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Extreme 151 {12/2/09}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 22, 2014, 10:32:40 AM

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December 2nd, 2009

Another sold out crowd for SEF's Extreme and this week were in the All-State Arena in Rosemont Illinois. A NEW LEVEL blasts over the pa bringing this crowd to their feet screaming out in cheers for SEF, waving their signs around trying to get seen by the camera and we no hear from Nick Miller who opens our show.

"Welcome to Extreme everyone and welcome to the most real, hardcore wrestling around the world, welcome to SEF!"

Lot of cheering for that and he continues.

"Tonight we got a good lineup for ya and as a reminder, this Sunday is Apocalypse on pay per view featuring a First Blood match for the World Heavyweight Title! Tonight the champion and contender fight in a triple threat with SVD, plus everyone's favorite is back in action, MACK!"

Huge cheers now and the crowd begins chanting...WE WANT MACK...WE WANT MACK...WE WANT MACK...WE WANT MACK....then Nick just speaks up again.

"And you'll get him, but we gotta move this show along to do that, so lets get on with it! The following match is scheduled for one fall!"

And now he waits as a video plays over the screen showing various clips of Nikky just rocking the shit as usual, and as KICK START MY HEART plays, lights flash purple, silver and orange through a mainly dark arena. After about ten seconds, Nikky walks through the curtain to a few cheers. He's appreciative of it, but he doesn't necessarily show it, as he looks up at the fans around him with lights flashing everywhere. He has a black bandana tied around his head, and a black jacket covering his heavily tattoed arms, and pops the color with a smirk, before continuing down the ramp. Nick Miller finally introduces him.

"Making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan weighing in at 259 pounds, he is The Devils Saint................Nikky Venom!"

He walks down the ramp, not really paying attention to the fans, instead, he walks towards a camera and starts talking into it, conveying a message of his awesomeness to the people at home. Once he reaches the padded area around the ring, he stops walking and stands, looking at the people all about him. He then jumps where he's standing, before running and sliding into the ring. Once inside he waits for a moment before getting up, and rips off his jacket and bandana, before going to the nearest turnbuckle and climbing it, throwing his arms in the air, palms pressed together above his head. He has a cocky smirk on his face, before getting down, and leaning against the turnbuckle. He watches the curtain as I AM hit's the pa and out walks Megan carrying her sisters title and being followed by Midnight, the crowd booing them both as Nick announces them.

"And his opponent, from Louisville Kentucky, weighing in at 150 pounds and accompanied by Midnight, she is...................Megan Sorrow!"

The ladies get to the ring and both stare in at Nikky who stares back still in the corner. Midnight whispers to Megan feeding her strength to go into the match. She stays on the floor as Megan climbs up the steps and pauses on the apron, raises the title in the air and lays it on the top of the steps. She gets into the ring and waves Nikky over and taunts him as the bell rings. He calmly steps forward and spreads his arms cockily, then suddenly charges, but Megan ready drops and rolls from the ring running over by Midnight who puts an arm around her. The crowd boos and the ref begins a count after holding Nikky back. Nikky rolls out the side and heads around as Megan backs up some and Midnight steps in his way. Megan slips in the ring as the ref continues his count and Midnight glares at Nikky as if to dare him to hit her. He stares with her not backing up, the intensity growing and the ref reaches nine, then in a flash he dives into the ring, pops up and charges at Megan tackling her into a corner. The crowd pops loud and Midnight snarls, punches the top of the ring apron yelling for Megan to kill him. Nikky buries a shoulder to Megan's ribs, then rips her up to the top rope and climbs up looking for a superplex. Midnight comes around the ring hopping on the apron and the ref keeps her out. Nikky eyes her, then goes for the superplex, but gets a kick to the nuts and drops off the ropes. Megan hops off catching him in a face lock and spins into a tornado ddt planting Nikky on his head. The crowd boos and Midnight hops down as Megan crawls on Nikky for the pin, 1.........................2............................kick out! Megan shoots up and starts hammering Nikky with punches, slaps him across the face, then pulls him up in a side headlock running him across the ring and nails a bulldog. She stands up and kicks Nikky in the ribs a few times rolling him near a corner, then she climbs up to the top leaping back with a moonsault. Nikky rolls out of the way and uses the corner to pull himself up. Megan pulls herself up and Nikky runs out leaping up hitting her with Bad Time, then scrambles up pulling Megan to her feet and gives her a suplex. Nikky runs to the ropes, springs off and drops a quick leg drop to her throat, then pulls Megan up and whips her into a corner. He charges leaping into the air for a splash, but Megan moves out of the way and he smashes into the turnbuckles. Nikky staggers and Megan drops him with a neck breaker, no, Nikky turns it around into a suplex lifting Megan up, but drops her with The World Wide Suicide and into a pin, 1...........................................2.....................................kick out! The crowd boos and Nikky gets to his feet yanking Megan to hers by the hair. The ref warns him and he lets go, then slaps Megan playfully before kneeing her in the ribs bending her down. Nikky tucks her head and lifts her for a pile driver, but Megan fights it and drops down some, Nikky pulling her back and Megan jerks her head up smashing his nuts for the second in time in the match. The ref unsure of the intent lets it go and Megan stands up slapping Nikky, then pulls him down for a ddt. Nikky charges her back into a corner and buries a shoulder to her ribs, backs up across the ring and with the ref eyeing Megan making sure she is ok, Midnight grabs Nikky's leg tripping him to his face. Megan runs out of the corner and baseball slides a dropkick into his head. She gets up and pulls him sideways to the corner, then climbs to the top rope and drops off split legged with Sorrow's Revenge into a pin, 1.....................................2.......................................3! The crowd boos as Nick makes the announcement.

"Here is your winner of the match..................Megan Sorrow!"

And we hear I AM playing now, the crowd still booing and Megan rolls from the ring getting congratulated by Midnight. Megan grabs her sisters title from the steps and the raises it in the air as her and Midnight head to the back. Nikky is laying on his back just staring up and he now rolls to the floor stumbling some and looks angered. He looks to see Megan and Midnight turn and laugh at him before disappearing through the curtain and then he heads that way. So once he gets to the back we go right to our next match and Nick makes the announcement.

"The following match is scheduled for one fall and is to be fought under hardcore rules!"

A pop for that and then SPIRT hits out come Taylor Johnson and she makes her way to the ring as she slaps some fans a high-5 and then makes her way to the ring. Nick introduces her as she comes down.

"Making her way to the ring from Tor Canada, weighing in at 122 pounds...................Taylor Johnson."

Taylor comes out and gets in the ring and she puts her finger up and smiles at her fans as she gets ready for war. The crowd is growing restless and explodes upon hearing SLAVE TO THE GRIND blast out over the pa and seeing Mack come walking out with his swagger of an asshole who knows he's great. He sports his street gear again, jeans and button black shirt, though he wears a bandana as a headband this week. Julie is with him wearing jeans and high heels with a leather halter top. They walk the aisle together, the fans going nuts and Nick introducing them.

"And her opponent, making his way to the ring from Detroit Michigan, weighing in at 269 pounds and accompanied by Julie, he is the Ultimate fucking Rebel.................MACK!"

A huge pop for that and once at ringside Mack turns to Julie cupping her neck and lays a kind of wild kiss on her. She rubs his chest and kinda bites his lip as they part, then Mack rolls in the ring and stands up. The bell rings and Taylor looking intimidated stays against the ropes. Mack charges her and she slips out of the ring running in fear around it. Julie kneels down by the ring and when Taylor heads for the aisle she is flattened with a hard spear from Julie. She pulls up Taylor and sends her rolling in the ring, then gets a table from underneath. Mack pulls up Taylor and rips her up only to send her right back down hard to the mat. Julie slides the table in and Mack grabs it setting it up in the middle of the ring, then he pulls up Taylor and sends her into a corner, follows up burying his shoulder to her ribs, then rips Taylor up on his shoulder and turns running across the ring slamming her into that corner. He lets Taylor stagger out now and hits her with a swinging neck breaker, then sits up and just smiles, the crowd cheering loud. Mack gets up and pulls Taylor up gut wrenching up and power bombing her through the table smashing it and her to hell. Mack puts a foot to her chest for a pin, 1...............................2.......................he steps off and stomps on her forehead breaking the fall, then pulls up Taylor, but she squirms away diving into the ropes. Mack grabs her in a waistlock and rips her back with a release german suplex to her stomach. He gets up and pulls Taylor shoving her into a corner, then backs up across the ring and leans in that corner sneering at her. The crowd pretty sure as to what's coming and Taylor is stirring starting to get up when she looks at Mack and drops down yelling to the ref.


A huge shock from the crowd and the ref stunned moves over asking her if she really does and its what she wants, so he calls for the bell causing boos. Mack makes his way over, but the ref stops and raises his arm in the air as Nick makes the announcement.

"Here is your winner by forfeit................MACK!"

He yanks his arm down as SLAVE TO THE GRIND plays. Taylor rolls from the ring and is stopped in the aisle by Julie. Mack slides out now and Taylor pleads with Julie to let her go, gets close to her thinking she will, but gets an elbow to the jaw. She's spun around and Julie moves as Mack charges and hits SMOKED on Taylor slamming her to the floor and getting a huge pop for it. Julie steps next to Mack raises his arm in the air, then pulls his head down and kisses him. They head to the back now as Taylor is helped that way by a few officials. We now get ready for our main event when suddenly were backstage seeing Nikky Venom throw a trash can at the door of the Dark Shadow Alliance's room. He barges up to it kicking the door open and sees no one inside, then storms off down the hall and grabs some guy slamming him to the wall and says.

"Tell me, where do I go to get a match against that dumb whore?"

The guy just shrugs and says.

"Go see the owner."

To which Nikky replies with.

"Where is she?"

He points down the hall to his left and says.

"Few doors down, like four I believe."

Nikky lets him go and heads on down looking at the doors until he says Whitney's, then barges on in, grabs the cell phone Whitney was talking on hanging it up and slamming it to her desk. She stands up in his face clearly pissed and annoyed.

"What the hell do you think yo-"

He cuts her off abruptly.

"I want Megan Sorrow for that title she never earned and I want her in something that either allows anything to happen or keeps the fight between myself and her."

Whitney just smiles and says.

"First of all, getting what you want is done by earning it that ring like you claim Megan doesn't do, yet she did just beat you. Second, she is not recognized by SEF as the International Champion, she is simply allowed to defend it for her sister who is on leave. Third, you are in a free for all this Sunday at Apocalypse to name a contender to that title, so go earn a shot instead of bitching to me!"

Nikky calms down and just says.

"You are the owner, so what can I do, but if you ever fuck with me.....it'll be a bad move."

Whitney just chuckles and stares him dead in his eyes, appears to talk when someone clearing their throat from the doorway is heard. Nikky turns and Whitney looks past him seeing Mack standing there. He steps into the office smirking and says.

"I believe she told ya what's up, so no need to spew any words that ya can't back up and believe me if ya can believe anyone, ya can't. Now I need to speak to my wife, so go get ready to whip some ass Sunday."

Cheers can be heard for Mack all the way back there and he turns to let Nikky go. He does just that nodding respectively and Mack nodding back. The camera backs out and Nikky shuts the door behind him, then looks back at it before walking away and we cut to ringside where Nick announces the main event.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the following is the main event of Extreme and it s a triple threat match scheduled for one fall!"

The lights go out and red and gold lights circle the arena as SCREAM hits the PA and Nick Miller introduces Jordan.

"On his way to the ring from New York City, he weighs in at 250lbs, he is The Ultimate Protector..........................Jordan Brooks!"

Once he comes out and is a quarter the way to the ring, he slowly walks down to the ring. Once inside the ring, he goes to the far right turnbuckle and poses for the crowd by stretching his arms out in a relaxed crucifix pose. He runs the ropes to get warmed up and then stops as LUCK IS THE KEY hit's the pa and out runs SVD from the curtain saluting to the cheering crowd. Nick introduces him now.

"And one of his opponents, from Multan Pakistan, weighing in at 235 pounds..........................Salman Van Dam!"

SVD runs down the aisle and comes sliding in the ring and pops up, but Jordan charges over with a knee to his ribs, then hit's a European uppercut and tries for BAD. SVD shoves him away and Jordan springs off the ropes for a clothesline, SVD's idea and they both go down. YOU'RE GOING DOWN hits the pa system, Chris Orton comes out from the curtain hearing the crowd pop. He makes his way down the ramp stares down his challenger, and he stops at the end moving his neck left and right as Nick Miller announces his entrance.

"Now making his way to the ring from San Diego California, weighing in at 245 pounds, he is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion........................Chris Orton!"

He lays his title on the steps and slides in the ring as Jordan and SVD both get up. Chris runs up on Jordan with a diving clothesline taking him to the mat and stays on him with punches. SVD is up and waits for Chris to get up, then runs off the ropes landing a leg drop across Jordan's neck. He gets up and nods to Chris that they work together. He bends down to grab Jordan, but gets a kick to the head from Chris and then whipped into a corner. Chris pulls up Jordan and whips him at SVD who dodges out of the way and leaps up with a mule kick to Jordan's chest. He slumps down in the corner and Chris runs over for a spear on SVD. He leapfrogs Chris who stops himself on the ropes and turns. SVD kicks Chris in the gut, then bends him down and lifts him hitting a piledriver. He gets up and runs at Jordan grabbing the top rope and leaping up before swinging his legs down kicking Jordan in the chest. SVD rolls backwards to his feet and pulls Jordan up looking for the Icon Strike. Jordan shoves him away and Chris leaps up for the CKO, but gets shoved down to the mat. Jordan comes up behind SVD clipping the back of his left knee, then gets up and begins stomping that same knee. He drops a knee to SVD's head, then gets up and turns to Chris pulling him up, looks for an irish whip, but gets reversed into a corner. Chris charges him, but Jordan gets a foot up kicking him in the head. Chris turns and Jordan hops to the second turnbuckle and leaps off driving Chris down with a bulldog. SVD is about up and Jordan gets up spinning him around tries for BAD. SVD shoves him to the ropes and Jordan springs off into SVD's Icon Kick. SVD drops on him for the pin, 1........................2.................Chris shoves SVD off. SVD gets up and lifts up Chris shoving him, then kicks him in the gut and tries for the Icon Strike. Chris counters it by twisting around and dropping SVD with a neck breaker. He gets up and sees both men down, then kneels down waiting to strike. SVD stirs first and rolls over to his knees as Jordan starts to push himself up. Chris backs into a corner now and charges out for a punt to SVD's head, but he dodges it and jumps up dropkicking Chris in the back. He goes tumbling through the ropes to the floor and SVD runs the ropes looking to go for a dive. Jordan cuts him off with a spear and lays in a few punches to his head, then stands up and kicks at his ribs. Jordan steps towards the ropes and drops down rolling out. He grabs a steel chair and slides in the ring with it. The ref tells him no, but can't really stop him in a triple threat. SVD starts to get up and Jordan raises the chair bringing it down, but SVD suddenly leaps up with a spinning kick sending the chair into Jordan's head and knocking him to his back. Chris comes in the ring stalking behind SVD who bends down to pick up Jordan. Chris rips him around and drops him with the CKO, then quickly covers him for the pin hooking his leg, 1...........................................2.................................................3! The crowd erupts in cheers as Chris gets to his feet getting his arm raised and Nick makes the announcement.

"Here is your winner of the match.........................Chris Orton!"

YOU'RE GOING DOWN hit's the pa as Chris gets his title and goes to the turnbuckles raising it in the air. Jordan is stirring, some blood running down his head and he rolls from the ring. Chris gets down and looks at SVD who is stirring and just shrugs, points to the title indicating its every man for himself, then exit's the ring high fiving fans on his way to the back. The cameras starts roaming around the arena as the music switches to A NEW LEVEL and Nick Miller signs us off.

"Well that's it for tonight everyone, but in four days we'll see ya all on pay per view for Apocalypse, don't miss out on what should a be great night as SEF always gives ya!"

And with that we see a bit more of the crowd, then a shot of Chris Orton back against the curtain with his title held high staring down Jordan Brooks who stands in the aisle with blood on his face. The then ends like that and fades to black.

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