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universal6 star tag team

Sacrifice 55 {1/6/15}

Started by sopshowtime69, January 03, 2015, 11:11:28 PM

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Dow Events Center in Saginaw, MI

Theme Music

Singles Match
Sacrifice Heavyweight Championship
"The Scorpion" Rick Reynolds w/Frank Hussar v. Spike Dudley(c)

6 Man Tornado Team Match
Sacrifice Tornado Team Championship
West Coast Connection v. Priceless Paine v. The Dudley Boyz(c)

Steel Cage Match
Jake Voss v. Strife

6 Man Tag Team Match
SEFWUN US Triple Tag Team Championship
The Mack w/Elizabeth Marret + Simon Lee Nash + Bill Roberts v. Rapid(c) + Johnny X + Acetaker(c)

Major Announcement by the SEF Chairman of the Board & Interactive Champion

Card Is Subject To Change


My Sacrifice by Creed plays over the pa while the Dow Events Center remains in darkness. The fans screaming loud and lighting their phones up as the voice of SEF opens the show up.

"Welcome to Sacrifice ladies and gentlemen, we got a night of championship matches with the exception of a steel cage match that developed from last weeks match between Jake Voss and Strife ending with a bit of a controversial count out. I am Nick Miller here with you all in the Dow Events Center ready to kick off Sacrifice and with me as he has been a few weeks now is Michael Mazzarone. Later tonight we will find out what Jordan Brooks', our new Chairman of the Board and majority Owner of SEF, has in store with his major announcement."

Mazz chiming in.

"He's also the Interactive Champion, a title I created by the way!"

Nick says.

"I'm pretty sure that title has been around SEF longer than you Michael!?! So has Brooks and so his announcement may be a revolutionary one as is usually the case in the ever extreme SEF!?! Speaking of extreme, that cage match may be just that after the beatdown Jake Voss left Strife with post match last week."

Mazz says.

"Please, SEF is boring, but I get to collect a check each week to sit here and speak freely, so let's see who is gonna bore me less tonight!"

Nick says.

"You collect a check because you work for a successful company unlike that deadweight division you came from, what was it, oh see dee!?! Tonight we got The Mack in action in a six man tag match teaming with Simon Lee Nash and Bill Roberts to face the Impact Facta. We got the newly christened Sacrifice Tornado Team Titles on the line in another 6 man team match, but this one has three two man teams. Kicking off the night though is The Scorpion, Ri-"

King Of The Hole by Skrew comes over the pa bringing out The Scorpion Rick Reynolds and he sports a flashy silver and white silk robe tied around him with the blonde locks slicked back. Frank Hussar following him in his hooded sweats as Rick struts to the ring and arrogantly moves up the steps teasing fans who want a high five. Rick stepping through the ropes while Frank remains at ringside and the Natural Sinner motioning for a microphone to be handed to him, looking a little impatient before Samantha hands him one. Rick backing her up after raising his hand towards her as if to strike, then he brings the mic to his mouth with a slick smirk.

"Lil Spike Dudley, why don't you come out here and hand me that title because if you dare to try and match a man of my stature in this ring, you will be humiliated and hurt mentally and emotionally, and of course, you could be physically injured beyond repair. I am going to dissect you in this ring and break you Spike Dudley, tonight you will be sacrificed. Now get out here, I don't have all night. When you are who I am, you have important things to do and places to be, like partying all night in celebration of what I am about to do!"

Rick tossing the mic to Samantha making her fumble a bit to grab it, then The Scorpion disrobes revealing white shorts with the Natural Sinner on the back in red letters while two R's are on the front, but one mirrored to the other.

Singles Match
Sacrifice Heavyweight Championship
"The Scorpion" Rick Reynolds w/Frank Hussar v. Spike Dudley(c)
Referee: Doug Melvin

Spike coming in all fired up and charges Rick who backs into the ropes keeping the Dudley back. The Scorpion yelling at the referee to do his job and Spike finally backs up motioning his challenger to come on. Rick nods no and yells.


Spike cutting him off with a flurry of strikes to the jaw and whips Rick to the turnbuckles charging in with a headbutt to the gut. The Sacrifice Champion backing off to let Rick come out of the corner and runs in for a clothesline, but The Scorpion ducking around grabbing Spike to drop him with a neckbreaker. Rick rolling up to drop a knee on Spike's head rolling through to his feet in an arrogant pose flaunting to the crowd like he is the greatest gift they got. Spike kneeling up to get kicked in the chest by Rick who pulls up the Dudley for The Plunge, but Spike swinging his legs down countering with a ddt. Rick popping up and rolling over to his back sends Spike into the pin,




kickout! Spike beating Rick across his back with forearms as they both get up and the Dudley looking for a piledriver and spikes The Scorpion on his head. The Sacrifice Champ looking to keep his title with the pin,





kickout! Spike getting up to head to the top turnbuckle and leaps off with a stomp on Rick's stomach, then falls back into a senton drop and the pin,





Rick rolling Spike backwards into the pin,




kickout! Spike rolling backwards to spring off the ropes into a dropkick nailing The Scorpion in the face, then the Dudley pulls him in a three quarter facelock looking to run up the turnbuckles for the Dudley Dog. Rick grabbing a hold of the ropes slips free of Spike letting the Sacrifice Champ go crashing to the mat. The Scorpion running up on him with a kick to the back, then pulls Spike up into a double underhook backbreaker. Rick grabbing Spike's legs to kick at his knees and stomp the Dudley in his midsection before trying to turn him into the Deathtrap. Spike trying to get free, but Rick stepping over and leans back elevating the Dudley almost vertical. Rick bending Spike backwards or trying to, but the Dudley fighting to crawl and manages to drag himself to the bottom rope grabbing a hold. The ref forcing Rick to break on a five count and warns him to listen or he will be disqualified, so the Natural Sinner grabs the ref to argue with him. This allows Frank Hussar to come drag Spike out of the ring and slam him to the floor with a spinebuster, then yank him up and roll him back in the ring. Rick letting the ref get the last words and moves in to take care of Spike with The Plunge and the pin,





kickout! The Scorpion sits up shocked and pulls Spike up by the hair slamming a knee to his head, then let's go and boots him in the head. Rick dropping a elbow to Spike's chest and pulls him up in a side headlock for a running bulldog. The Scorpion getting Spike back up to nail a few knife edge chops to the chest, then whips the Dudley into a corner facefirst. Rick with a superkick to the back of Spike's head and grabs him to execute a german suplex for SIN bridging into the pin to end this match.

Winner and NEW Sacrifice Champion: Rick Reynolds @ 18 Minutes 29 Seconds

King of The Hole by Skrew plays over the pa while Rick Reynolds gets to his feet sweating a bit, but smiling wide as he is awarded the title. Rick arrogantly swipes it to his grasp and raises it in the air yelling.


Rick exits the ring with the title tucked under his arm and heads to the back with Frank while Nick Miller says.

"A good opening match with Rick still able to give quite a performance. Spike showing us that heart of gold and almost kept the title, but Frank had a hand in him losing."

Mazzarone says.

"I think I may like this Reynolds guy, of course, he has to be better than a Dudley, but still, Rick is a bit of an arrogant elitist."

Nick says.

"No wonder you like him, bunch a douchebags!"

Mazz says.

"You are just jealous cause you can't fit in with greatness!"

Nick says.

"Whatever Michael, we got a show to get on with, so enough boredom and let us find out if The Triad will indeed make a clean sweep of championship gold or if the Dudleyz will keep some gold. Of course both teams could come up short if Jay and Mesa have anything to do about it as we get ready for a 6 man tornado team match for the Sacrifice Tornado Team Titles."

6 Man Tornado Team Match
Sacrifice Tornado Team Championship
West Coast Connection v. Priceless Paine v. The Dudley Boyz(c)
Referee: Tom Walker

Jay and Mesa get attacked by Chris and Jason right away with the Dudleyz running to the ring to join in the fun carrying a table with them they set up at ringside. D-Von in the ring first to take Chris and Mesa down with a double clothesline. Jason sinking Jay into a corner with a irish whip followed by a running dropkick, then Bubba grabs the Priceless one to drop him with the Bubba Bomb. D-Von kicking Chris and Mesa on the mat trying to keep both men down and Bubba runs at Jay in the corner, but he ducks out to spin around with a back kick to the Dudley's head. Jay into a monkey flip sending Bubba over to the mat while D-Von sends Chris into a corner, then trades punches with Mesa. Jay coming off the ropes with a shining wizard to Bubba and drops into the pin,




Chris breaks up the fall with a kick to Jay's head. Chris dropping a elbow to his back and pulls him up in a german suplex releasing Jay on the back of his head. Jason stirs up to his feet and Chris pulls Bubba up so the two can deliver a double suplex to him. D-Von has Mesa in a side headlock and runs for a bulldog, but gets sent into a corner, then Mesa runs up driving both knees into the Dudley's back. Mesa with a reverse ddt while Chris and Jason try to lock The Crippler on Bubba, but Jay flies off the turnbuckles with a kick to Jason's head. Jay ducking a clothesline from Chris and floors the Paine with a spinning heel kick. Jay heading up to the top rope as Mesa runs into Bubba with a knee to his head, then lifts him up for a Russian leg sweep. Mesa running Jason out of the ring with a clothesline over the top rope bouncing his head off the table the Dudleyz set up, then Jay flies off with the West Coast Splash to Chris in the ring. Mesa rolling Jason on the table as D-Von meets Jay with some punches, then sends him into a corner and charges with a shoulder to his midsection. Mesa heading to the top rope to leap off with the Arabian Aerial Assault to Jason crashing him through the table and Frank Hussar now runs out to slide in the ring. D-Von with Jay on the top rope, but gets kicked back and around allowing Frank to charge into D-Von slamming him back in the turnbuckles and whips him out with the Prime Cut. Jay coming off the top rope with a spinning wheel kick taking Frank down and Bubba crawls into the pin on Chris,





Jay slams down over Bubba's head with a forearm, then pulls the Dudley up looking for a ddt. Bubba charges Jay into a corner hammering him with punches to the midsection and Chris pulls himself up, but gets taken down with a sto from Mesa. Jay firing back on Bubba and Mesa kicks Frank in his head, then kicks him out of the ring and turns running into a short dropkick to Chris sending him tumbling backwards. Bubba getting Jay on the top rope and climbs up for a superplex, but Mesa from behind with clubs to Bubba's back, then Jay is able to nail a kick to the Dudley's head sending him crashing to the mat. Mesa heading up another corner to the top rope as Jay leaps off for the West Coast Splash on Bubba to be followed with Mesa's Arabian Aerial Assault for the West Coast Crash. Jay up and into a short dropkick through the ropes to Frank's head knocking him backwards, then gets up and tackles Chris to the mat while Mesa makes the pin on Bubba to end the match.

Winners and NEW Sacrifice Tornado Team Champions: Jay & Mesa @ 12 Minutes 44 Seconds

No Hope = No Fear by Soulfly plays over the pa as Jay and Mesa help each other up to celebrate winning the Sacrifice Tornado Team Titles. The West Coast Connection getting their belts and taking opposite corners to stand tall with the gold held high while Nick Miller says.

"Nice fast paced action by the new champs who had no easy task dealing with The Dudley Boyz and Priceless Paine, the latter team of which stepped up big time, plus had Frank Hussar come out to help them. A legal move, but one that wouldn't work as Jay and Mesa seemed hungry for gold and got it tonight on Sacrifice."

Mazzarone chiming in.

"Can't believe they let Reynolds down, man is he gonna be mad. I mean c'mon, how in the hell does anyone lose to the Dudleyz and this rag tag team of an arab and some stoned surfer?!?"

Nick says.

"Jay and Mesa are quite an accomplished tag team while the Dudleyz are even more accomplished, so losing to either team, let alone both in that wild and crazy match, nothing to be ashamed about. Not like they have to sit out here with you!"

Mazz says.

"Oh, real funny Miller! You could always quit and leave this job to a real voice of recognition, me!"

Nick says.

"Nah kid, I wouldn't want to see SEF drop ratings, although with the next match coming up I doubt even you could fuck it up. We got a steel cage with Strife looking for some revenge after a count out loss to Jake Voss last week and suffering a post match beating."

Steel Cage Match
Jake Voss v. Strife
Referee: Doug Melvin

As soon as Strife enters the cage he gets pummeled by Jake with punches and the defiant god whips the nomad warrior to the ropes leaping up for a thesz press. Strife with a dropkick to Jake's chest crashes him to the mat and the nomad warrior gets up to bounce off the ropes into a kick planting his foot into Jake's chest as the defiant god tries to get up. The nomad warrior pulls Jake up for a exploder suplex taking him into the cage wall with a smack. Jake crumpling to the mat and Strife gets up to stalk his opponent up, springs off the ropes and drops him with Nomad's Ballista. Strife pulling Jake up and runs him head first into the cage wall, then across the ring into the other side bouncing him off harder. Jake staggers back and Strife kicks him in the midsection, then goes for the Journey's End, but too soon and Jake slips out spinning around into a cross body back breaker taking his opponent down hard. Strife rolling across the mat and Jake gets up running over with a punt to the ribs of Strife, then lifts the nomad warrior up for a Cyclone Slam and rolls into the pin,




kickout! Jake pulling Strife up into a couple knife edge chops to the chest, then drives a knee into his midsection and tries for a suplex,. Strife slipping down and around into a full nelson to snap back into a dragon suplex launching Jake off the back of his head and over to his stomach. The nomad warrior pulling Jake up with a few clubbing forearms to the back and hooks him up spinning into No Destiny, then makes the pin,




kickout! Strife pushes himself slapping the mat and gets a little intensity running through his body looking fired up with a second wind. He runs the ropes coming back with a kick to Jake's head, then pulls up the Defiant God looking for the Agony Crush, but Jake spins out of it to his feet. Jake looking for Victimized, but gets shoved into the cage wall, then brought down in an armbar which Strife let's go of to lock in Warrior's Requiem. Jake screaming in pain, but refuses to give up the match. Strife positioned just right and has the hold locked, but Jake fights it all the way crawling to the ropes he uses to pull himself up, grabs the cage and uses that too, to get free. Strife with knees Jake's back and slams his head to the cage, then rips him up in a torture rack for a few seconds before executing a reverse death valley driver. Jake holding his neck as Strife looking winded, but pulls the defiant god up looking for Journey's End. The defiant god with a low blow to escape the move this time and runs Strife headfirst to the cage now and drops the nomad warrior with a Russian leg sweep. Jake getting up to climb up the cage and scales up quick as Strife gets up to go after him. The defiant god pulling himself up and trying to go over when Strife makes it up and grabs a hold of Jake to keep him on top of the steel cage which has a large steel frame holding the cage together for them to stand on because the nomad warrior is thinking about Journey's End off the cage it appears. Jake fighting out to go for Victimized, however it is to be countered by Strife who spins the defiant god around lifting him up and leaping off the cage while spinning Jake into the Agony Crush forcing him down into the mat. Jake bouncing away and Strife rolling away as well holds the back of his shoulder and neck in pain. Jake out of it and Strife getting up near the door which he looks at and the ref opens it. Strife looks back seeing Jake down and rolls to the door crawling out under the bottom rope to drop on the floor ending this match.

Winner: Strife @ 15 Minutes 16 Seconds

Minerva by the Deftones plays over the pa bringing Strife up to his feet to let the ref raise his arm in the air as Nick Miller says.

"Now that was a good cage match with a huge ending. Strife with the Agony Crush off the top of the cage and it was all over. Jake is still down."

Mazzarone says.

"Not too bad, but not too good. Didn't Jake just beat Strife last week? Why did they have a rematch again?"

Nick says.

"Because last week ended in a count out and Jake decided it wasn't over when he gave Strife Victimized anyways, but I'd say Strife got even."

Mazz says.

"Yea, even, and now we have to see these two again since Strife never pinned Jake, so its like a technical knock out, not a real knockout."

Nick asks.

"What are you talking about? Wait, never mind, I doubt you even know!?! I mean sure, Strife didn't pin Jake, but he won, he beat Jake Voss in a steel cage, however, I would love to see one more match and many more between these two. But its not to be tonight for we got a six man tag team match and its for the US Triple Tag Team Titles."

6 Man Tag Team Match
SEFWUN US Triple Tag Team Championship
The Mack w/Elizabeth Marret + Simon Lee Nash + Bill Roberts v. Rapid(c) + Johnny X + Acetaker(c)
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Johnny X locks up with Simon Lee to start this match and they seem pretty evenly matched with a struggle around the ring to gain control. Simon able to get Johnny in a side headlock trying to manipulate the veteran around the ring, but Johnny takes down the son of a Nash with a roll backwards to the mat bouncing Simon's head off the mat. Johnny rolling up to stomp on Simon and kick him in the head, then pulls the son of Nash up in a front facelock backing up to the Impact Facta corner, so Rapid can tag in. Rapid kicking Simon in his ribs, then clobbers him across the back with a forearm and takes the son of Nash in a waistlock snapping back for a german suplex. Simon flips over to his feet stumbling back to the ropes and springs off for a clothesline, but Rapid dodging it to hit a knee lift into the son of Nash's midsection. Rapid with a swinging neckbreaker to Simon and pulls him up whipping the son of Nash to the Impact Facta corner and charges in burying a shoulder to his midsection. Rapid tagging Acetaker and the big man comes in to unload a fury of strikes on Simon, then pulls him out of the corner for as sidewalk slam and leans into the pin,




kickout! Ace getting up to kick at Simon, then pulls up the son of Nash for a powerslam, but gets shoved to a corner. Simon stumbling away to go for his corner, but Acetaker tackling him to the mat and wrestles the son of Nash up into a short arm clothesline. Ace pulling Simon up to whip him towards Impact Facta's corner slamming him into the turnbuckles, then charges in for a body splash and gets tagged by Rapid. Simon still with fight him trying to get out of the corner, but Rapid taking him into the ropes and catches the son of Nash with a quick snapping powerslam into the pin,




kickout! Rapid pulling Simon up into a sleeper hold, but the son of Nash getting to his feet turning into a side headlock, then slams forearms to Rapid's back. Simon with a back suplex to Rapid and both men roll away from each other. Rapid up to his knees as Simon stirs to sit up and look for his partners. Rapid getting to his feet as Simon realizes where he has to go and crawls for his corner, but gets a elbow drop in his back with Rapid trying to apply a crippler crossface. Simon trying to crawl for his corner frantically as Rapid gets his hands together and locks in the hold just inches from a tag. Rapid rearing back, but Simon pulls forward making a tag to Bill who leaps in through the ropes with a missile like dropkick to the head of Rapid. Bill flips up quickly to nail a kick to the side of Rapid's head, then lifts him up into a scoop slam and leaps on to the ropes flipping back in a moonsault for the pin,



Acetaker runs in with a kick to Bill's head which brings Mack in with a flying roundhouse kick to Ace's head dropping the big man. The ref controlling the action quick and Bill getting Rapid into position for a piledriver, but is countered into a catapult sending Bill into a corner. Bill catches himself on the turnbuckles and leaps to the top with a twist to spring off with a corkscrew senton splash taking Rapid down, then rolls to his corner. Rapid crawling for his corner and makes the tag to Johnny who flies in, but meets The Mack who tags in just a second later. Mack ducking a clothesline to run into a dropkick sending Acetaker off the apron, then springs up to his feet looking for Da Shows Ova on Johnny, but the X man ducks. Johnny into the ropes springing off for the X-Cution, but Mack leapfrogs and spins into a wheel kick taking the X man down. Mack heading to the top rope flying off for X to Johnny's chest, then pops up dancing all around when Rick Reynolds saunters down in a Triad shirt and his ring shorts to get in Elizabeth Marret's face at ringside catching the eye of Mack. Elizabeth slapping Rick and pushes him back warning The Scorpion not to fuck with her. Mack focused on Johnny in the ring looking to nail the Mack Attack, but gets backdropped over to the mat. Frank Hussar comes out and Rick gets on the apron distracting the ref allowing Thor to yank Bill and Simon off the apron before sliding in the ring. Johnny trying for a lifting ddt, but gets shoved away by Mack who gets taken into a corner with the Prime Cut and whipped out by Frank who rolls from the ring. Simon coming around the ring to meet Frank with punches as Elizabeth yanks Rick off the apron and hammers him up the ramp. Bill coming in the ring to nail Johnny with the Whack Off, then gets hit with the Exterminator from Rapid who grabs Mack looking for the RX Explosion. Frank sent into the steel steps by Simon who climbs up to the ring apron and leaps to the top rope springing off with a clothesline to Rapid. Simon pulling Rapid up to run him out of the ring and turns to get the Westsidaz Kick from Acetaker. Mack running into Ace with a clothesline sending him over the top rope and hangs on to pull himself back in. Johnny getting up to slam Mack into a corner, unloads with a few strikes and yanks him out in a irish whip, but hangs on to go for a diving clothesline. Mack spinning out of the way to let Johnny catch himself on the ropes, then leaps up to bring the X man down in the Show Strangla. Rapid pulling Mack from the ring though and kicks him in the midsection, then hits him with the RX Explosion on the floor before tossing Mack back in with the ref all over him to get back in his corner. Johnny lifting Mack up for a piledriver and makes the pin to end this match.

Winners and still US Triple Tag Team Champs: Rapid, Johnny X, and Acetaker @ 19 Minutes 46 Seconds

All In All by Ironheart plays over the pa with Rapid dragging Acetaker out and Johnny collecting the titles to hightail it out of there with his Impact Facta partners. Elizabeth coming in the ring to check on Mack as Bill and Simon recover to the back and Nick Miller says.

"Our second six man team match tonight and they keep getting better and better, my god, what a contest even though there was some interference."

Mazzarone says.

"Yea, Elizabeth really should keep her nose out of the ring and stick to playing cheerleader, although if she wants a real man to cheer for she can be in my corner!!!"

Nick says.

"You and every man on the planet would love that, but Elizabeth devotes her time to one man and her kids with that man. Hell, we even had several people try to draw those two apart in a elaborate ruse to defame Elizabeth's reputation as a one man kinda woman, but as all will find out one day, that was a failure."

Mazz asks.

"What are you talking about Miller?"

Nick says.

"Forget about it Michael, its something many may overlook except those who played a part in the scandal of twenty fourteen, so on with the rest of this show cause we got an announcement from our chairman of the board, Jordan Brooks, and he is getting ready to make his way out here."

Major Announcement by the SEF Chairman of the Board & Interactive Champion

In the ring a podium now stands with a black cloth draped over it and the outline of a title belt underneath it, so this is looking to be something major indeed, then Scream by Avenged Sevenfold plays over the pa bringing Jordan Brooks out here. The Chairman of the Board in his ring gear and a BAD shirt with no title belt and he just saunters to the ring at his own pace letting everyone take notice and wonder what is gonna happen. Jordan making his way up the ring steps to enter the ring and makes his way near the podium grinning at it, then heads over to get a microphone handed to him. The Chairman stepping in front of the podium so we focus on him as he lifts the mic to say.

"First of all I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for welcoming me back into SEF and I promise each and every one of you that I will not only help lead this company as the majority Owner, but in this ring I will get back what I once had, the World Heavyweight Championship. That is a long, hard road to travel, one many before me have traveled and I am up for the challenge, I am always ready for action, that is why I am out here to compete."

Jordan pausing as the crowd cheers him on.

"Second though, we have business to get to before a match and before I can focus on being World Champion, I have other championship priorities to fulfill. I am the Interactive Heavyweight Champion, but its time for a real revolution boys and girls, its time we made a major statement and I am doing it right now by declaring out with the old Interactive Title and in with this new title."

Jordan lowering the mic and removes the cloth to reveal a brand new title belt with the SEF logo on it and a big R on the faceplate with EVOLUTION under it. The Chairman picks it up and slaps the belt over his shoulder nodding with a smirk that it fits just right, then Jordan lifts the mic back up to say.

"I am your SEF Revolution Heavyweight Champion and am a man of my word, I promise to lead this company as best I can and it starts tonight, so whoever wants a shot at this brand new championship over my shoulder, come on out and get it."

Jordan stepping back to hand the microphone to the announcer and waits to see who accepts the challenge which takes no time at all because over the pa we hear On Through The Night by Def Leppard. Ruemash marches out wearing his THC Title belt around his waist and beats on his chest looking pumped and ready for a fight. Jordan handing his title to the ref and removes his shirt to a few whistles while Ruemash enters the ring ripping his belt off to lift high showing he is already a champion, but hungry for more.

Singles Match
SEF Revolution Championship
Jordan Brooks(c) v. Ruemash
Referee: Smokey McWeed

The two men are nose to nose shoving each other before Ruemash opens up with punches hammering Jordan into a corner. The ref forcing Ruemash back at a five count and warns him, but Jordan rushes out with a spear trying to take the irish warhorse down. Jordan taking him across the ring, but Ruemash stays on his feet clubbing the Chairman across his back and rips him up in a gutwrench powerbomb to slam him down hard on the mat. Ruemash into the pin,




kickout! The irish warhorse grabbing Jordan's legs to kick at the back of his knees and stomp him in the midsection, then tries to wrap him up in a cloverleaf. Jordan scooting backwards across the ring to grab the bottom rope and so Ruemash backs off motioning the Revolution Champ to get up. Brooks getting up and moves in cautiously looking for a lock up, but slips a side headlock on Ruemash trying to force him down on his knees. Ruemash fighting it and twists around backwards with a bit of a spinning back suplex, then the irish warhorse rolls up to spring off the ropes kicking his boss in the head. Jordan trying to get on his feet and Ruemash all over him with kicks to the midsection, punches to the head, and finally helps the Chairman up for a suplex. Brooks blocking it and drives a knee up into Ruemash's midsection, then hooks him up to deliver a suplex and floats over into the pin,




kickout! Jordan sitting Ruemash up to clamp on a sleeper hold and really wrenches it on, then leans over the irish warhorse trying to weaken him, his neck, just wear the big man down. Ruemash thrashing and twisting to get free and Jordan driving knees to his back slows the warhorse down, so Brooks yanking his challenger up into a cross body back breaker. Jordan wasting no time in lifting Ruemash up high to hit The Message and covers him for the pin,




kickout! The Revolution Champ slapping the mat a bit frustrated and drops down looking ready to hit BAD as Ruemash staggers up to his feet, then Jordan strikes, but gets shoved into the ropes. Ruemash charging for the Rogue Kick, but Jordan ducking it to snap off a superkick on the right angle spinning his challenger around into a cutter for The Ultimatum and Jordan pins him to end the match.

Winner and still Revolution Champ: Jordan Brooks @ 11 Minutes 43 Seconds

Indestructible by Disturbed plays over the pa bringing Jordan up to his feet looking a bit worn out from that fast paced and hard hitting match. He gets his title raising it up, then poses on the ropes with it held high as Nick Miller says.

"A good match between these two with no time to prepare, no rivalry, just a new title belt to ignite a revolution and what a finisher by Jordan he calls The Ultimatum. Jordan Brooks is looking better than ever and it may only be a matter of time before he does get the World Heavyweight Title back."

Mazzarone chimes in.

"He's the Owner, he should stay in the board room and stop holding down the wrestlers that work for him!"

Nick says.

"I don't see how he is holding anyone down after he just opened a challenge up to anyone in the back to get a title shot and beat Ruemash fair and square in the middle of the ring. Jordan made himself clear and is here to be the best in and out of the ring, and so far he is off to a good start. But we are done for this night and will see you all again next week for a special return to Monday Night WAR. Wow, should be a good one, so don't miss it folks, but until then, have a goodnight."

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