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universal6 star tag team

WAR 116 {5/8/13}

Started by sopshowtime69, November 25, 2014, 10:09:49 PM

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May 8th, 2013

Lawlor Events Center in Reno, Nevada

Tag Team Match
The Star & Pedro Sanchez v. Jordan Cut & Shane Mack
Mack is World Champion and back in action against newcomer Pedro Sanchez who originally entered SEF in a confrontation with The Showsteala. Pedro losing twice to Mack looks to avenge himself in another tag match, but with different partners. The Star teams with Pedro and perhaps those two could be a good team if on the same page? Jordan Cut with a huge win last week in a fatal four way has battled Mack before, but now teams with The Showsteala. Could those two be a better team and perhaps team up again to create more competition for the Tag Champs?
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Winners: Shane Mack & The Star when Mack pins The Star @ 26 Minutes 49 Seconds

Jordan comes in asking Mack why he never got tagged in and gets blown off, so Jordan tries for The Cut, but ends up eating Da Shows Ova! Mack dancing his way up the aisle gets attacked with a steel chair from Jake Voss who wears jeans a leather jacket producing a mic from his back pocket.

At Snake Eyes I am going to win both the SEF and WAR World Titles!

No Disqualification Match
Josh Diabolical v. Phoenix Winterborn
Phoenix with a crushing defeat last week after losing his rematch for the SEF Title two weeks ago finds himself facing Josh Diabolical again. This time there are no DQ's to stop the action which could get hardcore considering Josh's violent side. Phoenix needs to get back on track if he expects to regain the SEF Title or even make a name for himself in SEF. This could be a good win for Josh who could push himself up the ladder into the World Title hunt perhaps, if he can win?
Referee: Doug Melvin

Winner: Phoenix Winterborn via Pinfall @ 17 Minutes 21 Seconds

CWS yanks Josh from the ring to inflict more punishment on him after already haven run down to cost him the match. CWS with a russian leg sweep against the guard rail heads around the ring to get a mic and a couple beers. He saunters back around to Josh lifting the mic up.

Snake Eyes...me and you Joshy...in a DEATHMATCH!?!

CWS dropping mic down to him walks off to the back drinking his beer. Josh grabbing the mic sits up against the guard rail breathing heavy.


Icon Iron Internet Championship Match
Bill Roberts(c) v. Rob Rush(c)
Rob with a loss last week finds himself against a familiar face and old friend who is sporting his own gold. Bill with a big battle royal victory snaring the Internet Title next week and earning an II Title shot is looking to finally wrestle that title away from Rob. Will the Hardcore Heartbreaker do that or is Rob rushing his way to the top with no stop?
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Winner and NEW Internet Champion: Rob Rush via Pinfall @ 38 Minutes 12 Seconds

CWS v. Tristan Darland w/Kira Darland
Tristan coming up just a bit short in the battle royal last week finds himself in just much of an unpredictable and hardcore environment when he faces CWS, the local drunk. CWS embroiled in a hardcore rivalry with Josh Diabolical probably doesn't care about Tristan if he even knows who the former Internet Champ is? Tristan still seems to not care for anyone else and still has yet to break out and show the world just who he is. Will he do it tonight and move back into a title hunt or will the drunk smash his way to a victory?
Referee: Doug Melvin

Winner: Tristan Darland via Disqualification when Josh Diabolical spears Tristan @ 9 Minutes 34 Seconds

CWS and Josh brawl to the back leaving Tristan to be helped by Kira to the back.

Main Event
World Tag Team Championship Match
Cool Jay Lou & Mesa v. Julie(c) & Taylor Andrews(c)
3 weeks ago Julie and Taylor won back the Tag Titles and now find themselves in a rematch against Cool Jay Lou and Mesa who want back the gold. Jay and Mesa not fairing well the past couple weeks since losing the title, but Julie and Taylor are thriving, though Taylor did end up on the losing end last week in a fatal four way. Can she and The Queen keep up their dominant ways tonight in the tag team division or will Jay and Mesa prove to be the better team?
Referee: Harry Hunter

Winners and still World Tag Team Champions: Julie & Taylor via Submission when Taylor makes Jay tap out @ 34 Minutes 56 Seconds

Julie and Taylor on their feet and they celebrate in a hug. The ref awarding them the Tag Titles, but Jake Voss slipping down and into the ring waits for Julie to turn and The Queen is Victimized. Jake rolling out of the ring as Taylor goes after him and the Defiant God sauntering to the back with a cocky grin. Taylor on the ropes scowling and turns back checking on her partner as Nick Miller says.

Jake Voss emerging tonight to let us know he is still around and planning on walking out of Snake Eyes this Sunday with two World Titles. Frankie has given Jake his rematch to the WAR Title against Mack and also that night Jake faces Julie for the SEF Title. The Queen successful with Taylor in retaining their Tag Titles, but fell prey to Victimized. Will she do so again or will Mack soften Jake up too much as Mack will get first dibs on Sunday. We saw another match added to Snake Eyes earlier when CWS challenged Josh Diabolical to a Japanese Deathmatch adding a very extreme element to the pay per view. Also tonight we saw Rob Rush keep his II Title and win the Internet Title which I was told is being retired. Phoenix Winterborn picked up a win finally, but where will he go from here!? And will Tristan Darland be able to capitalize on his win even though it was by DQ?! Shane Mack showed up after leaving his partner to wonder if The Showsteala may no show and Jordan wouldn't even get tagged in. Mack winning the match on his own and left Jordan laying as well courtesy of Da Shows Ova! This Sunday is Snake Eyes thougha nd Jordan with an Xtreme Title shot, plus Shady Smack is facing a mystery opponent!? And three nights later we'll see ya on WAR, so until Sunday, have a goodnight!

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