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universal6 star tag team

6 star tag team

Started by Simon Lee Nash, May 20, 2024, 11:28:21 PM

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Simon Lee Nash

Simon Lee Nash is sitting down on the couch of the clubhouse. He is changing into his wrestling gear and is in deep thought. His headphones on his head and blasting music. He takes a deep breath as he close his eyes. 

Simon: It's been a while since i became a champion in this place. Yet people has had their doubts about me. Well here i am, Ready to fight and show off again but this time i have the best partners in the World. LBD and Daddy Mack.  What makes us US what makes us unique well. Think about it. Daddy Mack is all around game is the best in the business. He quick wits and power makes him a powerhouse and the strongest link to the chain. Myself, i got the quick and the speed of the group. Not afraid to go highflying down get it twisted i got some strength and power but i like to take it up a level with my quickness and my energy level is quite unmatched. And Liz, She is a technically sound. She can wear you down with moves. similar to Bret Hart. together we are unstoppable. 

Simon: We are not afraid of any challenge and this time We will show the world why we are the 6 star tag team champions.  Chris Sara and JX you guys are about to find out real fast. This is not a game now. We are playing for keeps and when these are on the line. You don't stand no chance. 


(The sound of a door behind the bar opens and a woman dressed in a pair of tight black shorts with a black belt that has diamonds and rubies, a red spaghetti strap tank top with a black business button up shirt that's open, and a pair of black leather riding boots that have pockets on the outsides walks in. This woman is none other than the SEF legend Liz B. Decker. She looks pissed off and very tired.....no jewelry.)

Liz B. Decker:
Someone better get me a Tito's, double, and on the rocks. In the mood I'm in, I need it.

(Liz sits down on the barstool as Simon is getting ready for the SEF 6 Star Championship Match as the bartender gets Liz her drink. She slams down half of it and puts her glass on the bar. She looks at Simon and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
Boy, you better get shit straight. My husband doesn't have anyone on a chain or a leash. Not even me. If I want to go out and have a few drinks with Mack, I'm free to. And you're right about one thing about Norm, he is a crazy motherfucker. I used to like it but anymore.....I don't know. With the attack on Mack happening and he hasn't said a damn word to me if he did or not. No matter how I ask it, he avoids the questions. I really don't know what I'm gonna do if it was him. For you to go as far as calling me SEF's Bret Hart, thanks but I would say I'm more Hunter, Bret, and Shawn in the ring. Love to fly yet get right down and technical and use a little of my power to get a win. And we are playing for keeps because Lord knows if we're gonna make back. We're wanted: dead or alive!

(Liz looks down at her glass and starts to get choked up a little bit. She downs the rest and sits it back down on the bar. Liz looks at the bartender and says.)

Liz B. Decker:
Now, give me my usual Maker's Mark......or hell!

(Liz gets up and goes behind the bar and grabs the bottle and plops her ass back on the barstool. She fills her glass to the brim and then takes a shot before putting the cap on the bottle. Liz takes a healthy drink and puts her glass on the bar.)

Liz B. Decker:
After we retain our SEF 6 Star Championships........I'm demanding him or whomever it was to come down to the ring and give Mack and the world answers. Not to knock Tina and I having the WAR Tag Team Championships but it shoulda been Mack and I but nope. Simon, I'm glad or hopeful that you understand I never pointed a finger at you. And Mack, wherever you are, you for damn sure understand that I would never in my life attack you and leave you for dead. Not after all you have done for me since I wanted come back years ago. All the time in the ring... getting my ass ready for maybe one more comeback and set shit straight. To put smiles on Bets and Billy's faces with momma holding gold and making them trolls who thought I was here all those years ago all pathetic liars. And also reminding Orton, it could a been him riding with IXF instead of the Famous Monsters without a damn "slip up". Now it's the Last Son of Nash. All three better recognize that I'm ready to chew up nails and spit bullets in the state of mind I'm in. X's memory better remember the last time that he was in the ring with Mack and I, he had help with getting a victory. Sara says she apart of of group that honors me and what I've done. It's flattered but I'm not taking the bait. They all want the gold I have and willing to do ANYTHING to get it all. Just hope Tay-Tay stays in the back unlike what happened the last time she helped X. I'll never forget and forgive her. Simon, you, Mack, and I are going in champs and walking out champs!!!

(Liz looks at Simon.)

Liz B. Decker:
Let's toast to another victory brother Nash. But know, I got a pair of GoDs thanks to my sweet brother if we throw up the original Too Sweet sign if we get ourselves in a jam. I'm ready!

(Liz raises her glass in the air in hopes and prayers of a victory with a great ol' Mack and The Last Son Of Nash.)

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