Sports E-Fed

Wrestling Promotion => SEW Monday Night WAR Event Promos => Topic started by: NBD on January 04, 2021, 11:44:23 PM

Title: Anarchy 50
Post by: NBD on January 04, 2021, 11:44:23 PM

Date: Friday, January 8th, 2021

Venue: Underground Arena in Detroit, MI

Map of Arena (

Theme: Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil


Main Event
Steel Cage Match

King Mack v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
SEF Anarchy Championship
Title: Re: Anarchy 50
Post by: NBD on January 09, 2021, 02:08:42 AM

Friday, January 8th, 2021

Welcome To Reality by Pop Evil plays over the pa of the Underground Arena in Detroit Michigan and from ringside we hear Frank Malone say.

"Welcome to Friday Night Anarchy! Tonight's big Friday night fight is a steel cage match for the newly crowned Anarchy Champion to defend his title against the boss of SEF, the Owner, King Mack."

Bil McLane sitting next to Frank chimes in now.

"And its going to be so sweet when King Mack puts Simon down like the chump he is and walks out with the title Simon failed to get when it meant something!"

Frank nodding ok and says.

"He did fail, but he's got another chance and he has a fucking monster to get through in order to continue using his opportunity to be great. We are here in the Underground Arena for a fight though and these rowdy fans didn't come in here on a Friday night to waste their time or money, so here we go, its main event time, its the big fight here on Friday night Anarchy!!!"

Crazy Rap by Afroman plays over the pa bringing out King Mack who saunters to the ring in his light blue t-shirt and blue jeans with ring boots sticking out from his loose pant legs. He climbs in the ring through the cage door and stretches a bit as he waits for We Own It by Wiz Kalifa plays over the pa bringing out Simon Lee Nash who wears the Anarchy Championship around his waist and carries the Triple Tag Team Title over his right shoulder. Simon gets to the ring and hands his titles to the ref at ringside who holds the Anarchy Title up to show what is on the line, then hands them to the timekeeper. Simon enters the ring and the ref shuts the door and locks it with a padlock.

Main Event
Steel Cage Match
King Mack v. Simon Lee Nash(c)
SEF Anarchy Championship

ANA gets Simon in a lock up forcing him to a corner and grabs his head to push his face into the cage. Simon fighting back by swinging his arms wildly to get free before throwing some more consistent punches rocking ANA away from the cage, then hooks him for a suplex taking the boss over to the mat. Simon on his feet kicking at ANA and drops a elbow to his chest, then gets him in a side headlock pushing his face to the mat. ANA fighting up  to his feet though and tries to shove Simon to the ropes, but he holds on and drags ANA down with a bulldog. Simon switching to a front facelock and ANA getting to his knees and charges up to drive Simon into a corner breaking the hold. ANA whips Simon across the ring and charges for a spear, but Simon leapfrogging to let him crash in the corner. Simon grabbing ANA to pull him out and down with a russian leg sweep. The Anarchy Champion heading to the top rope leaping off with a moonsault and makes the pin, but ANA kicks out at two. Simon hammering him with punches and pulls ANA up running him to one side of the cage and grinds his face against the steel. He runs him across the ring to the other side looking to do the same as Frank Malone says.

"Simon looking to make good on his word and put King Mack's face into every side of the steel cage and he's on the third wall now."

Bill McLane disgustingly says.

"The boss won't allow this, he'll end it soon."

Simon going to the fourth wall and let's go letting ANA smash into it, then catches him with a spear and makes the pin, but still only gets a two count. Simon pulling ANA up to hoist him high for the F-5, but the King spins off to his feet and runs to the ropes charging back with a clothesline diving into Simon and both men go down. ANA pulling himself up a second before Simon and kicks him in the gut, then looks for a powerbomb, but Simon counters with a hurricanrana rolling ANA into a pin for a two count. ANA rolling out and Simon scrambling to his feet to meet his boss with punches and the challenger rocking the champ into the ropes. ANA whipping Simon across the ring and hits him with Justice and makes the pin, but Simon kicks out at two. ANA enraged and lifts up Simon to run him into the cage wall grinding his face into the steel, not wanting to stop, but Simon with elbows to his midsection backs him up. Simon with a knee to the midsection and looks for a suplex, but ANA blocks this one and carries Simon over with a hip toss into the cage through the ropes. ANA looking up and begins climbing the cage, stands on the top rope and jumps up to the top of the cage. Simon looking up to see him and scrambles behind him as ANA starts to swing his legs over the side. Simon climbing up to grab ANA by his hair and force him back up, then begins to hammer him with punches. ANA firing back and both men get to their feet on top of the cage with Simon kicking ANA in the knee, then throws him down to the mat where ANA ends up on his back, so Simon shrugs and leaps off with a elbow drop to the boss's chest. Simon rolling away from the impact as ANA cradles up holding his chest. The Anarchy Champion fighting to get up and drops to ANA rolling him into a pin with a leg hooked, but ANA kicks out before three. Simon pulls him up looking for the F-5, but ANA drops behind him and looks for a german suplex. Simon backing him up into a corner and starts throwing back elbows, then runs across the ring coming back to duck a spear and catches ANA with a superkick. Simon pulling him into the F-5 against the cage wall and ANA slumps down between the ropes and cage. Simon climbing the cage now and gets up to the top swinging up and over while ANA gets up climbing the cage looking to pull himself up to the top. Simon on his way down as ANA gets to the top almost falls over, but holds on and rolls his legs over to try and escape. Simon seeing this and looks down to say screw it as he drops seven or eight feet to the floor in front of the announce table. ANA still climbing down unaware as the ref calls for the bell.

Winner: Simon Lee Nash

ANA knows now as he drops to the floor a few feet himself and falls against the guard rail while Simon collects his titles and We Own It by Wiz Kalifa plays over the pa. Simon raising the Anarchy Title high, then holds both his titles up showing how proud he is. He walks around by ANA who is sitting against the rail and Simon extends a hand. ANA takes it to stand up and gives the champ a quick hug, then raises his arm and walks off letting him have the moment as Frank Malone says.

"A sign of respect between the two arch rivals and Simon walking out the winner of a well fought cage match from both men. Been a hell of a big fight night here on Friday and we'll see ya all when see ya, probably next week for SEF TV!?!"

Simon on the stage with his titles held high while Anarchy comes to a end.
