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Wrestling Promotion => Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promos => SEF TV Event Archives => Topic started by: NBD on November 24, 2014, 08:57:46 PM

Title: Snake Eyes 4 {5/12/13}
Post by: NBD on November 24, 2014, 08:57:46 PM

May 12th, 2013

The scene begins with a limousine arriving to the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada for the night's "Snake Eyes" Pay-Per-View. As SEF camera's are outside to catch his arrival, Xtreme GM, Tim Stone steps out onto the ground and looks up at the venue for the nights event. Tim stares into the camera before walking through the front door of the building. The camera follows him as he opens the door and again looks into the camera with an expressionless face.

Things are about to change.

He turns and walks through the door as the camera cuts it's live feed. Tim begins to talk with various people before being directed to his office that was arranged for him. As he's inside his office and getting settled in, a knock comes to his door as it's a SEF production worker who checks on Tim and makes sure that he's settled in. Tim nods his head as he's looking over a folder that was placed on his desk earlier before he arrived. He opens the folder and begins looking over the matches and then back to the First match on the paper as it's the line-up for the night.

Match 1: Jake Voss vs. Shane Mack (c) {WAR World Heavyweight Championship}

Tim shakes his head as he knows this match should be held back a slot seeing how it is a title match.

Pyro blasts off inside the arena as a live camera is backstage following Tim walking in the hallway from his office towards the arena. As he walks through a curtain, the camera feed cuts to another camera inside the arena. Seconds later, his music begins to play inside the arena. SEF ring announcer, Samantha Winters, is inside the ring with a microphone in her hand as she had just introduced the live sold out crowd to the Pay-Per-View. Tim's music begins to play just as the theme music for the nights event had ended. It caught Samantha off-guard but she still begins her job with the introduction.

Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the General Manager of Monday night Xtreme, Tim Stone!

As Tim's theme music begins to play, "Mental" by Bryan New, Tim begins to make his way out of the entrance curtain and steps onto the stage.

He's met by the loud ovation by the SEF crowd. A mobile camera man takes his place in front of Tim on the ramp as a computer generated image of his name appears on the screen for the television crowd. He continues walking as the image disappears and he reaches the ringside area. As Tim steps up on the steel ring steps and climbs up onto the ring apron, he places his hands on the Top rope and looks over the crowd. He leans over and steps through the ropes and walks over to Samantha and is handed her microphone. She exits the ring as Tim's music begins to fade away as the crowd cheers and waits to hear what he has to say. A camera man takes his place inside the ring and begins to record Tim's promo.

Let me first start by saying thanks to Frank for giving me a contract". (Fans begin clapping at his statement). "Next I want to address my role here in SEF". "You see, on Monday nights there's going to be a new program added to SEF programming". "That program will be the brainchild of mine I'd like to call, Xtreme". (A smile comes across his face). "This has been circulating around for a few weeks and tonight is the official launching of Monday night Xtreme". "Now I understand that there was a meeting between Mr. Dangerously and the press earlier today.

He lowers the microphone as a clip of the press meeting was shown on the large production screen.

I have given Tim Stone full reign over this new show which he has told me will be Xtreme and we decided the Xtreme World Heavyweight Championship will be defended solely over there once he gets it up and running. Tim will be the Xtreme General Manager, so anyone wanting to work that show or with any questions about it needs to contact him. SEF is already recognized globally, but this move will no doubt be good for us as its always good to branch out. SEF is always looking to expand, so perhaps we will branch out to other networks and create the biggest network of wrestling shows out there!?

As the video ends, the camera returns to Tim inside the ring. The crowd buzzing loud for the recap of the SEF Owner's big announcement from earlier.

I'm sorry I wasn't there as I would like to have been but as you can guess, I've been a busy man". "Now you heard that anyone wanting to work on Xtreme needs to get with me". "I have an open-door policy so if you have any questions then you can come straight to me". "Now Frank Dangerously said that I would be holding a Battle Royal to determine the number One contender for the First ever Xtreme World Championship". "He's right, my first match for Xtreme will be a Battle Royal and the winner becoming the number One contender for the Xtreme World Heavyweight Championship". (The crowd cheers). "Now while I'm putting together my roster, I'll be scouting each and everyone who's employed by SEF". "I mean EVERYONE from the roster, commentary, and even backstage staff". "Now I know each of you came here to see wrestling and not listen to me talk, so I'm going to say this to everyone in the back". "Tonight's Pay-Per-View has bits of what you'll see on Monday nights". "I've been called the man of "Xtreme" and while I know you're waiting on the night to start so I'll make this short". "I'm talking to you both, CWS and Josh Diabolical". "I've spent some time in the Orient and I'm keeping a close eye on this match". "To you fans, this match isn't for the weak at heart". "You're going to see blood and lots of it". "These Two, I'm going to warn you all now that this match will be bloody and violent". "Now that I said my peace, I'm going to turn it back over to the beautiful Samantha Winters.

The crowd cheers as Samantha makes her way to the ring steps as Tim walks over and holds the ropes open for her. He then hands her the microphone as he exits the ring and walks up the aisle and backstage. As the television audience turns to SEF TV, they're welcomed by the SEF logo followed by an image of a pair of rolling dice with the MGM Grand Garden arena in Las Vegas, Nevada in the background. Under the image, words read "SNAKE EYES". Seconds later, the image disappears and goes live into the arena as "Awake And Alive" by Skillet plays across the arena. With loud cheering mixed in with the music, the live camera feed begins panning across the sold out crowd until the camera view is switched to ringside and is focused on the commentary team. The television audience now sees Bill "Sly" McLane and Nick Miller wearing headsets and sitting behind a table with the letters "SEF" in giant bold Red letters. As they see the camera taping, they begin to talk.

Welcome everyone to the MGM Grand Garden Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada, the home of tonight's Snake Eyes pay-per-view. Hello everyone, I'm Bill McLane....

And I'm Nick Miller....

And Sly cuts back in.

We've got a huge night ahead of us so let's get right to the action. Let's send it to Samantha who's in the ring.

The live camera cuts from the commentary table to another camera who's focused on Samantha Winters who's standing inside the ring holding a live SEF microphone. The timekeeper at ringside sounds the ring bell to begin the night as the crowd cheers.

The following contest is for the WAR World Heavyweight Championship!!

The crowd cheers as Samantha lowers her hand as the music of Jake Voss begins to play. The live camera cuts to another angle so Jake Voss can be seen entering. Samantha's voice is heard again as she introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Albuquerque, New Mexico, he is the "Defiant God" Jake Voss!!

As Jake Voss is in the ring, his music begins to fade away as Samantha begins to introduce his opponent. The referee begins checking Jake for illegal weapons.

And his opponent, making his way to the ring...

Making his way to the ring from Detroit, Michigan, he is "The Showsteala" Shane Mack!!

As Shane enters the ring, his music fades away and the referee checks Shane for illegal weapons. The referee calls for the bell and it sounds to begin to opening contest for the Snake Eyes Pay-Per-View.

WAR World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jake Voss v. Shane Mack(c)
4 nights ago Jake attacked Mack with a chair declaring he would win the WAR and SEF Titles tonight. Jake has used his rematch he has for each title on one night, but is he in for more than he bargained? Jake will be facing The Showsteala first and has The Queen to battler later in the night! Will he be able to pull off legend making accomplishment by beating Mack and Julie in one night?
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Mack firing off the ropes hammering Jake with punches, then whips him to the ropes hitting a dropkick and floats into a side headlock as Sly says.

And here we go.

Bill, One can only think that Jake wants to get this match done early as he has another match later tonight.

No shit he better! He's not starting off very well though as the challenger is on his back in the first minute.

Mack is one of the best ever for a reason. Anyone else notice Viper out here at ringside working security? Usually he remains in the back leading his team via radio!

The guy probably wants to make sure the show goes smooth as it is pay per view. Either that or he has a special interest in seeing Mack lose?

I hope he doesn't cost Mack the WAR World Title. Jake has the credentials to match up to Mack and is coming back now. A back suplex puts the champion down and Jake with an elbow drop and the first pin of the match.




Mack kicking out just after the ref's hand its the mat a second time and Jake catching him in a side headlock now. Mack fighting up shoves Jake to the ropes and leapfrogs him, then looks for Da Shows Ova. Jake barely ducks it and grabs Mack in a front facelock, but not quite locked. Mack twisting out and behind Jake into a hammerlock clamps on a side headlock taking down the challenger once again. The crowd behind The Showsteala as he just grins clamping down tighter on Jake while Sly says.

Mack back to the mat with that headlock forcing his challenger to the mat again.

Mack as good on the mat as he is in a brawl or dancing on the ropes, but its not over yet.

Jake on his feet with elbows to Mack's ribs sends him to the ropes looking for a dropkick, but misses when The Showsteala hangs on to the ropes. Jake getting up quick to get taken down in a hurricanrana. Mack rolling up just a second before Jake to nail a flying roundhouse kick to the head and go for the pin,





kick out! Mack grabbing jake in a front facelock drags him up into a ddt, turns him over and heads for the top rope as Sly says.

What the hell is Mack going for here? Get up Jake!

He's heading all the way up and it looks like, yes, a shooting star press beautifully executed.

Mack hitting Jake who lays damn near in the middle of the ring and The Showsteala springing up holding his ribs just drops into the pin,





kick out! Mack leaping up and right into a stomp across Jake's forehead, then drops into the Show Strangla. Some fan in a black hoody and blue jeans runs into the ring, but Viper in the ring before the fan can do anything and a tackle sends him down. Viper rolling the unlucky fan out to be hauled off by other security guards and the chief on his feet remains in the ring. Mack letting go of Jake stands up watching Viper who just turns to smirk. Mack quickly turns into Da Shows Ova sending Viper out to the floor with his superkick and Jake with a clothesline to Mack sends him out as well as Sly says.

Uncalled for attack by Mack on Viper, that was uncalled for and unprovoked!

Can ya really blame Mack after the hell Viper put him through in the early part of this year?

Viper was doing his job! C' mon Jake, pin him!

Jake Voss sending Mack shoulderfirst into the ring steps lifts him into the ring, then rolls in. Jake with kicks to Mack begins a methodical stomp, then drops a knee to his head and makes the pin,




kick out! Jake sitting Mack up into a sleeper hold as Nick Miller says.

Gonna take more than a knee drop to put away Mack.

Give him Victimized and end it already Jake!

Maybe you should speak up so he can hear you?

Shut up Nicky!

Mack on his feet, but Jake running into a bulldog. The Showsteala slipping out of the grip shoves Jake into the turnbuckles and leaps into a dropkick o his back. Mack leaping on to the ropes flipping back with a twisting senton bomb springs up to hit a standing moonsault for the pin,





kick out! Mack getting up lifts Jake into a scoop slam, then heads up top to deliver X to his challengers chest and go for the pin,





kick out! Mack into the Show Strangla clamping it on tight and Jake screams reaching out for the ropes. The challenger flailing his free arm stretching out and trying to muscle himself up as Sly says.

NO! Jake caught again in the Show Strangla. C' mon Jake! Viper, get up and do something!

Viper on his feet still hurting from that superkick looks to be keeping an eye on the action. I don't trust him one bit!

Who asked you Nick?

Jake trying to roll Mack into a pin, but The Showsteala flipping out keeps the hold locked on. Viper looking ready to jump in any second now just keeps sharp as he can when Jake taps out.

Here is your winner and still the WAR World Heavyweight Champion, Shane Mack, at thirty four minutes eighteen seconds!!!

Viper pissed and in his anger kicks the ring steps over. Jake rolling out of the ring as Mack hops to his feet to get awarded the title when Bill Roberts runs into the ring. Bill leaping up to catch Mack with a jumping calf kick to the head catches heat from the crowd. Bill then heads up top to nail Heartbreak Heaven, then rolls out slapping hands with Viper who gives Roberts a nod of approval. Viper leaving then as Bill helps Jake to the back and Sly says.

Well it seems Mack may have won this battle, but the war is not over as a new challenger emerged.

The WAR is never over especially when your the WAR World Champ as Mack is. I can't wait to see him and Bill Roberts lock up for the gold as those two have good chemistry.

The live camera cuts from the commentary table to another camera who's focused on Samantha Winters who's standing inside the ring holding a live SEF microphone. The timekeeper at ringside sounds the ring bell to begin the night as the crowd cheers.

The following contest is for the Xtreme World Heavyweight Championship!!

The crowd cheers as Samantha lowers her hand as the music of Jordan Cut begins to play. The live camera cuts to another angle so Jordan Cut can be seen entering. Samantha's voice is heard again as she introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from Seattle, Washington, he is Jordan Cut!!

As Jordan Cut is in the ring, his music begins to fade away as Samantha begins to introduce his opponent. The referee begins checking Jordan for illegal weapons.

And his opponent, making her way to the ring...

Making her way to the ring from Sacramento, California, she is the "Golden Gal" Taylor Andrews!!

As Taylor enters the ring, his music fades away and the referee checks Taylor for illegal weapons. The referee calls for the bell and it sounds to begin the next match.

Xtreme World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jordan Cut v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Beating out three other men in a fatal 4 way secured Jordan this shot at the Xtreme World Title, but now the hard challenge is to come. To win the title Jordan must take out the Real T & A who has shown not to let go of gold very easily. Will the Golden Goddess keep shining bright or will a new star emerge and cut his way to victory?
Referee: Doug Melvin

A collar and elbow lock up starts this and sees Taylor grapple Jordan into a side headlock. The Golden Gal trying to take him over gets shoved to the ropes and met with a shoulderblock sending her to the mat. Jordan running to the ropes and Taylor springing up into a spinning wheel kick. Jordan ducking springs off the other side of the ring into a spear, but Taylor leapfrogging. Jordan turning to go for The Cut, but gets forearms to the kidneys. Taylor latching on and snapping back for a german suplex bridging for a pin,




kick out! Taylor into a koji clutch near the ropes and Jordan screaming as the hold is locked in.

There ya go Nick, its all over!

A strong hold by Taylor could have this one in the bag with our second submission victory of the night. Jordan fighting though and he's getting closer to the ropes.

Just tap and Cut out this nonsense!

There he goes, he did it, Jordan got the ropes, but Taylor holding on forcing the ref to count her out.

But she breaks on four using every second to ear her opponent down.

Good point! Taylor is no doubt a top of the line grappler and what she lacks in size she makes up for in heart.

Taylor letting Jordan get up before rushing in with a front dropkick to his chest sending the challenger through the ropes to the floor. The Golden Gal running the ropes flies out with a suicide dive headbutt knocking Jordan back down and sending the crowd into cheers as Sly says.

Crazy moves from the Xtreme World Champ and no denying they've helped her gain success, but get back in that ring if you want to win!

Taylor with the champions advantage doesn't need to win to keep her title, just as long she doesn't lose by pinfall or submission.

Taylor sending Jordan back in and climbs to the top rope leaping off for a 450 splash and gets knees to her ribs. Jordan getting up and stomping all over her before lifting Taylor into a running powerslam for the pin,





kick out! Jordan into an armbar kneels over Taylor pushing down on her shoulder as Sly says.

Near fall from Jordan who moved into that armbar nicely, but doubtful we'll see Taylor give up at this point.

Probably not, but never say never! Taylor fighting up though nailing some punches to Jordan's body and wow, what a hard kick to the ribs. She's free and the Golden Gal with a roundhouse kick to the head.

Taylor now climbs up the turnbuckles executing a nice moonsault and the pin,





kick out! The Xtreme World Champ on her feet leaps up with a double stomp to Jordan's ribs, then spins into a leg drop across his throat. Taylor into a front facelock turning Jordan on to his stomach as Sly says.

Nice grappling of course by the Golden Gal and Jordan rising up gets a knee to his face. Way to go Taylor!

And a double underhook suplex by the Golden Gal dropping Jordan hard on the back of his head and she has the pin.





kick out! Taylor getting up springs off the ropes into a shining wizard, but Jordan falling back ducks it. He rolls Taylor up in a school boy pin,





kick out! Taylor looking for a roundhouse kick, but Jordan ducking gets back to back hooking her arms and dropping into a backslide pin,





kick out! Taylor springing off the ropes with a dropkick to Jordan's chest sends him tumbling backwards to the mat. Taylor off the ropes again hits the shining wizard this time, but pulls Jordan up into an irish whip. He springs back and Taylor hits a superkick falling into the pin,






Here is your winner and still the Xtreme World Heavyweight Champion, Taylor Andrews, at twenty nine minutes forty five seconds!!

Taylor awarded her title and she heads to the turnbuckles celebrating her win at Snake Eyes. The crowd going wild and mixed as the Golden Gal pointing to them before she hops down to find Jordan on his feet offering a handshake. Taylor returning it and pats him on his shoulder as Nick Miller says.

Good show of sportsmanship and these two have a rematch of sorts this Wednesday on WAR. Should be interesting as tonight was no doubt a good match.

Yea it was! Jordan was out to impress, but didn't do enough cause the Golden Gal is walking out of here with the Xtreme World Title as we see now.

Taylor on the stage lifting the title high lets it drop to her left shoulder blow kisses to the crowd inciting more whistles and cheers. Some fan near the stage yells.


Taylor holds her hand up mocking a phone says, "call me". Then she laughs and walks off to the back as Sly says.

Can't help but love this hot broad who can wrestle as many do.

Careful, she may come back out and show ya the Real T & A?

I'm Ready for her fine ass!

The live camera cuts from the commentary table to another camera who's focused on Samantha Winters who's standing inside the ring holding a live SEF microphone. The timekeeper at ringside sounds the ring bell to begin the night as the crowd cheers.

The following contest is a Japanese Deathmatch!!

The crowd cheers as Samantha lowers her hand as the music of CWS begins to play. The live camera cuts to another angle so CWS can be seen entering from the crowd drinking beer and wielding his singapore cane. Samantha's voice is heard again as she introduces him.

Making his way to the ring from the USA, he is CWS!!

As CWS is in the ring, his music begins to fade away as Samantha begins to introduce his opponent.

And his opponent, making his way to the ring...

Making his way to the ring from The Motor City, he is Josh Diabolical!!

As Josh enters the ring, his music fades away and the referee calls for the bell and it sounds to begin the next match.

Japanese Deathmatch
CWS v. Josh Diabolical
CWS would issue the challenge for this extreme match 4 nights ago after costing Josh his match and Josh gladly accepted. Josh would get even later on and now its time for these two hardcore icons to beat each other to death in the most brutal, barbaric match of all time.The ropes removed on parallel sides of the ring and on the floor on those sides lay plywood sheets with thumbtacks, C4, barbed wire, and nails all assorted together like beds of death, but laying on top of them are sheets of glass. The side of the ring with ropes have electric wire intertwined in them, so ya hit them and ya get shocked to hell and to win ya get to scale a twenty foot ladder and grab the contract for a World Title match, but two by fours lay in the ring with C4 strapped to them and the ring will explode after thirty minutes.
Referee: Doug Melvin

Josh stares up at the contract above the ring as CWS stares at his opponent with disdain and a sneer. Josh looking at CWS now and suddenly arches back letting out a...


Then Josh gets kicked in the gut and hammered with punches sending him back to the edge of the ring with no ropes. CWS stepping back to charge for a clothesline gets back dropped over to the bed of death landing in a small explosion from c4. CWS rolling over off the bed of death gets all cut up on his arms and even his face has some scratches. The drunk rolling around in pain as Josh hops out dropping a knee to his head. Josh lifting CWS for a suplex gets blocked as Sly says.

Josh almost sending CWS to the bed of death again gets blocked.

Josh charging CWS into the guard rail now and HOLY SHIT...a spinebuster to the bed of death!!! CWS is out it seems and there goes Josh for the ladder.

Kid may win this thing unless that damn drunk can get his ass of the bed of death?

It'd be huge for Josh with a World Title shot on the line and there he goes up the ladder, man, twenty footer it looks like!?

CWS is up! Here comes crawling up the apron of the ring.

Oh yea, Josh is halfway up and looking that way doesn't see CWS.

Get up ya fucking drunk!

CWS crawling up in the ring pushes himself up with blood pouring down his arms and back. His black tee soaked in blood all torn to shreds and the drunk ripping it off scales the ladder on the other side moving quick for his condition. Josh nearing the top looks down the other side seeing CWS and pushes himself up to reach for the contract getting his fingertips on it. CWS racing up gets hammered with a punch from Josh and the drunk fires back with the ladder rocking.

CWS fueled by the blood it would seem, or the many beers before the match, wouldn't it seem Nicko?

He's definitely on fire, but Josh holding his own and its fisticuffs atop a twenty foot ladder which is looking dangerously unsteady!! OH MY GAWD!!!! They just crashed into the bed of death!!!!


The crowd all fired up s CWS and Josh roll to opposite side of the bed of death patting out burns from the c4 explosion. Josh trying to get on his feet as CWS tries to sit up and Sly says.

Josh getting cut, but CWS a bloody fucking mess! This is great!!!

A hell of a fight is all ya could expect and were getting it. These two men are giving us all they got to try and win that World Title shot!

Josh getting into the ring kneels over the ladder catching his breath while CWS is on his knees trying to regain his wind. Josh lifting the ladder and steadies it in the middle of the ring, then proceeds to climb up as Nick says.

Here goes Josh again and CWS is on his feet heading that way!

The drunk is still in this and his buzz may be wearing off by now?

Now he's fueled by just as blood and perhaps adrenaline!?

CWS with a singapore cane comes climbing up behind Josh who is nearing the top. CWS pulling himself up enough to swing the cane into Josh's back, then climbs up further to wail on him more. CWS into a white russian leg sweep taking Josh off the ladder into the ropes. CWS landing on the mat as Nick shouts.


Josh just got shocked to hell and is out of it. CWS just has to get on that ladder.

CWS pulling Josh up runs him off on to the bed of death facefirst and the Diabolical one rolls off to the floor with cuts on his face. CWS heading up the ladder hooking his arms on each rung pulling his bloody body up as Sly says.

This fucking drunk is gonna do it! CWS is a tough son of a bitch!

That he is, the man can fight with the best and if he pulls this off, the World Champions better be on their A game!

CWS getting to the top as Josh crawls up to the ring apron and the drunk lifting his body up to touch the contract which is on a clipboard attached to the cable loop by a safety hook. CWS unhooking the clipboard holds on to it as his body drapes over the ladder.

Here is your winner, CWS, at twenty four minutes thirty seven seconds!!!

CWS slips down the ladder falling halfway down to the mat clutching his contract to his bloody body. Medics get down there after security clears the bed of death out and Josh is stretchered out, then CWS is rolled on to one. He rolls off staggering up the aisle as Sly says.

Stubborn bastard is refusing help. Guess he needs more beer?

Probably? What a hell of a match between those two and now we move on to find out Shady Smack's mystery opponent!?

I hope whoever it is kicks that midget into next week!

The live camera cuts from the commentary table to another camera who's focused on Samantha Winters who's standing inside the ring holding a live SEF microphone. The timekeeper at ringside sounds the ring bell to begin the night as the crowd cheers.

The following contest is scheduled for One Fall, making his way to the ring, SpongeBarry StonedPants!?!

The live camera cuts to the entrance way where a rather large man, about six six, close to three hundred pounds perhaps. He wears a yellow mask with the face of SpongeBob SquarePants on it, a white short sleeved dress shirt, red tie, brown short pants coming up just under the knees, and black boots with red and blue striped socks sticking out. Samantha's voice is heard again as she introduces his opponent.

From Detroit Michigan, he is Shady Smack!!

As Shady Smack is in the ring, his music begins to fade away. The referee begins checking Shady for illegal weapons.

SpongeBarry StonedPants v. Shady Smack
Shady was booked against a mystery opponent to be determined live at Snake Eyes and was promised that the guy would be a real sponge! Could it be the return of Michael McMoney? Or perhaps the debut of someone new? Tune into the pay per view to find out who Shady Smacks down unless the midget is in for his own downfall!?
Referee: Smokey McWeed

Shady looking across the ring at his opponent unsure of how to approach him while Sly says.

I bet Shady wishes he had some foreign objects cause this guy is huge!

Yea he is, but what a get up! SpongeBarry StonedPants? Despite the comic relief, this may be a short match.

SpongeBarry closing in on Shady who runs out between the big mans legs. Shady bouncing off the ropes returns for a running dropkick. Barry stepping over him and stomps Shady to the mat, then rips him up by the throat throwing the midget into a corner. Barry charging in with a knee to his head, then rips Shady out delivering a powerbomb resembling that of Big Van Vader. SpongeBarry kneeling up pins Shady with a hand to his chest,






Here is your winner, SpongeBarry StonedPants, at four minutes fifty seven seconds!!!

Barry rolls from the ring refusing the refs hand and backs up the aisle slowly raising his arms in the air as Sly says.

Well there ya go! Now just what does this guy have in store for SEF?

Who knows? Whatever he wants!

The live camera cuts from the commentary table to another camera who's focused on Samantha Winters who's standing inside the ring holding a live SEF microphone. The timekeeper at ringside sounds the ring bell to begin the night as the crowd cheers.

The following contest is the main event of the evening!!

The crowd cheers as Samantha lowers her hand as the crowd cheers. She then begins to introduce the First competitor.

Making his way to the ring from Albuquerque, New Mexico, he is the "Defiant God" Jake Voss!!

As Jake Voss is in the ring, his music begins to fade away as Samantha begins to introduce his opponent. The referee begins checking Jake for illegal weapons.

And his opponent, making her way to the ring....

Making her way from Crescent City, California, she is the SEF World Heavyweight Champion, "The Queen" Julie!!

As Julie enters the ring, her music begins to fade away. The referee checks her for illegal weapons and then calls for the bell and it sounds to begin the match.

Main Event
SEF World Heavyweight Championship Match
Jake Voss v. Julie(c)
Jake demanded his rematch at the next pay per view and got it after citing an injury with a doctors note. Will his muscle be healed in time, especially with him defending his Showstoppa Title on WAR a week and a half ago? Will The Queen make it to Snake Eyes or lose the SEF Title before the next big dance?
Referee: Harry Hunter

Jake rushing Julie who sidesteps her challenger leaping into a dropkick sending the Defiant God into the ropes. Jake springing back skipping over Julie to spring off the other side looking for a clothesline. Julie ducking turns into a roundhouse kick to the head and drops down for the pin,





kick out! Julie clamping on a sleeper hold as Sly says.

A close one this early tells you Jake is no doubt feeling the effects of competing against Mack earlier.

As he should be! I wonder how his arm and neck is after the Show Strangla made him submit?

Jake fighting his way up, but Julie with the Dirty Drop, though maybe getting as impactful as usual, she goes for the pin,





kick out! Julie springing up runs to the ropes bouncing off into a cartwheel moonsault. The Queen back to her feet stomping her heel into Jake's chest, then she leaps up into a standing shooting star press and the pin,





kick out! Julie pulling Jake up into Sinful flips into a jacknife pin,





kick out! Julie rolling up runs into the ropes springing off into a front dropkick to Jake's chest. Julie heading to the top rope for a 450 splash pops up into a double leg drop across his chest. The Queen back to her feet runs to the ropes springing off into a shining wizard, then struts up in a few sexual steps shaking her ass to a nice applause as Sly says.

Oh yea, now that is a beautiful sight to see! Julie dominating Jake as well! Jake needs to his head into this match before its over!

Maybe he bit off too much chew? Jake is back on his feet though, but Julie coming off the top rope into a hurricanrana rolling Jake into the pin.





kick out! Julie up and off the ropes leapfrogs Jake who's pins around to catch The Queen with a diving clothesline. Jake into a side headlock raises Julie up for a bulldog, but gets sent into a corner. Julie with a dropkick to his back rolls backwards to her feet standing up in an arrogant pose acting flawless. Julie lifting Jake up facing the corner to nail a few forearms to his back and then drags him out in waistlock executing a perfect germans suplex bridging for the pin,





kick out! The crowd groaning and rally behind Julie more as The Queen gets up with eyes focused on her challenger. She runs into him with a knee slamming against the side of his head, then lifts Jake into a ddt. Julie heading to the top rope squatting down and looks back seeing jake get up. She looks ahead and flips back into the Spiked Super Sault and into the pin,





kick out! And Julie getting up leaning on the ropes as Sly says.

The crowd on their feet and edge of their seats for this stellar main event. Jake hanging in there, but its only a matter of time before he goes down for the count.

It would seem so, but what a match indeed between these two!?!

Julie running into a low dropkick to Jake's head springs ups stomping his head into the mat. The Queen lifting her challenger up for a reverse atomic drop, but Jake leaping back kicks her in the stomach. Julie gets Victimized and Jake into the pin,





kick out! Jake on his knees slapping the mat and he jumps up in the referee's face yelling.


The ref shaking his head no motions him back and Jake ready to hit him when Julie gets up. Jake turns and gets taken down with an sto and locked into the T & A as Sly says.

Jake upset with the referee distracts himself and finds himself perhaps ready to tap again tonight!?

Jake trying to get to the ropes, but Julie with her legs hooked around his body and the challenger weakening.

Its all over, he may as well give it up!

Jake trying to hang on, but Julie has it cinched in and is wearing her challenger out. And there it is, the tap out!

Here is your winner and still SEF World Heavyweight Champion, Julie, at thirty five minutes forty nine seconds!!!

The Queen on her feet gets awarded the SEF Title and she raises it high in the air smiling big. Julie heading up the turnbuckles posing for the crowd sending flashes off all over the arena. Fireworks go off over the ring as Julie hops down slapping the title to her left shoulder and pumps her right fist in the air displaying the rock on sign. She hops out of the ring heading up the aisle as Sly says.

Hell of a match for that young woman who is far from young in that ring. She dominated Jake in his second match letting the Defiant God know who The Queen is!

Julie definitely did that here at Snake Eyes where no titles changed hands, but many a good matches occurred.

Plus that deathmatch was insane and we saw Shady get smacked by a monster man in a mask! Now check out our hot SEF Champion!

Julie raising her title high in the air on the stage to a rousing ovation as the show comes to an end.
