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Wrestling Promotion => Thursday Night Burnout Event Promos => Live TV Event Archives => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on January 13, 2014, 01:12:35 AM

Title: RAW IS SEF 51 {2/3/03}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on January 13, 2014, 01:12:35 AM

February 3rd, 2003

Pyros shoot off as Across The Nation by Union Underground plays and Raw kicks off live from the sold out MCI Center In Washington D.C.! Jim Ross and Jerry "The King" Lawler begins the show from near the stage at the announce position!

Jr: Hello everybody and welcome to raw! I am jim ross alongside jerry the king lawler and we have a great show for you tonight!

King: Yea we do and were in the nations capital for our show! I wonder if george bush is here?

Jr: I seriously doubt it king, but ya never know, anything can happen around here, just like in our main event which will see rapid defend his world title against three other men in a cage!

King: Thats gonna be good, but the first match looks good too! A two falls fatal four way for the hardcore and ic titles!

Jr: Thats sure to be a great match with four good athletes involved! Also andy styles and risktaker get a rematch for the tag titles and mack defends his us title against matt hardy and strife in a ladder match!

King: Yea, thats gonna be great! Plus the new girl britany goes against mya james, I can't wait!

Jr: Should be good! Also, dustin gabriel fights jeff hardy and mack teams with hbk to earn a shot at the tag titles in three days!

Two Falls Fatal Four Way
1st Fall: SEF Hardcore Championship
2nd Fall: SEF Intercontinental Championship

Details: The match starts off under hardcore rules due to the 1st fall being for the hardcore title! Johnny flies at ralph with the beer bottle he has and bashes over ralphs head, then proceeds to beat him down! Victoria rushes xanthus looking for a clothesline, but xanthus ducks and rolls her up quickly, but victoria kicks out! Xanthus looks to kick her, but victoria had grabbed a kendo stick and nails xanths in the head wiht it! She begins hitting him in the ribs, then hits him the head again, knocking him down! She turns around and johnny spears her, tries for a pin, but xanthsu stops it! Johnny jumps up and stomps xanthus, then grabs a trash can and bashes him in the head! He does it a few more times and climbs to the top rope, looks for a missile dropkick, but xanthus jumps up in the air quickly and nails johnny woth a spinning kick, the head, laying him out! Ralph is up and hits xanthus in the head with his shoe, then victoria bashes a stop sign over ralphs head and pins him to win the 1st fall!

The ref ends the 1st fall, throws the weapons out, then starts the 2nd fall! Victoria immediately kicks ralph to the outside, picks up xanthus and lifts him up for a powerbomb, but he counters into a hurracanrana! Johnny makes it to his feet only to be clotheslined bakc down by xanthus who then jumps up top and flies off with a twisting moonsault and tries pinning, but victoria breaks it up! She picks up xanthus and suplexes him near the ropes, then goes out on the apron and jumps over for a leg drop, but xanthus jumps up and she misses! He grabs victoria by the hair and tosses her to the outside! Johnny charges him for a spear, but xanthus leaps over him and then delivers a knock out spinning kick to johnny, but ralph jumps in a clubs xanthus in the back before he can pin! Ralph tries suplexing xanthus, but xanthus slips behind him and pushes him to the ropes, then superkicks him to the outside! Victoria is back in and tries pinning johnny, but xanthus hits a leg drop across teh back of her neck, then picks her up and whips her into the ropes, jumps to the top rope opposite the ring and flies off, catching her with the acapulco driver an pinning her to win the 2nd fall!

Winner Of 1st Fall: Victoria via Pinfall

Winner Of 2nd Fall: Xanthus via Pinfall

Jr: What an amazing match that was! Xanthus really did fly tonight, but victoria showed she was hardcore and johnny proved he is still going strong!

King: Hey, what about ralph! He did ok, right?

Shot At SEF World Tag Team Championship On Smackdown

Details: Big Evil and Red Devil fail to show up for the match, so the ref awards the match to shanw and mack, then stephanie gets a mic and announces that as of now, big evil and red devil are fired!

Winner: Daddy Mack&Shawn Michaels via No Show

Jr: Well, I guess amck wasn't kidding with what he said!

King: Of course he wasn't! He's a man of his word!

Singles Match

Details: Britany starts off shoving mya to the mat, then jumps on her and beats her head into the canvas! Mya eventually pushes her away, then jumps up and slaps britany and backs her into the corner where she kicks britany in the stomach, then whips her into the ropes and nails a spinning kick! She goes for the pin, but only gets two! They both get up and britany begins taking it to mya, hitting her with a supelx, then a clothesline, and locking her in a stf! Mya struggles and makes it to the ropes! Britany looks to put the match away, but j-max distracts her! Rapid runs over and beats him down, but mya rolls up britany and wins the match!

Winner: Mya James via Pinfall

Jr: What a good match that was between them two and mya won!

King: Yea it was! I loved it, but I sure wish I was rapid cause he gets to console britany!

Ladder Match
SEF United States Championship

Details: Strife doesn't show up for the match, so that leaves mack and matt! Matt looks a lil hesitant at first, but soon, he and mack lock up and struggle for a bit till mack backs him into a corner, then mack lays in some chops on matt, whips into the ropes and catches himw ith a clothesline! Matt rolls outside and catches his breath, but mack leaps over the top rope on to matt and proceeds to beat him down with his fists! Matt fights back and ends up whipping mack into the steel steps, grabs a chair and bashes him with it, then gets the ladder and takes it into the ring! As he sets it up, mack slides in and flies at matt, taking him down with a forearm smash! Mack jumps up and picks up matt, ddts him, then climbs a few steps up the ladder and flies off with an elbow drop straight into matts heart! Mack then begins climbing the ladder, but matt gets up and pulls him down! Mack lands on his feet and blocks a punch from matt, whips him into the ropes an dnails da shows ova, then climbs the ladder and grabs the us title to win the match!

Winner: Daddy Mack via Grabbing Title

Jr: That was a good match between mack and matt! Matt tried, but in the end mack was just too good!

King: Yea, I think mack cheated! Matt has mattitude, how can you beat that without cheating?

Singles Match
Everyone Is Banned From Ringside

Details: Jeff and dustin lock up and struggle to a stand still! They run the ropes and shoulder block each other, but neither man goes down! Duestin soon kness jeff in the gut and looks for a suplex, but gets countered, then picked up and whipped into the ropes! Jeff clotheslines dustin, then picks him up and gives hima reverse twist of fate, goes up top and nails the swanton bomb and pins to win the match!

Winner: Jeff Hardy via Pinfall

Jr: Good match between two highflyers and future contenders in sef!

King: Yea, it was good!

SEF World Tag Team Championship

Details: Andy and flair start off the match! Flair takes it to andy, working him over with arm drags and hip tosses some armbars as well! Andy fights back, but can't seem to take down flair and cameron soon tags in! He goes to work on andy with suplexes and even tries locking in breathless, but andy fights out and tags in risktaker! He comes charging in, but cameron dropkicks him and tags in flair who goes up top and hits an elbow drop on risktaker! He then ddts him, jumps off the second rope with a moonsault and pins to win the match!

Winner: David Flair&Cameron Hutton via Pinfall

Jr: For the second week in a row on raw, flair and cameron have neaten andy and risktaker! Very good!

King: Whatever, they cheated!

Fatal Four Way Cage Match
SEF World Heavyweight Championship

Details: All four men are locked in the cage and the three challengers look to ganag up on rapid, but xtreme blindsides bubba and they starts brawling together! J-Max runs at rapid who just sidesteps him and rams him into the cage, then german suplexes him to the mat! he picks up j-max and begins beating his head into the cage till he is bleeding, then gives him a piledriver! Bubba has xtreme down and turns only to recieve a clothesline by rapid who then grabs bubba and ddts him! Xtreme gets up and runs at rapid, but gets kicked in the gut and hit with the retribution! J-Max crawls up, but gets kicked back down! Bubba manages to pull himsefl up the cage, but rapid slams him to the mat, calls for the door and leaves the cage winning the match!

Winner: Rapid via Escape

Jr: Rapid sure dominated that match!

King: Well, he is the world champ for a reason!

Jr: That he is and thats all for tonight, so we'll see ya next week, have a goodnight folks!
