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Extreme 36 {12/1/04}

Started by Taylor Andrews, October 28, 2014, 06:07:03 PM

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Taylor Andrews

December 1st, 2004

The camera comes alive now, we open our show to inside the ol' ECW Arena right here in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania with Paranoid by Black Sabbath immediately balsting out over the pa and some pyro shoots over the entrance, no ramp tonight for we do this ol' school, ECW style, just a small aisle, so we can pack in more diehard fans. The fans at that, they are crazed to see SEF here, not ECW, no, but they know the man behind this company and he is the equivilant to ECW. They are pumped, some sport SEF shirts, some sport ECW shirt, posters are waved all over, some even have weapons with them to relive ECW days and toss to wrestlers, they all cheer and scream for the start of Extreme. After a few more minutes the camera finally drops to ringside where Black Bob and Frankie Malone sit being surrounded by the fans and loving it.

Black Bob: Well goddamn it, were in ECW territory and I feel the fans are loving SEF for bringing us here, both companies are built the same way, sorta, man, were in for some kick ass action from the looks of the card.

Frankie Malone: ECW revolutionized this business and dis o here in Philly, here in this arena, SEF has come here to pay its respect, were gonna see some good old fighting and Viper starts it, I can't wait.

Black Bob: Oh yea, Viper is definitely the man, but we also got a double jeporady match, an ECW original with three old ECW stars, plus a new guy.

Frankie Malone: New Jack and Knifeguy fight Bubba Ray who fights them both and D-Von, this match is tricky, but good.

Black Bob: We got some women in action, Thriller fights that new kid Tony Gunns, and Tyler Dreamer lives a dream of competing under the roof where is father becames a star.

Frankie Malone: Oh man, that triple threat thumbtacks match is gonna be a killer, Tyler, Duke, and Big R, damn its gonna be good.

Black Bob: And the main event is a barbed wire rope match, Blade defends against Derek, should be kick ass!

Frankie Malone: Derek earned a shot with a pinfall over Blade, yes a tag team pinfall after an attack in the dark, but he did pin Blade no matter how you call it.

Black Bob: True, he did do it, but now he must do it when it really counts, so we'll have to see, now lets roll on with our show, lets relive ECW, lets live for SEF, yea!

Opening Segment 

But before the first match starts, before either man comes out, the pa blasts out Cowboy by Kid Rock and the fans unload with cheers and screams for who comes out. Daddy Mack it is sporting blue jeans, sneakers, and a leather jacket with one of his shirts on. The fans go nuts for him as Mack just dances around a bit and slaps some of their hands. Following behind him is a man who looks a lot like RVD, very similiar to him, but smaller, quite a bit smaller, like under six foot and under two hundred pounds and the dude looks really, really stoned, plu she is wearing a referee shirt and black jeans. Mack just makes his way to the ring and steps in doing his usual pose. The man following him comes in now and Mack soon gets a mic and speaks.

Daddy Mack: You know what, it feels fucking incredible to back here in SEF, on Extreme, and back in this arena tonight. SEF has come here before, I wrestled here before SEF, I remember ECW, I remember Japan, and in honor of both, but done here cause SEF is based in America, we are entering a new era. I know I said at the start of this year that SEF was going extreme, but we didn't and I am sorry. We did it in a sense, but this time its done right and to the full effect. You want action, anything goes, no stops, no count outs, dq's. none of this, oh break on five, hold back, don't do that, don't do this, its tooooooooo extreme. I say what Paul E. said years ago, fuck that, let extreme live and let this sport live, were going all the way baby and SEF is going to the brink of extreme. We'll incorporate from ECW, from Japan, but at the same time we will be innovative, so boys and girls, ladies and gentlemen, people, its time to go, from here on out, every match held on any SEF card in any arena were at will be fought exactly the same as the matches tonight, under SEF Rules. In case ya don't get it, SEF Rules means exactly what ECW Rules means, there are no rules!

The crowd lets out a bloodcurdling cheer and starts up some E-C-W chants, then turns to S-E-F chants. Mack lowers the mic and pumps his fist in the air a few times, then speaks again.

Daddy Mack: And this man behind me, he is our new official, our referee and his job, to count a pinfall or ask for a submission and that is it, he has nothing else to do. Only he may do this job as well, unless if need be I come down and help, or we have a special guest referee. His name is Jay and he is SEF's only referee. We are in our extreme era now and I leave you all with that, plus people, I am back on the road for good. My smile, not found, but who cares, SEF needs Daddy Mack and I am back!

Mack lowers his mic as Cowboy hits as he dances around posing for the very appreciative fans. He smiles and taunts, but his music soon cuts off and is replaced by The Unforgiven by Metallica. Viper now makes his way out and heads to the ring, steps in, and comes face to face with Mack who looks a lil confused at Viper like he don't recognize, but he sees the scar on his throat. Viper looks at him weird and Mack senses something is wrong, then suddenly reaches for Viper's throat and peels back the scar ripping it off revealing it be a fake scar. The crowd looks in awe as Mack is confused and Viper looks worried. Mack calls for a mic to be brought to him, gets it, and soon speaks.

Daddy Mack: Your not Viper, similair look, but a few men in this business have that look. The scar on Viper is real for I was there, I in a sense gave it to him, but it never healed to a scar for he died before it could. The look in your eyes, it ain't Viper's look, hell, the eye color is wrong, he had blue eyes, not brown. The scruffy beard, makes me off on who you are, but I think I know, turn around, now!

The man turns around and Mack smiles.

Daddy Mack: Now I recognize your back cause ya ran outta SEF so many times with your tail tucked, your Ace Hart, you fucking rip off, cocksucking, piece of shit!

Ace turns around with a grin and leans to the mic.

Ace Hart: Take that Mack, I imitated your friend and fooled everyone here, you suck and I rule, I am god!

Daddy Mack: But you couldn't fool me, what a joke!

Just then, the SEFtron lights up and we see Whitney Marret come over it with a scowl on her face and she speaks.

Whitney Marret: That was a very disrespectful move Ace wannabe Hart. Viper was bigger than you'll ever be in this business and to do what you did is lower than anything. Your name will be truly remembered as one of the worst of all names in the business, but most of all, your about to be knocked out. Take care bitch, now Mack, do it!

The tron fades out as Ace turns and is leveled in a second by Da Shows Ova! Mack stands over him with a pissed look pointing to him, saying to never think about it again. Mack then kicks Ace from the ring and picks the mic back up.

Daddy Mack: Well it seems Viper is still dead, my friend I am sorry and I wish I could see you alive, but he is gone. Our next match is cancelled and this Darren Romeo, Kid Romeo, whatever, your fired bitch, stay outta SEF! But people, I promise a kick ass show and many more from here on out, so lets get it going, lets roll this show on!

Mack tosses the mic down as Cowboy hits again and Mack now exits the ring making his way to the back.

Black Bob: Holy fuck, that was a huge ass announcement made by Mack who is back and Viper is really dead, but that cheap ass bitch Ace Hart tried imitating him.

Frankie Malone: I guess its like it goes, you imitate greatness when you know you can never be great!

Double Jeporady Match
D-Von Dudley vs. New Jack & Knifeguy vs. Bubba Ray Dudley 

We see all four men in the ring now, New Jack and his partner Knifeguy stand in one corner, D-Von in another and Bubba in another, all of them staring back and forth to each other. D-Von soon charges for Bubba while Jack sends Knifeguy to beat on them and goes outside tossing weapons in out of his shopping cart and finding more under the ring. Knifeguy helps D-Von beat on Bubba and pound him into a corner, then Knifeguy turns and nails a few punches to D-Von. Jack comes in the ring now with a stapler and sends a few staples to D-Von's back, then drops him with a reverse ddt. Bubba is up and clotheslines Knifeguy from behind, then kicks the stapler away from Jack and nails a hard diving clothesline on him. Bubba reaches for a singapore cane as Jack grabs a toaster. They both jump up with Jack holding up the toaster, but Bubba swings the cane into the toaster bashing it back into Jack's head. Bubba then grabs the stapler and kneels down while shouting, "time rid you of all that fat and staple your gut"! He proceeds to send a few staples right into Jack'a gut at that, but D-Von is up and bashes Bubba with a VCR now and lifts him up hitting a suplex. Knifeguy gets up, but is sent down with a few punches, then bashed in the head with a trash can. D-Von pulls Bubba up and sends him reeling to a corner from punches, then manages to lift Bubba to the top rope for a suplerplex. Jack is up and rushes over bashing D-Von in the back, then turn him and around and lifts him for a flapjack, but Knifeguy is up and grabs D-Von's head helping to execute a 3-D. As all three men are down for one second, Bubba quickly leaps off the top rope with a senton splash to them all, unorthodoxed, but effective. Needless to say his weight comes in handy as he hurts all three men and himself a bit. Bubba is the first man up now and he finds himself a cheese grater now, cangs it his hand, then grabs the first man up which is Knifeguy and rakes his head up pretty bad. Bubba really grates the skin off his forehead and lets the blood flow out, then runs him out over the top rope. Jack gets up now and clubs Bubba from behind, then turns to grab a weapon. D-Von is up and charges at him, but Jack backdrops him to the outside now and D-Von capatilizes by grabbing him in a full nelson and delivering the Bubba Bomb, then pins him.....1....2....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winners by pinfall.....Bubba Ray Dudley!

Bombshell by Powerman 5000 hits the pa as Bubba stands up and raises his fists in the air to cheers from the crowd. He looks really pumped now and goes out of the ring to celebrate with the fans.

Black Bob: Man, what a first match to have, double jeporady involving two Dudleyz, New Jack, and a new guy, nice show.

Frankie Malone: Yea and how lucky did Bubba get, damn it, D-Von shoulda won that match and shown this was his home, not Bubba's.

Black Bob: They both came from here, they both belong here, they share it has a home like all ECW stars did.

Fatal Four Way Match
Britni Jayde Valentine vs. Karmela Ice vs. Bryoni Cates vs. Rhapsody w/David Blade 

The four women are in the ring now and Bryoni charges Rhapsody unleashing on her with punches, but Karmela comes over clubbing her in the back. Britini charges Rhapsody with a clothersline taking both of them over the top rope and they now fight on the outside. Rhapsody gets some weapons eventually and beats on Britini with them, but Britini fights back. Karmela beats down Broni in the ring and sets her up for a moonsault, but misses. Bryoni kneels in the corner and waits for Karmela to turn around, then charges and hits Pride & Prejudice as hard as she can, then pins.....1.....2.....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall......Bryoni Cates!

Destroy All by Static X hits now as Bryoni stands to her feet and raises her hands in the air declaring her victory and she taunts at Rhapsody who was about to slide in the ring. hapsody looks pissed at the taunt and does anyways tackling Bryoni and hammering her with punches. Blade comes in the ring pulling his sister off, but Bryoni is up and pushes him now. Blade just lets go of Rhapsody who flies at Bryoni and they sandwich Blade between them. Security soon runs out and Blade sees them, rolls away while they seperate the two women and get them to the back.

Black Bob: Man, them two chicks ahve it in for each other and why blame them, fatal four way, neither one beat or got beat by the other, gotta see who is better.

Frankie Malone: Oh yea, its the way it goes, Rhapsody is good too, sister of the champ, but I like this Bryoni Cates, plus she won her debut, a plus.


We cut back to show Daddy Mack wlak into a room, the office of Xavier and in there is Xavier and Cassie Michaels laid up on the sofa chilling with each other. Mack leans on the desk and smiles at them, then says.

Daddy Mack: X, my man, I am back ya know and well, I don't need a Commish. Ya did good kid, I don't wanna let ya go as your my friend, so if ya wanna stay on ya can, but I am saying on the road to run SEF. I can let ya help me, I know your good at this, so man......

Xavier: Mack, stop it man! I was waiting for ya to come back cause me and Cassie, we need our time, engaged now, a child on the way, we just gonna hang back and chill. So ya can drop my title as Commish, but let me stay on as Chief of Security, my boys I feel help here.

Daddy Mack: That they do and its all cool man, you and Cassie enjoy yourselves ok, take some time off if ya want and go get married, do your honeymoon, have fun, take as long as ya want too, ya deserve it.

Xavier: Alright, thanks man, later.

Cassie Michaels: Yes, thank you Mack, your a good friend.

Daddy Mack: Cool, you two take care and X, take goood care of your wife and future kid, I be hoping the best for ya bro.

Mack stands up and waves, then heads out the door as Xavier and Cassie smile, then go back to whatever they were doing, talking, being in love, whatever, but we now cut back to ringside.

Black Bob: Well, seems X is done as Commish, staying for security, probably gonna take time off, Mack is back, its all great.

Frankie Malone: Truth is, Xavier seems to soft now, all mushy with his wife, chilling, all relaxed and laid back, what a joke he is.

Black Bob: Dude, Xavier has always been laid back, he is a fucking stoner!

Non Title Singles Match
Tony Gunns vs. The Serial Thriller w/Erika Valverde

Both men are soon in the ring and Tony jumps thegun on Thriller beating him into a corner, then knocks him to the outside. He soon runs the ropes looking for a suicide dive headbutt. Thriller manages to get a grip on a chair and bashes it into his head as Tony is diving out and lays him nearly out cold on the floor. Thriller now reaches back for a punch, but a fan hands him a frying pan and Thriller not even thinking just keeps his arm movingand bashes Tony in the head now definitely knocking him cold. Thriller sees the pan now and looks shocked, but sorta grins and drops the pan, then rolls Tony in the ring and pins him.....1.....2.....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall.......The Serial Thriller!

#1 Stunna by The Big Tymers hits now and Thriller just shrugs at the frying pan shot, then raises his title in the air and kisses Erika to celebrate.

Black Bob: Ooh, is that when you would say, infadically over, man that pan shot had to hurt!

Frankie Malone: Yea, but Tony was shit for SEF, he deserved a knock out shot, Thriller deserved the win, we got what we got.

Tag Team Match
Kymberly Martinez & Ashley vs. Nazalia Dyson & Erika Valverde w/The Serial Thriller

Both teams are in the ring and Ashley starts for her team. Erika starts for her team and the two move into a grapple, but Ashley ends that with a rake to the eyes and begins chopping at Erika. She backs her into a corner and begins choking at Erika now, but Nazalia soon comes flying in and pounding on Ashley's back. This bring Kymberly in who drags Nazalia by the hair around the ring and plants her with a ddt. Erika starts laying into Ashley now with some slaps, then kicks her hard and nails a suplex. Kymberly has Nazalia up and looks for a neckbreaker, but Nazalia twists around and soon lifts up Kymberly hitting a powerbomb. Erika pulls up Ashley and nails a few elbows on her, then whips her to the ropes and tries for a clothesline. Ashley ducks that and comes back with a dropkick to Erika, then she jumps up and nails a spinning kick to Nazalia who was in her corner and knocks her to the floor. Ashley yells for Kymberly to get a chair which she does and Ashley meanwhile plants Erika with a torndao ddt. Kymberly tosses the chair in the ring and Ashley positions under her, lifts up Erika and delivers the Final Vision on the chair and pins....1....2....3!

Brittany Fox: Here are your winners by pinfall.......Ashley and Kymberly Martinez!

What Is It To Burn by Finch hits and Ashley gets to her feet rasing her hands in the air. Kymberly comers over to celebrate, but Thriller gets in the ring looking mad. Ashley shoves Kymberly at him and slides out of the ring while Thriller just catches Kymberly, makes sure she is ok, then out of nowhere gives her Perfection At Its Best. He then helps Erika up and to the back.

Black Bob: Pretty good match I must say, Ashley did good pinning Erika, these two are really getting into it.

Frankie Malone: Yea, it was a good match, but my personal highlight was seeing Thriller lay out Kymberly, that guy is on a rise in SEF.

Triple Threat Thumbtacks Match
Big R vs. Tyler Dreamer vs. Duke McDoogle

The ring is set up with thumbtacks covering the ring canvas, all three men have made their way out and stand in the ring. Duke and Tyler lock eyes glancing respectfully, then Big R gets all cocky and charges across the ring dropping Tyler with a clothesline. Duke runs over quickly and starts pounding on R, then hoists him up in the air and slams him to the mat on the tacks. R screams in pain, then Duke turns to Tyler and the two start brawling now, punch for punch around the ring with neither letting up or going down. R gets up now, his back bleeding and tacks sticking in it. He winces, but runs over beating on Duke now helping Tyler put him down. Tyler now turns on R and wails him with some chops, then kicks him in the gut and the good ol' Dreamer DDT right into the tacks. Tyler now lifts up Duke and knees him in the head, then drops him with a rocker dropper and rolls out of the ring now. Tyler looks around, checks under the ring, grabs out some stuff and tosses it in the ring, he sets up a table at ringside. He turns to the fans now and gets handed a broom and a mop, plus a microwave. Tyler tosses the broom and mop in the ring, then eyes the microwave, but shrugs and slides in the ring. R gets to his feet and Tyler drops the microwave, then nails a spinning to R's gut and slams his head into the microwave. He then shoves his head right inside it and starts slamming the door on his head. Duke is up now and grabs the broom breaking it over Tyler's back, then lifts him up and nails a backdrop to the mat. Both men yell from the pain of the tacks, but Duke is up first since he had a shorter drop. He picks up the mop now and shoves it into R's face, the stands over him and holds the handle to his throat choking him. Duke soon lets go and just cracks the mop over his back, then slides out of the ring looking for something. Tyler is getting back to his feet when Duke finds a sledgehammer and climbs up on the apron. As he does, Tyler runs the ropes and lepas into the air, grabs Duke's head and flips all the way over bring him down through the table set up with a neckbreaker. Duke gets the full effects of the move and lays in pain among the broken wood. Tyler escaped the table, but still is hurting from the fall. In the ring R gets up and holds his head woozy from the beating he took. Tyler gets to his feet, grabs the sledgehammer and hold sit to his side to hide it. He climbs up on the apron and R sees him, then charges to knock him off. Tyler brings up the sledge burying it into R's head, then he climbs in the ring and lifts him up hitting the Dreamer Driver. Duke starts to come around and crawls to the ring as Tyler pins R....1....2.....3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall........Tyler Dreamer!

Man In The Box by Alice In Chains hits the pa and Tyler jumps to his feet raising his fists in the air and shouting out loud as the fans go up in cheers. Duke gets in the ring and looks down at R beaten, seems mad to lose, but looks at Tyler and extends a hand to him. Tyler extends his hand and shakes Duke's, then raises his hand in the air. Duke acknowledges and soon exits the ring giving Tyler his time and heads to the back. But from the crowd comes Serial Thriller with his title around his waist. He slides in behind Tyler and waits till he turns around, then drops him with Perfection At Its Best laying him out. The crowd goes nuts with boos as Thriller smirks and heads to the back.

Black Bob: Well I must say we witnessed quite the awesome match there and Tyler made his mark in SEF for howing just what he wants to do here, but Thriller made a mark as well you could say.

Frankie Malone: Yea, by laying Tyler out in a matter of seconds. Good match I will say, but Thriller is here ot make his mark in SEF and only one man can be the best.

Barbed Wire Rope Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship
Derek Helms vs. David Blade[c] w/Rhapsody

The ropes has been replaced and Derek is in the ring. War Machine is still playing as Blade is standing at ringside with Rhapsody next to him. He unstraps his title and lets it flal to the floor, the slides in the ring quickly to avoide the wire and springs up flying at Derek unleashing an array of elbows on him. Blade soon whips him across the ring and looks for a clothesline, but Derek ducks and comes back with a cross body taking Blade down. Derek gets to his feet and now and climbs up top, but Blade gets up as well and climbs up, punches him a few times almost knocking Derek off, then delivers a superplex to him. Blade rolls out of the ring now and gets a chair and trash can bringing them in the ring. He sits Derek up and places the trash can over his head, then picks up the chair and starts slamming the can with it. Blade kicks the can as well and Derek in the can rolls around the ring a bit trying to get free. Blade finally lets up and exits the ring again this time sliding in a table and he gets a barbed wire bat as well. Derek is getting to his feet when Blade runs at him bashing him in the head with the bat slicing him open from the barbed wire. Blade jabs the bat into Derek's gut, then sets the table up near a corner and looks to pick up Derek when Scorpion and V1 come running out. Scorpion comes in first and jumps on Blade hammering him and V1 helps him, the two beating him into a corner and smashing his face into the corner ripping him up on the barbed wire. Rhapsody now comes inw ith a chair and slams it over Scorpion's back, but V1 kicks the chair away and clotheslines her. Serial Thriller and Erika now run out and Erika goes for Rhapsody while Thriller helps V1 keep Blade down. Scorpion recovers now, but a mysterious man, anunknown man gets in the ring and squats down in the corner. Scorpion turns to him and the man explodes with a huge spear, a gore if you will laying Scorpion out who soon rolls out of the ring. The man clotheslines Erika and Rhapsody to the outside, then Thriller turns, but gets the same spear, gore like move and rolled from the ring. Derek gets up, but is put down as well with the spear. The man looks to nail Blade, but he sidesteps it and V1 gets hit. Blade quickly pins Derek while he can.....1.....2......3!

Brittany Fox: Here is your winner by pinfall........David Blade!

War Machine by KISS hits, but Blade is hit the gore as well and this man now stands in the center of the ring just staring down at Blade. He has long black hair hanging in his face, built like Rhyno, same style tights with the name Thor on them. He soon gets thrown a mic and decides to speak.

Thor: Gore, Gore, Gore, Gore, you all just got hit by my Gore, Thor's Gore and you David Blade, you will feel it the worst and I am coming for your title!

Apparently the man is Thor and he now tosses the mic away and squats into a corner, waits for Blade to get back up, then charges again and nails the gore on him. Thor sees the table and lifts Blade up, drags him over, and powerbombs him through the table. He raises his hands in the air as Never Gonna Stop by Rob Zombie hits the pa and he soon leaves the ring to boos. VX has gathered themselves already and left as well.

Black Bob: Damn man, that dude looked intense, fucking jacked up and pumped up to a tee, Blade is in trouble I think.

Frankie Malone: Yea and no lies can help him now, he has to actually fight it his way out of this one and against a man like Thor, he is in for it.

Black Bob: I can't argue that, DB got some trouble rising and this dude made no bones about it, no previous attacks, no behind gigs, just straight up, in your face, smashmouth. But that be the end of our show and remember, SEF has gone extreme, new era people, anything goes, so we'll see how that works out next time.

Paranoid by Black Sabbath hits now as the camera pans up around the arena showing all the crazed fans looking pumped over the show and screaming to show their support, chanting S-E-F with the same pride as they did ECW. And on that we fade to black and end the show.

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