Sports E-Fed

Wrestling Promotion => Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promos => Topic started by: FayeBlackwood on March 04, 2022, 11:57:00 AM

Title: You aren't a threat, little one(SEFTV 765)
Post by: FayeBlackwood on March 04, 2022, 11:57:00 AM
A lone pale figure emerges out of the shadows, hood over their head covering their face as they began to walk among the gravestones and mausoleums in the cemetery. It was indeed the Vampiric Bytch herself, Midnight, walking alone and listening to the dead as they spoke to her, that all too familiar whisper that the dead communicate with, something she had a gift of, given the background she had as also a witch. Unlike her opponent Sierra, she dabbled in Witchcraft and dark arts. While Sierra claimed she was a devil worshipper, it was apparent that Sierra didn't know what being a devil worshipper was actually about. Satanism has a variety of connotations: the renunciation and denial of a Christian God, the ascendence of evil over good, the forces of darkness, the use of ritual evocations of demons in rooms lit only by black candles, and sacrifices and sexual orgies. Satanic religions are as old as monotheism and have their origins in Persia of the sixth century. However, Satanism is not a worldwide conspiracy. Instead, like other occult and magical belief systems, it is a response to social tensions and has emerged during time social fragmentation. The vast majority of Satanists belong to the neo-Satanic churches and represent no threat to society. Satanic and non-Satanic religious cults that advocate and practice violence should be watched by authorities, but care must be taken to assure that innocent religious groups are not persecuted simply for having unorthodox beliefs. We must also recognize that many theories, like that of a child-molesting conspiracy of Satanists, are not supported by any evidence but are the product of a sensationalist media. Through all that, is Sierra truly a devil worshipper or is she a follower because she wants to strike fear where as she is actually not a threat but a mere mortal who is scared and therefore uses tactics to make one inferior to her.