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Extreme 81 {12/19/05}

Started by Daddy Mack, November 20, 2014, 10:11:24 PM

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Daddy Mack

December 19th, 2005

We open live inside the 1st Mariner Arena in Baltimore, Maryland. A snowy night on the east coast, the christmas season, but inside its not action as always for SEF and our last show before Christmas Carnage. Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie blasts over the pa as some pyro shoots off on the stage and we roam around capturing all the fans on camera before dropping to ringside. 

Nick: Hello and welcome to another edition of Monday Night Extreme, tonight is quite a night in SEF.

Frankie: Hell yea it is, Mack opening the show with an ass kicking for Blaze Inferno, Viper headlines to take those Tag Titles from Spike and Whitney.

Nick: If Michelle shows, we recently found out he has not seen her around.

Frankie: But he don't need her, its Spike and Whitney, c'mon man!

Nick: Yea, a former World Champ and the current World Champ, plus the Tag Champs, they are better than ya think. Blaze too, but Mack does have the experience by far and gives more, so we'll see.

Frankie: Viper also takes on Matlock for the TV Title, guess we'll see two title changes tonight.

Nick: Matt is a different man than who Viper faced before, he appears to want the top spot more, but he may be slipping again, so again, we'll see. Bubba Ray Dudley makes an appearance as well on Mack's Hardcore Hotel, should be interesting.

Frankie: Maybe, but he's still just a Dudley. Thriller gets to beat down Sandman once more, that old man is going nowhere, he outta give it up.

Nick: Sandman has had his time and remember he had a hell of a war with Mack and beat him for the title during it, sometimes he has his bad days. I am looking forward to our main event being a steel cage, oh my, I just got word a fight is happening backstage.

We go to the back where we see D-Von has jumped Mack with a steel chair to the back and is laying in some kicks to him now. He lifts Mack up and runs him up against a wall, then knees him in the gut and slams him to the floor.

D-Von Dudley: Wanna beat me down, force me into a match right after another and steal my title with the help of your bitch Thriller, well payback is a bitch!

D-Von grabs his chair, but security runs in and pulls him back while others help mack up and we soon cut to ringside.

Nick: Whoa, D-Von certainly not happy, obviously due to last weeks show.

Frankie: What cowardly attack and how unfair, Mack has a match coming up, well, now.

Singles Match
Shane Mack
Blaze Inferno 

So it starts with a lock up and Mack backs up Blaze into a corner, the ref calls for a break, but Mack gets a thumb to Blaze's eye and nails a hard chop to her chest. The ref warns him about it and Mack shrugs at him, then pulls Blaze ou tof the corner and whips her into the ropes looking for a back body drop. Blaze stops short and kicks him in the head, then charges forward with a clothesline, but mack drop toe holds her and floats around into a front facelock. Blaze rollsover trying to get free, but Mack keeps her grounded. he lets her go though and slaps the back of her head while laughing.

Nick: How disrespectful, Mack best not be so cocky or he may end up tasting defeat.

Frankie: Its just Blaze, Mack has this under control.

Mack pulls Blaze into a corner and nails a few chops, then whips her across the ring and charges at her leaping up for a splash. Blaze jumps ou tof the way quickly causing Mack to hit the turnbuckles and stagger backwards. Blaze grabs him nailing a neckbreaker, then she goes to the top rope leaping off with a moonsault and pins, 1..........2......kickout!

Nick: Oh my, a close fall on that one.

Frankie: But not close enough, Blaze will never beat Mack.

Blaze pulls up Mack and backs him against the ropes with some elbows, then drops him with a ddt. She runs the ropes now and come sback with an elbow drop, then hops up and rips up Mack shoving him into a corner. Blaze jumps up on the ropes and looking to turn Mack around. Mack whips around quicker that she expects and lifts her into a sitting position on the top rope. He nails a forearm to her head, then climbs up headbutting her and soon nails a superplex.

Nick: What an impact on both from that move.

Mackis first up and he leans on the ropes now. Blaze starts up on her feet and turns to him, Mack pops his leg up for the Shows Ova, but she ducks and kicks him in the gut. Blaze pulls him down and looks for a piledriver. She falls backward planting Mack with it, then she heads up to the top rope. Mack gets up on his feet and Blaze is on the ropes, she waits for him to turn and leaps off looking for a clothesline or axe handle smash. Mack keeps his body sideways and pops up hiting her with the Shows Ova sending Blaze snapping backwards and drops to the mat. Mack falls over her and pins, 1...........2...........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, Shane Mack!

Cowboy by Kid Rock hits the pa as Mack kneels up getting his hand raised. The crowd gives a mixed reaction as Mack just stands and looks at Blaze, then wheads to the back.

Nick: A hard fought match that was and my congrats to both, Mack won, but they both delivered.

Frankie: Perhaps, but Mack is still the best and definitely outshined and outperformed Blaze.

Singles Match
SEF Television Championship
Matt Matlock(c)
Triple V 

And again a match starts with a lock up, a struggle and Viper soon overpowers Matt sending him into a corner. Viper smirks at him and flexes a bit cockily. Matt just moves forward looking for another, but tries to fake out Viper who had the same idea in mind. Both try a straight punch and are soon trading them. Matt being quicker gets more in and backs up Viper, but Viper overpowers him and lifts him up, turns and nails a spinebuster.

Nick: A nice way to counter those punches.

Viper rips up Matt and hammers him with right hands, then sends him to the ropes and misses a clothesline, tries a high knee, but Matt ducks it and comes back clotheslining Viper. He hits the ropes again and nails a leg drop, then Matt pulls up Viper lifting him for a suplex, but turns nailing a brainbuster and pins, 1.....2....kickout!

Nick: A near fall by Matt, by far way more than he has ever done against Viper.

Frankie: So what, he's still gonna get his ass kicked.

Matt pulls up Viper into a sitting position and locks in an armbar. Viper gets up on his feet and backs up Matt into a corner, the ref calls for a break and Viper tries a right hand. Matt ducks it and turns Viper into the corner hammering him with punches, then whips him across the ring and charges with a clothesline and bulldogs him out. Matt kifts up Viper and lifts him again as if for a suplex, but turns looking for the BFA. Viper shifts his weight though and slips down behind Matt, hooks his head and brings him down with a reverse ddt. Viper gets up on his feet shaking the cobwebs, then he pulls up Matt and sends him to the ropes, nails a clotheslines and rips up Matt nailing a scoop slam. Viper backs up into corner, then comes walking out and drops a knee to Matt's head. He pulls him up and hooks his arms, but Matt fights out and scoops up Viper's legs dropping him, thene catapults him into a corner. Viper staggers around and Matt gets up nailing a hard right, then backs up Viper to the corner and lifts him up top. Matt climbs up and nails some punches, then delivers his Matlock Drop.

Nick: Oh my, this one may be over, Matt may just do it here tonight.

Matt turns Viper over and pins him, 1..........2.........Viper gets a foot on the ropes and Matt sits up looking pissed. He pulls Viper from the ropes and grabs his legs now turning him into the Matt-Lock. Viper yells in pain now and tries to power out, but due to the arch its hard to. He punches the canvas, then starts pulling himself across the ring and reaches out grabbing the bottom rope. Matt lets go and Viper now rolls out to the floor and kneels down appearing to recover, but actually reaches under the ring. Matt climbs out oblivious to this and goes after Viper who whips up and around literally hammering Matt with a sledgehammer to the head knocking him flat on his back. The ref immediately calls for the bell, but Viper points at Brittany to keep it shut, then he rolls Matt in the ring and slides in as well with the hammer. He gets up and shoves the ref away, then he hammers him to the gut and swings with an uppercut knocking him out. Viper now paces around Matt with the sledge before dropping it into his gut. Matt is bleeding from his head and Viper lifts him up, hooks his arms and nails the Unforgiven. He stands up as The Unforgiven by Metallica plays and Viper soon walks to the back as the crowd boo him.

Nick: Man, Matt showed us he has gotten better, he even did get the win, but he got the worse end of a beating.

Frankie: A dq win, so until he pins the man, till he pins Viper, he only proves he's still a joke.

We go to the back finding Viper heading into his room and sees no one else in there. He heads to the bench taking a seat and grabs a towel wiping some sweat off his head. We soon see Jack Hines come walking in and speak to him. 

Jack Hines: Viper, interesting match, ya lost, but what about your second match, where's Michelle?

Triple V: First of all Jack, I beat Matt like I said I would, he was left bloody and knocked out by myself. I don't want nor do I care for the TV Title, I whipped his ass, end of story. As for Michelle, my second match, man, none of your damn business, now get lost.

Viper stands up pointing to the door as Jack just leaves and we cut to ringside.

Nick: Seems Viper is satisfied with one match, but no Michelle still, he may be solo all night.

Frankie: If anyone can, Viper can be the first solo Tag Champ, watch and see.

Hardcore Hotel
Host: Shane Mack
Guest: Bubba Ray Dudley 

The ring is all set up for our segment and Cowboy by Kid Rock is playing as Mack enters the ring already and dances around, drops down in his pose, then pops up an dgrabs the mic off the bed.

Shane Mack: Back again, my show, my company, a new guest in recent weeks as he is a man not seen in SEF for quite some time, but may just be coming back, I give you, Bubba Ray Dudley!

A missile drops and Bombshell by Powerman 5000 blasts over the pa as Bubba comes stomping out to cheers. He heads down the ramp high fiving fans and soon rolls in the ring standing up next to Mack.

Shane Mack: Alright Bubba, right to it, what's your agenda, are you back finally or ya gonna stay on the fucking bench?

Bubba Ray Dudley: Well ya know Mack, I have had a lot of thoughts fly through my head, I have been in this business a while now, I've been a busy man outside of SEF as well, but it is my home. I am just not sure on what I want to do, come back to the same ol' bullshit story, the same song and dance with-

And Bubba is cut off by Bombshell playing once again and this time we see D-Von Dudley come walking out to cheers as well. he heads down the ramp and slides in the ring, gets up and goes face to face with Bubba, Mack keeps themic out for both.

D-Von Dudley: So your back on tv, what this time, gonna steal my spotlight or what?

Bubba Ray Dudley: I never have yet, never even tried to, so why would I start now?

D-Von Dudley: So what's up then, why ya here?

Bubba Ray Dudley: I don't know why I bother, maybe The Dudley Boyz are dead. The clan as always stuck together, but in SEF you have never been the real D-Von and I don't mean to say your someone else in disguise, I mean you have never acted like my brother, but I won't let the team die and I wanna ask you something. I wannaknow what you want and whatever it is I will act accordingly. I want the team back and its up to you, so think about it and if you say no, fine, we'll pursue singles careers and never team up, but if you say yes, its on and we'll prove who the best team really is.

Shane Mack: Actually, the best team would be myself and Viper, just to clear it up.

D-Von Dudley: You two have nothing on us, we were the best and will be no matter what.

Mack pushes Bubba away and gets in D-Von's face.

Shane Mack: You and this chump, not a chance ya stand to us. Like I once said about seeing real hardcore wrestling, watch me and my boy of we team up again and you'll see real tag team action.

Bubba suddenly whips Mack around and lets the punches fly. Mack sends some back, but D-Von clubs him in the back. Bubba whips Mack to the ropes now, D-Von catches him and lifts Mack up to Bubba and they nail the Dudley Death Drop or for short, the 3D and the crowd erupts in cheers. Bombshell hits as Mack rolls to the floor staggering up the side of the ramp. Bubba turns to D-Von and says, "its up to you and you alone my brother". Bubba then rolls from the ring and walks off as D-Von stares at him wondering what he should do.

Nick: Wow, Bubba is fed up with the past here, he left it all up to D-Von and they just laid out Mack with the 3D, what a night this is.

Frankie: A cheap move considering it was two on one, but Mack will get payback on them.

We see Mack walking through the curtain holding his head and he heads down a hall coming face to face with Whitnet Marret now. The two lock eyes and Whitney speaks. 

Whitney Marret: Nice segment ya had there Macky, did you get a lil taste of your own medicine finally? Wait till this Sunday when I finally beat you one on one and make you quit because honey, I won't end my career for you, ever!

Whitney moves in kissing Mack on the cheek, then she walks off winking at him. Mack turns watching Whitney's ass sway side to side, then we cut away to a medic room where Matt Matlock is sitting on a table being stitched up, his TV Title in his lap. We see Jack Hines come in now.

Jack Hines: Matt, Viper says he is satisfied with the match, but he did lose, you suffered a horrible beating, what are your thoughts on the match?

Matt Matlock: I admit he did say he had no care for this belt and it may be dq, but I kept up with Viper longer than ever before as I said I would do, I made him take a loss to beat me down and trust me, I will one day get a very secure win over him, I guarantee that.

Jack seems satisfied now and we cut back to ringside.

Nick: Matt appears to be happy with the match too, there men will have to meet agan and what about what Whitney said to Mack, their I Quit match is gonna be great.

Frankie: Mack and Viper are what SEF is all about, no one else can touch them.

Singles Match
The Serial Thriller
The Sandman 

Thriller is all over Sandman and end sup clotheslining him to the outside. He leaps over the top rope with a splash to Sandman and lays in punches on him. Thriller gets to his feet and lifts up Sandman slamming his head into the commentators table, then he whips him into the ring stes and grabs a chair. The ref is out of the ring and grabs the chair, his back to Sandman as he warns Thriller not to use a chair. We see Shane Mack come running out and nails the Shows Ova on Sandman, then he runs around the ring away from him. Thriller sees and shoves the ref away, picks up Sandman and rolls him into the ring.

Nick: What a lowdown, dirty move by Mack.

Frankie: Not like Sandman actually had a chance at winning.

Thriller is back in the ring and stalks Sandman, then drops him with Perfections At Its Best and pins, 1...........2...........3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall, The Serial Thriller!

Soul Survivor by Young jessy hits the pa as Thriller gets to his feet spreading his arms out as if he won the World Title. Mack is up on stage now smiling and he soon heads to the back as Thriller makes his exit. Sandman rolls to the floor and the crowd is cheering for him, but he looks at a few fans near him and makes a up yours gesture. He grabs a beer and takes a drink, then spits it all over some chick. her boyfriend gets all pissed and Sandman just shoves him to the floor and walks off to the back being booed.

Nick: A cheap win for Thriller, but a weird twist for Sandman, I can't believe he turned on the fans.

Frankie: Maybe he is sick of getting his ass kicked all the time.

We go to the back where we see Thriller smiling and gloating over his win. he heads down a hall and bumps shoulders with someone, that man being Viper and the two just lock eyes and stare. We soon see Shane Mack heading that way and Thriller spots him, then leaves Viper be who just walks off now. Mack and Thriller greet with a handshake. 

Shane Mack: Awesome man, ya killed Sandman, what a loser he is!

Serial Thriller: For real, lets go party up the night and celebrate our wins.

Mack laughs and puts an arm around Thriller as we cut away to show Spike and Whitney in their room getting ready for their match.

Whitney Marret: Seems Michelle isn't gonna show, could be slightly easier, but Viper is still a challenge.

Spike Dudley: Your telling me, I got him one on one in six days.

Whitney Marret: You'll do fine Spike, just think of what he do to you last time, think of how you beat Mack to win that title, you have the heart and knowledge, you'll do great.

Spike Dudley: Thanks, now lets get out there and give everyone a preview of both our matches for Sunday.

Whitney smiles and the two head out now as we cut to ringside.

Nick: Seems Spike and Whitney are ready as ever, no sign of Michelle and an odd staredown between Thriller and Viper.

Frankie: That was odd, Viper though can beat both Whitney and Spike, just watch and see.

Main Event
Tag Team Cage Match
SEF World Tag Team Championship
Dominant Extremists(c)
Deadly Assassins 

The cage is around the ring and inside stand Spike and Whitney. Viper is on the ring steps now looking in at them and he slowly steps up on the apron and through the door. The ref goes to close it, but Viper steps back holding it open as he survery's his situation more. Spike and Whitney stand across the ring from one another and Viper finally steps all the way in now and the door is shut. He stares at both his opponents, then Viper makes like is gonna charge Spike, but goes for Whitney and gets in some punches sending her to a corner. Spike is on him with clubs to the back, then he backs Viper into the ropes and hammers him with forearms. Spike looks for an irish whip, but Viper reverses and looks for a clothesline. Whitney comes behind him nailing a chop block on his knee and Spike comes running back clotheslining Viper.

Nick: Nice work by Spike and Whitney, proving why they are Tag Champs.

Frankie: Against one man, wow, real great work.

Whitney pulls up Viper and nails some elbows on him, then her and Spike whip him to the ropes and drop him with a double back elbow, then they both drop an elbow to him. Whitney climbs up to the top rope and nails a moonsault on Viper, then Spike lifts him up and looks for the Dudley Dog. Viper still has fight left and throws Spike facefirst into the cage, then charges with a club to his back. Whitney comes behind him burying a knee into his back, then pulls down Viper with a reverse ddt. She wraps him up in an armbar as Spike recovers and gets on his feet. Viper fights up to his feet and backs Whitney to the ropes, but Spike is on him now. He and Whitney whips Viper across the ring and both kick him in the gut, then lift him up nailing a suplex. Whitney looks at Spike with a grin, then she starts climbing the cage. Spike knows and lifts up Viper finally nailing the Dudley Dog. Whitney gets to the top of the cage and she stands up straight, then leaps off with a 450 splash crashing down on Viper.

Nick: Oh god that had to hurt both Whitney and Viper.

Whitney is hurt as she bounces off Viper and holds her ribs. the crowd is cheering and chanting as Spike pulls her up and to the door helping her out of the cage. He too gets out and the match is over.

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners and still the SEF World Tag Team Champions, Whitney Marret and Spike Dudley!

Mosh by Eminem hits the pa as Spike gets the Tag Titles and keeps Whitney on her feet. We soon see Shane Mack and Serial Thriller come running down and shove Whitney to the floor. They then slams Spike into the cage and roll him back inside the cage. Thriller gets in the ring first and Viper is up. He kicks Thriller in the gut and nails him with the Unforgiven, then Mack comes in the ring and waits for Spike to get up and he does nails the Shows Ova. He and Viper come face to face and both smirk now and shake hands, then hug and raise their hands up together.

Nick: My god, is this right, Mack and Viper uniting together or is it just a one time deal, what is going on?

Frankie: Let's hope their uniting, no one could possibly stop them then.

Nick: I must agree them together would be a good team, but we'll soon find out is going on and this Sunday is Christmas Carnage, so we'll see ya then, take care folks.

Feel So Numb by Rob Zombie hits the pa and our cameras roam around the arena now capturing all the fans still pumped up for the show and we soon fade to black.

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