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WAR 255 - February 28th, 2025

Womens WAR TV Championship Match
Jade West v. Tonya Walker(c)
Boss Johnson v. Bongman
6 Star Tag Team Championship Match
Taylor Andrews + Simon Lee Nash + Bunny Summers
The Devil's Playground(Sierra, Cruella, Nikita Perry)(c)
ANA v. Boozer
Main Event
WAR TV Championship Ladder Match
D-Mack v. X Phoenix(c)
SEF TV presents Wrestle X - April 5th, 2025
SEF Universal Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Main Event
SEF Womens Evolution Championship Match

Taylor Andrews v. Samantha Fame(c)

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Jake Voss Defiant To The End & The Queen More Than Ready (WAR/WX)

Started by X Phoenix, March 27, 2013, 08:56:38 PM

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X Phoenix

Standing in front of his door with arms folded over his chest and the SEF Title which is across his left shoulder is Jake Voss just staring down focused as can be. His gaze to the floor and he appears to ponder something, then looks up with a scowling grin of scorn flashing a shade of arrogance as usual.

Defiance is what I became when I entered this business years before anyone knew your name. I earned my nickname Phoenix, and I did so by squashing so called traditions. I have given more to SEF than you ever have and its high time I took the top spot by any means. That means at Wrestle X it will be me dethroning the so called queen and holding this belt, the number one title in this business, for a long time!

More arrogance flashing through his grin as Jake relaxes his arms a bit and leans back against his door getting casual.

By the way, that tag match two weeks ago saw Weigel get his ass pinned by Mack after you took a cheapshot on me. As for your so called message with your tainted win...

Jake ever so cocky now just keeps leaning against the door.

Your message is going to be lost just like you will have done after WAR is over tonight. You as SEF Champion would disgrace this championship, it would send SEF into a downward spiral. It'd be like taking a shit all over SEF and flushing it down the tubes! Your not taking this title anywhere Phoenix, your going nowhere, and certainly not over me in the main event. Go back to Chicago empty handed cause its what your used to and ya know, I don't even have to beat you. I shouldn't be forced to defend my title four nights before I go on to beat Julie which I will do. Tonight, win, lose, or draw, doesn't matter, as long this title remains with me and son, it will remain in my grasp!

Jake lowering his left arm takes the belt in his right raising it up. A grin still on his face as he basks in arrogance showing his focus to remain champion of SEF.

The only bitch is hanging off your arm cause Kimmy has been with more guys in the locker room than you can probably count!

Jake laughing a little with a cocky smirk of disgust, then he turns opening his door to step in and shut it. And so away we go to the door of The Triad where Greg Boone is knocking. It opens and we see Rob Rush peek out with a straight face.

What the fuck you want?

A few words about tonight's big tag match where Rick Reynolds teams with Steve Weigel to face Shane Mack and Julie. Plus if you got time I wouldn't mind getting your thoughts about facing Bill Roberts.

Rob shrugs and looks back into the room.

Yo Rick, you got time for a few words with Greg?

Tell that low rate chump to get lost and to tell Mack and Julie they got big problems tonight!

Rob looking back at Greg with a bit of a smirk now.

Ya heard him right?

Greg nodding yes.

So how about tonight, you and Bill, ya used to be kind of tight, right?!

Rob shrugging again just leans on the door.

Yea, yea, we came into SEF together as curtain jerkers, jobbers, whatever, and we know each other, we rode together, but tight, not after what he done lately. Bill wants my II Title, well, he better be ready to kill me cause tonight I'm out for blood!

Rob flicking his eyebrows up with a smirk shuts the door on Greg who just walks off. And now to the pretty face of The Queen who sits cross legged on a black leather sofa in her dressing room with the view from a hand held camera. The view is black and white as well and Julie in her ring gear with a baby tee reading The Queen across the front just smiles full of confidence and determination. Taylor Andrews nowhere to be seen, but is now heard, so perhaps she holds the camera.

What do you think of what Rick Reynolds just had to say with his arrogant comment directed to you and your partner for the night, Shane Mack?!

I think, well no, I know that Rick Reynolds is and always has been full of shit. The so called sinner is just a softcore son of a bitch who is getting closer and closer to being handed a loss by my hands. Or Mack's, whoever gains the fall is of no concern to me because I know Mack and were going to be out there to move into Wrestle X with a win.

Julie beaming now as if on top of the world, and why shouldn't she be!? Taylor with another question still is unseen.

What do you think of Steve Weigel being in this match?

I think he is in over his head, but I know he has talent when he wants to show it. I realize Reynolds is talented too, both men are World Champions, for now, but tonight the team of The Queen and The Showsteala show the world why we should be World Champions!

Julie just smiling big with those pretty lips, bats those eyelashes a little sensually and Taylor asks.

So this Sunday is Wrestle X and you are in one of the two main events against Jakey, but do you think he'll make it to the biggest stage of the year!?

I know he will because whichever one loses, either he or Phoenix gets a World Title shot, however, the winner faces me and will have only one future, one outcome, losing! I went through seven others in the SEF Rumble to earn this shot and The Queen has been going strong on the road to Wrestle X. There is no one in SEF who can stop me from taking what is mine. Phoenix Winterborn thinks he deserves to take the title from Jake, fine, but at Wrestle X it is mine to take. The SEF Title is coming to me, so if he wins, he will have one of the shortest reigns in history, but not the shortest.

Do you have a preference who you face?

Julie nodding no just shrugs a little and keeps smiling with true confidence of a ring warrior.

Jake is an asshole I wouldn't mind beating for that title, but then Phoenix is someone new, so a bigger challenge which is right up my alley. I said it weeks ago, it doesn't matter who the SEF Champion is come Wrestle X, The Queen will walk out as World Champion of this company. I will be the Sports Entertainment Federation Heavyweight Champion of the World! I have been busting my ass for a decade and overcame injuries that kept me out of action. I have enjoyed one reign as champion, earned my moniker by winning the "King"of SEF tournament, and Julie is a name regarded as one of the elite women of SEF. I helped break that barrier to compete with men and now its time for The Queen to rule the so called roost. So you lil cocks better get used to being second fiddle cause The Queen is here to stay. And if you don't like that, you might like this!

Julie smirking finally with that seductive yet devious grin just uncrosses her legs showing her inner thighs smooth as can be leading to her ring shorts covering the sweet spot. The view being set down and Taylor moving in on her knees buries her face between The Queen's legs, then to black we fade.

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