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Wrestling Promotion => Tuesday Night Carnage Event Promos => Topic started by: Taylor Andrews on November 27, 2014, 09:20:26 PM

Title: Carnage 6 {4/22/03}
Post by: Taylor Andrews on November 27, 2014, 09:20:26 PM

April 22nd, 2003

A huge pyro shoots down from the rafters and is followed by smaller pyro, then Sacramental Carnage by Sinister plays as Carnage kicks off live from the sold out Philips Arena in Atlanta Georgia with the fans screaming and cheering wildly! The camera pans over them all taking in the excitement before jumping over near ringside where Kid Rock and Eminem are sitting at the commentator's table!

Kid: Yo Em, sounds like hotlanta is ready for SEF to rip this arena apart!

Em: It sure and the fuck does! Tonight is looking man!

Kid: Yea it is, three tag matches, two titles on the line, some hardcore shit, man what a night!

Em: Uh huh, intergender match looks good, the newest couple of Velzian and Cassie facing off against Cassie's ex Strife and his partner Emily who has some very long legs!

Kid: Oh yea she does! Plus Dante and Johnny who are no longer friends taking on Bubba and Spike in a tables match, Dudleyz gotta have the advantage there!

Em: Yea they do, be interesting to see how Dante and Johnny do this shit!

Kid: Also tonight, the hardcore prison bitch Aaralyn takes on two men, Jackal and Chris Nightmare in a hardcore match! She says she is the hardcore queen, we will see!

Em: She is fucking tough! But also, Shaun Venom defends his Cruiserweight Title against Matt Matlock who seems to have no interest in that title!

Kid: Yea, but he sucks anyways! Speaking of titles though, Mack and Blade defends their Tag straps against Death and Romeo!

Em: Yea, two rookies against Mack, damn they are in for a beating!

Kid: Oh yea, now lets get started!

Intergender Tag Team Match

Strife and Emily make their way out to the ring, then Velzian and Cassie soon come out and the match begins with Velzian taking down Strife! He backs up Strife in the corner and nails some right hands, then whips him out and looks for a clothesline, but Strife ducks and ends up dropkicking Velzian down! He then gives Velzian a suplex before going up and hitting a leg drop on him! Strife then goes for a moonsault, but Velzian moves away and grabs in a full nelson, lifts up a lil and slams him down! Velzian then goes for a press slam, but Strife slips down and rolls him up for a two count! he then picks up Velzian and hits a ddt on him before tagging out to Emily who comes in and kicks at Velzian! After a few hard kicks, Velzian grabs her leg and knocks her to the mat, then stands up and drags her to his corner where tags in Cassie who jumps in and stomps on Emily's leg before jumping on her and laying in some right hands! Cassie then picks her up and whips her into the ropes, but Emily reverses! When Cassie hits the ropes, Strife knees her in the back, then Emily hits her with a spinning kick and pins, 1.......2.......kickout! She then picks up Cassie and whips her into the corner where she chokes Cassie with her foot! Cassie ends up tripping Emily backwards, then picks her up and suplexes her, goes up top and hits a moonsault! Strife runs in, but Velzian meets him with a thunderous clothesline as Cassie pins, 1..........2..........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners by pinfall...............Velzian and Cassie Michaels!

Cassie's music plays as she and Velzian pose together!

Kid: Damn, nice match there to kick off the show!

Em: Yea, Velzian and Cassie looked good, especially Cassie!

Tag Team Tables Match

Dante and Johnny both come out separately, then Bubba and Spike make their way out! All four men are in the ring when Bubba tackles Johnny and lays in some right hands while Spike charges Dante, but gets booted in the face, then press slammed and thrown from the ring over the railing to where the second row would be! Spike rolls around holding his back! In the ring Johnny has fought up and his beating on Bubba, viciously assaulting him with an illegal choke! Dante gets a table and set sit up, then pulls Johnny off Bubba and starts beating on Bubba himself! Johnny turns Dante around and the two look to go at it when Bubba clubs Dante in the back, then Johnny clotheslines Bubba and starts kicking him in the ribs! He then picks up Bubba and Dante runs, looking for a big boot on Johnny who pulls Bubba in font and Dante nails Bubba! As Bubba goes backwards, Johnny grabs him in a waistlock and gives him a german suplex through the table

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners..........Dante and Johnny X!

Afterwards, Dante looks to go after Johnny, but Daddy Mack runs out and yells to Dante, then nails him with da shows ova, laying Dante out!! He and Johnny then leave the ring!

Kid: Well fuck, they did win, but under weird ways!

Em: Yea and what a kick by Mack! Dante is gonna be pissed!

SEF Cruiserweight Championship

Matt and Shaun are in the ring and Matt is posing for the crowd when Shaun attacks from behind and starts clubbing him in the back before backing Matt into a corner and setting him up hitting a tornado ddt! Shaun then begins choking Matt for four seconds, stops and starts again, then he locks in a sleeper hold and tighten sit in as much as he can! Matt looks to fade out and almost lets his arm down three times, but fights up and starts elbowing Shaun who quickly slams Matt down to the mat and runs off the ropes hitting a low dropkick to the head! He then picks up Matt and hits the lethal injection and pins, 1.......2........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall and still Cruiserweight Champion.............Shaun Venom!

Papercut hits and Shaun grabs his titles raising it up with the XR sign before heading backstage!

Kid; Shit, Shaun went all out and destroyed Matt!

Em: I guess he didn't want the title, his head was not all there!

Hardcore Rulz
Triple Threat Match

Aaralyn starts off taking to Jackal with a singapore cane, really beating the hell out of him! Jackal attempts to fight back, Aaralyn ends up knocking him down with a trash can! Before she can pin, Chris Nightmare runs out and runs at Aaralyn hitting her with a big boot! Luke Fynn jumps in the ring and looks to help her, but Chris nails him with a right hand, then gives him a powerslam! Jackal gets up and clubs Chris in the back, then tries for a press slam, but Chris fights him off and ends up hitting him with a huge sidewalk slam! Aaralyn gets up and jumps on Chris's back, but he just flips her over and soon nails her with the nightmare! Jackal gets up and his kicked in the gut, then hit with the last breath and pinned, 1........2.........3!

Lillian Garcia: Here is your winner by pinfall............Chris Nightmare!

After the match, Luke tries out Chris, but his met with a huge boot to the face, then beaten down with a singapore cane!

Kid: Man, Chris pretty much dominated that match, but Aaralyn proved once again how tough she is and put up a great fight!

Em: Yea she did, bitch fucked up Jackal early on, but Chris was to damn big!

SEF World Tag Team Championship

Death and Romeo soon make their way out to the ring then out comes the Tag Champs, Daddy Mack and Chris Blade! All four men just stare at each other! Death makes a cut throat at Mack who just laughs and flips him off! Chris and Romeo start off the match by locking up! Chris overpowers Romeo and gets him in a headlock, but is shoved into the ropes! As he comes back, Chris shoulder blocks Romeo to the mat and hits a elbow drop on him! He then picks up Romeo and suplexes, then lifts him up for a press slam, but Romeo slips out and tags in Death who slowly steps in the ring! Chris looks at him showing no fear and the two start trading punches with Death rocking Chris backwards before running off the ropes and hitting a huge ddt! He the picks up Chris and looks for a suplex, but Chris slips behind him and tags in Mack who comes in! Chris gets in front of Death and Mack shoulder blocks Death's knee as Chris clotheslines him! Mack then jumps on death and starts pounding away with right hands! He picks up death and tries for a ddt, but Death backdrops Mack to the mat, then stomps away at him! Chris runs in, but his met by Romeo and the two end up outside the ring! Death has Mack in the corner and his punching on him when Chris jumps in with a chair and runs at Death, but gets kicked in the face! Mack gets the chair and once Death turns to him, Mack bashes him in the head sending him down and busting him open bad! Death sits up and Mack nails two more times, then when Death slowly sits up, Mack nails him a final time before Chris grabs their titles and they run up the ramp with Death staggering after them!

Lillian Garcia: Here are your winners by DQ...........Death and Romeo!

Kid: God damn did Mack ever nail Death with that chair and the muthafucka is still walking!

Em: That is one tough bastard man! The guy is bound to do well in SEF!

Kid: Uh huh, but hey, the show is now over, so later all and see ya next week, peace!
