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Extreme 13 {6/23/04}

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 14, 2014, 07:32:55 PM

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Taylor Andrews

June 23rd, 2004
The shot comes alive inside the Spokane Arena in Spokane, Washington and the camera pans over the screaming diehard fans as Paranoid by Black Sabbath comes blasting out over the pa system sending the fans into more of a frenzy. The camera soon drops down at ringside, just a couple feet from the apron where the commentators table sits and behind it is the ol' ECW announce team of Joel Gertner and Joey Styles, they are the SEF announce team. Together they will call tonights show.

Joel Gertner: Washington state, over here in the west, Spokane and just four days before our big pay per view entitled King of the Ring. We got some good matches tonight, three quarter finals matches as Havok received a bye due to Gato and Matlock fighting to a draw.

Joey Styles: Which Matt was screwed out of being the King of the Ring this year, what a crock! But hey, hopefully Xavier wins it or DeeJay, I wouldn't mind seeing Steiner win again either.

Joel Gertner: All three men have a good chance as they ain't no slouches, but the rest are damn good as well, especially this David Blade. He fights in two matches as does Xavier.

Joey Styles: Very true. David fights three men in a fatal four way to determine a number one contender to the IC Title when he goes against Gato, Tyler Norris, and DeeJay who will be in his second match too.

Joel Gertner: A bit of double booking tonight, but some good looking matches, so who cares, these guys can handle it. But getting back to it, Xavier second match is for the Heavyweight Title when he challenges D-Von Dudley.

Joey Styles: And I say its Xavier all the way, no doubt there. He will wipe the mat with D-Von and send him through a table.

Joel Gertner: Can't take away from Xavier's abilities, but D-Von is the champ and won it on a big stage, so we'll see. Another title on the line is the X Diva Title when Cassidy defends against Yesenia Lopez in what looks to be a good match.

Joey Styles: Yea I guess, but Cassidy should take care of Yesenia easily. The main event is what I wanna see. Can't wait for Matt, Steiner, and Batista to finally put Frank, Bubba and mostly Mack in their places. Well yea, I just wanna see Mack get his ass beat down.

Joel Gertner: Well, could happen, but he has that attitude in the ring where he just don't quit, he won't die, he loves what he does. Regardless of the winner, it will blow the us all away when we watch it and it is worthy of being the main event, so lets get on with the show.

KOTR Quarter Finals Match
Scott Steiner w/Batista vs. DeeJay George

"911" hits the pa and Steiner comes walking out to the ring Batista by his side. They get ringside and Steiner climbs in the ring, flexes while standing on the turnbuckles, then steps down and waits. Live Again by Sevendust hits the pa and DeeJay comes walking out strutting to the ringa nd looks to get in, but Batista blindsides him with a hard shoulder tackle, then tosses him into the steel steps. He then kicks DeeJay in the gut and props up against the ring apron. The ref tells him to stay back or he out of there, so Steiner gets out of the ring rolls DeeJay in to start the match. In the ring, Steiner goes to work on DeeJay's lower back with a couple elbow drops and soon picks him up in a bearhug to set up for the Steiner Recliner later. In the bearhug, DeeJay yells in pain, but starts to fight it and box's Steiner's head with his forearms, then backs up into the ropes looking for a clothesline, but Steiner stays up. DeeJay runs off the ropes now and tries for a flying shoulder tackle, but Steiner stands his gound. DeeJay looks for a lockup, but kicks Steiner in the ribs quickly and whips him into a corner. He runs at Steiner, but gets kicked in the face, then grabbed ina bearhug position. Steiner though circles around and executes a side belly to belly on DeeJay. He lifts up DeeJay and nails a ddt, then lifts him back up and tosses DeeJay over the top rope. Steiner now grabs the ref and yells at him about something while Batista gets a chair and clobbers DeeJay over the head, then jams it into his ribs and throat. He pick sup DeeJay quicklya nd nails the BatistaBomb on the floor, then walks around the ring. Steiner lets the ref go and slides out of the ring, picks up DeeJay and rolls him in the ring. He slides in and kicks DeeJay in the back, then drops an elbow right in the middle of his back. stands up and picks up DeeJay delivering a backbreaker across his knee, holds him there and pushes back on his jaw and thigh stretching DeeJay backwards. Steiner soon drops him, rolls DeeJay on his stomach and locks in the Steiner Recliner. DeeJay yells and struggles, tries crawling, but can't. Steiner arches back and keeps the hold locked in tight preventing any escape. DeeJay tries to not give up and refuses, but due to the pain he begins to fade and soon blacks out. The ref checks on him and since he can't check his arms, he waits about 30 seconds to a minute before signaling the end of the match.

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by knockout..................................Scott Steiner!

"911" hits the pa and Steiner keeps the hold locked in and Batista jumps in to keep the ref back. Some more officials run out, but they are disposed of to the outside. Soon though, Daddy Mack of all people runs out to the ring and slides in, goes punch for punch with Batista and soon clotheslines him outside the ring. Steiner lets go of DeeJay and runs at Mack, but out of nowhere, Mack drops him with Da Shows Ova and starts a dancing and strutting. He looks at DeeJay and motions the ref to help him, then leaves the ring and heads to the back.

Joey Styles: What?! Mack had no business out here! That was uncalled for!

Joel Gertner: Hey, Scott won the match and refused to break his hold, so Mack being Owner took care of it, plus even though DeeJay is an asshole, he was assaulted by Batista too.

Singapore Cane Match
Shane Mordin vs. Havok

Shane Mordin stands in the ring with a cane in his hand and waiting for his opponent when The Only by Static X hits the pa. Havok comes walking out with a cane in his hand staring down Shane. he gets to ringside and hops up on the apron, then tosses his cane to Shane who catches, but Havok charges in the ring quickly and nails Shane with a spear. Havok lays in some heavy punches, then lets up and pulls Shane up to his feet, knees him in the guta nd whips him into the ropes. Shane comes back athim and Havok jumps up with a dropkick knocking Shane down. Havok then picks up a cane and smirks. He lets loose and starts laying in some vicious, brutal shots to Shane, really busting him up. Shane begins bleeding horribly from the head, some lacerations form on his ribs and back. Havok just keeps it up till Shane is laying flat back and looking pretty much out of it. Havok picks up Shane and nails a Chaos Driver, then climbs to the top rope and hits an elbow drop. He lifts Shane up by the legs and nails The Rude Awakening, then pins..............1..............2.............3!

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by pinfall.....................Havok!

The Only by Static X hits the pa and Havok stands up on his feet and grins to the booing crowd. Havok yells to some, picks up a cane and proceeds to wrap it around Shane's head making him bleed more. Havok finally leaves the ring, leaves Shane laying in a bloody mess.

Joel Gertner: Man, Havok was pretty sadistic in the beating he gave Shane tonight, fucking sickening.

Joey Styles: Ah, a good ol' beat down and bloodying up of some chump ain't so bad. Least Havok got noticed.

KOTR Quarter Finals Match
David Blade vs. The Jackal

"Dont tread on me"by Metallica hits the pa system, and The Jackal comes out on stage to recieve a huge pop from the fans. The camera zooms in on the signs in the audience, with the fans obviously in his favor."War Machine"then hits and David Blade comes out, receiving a pop from the crowd, just like his opponent had received. David steps into the ring, and the ref calls for the bell. David runs at Jackal, looking to get a spear, but Jackal throws the ref in his path, causing David to hit the ref instead of David. Jackal looks at the ref with his back turned to David, and David kicks Jackal in the back, causing him to fall. David quickly goes for a cover, and the ref counts 1....2..kickout by Jackal. When he kicked out, he had kicked David in the head, knocking him out temporaryaly. Jackal gets on for the cover. The ref hits the mat 1....2...Jackal gets his leg up on the ropes, and the ref makes him break the pin. Jackal picks David by the hair and piushes him into the corner. He walks over, and starts punching him in the head, busting it open alittle. David is getting woozy, and the ref keeps asking him if he is alright. David, after about 10 hits to the same spot on the head, falls to the mat, and is quickly covered by Jackal.1.....2.....3!

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by pinfall.........................The Jackal!

Don't Tread On Me hits as the ref holds up Jackal's hand and the fans cheer for the newest contender for KING OF THE RING!

Joel Gertner: Good back and forth match between these two young stars.

Joey Styles: Yea, so and so, whatever! Jackal sucks, but at least he put a stop Blade's streak.

Leather Strap Match
DOGG X Diva Championship
Yesenia Lopez vs. Cassidy Michaels[c]

Fighter by Christina Aguilera hits the pa and Yesenia comes walking looking pumped up and once in the ring she gets the strap attached to her wrist. Extremely Rare by Slipknot hits the pa and Cassidy makes her way out with the X Diva Title and soon steps into the ring. She gets the strap attached to her wrist and both women go nose to nose locking eyes. Yesenia then brings up a forearm to Cassidy's face and rocks her into the ropes, then whips her across the ring, looks for a dropkick, but Cassidy yanks on the ropes bringing Yesenia down on her back. Cassidy doubles the strap up and starts whipping Yesenia with it and rips the back of her shirt whipping bare skin. A couple welts form on Senia's back, but she soon grabs Cassidy's legs and lunges up tackling Cassidy to the mat. Senia lays in some punches, then gets to her feet and kicks Cassidy in the ribs. She lifts up Cassidy and nails a ddt, then doubles over the strap and whips on Cassidy a bit. Cassidy soon fights up and tackles Senia into the ropes and outside to the floor. The two women roll around a bit viciously punching each other when suddenly, Patricia Summers comes running out with a lead pipe in her hand and bashes Cassidy in the back of the head, then pulls her round and lifts her up hitting a powerbomb. Patricia backs up the rampa s Senia seems confused, but capatlizes on the situation by rolling Cassidy into the ring. Senia gets in and nails the Lopez Kick to Cassidy, then pins her..............1..........2..........3!

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by pinfall and new DOGG X Diva Champion..................Yesenia Lopez!

Fighter hits the pa as Gato comes running out to the ring right away and celebrates by holding Senia up with her title, then layinga kiss on her. The two soon head to the back and Patricia gets in the ring, wraps the strap around Cassidy's neck choking her out, then climbs to the top rope and nails Summers Heat on her. Patricia holds her ribs from the impact, but smirks at Cassidy before leaving the ring.

Joel Gertner: Well in huge news, Senia won the X Diva Title, but it looks as of Cassidy may have bigger problems with this new girl.

Joey Styles: Oh yea, these two women are prime examples of a good womens division around here and seeing them go at it should be step towards real womens matches.

KOTR Quarter Finals Match
Xavier vs. Alex Archer

The Way I Am by Eminem hits the pa and Xavier comes a running on out and hits the ring, flips off some fans and waits. Times up by Jadakiss hits the pa and out walks Alex to the ring. Once he gets at ringside and looks to climb in, Xavier runs and baseball slides nailing a dropkick sending Alex backwards. Xavier hops up and grabs the top rope catapulting himself to Alex. Alex though sidesteps at the last second and Xavier crashes to the floor. Alex picks up Xavier and rolls him into the ring, then climbs in and picks him up, lifts Xavier into a suplex and drops him. Alex comes off the ropes with an elbow drop, but Xavier rolls out of the way and to the outside where he gets two chairs. He throws one in the ring, but the ref grabs it and throws it out. Xavier slides with the other and looks to swing it, but Alex nails him with a couple punches, then whips him into the corner. Xavier still has the chair and Alex charges for a clothesline, but gets nailed with the chair instead. The ref turn to them now and Xavier nails another chairshot laying out Alex now. The ref calls for the bell.

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by disqualification...................Alex Archer!

Times Up hits the pa and Xavier swings nailing the ref and laying him out, then tosses the chair down and heads to the back.

Joel Gertner: Well, kind of a disappointment seeing Xavier use that chair, thought this woulda been a good match.

Joey Styles: Yea, Xavier would have ended beating Alex, I know he would have.

Fatal Four Way Match
#1 Contender To Intercontinental Championship
DeeJay George vs. Tyler Norris vs. David Blade vs. Gato w/Yesenia Lopez

"Whats happenenin"by Yin Yang Twins hits the pa system. the fans show a mixed reaction to Tyler Norris as he makes his way down towards the ring. "Live again"hits the pa, and the fans begin to boo loudly as DeeJay walks out to the ring, with a cocky smirk on his face. The ref makes the two men stay away from each other till the bell sounds. "war machine" plays loudly, and the fans give a huge pop as david blade makes his way out to his corner. "Cadillac Pimpin"hits over the loud speaker, and Gato comes out, accompanyed by Senia Burger and Shadow. As soon as Gato steps in the ring, he takes off after David Blade while Tyler and Deejay hook it up. You can hear Senia and Shadow at ringside, cheering on their friend and stables leader. Gato gets distracted by their noise, and looks over to where they are standing, pounding on the mat. DeeJay pushes Tyler over the top rope Tyler Norris by kicking him in the He looks pissed, and makes his way towards Senia Burger and Shadow, who are still cheering on gato. Gato sees this, that he is making his way mainly towards Senia, and he jumps out of the ring. he walks over towards where his friends are standing and where Tyler is talking trash to Senia. Gato gets in front of Senia, pushing her back towards Shadow. Shadow walks in front of him, and Gato whispers something in his ear. Shadow nods, and the two kings push Tyler back into the ring. Shadow stands near Senia, and Gato gets back in, heading straight for Tyler. The two men start beating the hell out each other, and the ref isnt even looking their way! He is looking at deejay and David. DeeJay whips David into the ropes looking for a clothesline, but David ducks behind and rolls him up quickly and unexpectedly for........1........2........3!

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner by pinfall................................................David Blade!

The ref holds up David Blade's hand in victory, and The MK members all jump Tyler and beat him backstage. David soon exits the ring and DeeJay looks pissed over losing, but Xavier runs through the crowd and slides into the ring. He has a chair in his hand and he hits DeeJay over the head and lays in a few shots. The ref makes him get out as he calls for a medic for the superstar now laying in a puddle of his own blood.

Joel Gertner: Looks like David gets a chance for the IC Title finally, but I wonder why Xavier attacked DeeJay after the match?

Joey Styles: Beat me, maybe he is pissed about something and needed to take his aggression out on someone.

Tables Match
SEF Heavyweight Championship
Xavier vs. D-Von Dudley[c]

The Way I Am by Eminem hits the pa and Xavier comes running out to the ring still fired up off his earlier match and soon jumps in the ring looking ready to go. A missile soon drops down on stage, then Bombshell by Powerman 5000 hits the pa and our comes D-Von with his title. He gets to the ring and steps in, but Xavier flies across the ring and dropkicks him sending D-Von crashing to the floor. Xavier then runs back across the ring and soon flies over the top rope and down on D-Von with a somersault quancha. After a few second she gets to his feet and starts punching D-Von in the head, then rams his head into the guard rail and soon whips him into the steel steps. Xavier pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up, then picks up D-Von, but from the back comes DeeJay George with a chair in hand and he slams Xavier across the back, then trusn him around and nails a ddt straight into the chair. DeeJay then backs up the ramp as D-Von picks up Xavier and quickly powerbombs him through the table winning the match.

Jennifer Lopez: Here is your winner and still SEF Heavyweight Champion...................D-Von Dudley!

Bombshell hits the pa as D-Von holds his title up in victory. DeeJay grins and heads to the back as Xavier comes too and heads up the ramp.

Joel Gertner: Well damn, looks like Xavier just got a lil taste of his own medicine.

Joey Styles: What?! He just got cost the Heavyweight Title, this absurd! A complaint needs to be filed and DeeJay should ne suspended imme........

Joel Gertner: Hold on! I just got word that Xavier caught up to DeeJay in the back, elst see if we can get a camera back there.


The camera picks up backstage where Xavier and DeeJay are brawling with each other and really lashing out hard. Xavier mounts DeeJay with some wild, heavy punches, but DeeJay rolls him off and fires away with some solid punches. They go back and forth like that until some officials pour down the hall to break them up, then Daddy Mack himself shows up on the scene and grabs both men by the collar seperating thme and says to both.

Daddy Mack: Ok ladies, enough of this shit! Ya wanna tear into each other so bad, then you will get your chance next week on Extreme when the two of you face off one on one and Xavier, your North American Title is on the line. Also boys, just so the match does not get out of control, we got a special stipulation, its a Lumber Jack match and I will hand pick the lumber jacks myself. Hell, I may be a lumber jack, so ya two best go get ready for your match and one more thing, hands off each other until next week or your both fired.

Mack shoves both men back and they just walk off down the hall, then the officials clear and Mack soon walks off as the view goes back to ringside.

Joel Gertner: Wow, Xavier and DeeJay next week right here on Extreme for the NA Title and its a Lumber Jack match, that shuge news.

Joey Styles: Yea it is, DeeJay gets another title chance to blow and Xavier makes a mockery of him.

6 Man Tag Team Match
Matt Matlock, Scott Steiner, Batista vs. Daddy Mack, Bubba Ray Dudley, Frank Facile

Born With Nothing, Die With Everything by Papa Roach soon hits the pa and Matt soon comes walking out to the ring with that cocky swagger. he makes his way down the rampa nd climbs into the ring waiting for everyone else. "911" fills the pa and Steiner comes walking out and gets in the ring, then is soon followed with Evolution by Motorhead and Batista walks out to the ring. fear by Disturbed soon hits and Frank comes walking out to ringside and stands tall staring in the ring at all three men. After that, a missile drops down on stage and Bombshell by Powerman 5000 hits the pa. Bubba Ray comes walking out looking pumped as usual and stands next to Frank, the two looking at each other respectfully. And the man they all are waiting is soon to arrive as Cowboy by Kid Rock fills the pa and the fans scream in delight even louder. Daddy Mack struts on out dancing and smiling, slapping fans hands. He ends up disrobing his vest and cap as the ladies pull at him so much they take it off him. Mack just smirks and sgrugs, kisses a few women sending them into shock, then heads down and right past Frank and Bubba, slides into the ring and motions that its his ring. Mack starts going toe to toe with Steiner as Frank and Bubba slide in next to him. Frank and Batista brawl off into a corner as Bubba and Matt tangle in a lock up. Steiner overpowers Mack and whips him into the ropes. Mack comes back ducking a clothesline and nails a quick neckbreaker. Bubba shoves Matt into a corner, then whips him to Mack who tackles him to the canvas and unleashes with some punches. Bubba is sent to his corner as Batista and Frank and seperated and sent to theirs. Steiner gets up and joins Batista as Mack and Matt are left in the ring. Mack is still punching at Matt, but soon picks him up and sends Matt crashing into the turnbuckles, runs at him and nails a body splash, then runs Matt out and drops him with a modified bulldog. Mack jumps up and dances a bit, flashes a grin, then steps over and tags in big ol' Bubba Ray. Mack exits to his corner as Bubba walks in and lifts up Matt, whips him into the ropes and clotheslines him hard. Bubba then comes off the ropes and drops an elbow, gets up while picking up Matt and scoop slams him. Bubba climbs to the second turnbuckle and looks for a senton drop, but Batista runs along the apron to him and the two go at it a bit. The ref gets Batista back, but Matt is now up and whips Bubba down with a dragon screw. Matt gets up and stomps at Bubba some, then tags in Steiner who walks in confidently and slaps the back of Bubba's head, lifts him up and delivers a side belly to belly suplex to him. Steiner picks up Bubba and whips him into the ropes, then knocks him down with a shoulder block. Steiner flexes his arms, kisses his bicep and drops an elbow to Bubba's chest, pins.........1.........2.........kickout as Steiner starts doing push ups. Bubba starts to get up, but Steiner is up first and punches him, then backs against the ropes and looks for a clothesline. Bubba though gets an elbow up in Steiner's face, kicks him in the gut and nails a ddt. Bubba crawls to his corner and just as he reaches out, Steiner tags in Batista. Bubba ends up tagging in Frank and he charges in meeting Batista with hard punches. Batista fires them as well and the two big men go back and forth. Batista begins to overpower Frank and rocks him backwards into a corner. He looks for one huge punch, but Frank ducks and spins around clotheslining Batista into the corner, then props him up top and climbs up delivering a huge superplex. Both men lay on the canvas hurt, but Frank soon rolls over to pin Batista.........1.........2..........broken up by Steiner who kicks Frank in the head. Bubba comes running in and clotheslines Steiner out of the ring going with him. The two brawl on the outside and in thering, Frank crawls to Mack tagging hima s Batista tags in Matt. These two charge in and collide with punches and soon end up on the canvas tearing at each other. Batista clears his head and tries going after Mack, but Frank runs at him and tackles him through the ropes to the outside. Meanwhile, Steiner is starting to get Bubba down when Spike appears from the crowd hobbling on a crutch. He is undected by the ref and soon slams the crutch across Steiner's back, then jabs him in the throat. Frank and Batista brawl up the ramp and both men teeter on the edge of the stage punching each other. Bubba beats on Steiner and in the ring, Mack and Matt are up. Matt goes low when the ref has his head turned for a brief second, then lifts up Mack on the turnbuckles and tries for the Matlock Drop. Mack fights it and shoves Matt to the canvas, then stands up and delivers a flying elbow drop to Matt. Mack jumps up looking all fired up and waves his arms in the air to the cheering crowd, stands in a corner and stomps his foot a lil. Matt gets to his feet and turns to Mack who unleashes out and nails Da Shows Ova laying out Matt. Mack drops down on him in a cover, hooks his leg and pins...........1.........2..........3!

Jennifer Lopez: Here are your winners by pinfall.......................Daddy Mack, Bubba Ray Dudley, and Frank Facile!

Cowboy hits the pa as Mack gets up on his feet and celebrates his victory. Frank and Batista are still up on stage and suddenly Xavier rushes out and nails a double dropkick sending both men plummeting straight down through some tables. Bubba and Spike get in the ring with Mack who stares up at Xavier and the two lock eyes, but Xavier soon heads to the back with a grin.

Joel Gertner: Man, that match was definitely one kick ass, knock 'em down, drag 'em out fight to the finish.

Joey Styles: No doubt it was great, but it woulda been better had Matt's team won and they would have had it not been for Spike. Wonder why Xavier did that at the end though?

Joel Gertner: Who knows, probably something towards Mack. But hwta a show we had tonight and in three days we got Superstars, then in four we got King of the Ring, see ya then.

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