Xanthus moves letting Orton hit the barbed wire and get tore up even more. He staggers around and Xanthus catches him with the Ghetto Busta, then hops to the top rope and flies off with a Gangsta Splash.

FED: Yea, he has it, pin him X!

Xanthus rolls back on Orton and hooks his leg, 1...................2...........kickout!

FED: Nooooo!

Nick Miller: A very close fall there, I can't believe Orton kicked out.

X sits up and yells at the ref, then stands and shoves him, the ref shoving Xanthus backwards, so X swings at him, but the ref ducks and Xanthus circles around right into the CKO by Orton!

Nick Miller: My god, Orton dropped him, he may have it.

Orton covers Xanthus and hooks his leg folding him up, 1.................2.....................3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall and still the SEF International Champion, Chris Orton!

"The Way I Am" hits the pa as Orton gets to his feet a bloody mess and is handed his title with his hand raised in the air. He holds it tight, smirks as best he can being worn out and holds his belt high.

Nick Miller: My god what a match that was, both men gave their all, but Orton secured the win.

FED: He only won cause of the ref, he blatanly interefered, how unfair.

Nick Miller: Xanthus shoved him first, then swung at him!

Backstage we go and our view shows Skull standing just behind the curtain wearing the leather pants, his long sleeved spandex shirt and a black bandana. he makes some shadow boxing moves looking pumped up, then we cut to Michael McMoney walking down the hall in his ring gear and an IX shirt with the SEF Title around his waist. He carries a bottle of water and has Sarah Boston on his arm, his eyes telling his story as we cut back to ringside where the barbwire is gone and the ring cleaned up, the large cage being lowred down some getting to be used.

Nick Miller: Oh man, its so close, the main event, prison yard match, this is gonna be huge.

FED: McMoney finally ends Skull once and for all, I can't wait!

Brittany Fox: The following is our main event of the evening and it is scheduled to be a Prison Yard match for the SEF Heavyweight Championship!

"Cop Killa" hits and we see Skull come walking out and slap some fans hands.

Brittany Fox: Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, he weighs 420 pounds, Skull!

He gets to the apron and grabs the top rope pulling himself up and over the top rope, then Skull pumps a fist in the air. He looks up at the cage, then stares straight at the entrance. "Replica" hits as the lights go down, and McMoney walks out onto the stage with a water bottle, his title around his waist, and Sarah at his side.

Brittany Fox: Making his way out now, from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania, he weighs 245 pounds and is accompanied by Sarah Boston, he is the SEF Champion, Michael McMoney!

As he starts to walk as the music really kicks in. He gets on the ring apron, sprays water into the audience, raises his arms then comes down with a crotch chop. He goes to the far corner, stands on the middle turnbuckle, raises his arms once again and gives another crotch chop as the cage lowers down to the floor. McMoney raises up his title pointing it and telling Skull he'll never get it, then tosses it at Skull and kicks him in the kneecap, punches him a few times, but Skull shrugs them off. McMoney kicks him low and nails Skull with several forearms now.

FED: Oh yea, that's how ya get the big man, go low, it takes down anyone!

Nick Miller: True it does, just not very moral, but it is McMoney.

McMoney has Skull in a corner hammering him hard, then kicks him low again and steps up on the middle rope, hooks him in a front facelock and drops Skull with a ddt. McMoney gets up and backs into the ropes, then steps forward dropping a knee to Skull's head. He rolls from the ring now and looks under the ring, tosses in a trash can, a cookie sheet, a singapore cane, and he slides in a table. McMoney keeps looking and gets his sledgehammer, but sets it against a ringpost sorta hidden. Skull is up now and McMoney rolls in the ring grabbing the cookie sheet. Skull turns to him, but gets the sheet jammed into his cut, then McMoney smacks him in the head with it. Skull staggers back, but suddenly throws up his leg catching McMoney with a hard boot to the face.

Nick Miller: Good god, Skull just took a hard shot and came back strong, damn he is powerful.

FED: He won't last though, just good for a few strong points and always gets beat.

Skull sets the table up in the middle of the ring, then lifts up McMoney looking for the OG Drop, but McMoney drops and low blows Skull, then grabs the singapore cane nailing him in the ribs like ten times, then in the head knocking Skull into the ropes. McMoney charges him with a clothesline taking Skull out to the floor. McMoney goes out as well and staggers up to his feet leaning on the cage. He runs at Skull kicking him in the ribs, then knees him in the face and shoves him into the steel steps. McMoney backs up about ten feet and looks to charge Skull who suddenly rips up the steps and throws them. McMoney ducks down to the floor in time and the steps crash into the cage so hard that the mesh starts to rip about five or six feet up.

Nick Miller: Wow, what raw power! Had that hit McMoney this would be over and he probably would have been too.

FED: But it didn't cause he is too smart!

Skull rips up McMoney and slams his face into the cage, then lifts him in a press and tosses him into the ring. Skull gets up on the apron as McMoney pulls brass knuckles out of his tights putting them on and he kneels up hiding his hand. Skull steps into the ring and bends down to grab McMoney who swings up catching Skull in the jaw, then stands up and nails him in the head as hard as he can, he shakes his fist in pain. McMoney kicks him low, then drops him with a ddt. He throws the knucks down and walks over to the corner he left his hammer in and pulls it in from outside grinning.

Nick Miller: Uh oh!

FED: Oh yea!

McMoney grips it tight and just stares at Skull who gets up and turns. McMoney buries the head of the hammer into Skull's gut, but Skull manages to punch McMoney in the head as well casuing him to drop the sledge. Skull leans on the ropes and McMoney grabs the trash can slamming Skull in the back of his head, then pulls him around and drops him with Greed.

FED: Its all over now.

Nick Miller: Could be if McMoney can escape the cage.

McMoney is out of the ring and pulling a ladder out from under the ring. He sets it up by the cage and starts climbing as fast he can, but is safe about it so he don't fall ya know. Skull is getting up as McMoney reaches the top of the ladder, almost halfway up as its an eight foot ladder. He gets on the cage and starts up it as Skull is on his feet and coming out to the ladder.

Nick Miller: Skull is up after Greed, damn he can take a lot.

FED: He can't climb for shit, McMoney has it won.

Skull heads up the ladder, but about three rungs from the top he reaches up grabbing McMoney's leg and yanking him down. McMoney gets wide eyed trying to kick free, but Skull gets him down and slams his head into the cage busting him open, then shoves McMoney off the ladder sending him through the table in the ring. The ladder kinda wobbles and Skull moved forward some, so he goes off the ladder coming down over the top rope which slings him backwards into the cage and he slumps to the floor.

Nick Miller: Oh my god, mcMoney is down, Skull is down, this anyones match now.

FED: Nah, McMoney still has it, I know he does, damn it, get up McMoney!

Skull is moving, holds his head and looks in the ring at McMoney who is moving as well and pull himself into a sitting position. Skull sits forward and grabs the apron pulling himself up, then gets on his knees and lays his head on the edge of the mat. McMoney is getting to his feet and gathers some energy to run and baseball slide into Skull sending him back into the cage. McMoney slides out of the ring and backs up some as Skull tries to get up. McMoney runs at him looking for a knee it seem, but Skull catches his leg and lifts him for a flapjack almost, but flips him in a back body drop sending him high in the air and crashing against the cage that was ripping away, the force of his body breaking all the way through and McMoney slides out to the floor into the crowd, his feet touching the outside floor.

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner and still the SEF Champion, Michael McMoney!

"Replica" hits as McMoney leans against the guard rail stunned, Skull turns seeing what happened and is pissed.

Nick Miller: That was crazy, Skull sent McMoney right through the cage, but he won.

FED: Told ya he would win!

Nick Miller: Not by any of his own doing, more like he got lucky.

McMoney pulls himself up as the cage starts raising up and the ref gets him out of the crowd and hands him the title raising his arm up. Skull just stares down McMoney who slowly starts backing up the aisle grinning and clutching his title closely. Nick Torres comes walking out in black jeans and a black t-shirt, trademark toothpick and he walks behind McMoney who backs up right into him.

Nick Miller: What the hell is this?

McMoney freezes and gets all worried, slowly turns seeing Torres who clubs him in the back, then grabs McMoney running him back to the ring rolling him in. Skull steps in now as Torres heads up the steps. Skull lifts up McMoney nailing the OG Drop, then just stands over him as the crowd cheers. Torres has a mic and just grins at Skull, then lifts up the mic.

Torres: I told you all I was back, but no one knew why. Plenty of you, even McMoney here speculated as to why, but no one got it right. Tonight you know why I am back, Skull here. he knows of course, don't you big man?

Torres steps away some and does a side point ala DX handing the mic to Skull who takes it, but with his other hand reaches under his shirt collar and starts peeling of fhis face.........huh?

Nick Miller: What the hell..............?

FED: You got me!

Skull pulls the top of his head and rips off what was a mask revealing a white man, long hair, goattee with scruffy beard.

Nick Miller: That's Troy Storms, what the f-

FED: No way, those son of a bitches!

Torres just smirks as does Storms who pulls his gloves revealing his white hands, then raises up the mic as the crowd watches stunned.

Storms: Well maybe you were expecting something else, not someone else!?

Storms steps next to Torres putting an arm on his shoulder.

Storms: Yes, it was me four years ago and it has been me all along. I never did this to play anyone just like Nick here when he was Cobra. Those were gimmicks we had as a part of Da Gangstas, when the group was something, but as I said before, its been dead since Bruiser left us, so we figured we'd be ourselves and leave history as just that.

Some cheers from the crowd respectfully for Bruiser.

Storms: McMoney here figured he put me out, but how wrong he has been on all accounts. I mean hell, us team with Sly, your smoking something worse than crack. Now Mack, well maybe we will and maybe we won't, no secret were best friends. That's another topic though, so for now, good luck on the rest of your lil title reign, your gonna need it!

Storms tosses the mic down and steps on McMoney, then he and Torres exit the as "Fade To Black" starts playing.

Nick Miller: A hell of a revealing night here, Troy Storms was Skull all along, now that was weird.

FED: Yea it was, but what a trick he pulled on everyone, wish I had thought of an idea like that!

Nick Miller: Your a twisted man Frank, whats new!? A huge night of action here tonight, Extreme is tomorrow, see ya then folks.

The crowd is still pumped up as our cameras roam the arena and "Fade To Black" continues to play and the show soon does that, fade to black.

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