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The Perrys Are Planning a Family Reunion Soon

Started by The Perry Family, May 19, 2024, 01:19:54 AM

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The Perry Family

it seems the devils playground is becoming depressed and not sure of their futures, and not sure what to do, they dont want break up especially it took them this long to get back together, Sierra smiles and she then begin to talk.

Sierra perry. hey you know what we need is a big family reunion of the devils playground at the next Carnage show, me and you Cora blackheart Nikita maybe even.am Jade it could be the biggest reunion sef has ever seen and it could lighten up the mode between our stables, i think it might be evilly fun we could talk it over with MnM and see what he says.

Cruella Perry a devil playground reunion that could, be fun wait wait Jade u mean Jade west u want bring Jade to the wait don't you remember what happened the last time we was together, we kicked her out of devils playground we kicked her ass backstage after she lost to Taylor Andrews and nobody heard from her since.

Sierra Perry. yes yes Ido remember that but that was like a year or two ago, im sure she has forgot about it by now, we  changed times has changed im sure all can be forgiving besides with the hole gang here we could make a hell of a statement, 

Cruella perry. i don't know but u know what No No absolutely not Jade is not going come to our reunion besides it just going to be me you cora blackheart Nikita perry 4 is enough mabye bring the Wolf back to Join us then the hole gang, will be back together.

Sierra Perry. all right besides she would just start trouble and cause havoc and everyone wil start fighting, but we need to even get the all right to do this, we need to call Cora and Nikita to come down and Join us make sure everything we want to happen happens i hope so

Cruella perry. all right we need to contact managment, and get this finalized and then the hole world is going to witness the biggest devils Playground family reunion they have ever seen. but first let's relax and lets eat our food this is going to be fun.

they ordor more drinks and sit down and plan their family reunion they hope to happen soon, 
Jade West

The Perry Family

Sierra Perry wait wait i think instead of at the arena which would backfire let's have it at the church right here at the bar because listen to me. it wil not be much of a family reunion because it just be me and you Cora blackheart ,and Nikita and wolf we can do better having it right here because it wil not be much of a reunion we can have this anytime, and if i know how parties go at the wrestling business somebody wil get involved a fight will start and everything wil go straight to hell.

Sierra Perry.so right here would be the best option we can have more fun we can have pizza beer, liquor wine we can have lot more fun and what we should also be talking about.

Sierra Perry. we need to discuss being more aggressive in our matches we are the devils playground,  we need to be devils we are suppose to be evil insane we are suppose to be unique and different  and we have not been doing that if we need to start winning matches and getting more noticed in the ring, bring fear and unpleasant to everyone lives if we going to be devils playground that what we need to bring to the table.

Cruella Perry. i mean i can see what your talking about, and your right if we going to be the devils playground, we need to be more like what we say we are, injure our opponents,  arms leggs other parts we need to bring fear and unpleasant to the crowd as well we need to be who we say we are, 

they eat their pizza and relax and somebody comes in and begin to talk.

Jade West

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry comes in and sits down and she then takes a deep breath and begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. How's it going sorry im late i was busy doing other things, 

Cruella Perry. what is more Important then being here with your family and worshiping the devil, we talking about family and other stuff that concerns our family. well least your here Now, so did you do your devil worshiping today or at least something to make your family proud.

Sierra Perry yeah that what you are suppose to be doing remember! you are a perry, this is excitaly what Perrys should be doing! this is what we do this is our calling me and Cruella have been doing this since we was teenagers back in the day! and look where we are Now!  either you are with us or your not, 

Cruella Perry. and we don't like to be kept waiting, when you are suppose to be here, you are suppose to be with us we are the devils playground this is the Only Playground you are suppose to be In you got it  now that we got that seated 

Nikita Perry wait wait first of all im Hungry second of all i will do what i want when i want i want have fun to, i want be able to live my own life and do my own thing besides 

Cruella Perry. Hold on a second who are you talking to, we are your family you listen to us before, you start talking back to us unless you know what i bet somebody has been putting these words in to your head haven't they Kita tell us who have you been talking to you was it Tonya Walker.?

Nikita Storm feels her head like she about to Lose her mind or lose control, she gets up and runs out the door, and Cruella gets up and goes to chase after her and Sierra Stops her and begin to talk.

Sierra Perry let her be let her go, just let her go maybe she will return and come to her right senses and return where she belongs here with her family,

Cruella Perry i hope so she wil make the right decision we need to keep her under control. She must make her decision on where she wants to be sooner or later or we wil make it for her.

they stand there not sure what to do

Jade West


Cora Blackheart. Comes in the bar after watching Nikita take off, she goes to The Perrys looks at them and begin to talk.

Cora Blackheart hey what the Hell is going on here,? i just saw Nikita run out of here, like a bat out of hell you know what you two ever think that you two could be the problem.

Cruella Perry wait what are you two talking about we are trying to keep her with the right family not to be with Losers like the party crashers she is a perry and she don't even act like it anymore she needs to be taught a lesson

Sierra Perry. if this Keeps Up who knows what is going to Happen this is like just insane! this all started cause she want to please both groups and be with both well that is not going to Happen this is where she Belongs this is her Home

Cora Blackheart. she is a perry yes but she has a right to live her Own Life, you know Cruella you have been Like this for years. you get over controlling and overbearing and want everything your own way! well im sorry Bitch but you need to calm down and just relax besides just let Kita breathe and im sure everything is going to be just fine.

they continue to talk and they wonder where Nikita ran off to

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry runs out of sight she opens the gate from the church and leaves she keeps holding her head like she is about to lose her mind or something, she bumps in to somebody Kita is trying to catch her breathe and she then hides behind a tree, she hears somebody calling her name, she then looks around not sure what to do and she then tries to catch her breathe and begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. hey i need to get out of here i got everyone trying to pull me in to a direction i don't want to go to, i mean this just insane, i can not take it anymore i need help somebody to talk to, 

she finds some where to sit down it is quite almost dark outside, and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. i need to calm down this is so not good, i need help is there anyone out there who can help me.

she tries to catch her breathe and keeps hearing the Perrys yelling at her,  in her head, keeps holding her head she end up being drawn to tears, keeps shaking until.

somebody comes by her and begin to talk

Jade West

The Perry Family

Nikita perry, continues to hear voices in her head she continues to walk off, in to the distance, she turns around and watch how far she has been walking and she hears her cell phone go off, she looks at the number and she answers and she talks into the phone and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. Hello who is this. Omg its' You is this Really You?

Nikita Perry omg it is you it is so good to hear your voice again i never thought i would i miss and need you

Person on Phone yeah so good to hear your voice again 2 listen is everything all right

Nikita Perry. No it is not all right wait until i tell you what excitaly is going on?, 

Nikita Perry the perrys are getting over controlling over me, i must do what they say and Nothing else, Cruella more then Sierra but of course they yelling and screaming at me i just want to lead my own Life.

person on Phone that sounds insane Kita tell me more please

Nikita Perry. tells her More, please and go slow.

she continues to tell her more of what been going on? and walks off to the distance
Jade West

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