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Started by Taylor Andrews, May 19, 2024, 11:12:04 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

Chris Orton + Sara Marie + J X CA$H
0 (0%)
Daddy Mack(c) + LBD(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c)
2 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 2

Voting closed: May 22, 2024, 11:13:21 PM

Linked Events

  • eXtreme 207
    The Mack Arena in Flint, MI

Taylor Andrews

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
Venue: The Mack Arena in Flint, MI
Theme: Intervention by Eminem & Linkin Park
A New SEW GM Will Be Named
An Open Challenge From The Universal Champion
Main Event
6 Star Tag Team Championship Match
Chris Orton + Sara Marie + J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack(c) + LBD(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c)

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW Wednesday Night eXtreme Event Promos
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Da Gangstas

A New SEW GM Will Be Named
Famous Monsters by Saliva plays over the pa and here comes Samantha Fame dressed in a short dark red blazer with a black silk shirt underneath. Her business slacks matching her blazer and pair of black high heeled stilettos cover her feet. Her red hair teased up on her shoulders as the SEF GM has a microphone in her right hand which she brings to her red lips while staying on the stage.
Samantha Fame: As The GM of SEF which means I do not run SEW, I do however have the authority over the new SEW GM to appoint whomever I want and without further ado, here she is, Stacy Wayne.
Famous Monsters plays once again with Stacy stepping out in her own stiletto high heels with black stretch pants tucked into them and a matching tank top. Her dark hair tucked back in a ponytail with her own red lips lifting her own microphone as she stands next to Samantha, both women proud of each other.
Stacy Wayne: Thank you Samantha, my friend, thank you for allowing me to run SEW and as my first order of business, I will making sure we have a new challenger to the Universal Champion since we are having this open challenge tonight. I will make sure the next challenger is the toughest, hardest, and most enduring fight of Taylor Andrews' life! So before our champion decides to inter-
And just like that, as if on cue, Whore by In This Moment plays over the pa bringing all of this sold out Flint crowd to their feet for the Universal Champion who steps out in a pair of blue jeans, white sneakers with an old IXF shirt on and her blonde locks tied back in a loose ponytail making her look quite casual and sort of a throwback to her early days dominating the ring. Taylor steps out a bit koi sneaking between Samantha and Stacy who stand a bit sideways glaring at the Universal Champion who just throws her title up in the air inciting a deeper reaction from the crowd. She then lets the title drop to her right shoulder and calls for a microphone, so Samantha offers her own.
Taylor Andrews: No, no, no, not a chance Stacy. If you are going to pick my challenger who is supposed to pick themselves in this open challenge, well then, I will be here live in person to see who that is. So not that I am out here, now that the Universal Champion stands before you, who is next!?
Taylor lowering her mic to stare at Stacy, but glances at Samantha who shows no signs of getting involved.
Stacy Wayne: That is fine Taylor. I expected this. You are a great champion and I knew you would not want to miss what we are about to do. So without wasting your time, here she is, your next challenger.
An Open Challenge From The Universal Champion
Back In The Game by Nonpoint plays over the pa and here comes Sara Marie strutting out in her ring gear with her blonde hair down and feathered a bit as it bounces with her steps. Sara marching right up in Taylor's face who stands her ground locking eyes with the next challenger to the Universal Champion. Sara reaching for a microphone and Stacy hands her one.
Sara Marie: Not expecting me? But Taylor I am more than ready for this opportunity and its about time someone like me got a shot you. I know I am not the most likely winner in a match with you, that I probably need help to beat you, and everyone expects me to get it. I will do this on my own and I will beat you on my own or I will go down fighting...on my own. This Friday, Evolution, you and I, one on one, and I promise that you will remember being in a fight with me!
Taylor smiles and brings her mic up.
Taylor Andrews: I really hope you do not break your promise Sara. If you do, I will break you to the point where you refuse to step in the ring with me or anyone else ever again. You have come a long ways and facing me one on one would be the best thing for your career because you have the tools, now if you can master how to use them and beat me, well that remains to be seen. But on Friday we will find out and you better keep your promise. So on that note, may the best woman win.
Taylor dropping her mic and moves her title off her shoulder in her left hand to extend her right hand out. Sara with the mic in her left hand extends her right to shake Taylor's hand. Taylor then pulls Sara's left hand up in the air with her right while the title is in her own left hand raised in the air. Sara pumping her right hand in the air and Whore plays over the pa for our Universal Champion who lets go of Sara's arm to pat her on the back and nod before disappearing to the back. Samantha and Stacy heading to the back as Sara heads to the ring.
Main Event
6 Star Tag Team Championship Match
Chris Orton + Sara Marie + J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack(c) + LBD(c) + Simon Lee Nash(c)
Cash and Nash start this match after some goating from Cash to get Simon to start against him. Simon not hesitant, just confused as to why Cash wanted him and the two waste no time in getting acquainted. Simon punching Cash into a neutral corner, but gets pulled into the turnbuckles as Cash slips out. Cash off the ropes into a jumping calf kick to Simon's head, then pulls him up into a side headlock wrenching Nash hard. Simon fighting up top back Cash into the ropes shoving him across the ring. Cash springing back leaping up to get caught by Simon who spins around into a quick, but hard powerslam hooking a leg for a pin. Cash kicking out at two and Simon with a side headlock on him letting Cash up to run ahead into a bulldog. Simon looking for a crossface, but Cash scurrying away to his corner making a tag to Sara who heads to the top rope leaping off with the Dexter Drop to Simon sitting on him for the pin, but he kicks out at two. Sara getting up a bit in awe of the kick out, but puts the boots to Simon before lifting up for a swinging neckbreaker. Simon spins out and around hanging on to Sara to take her down with an arm drag. She pops back up and Simon with another arm drag into an armbar making her struggle to get back up. Sara getting to her feet though and Simon moves into a hammerlock, then a waistlock deliveriung a release german suplex flipping her on to her stomach. SImon rolling to his corner reaching for a tag and Mack letting LBD take it. The Womens Champion into the ring with a baseball slide dropkick and locks Sara in the Show Strangla making Mack smile, but yell sarcastically.
LBD with it locked in and Sara looking scared, struggling to get away and into the ropes, but too far away and here comes Cash off the top rope with a Gangsta Splash to LBD. Mack flying in the ring with a kick to Cash's head and rips him up to toss the gangstas out of the ring and follows him to keep him out. Sara making a tag to Chris who saunters in stalking LBD for Lights Out. She staggers up and almost gets caught, but catches Chris in the Southern Sleeper. LBD falling back to catch Chris with the body scissors right in the middle of the ring while Mack catches Cash with Da Shows Ova outside the ring. Sara running in the ring, but Simon comes in to cut her down with a spear and Chris taps out.

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