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The Perrys Open Up A Bar in Their Church

Started by The Perry Family, April 04, 2024, 09:58:46 PM

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The Perry Family

scene shows the perry sisters in their Bar they are opening up inside of their church, a open soon  neon sign is on their door, 

Sierra and Cruella are behind the bar the wine cooler is full and they got wine liquor bottles in their freezer a tv they got cable for they seem to be happy they got the Bar in the downstairs of their church they looking for more Help, Sierra smiles and she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry this is going to be fun, we have never been business owners before this is something new we can make so many devil drinks and pizza for the oven wow 

Cruella perry i can not wait hey we got be Open by WrestleMania but we need to get the word out, or we not going to have many costumers you Know has anyone seen Nikita and Cora Blackheart.?

Sierra Perry. oh they got to be around here somewhere the last i saw them they was talking to Tonya Walker, for some odd reason i thought they was Mortel enemies

{ Cruella Perry. shares two cold wine Coolers for her and her sister Sierra, they got a Memorial for the Wolf hanging on the wall has her birth and death date Sierra smiles at the picture then manages to get a bit chocked up she then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry anyway I'm sure we are going to be fine a lot of people know us from Sef they could be down here anytime they want so there going be no worries.

Cruella perry I'm hungry lets see if the stove works yet we can, get some food going im sure everything is going to be fine here. we going make Money be successful, and no worries at all plus we got a Business inside of their Home, we don't got to worry, 

Sierra Perry. we are going to be just fine, so here is to us

they chink the Bottles and drink their wine coolers 

Jade West

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