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Mayhem Card

Started by Da Gangstas, May 05, 2024, 05:50:31 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

Daddy Mack
2 (66.7%)
Cliff o Clink
1 (33.3%)
Samantha Fame
0 (0%)
3 (100%)
0 (0%)
3 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 3

Voting closed: May 12, 2024, 05:52:31 PM

Linked Events

  • SEF TV presents Mayhem
    Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky

Da Gangstas

 Date/Time: Saturday, May 11th, 2024
Venue:  Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky
Theme: Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless
Daddy Mack v. Cliff o Clink
SEW Womens Evolution Championship Match
Samantha Fame v. LBD(c)
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Match
J X CA$H v. Phoenix(c)


 All Promos For This Event Go in the Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promo

Da Gangstas

Mayhem kicks off with Make Me Wanna Die by The Pretty Reckless playing through the Rupp Arena in Lexington Kentucky.
Frank Malone: Welcome to Mayhem, our big show of the month to settle some differences and maybe crown new champions!? Samantha Fame and J X Cash are certainly going to try and make the latter happen!
Bill McLane: And Cliff is about to show Mack why he should have never overlooked the CoC!
Frank Malone: Mack hasn't been the same in years. No excuses for his behavior though, he missed a step. I think the amnesia he suffered a decade ago has affected his wrestling knowledge, his mind for the business is not as sharp because he just has forgotten more than most will ever learn! Cliff has learned a lot like his legendary status and will not let Mack forget.
Bill McLane: Phoenix may have to forget about being Impact X Champion after Cash takes the gold tonight!
Frank Malone: Maybe, for sure if we see a Gangstas reunion like everyone is expecting! Phoenix may spoil that though as he knows that clique too well.
Daddy Mack v. Cliff o Clink
Mack dancing around Cliff a bit arrogant before engaging the CoC in a lock up which they push each other away in a stalemate. Mack looking for Da Shows Ova, but Cliff ducking to rip Mack up for The End. Mack flips through to his feet blocking Cliff's knees and reaches up to thumb the CoC in the eye. The ref warning him and Mack chopping Cliff back to a corner lighting his chest up, then whips the CoC across to the opposite corner following him with a leap into a splash. Mack steps out arrogantly as Cliff drops his knees. Mack with a swinging neckbreaker to Cliff and spins up to leap into a stomp on the CoC's forehead, drops a crotch chop and delivers a standing shooting star press on his opponent. Mack into the pin getting a two count and sits Cliff up into a sleeper hold which turns into a side headlock as Cliff gets to his feet backing Mack to the ropes. The ref forcing a break and Mack looking for a gut kick, but Cliff catching his leg to bury a knee into Mack's midsection, then delivers a gut wrench side slam on The Showsteala. Cliff looking for a cripple crossface locking it in, but Mack refusing to give up. He inches his way to the ropes with Cliff holding on and swinging his legs over to kick the bottom rope away from Mack's fingers. Mack using the momentum to roll backwards and Cliff holding on to roll into position with the crossface still locked in. Mack keeps rolling getting Cliff on his back, but a foot on the ropes trying to make the pin with leverage. The ref forcing the two to break up and get up to start this match over. Mack on his feet running the ropes to leap into a hurricanrana, but Cliff holding him to drop him for a powerbomb instead. Cliff into an elevated boston crab trying to force a submission again, but Mack escaping before its locked in to scurry into the ropes across the ring. Cliff turning to charge him and Mack ducks around locking him around the waist to snap back with a german suplex holding a bridge for a pin. The ref only gets two as Cliff kicks out and Mack rolls him to baseball slide dropkick Cliff in the side of the head. Mack looking for the Show Strangla from there trying to cinch it in, but Cliff frantically backs up to the ropes forcing Mack to get backed off, but up to his feet. Cliff rushing him for a spear, but Mack leapfrogs him and turns into a dropkick putting the CoC down. Mack heading to the top rope and leaps off flying into Cliff's heart with X and pops up dancing around the ring. Mack stepping into a corner to flick a butt to the ground and stomp it out, then readies for Da Shows Ova. Cliff gets up and Mack executes his kick, but gets caught and ripped up for The End, this time Cliff hits it and makes the pin hooking a leg and Mack kicks out just before three. Cliff on his knees disbelieving it and gets up stalking Mack to hit him with a spear, then pulls him back up for The End again and makes the pin, again. And again Mack kicks out just before three, so Cliff looks for The End again and Mack flips over into a sunset flip pin for a two count. Cliff rolling up to front dropkick Mack down and the CoC heads to the top rope. Cliff leaping off with a beautiful frog splash, but Mack getting his knees up driving them into Cliff's chest. Mack pulling Cliff up to deliver the Mack Attack and make the pin getting a two count. Mack pulling Cliff up whipping him to the ropes and bounces off the other side of the ring into a running dropkick, then rolls Cliff up into a piledriver. Mack lifting him into a scoop slam, then heads to the top rope hitting X again and dances up to a corner snuffing out that cigarette butt again. Cliff staggering up and Mack with Da Shows Ova, but Cliff ducks into a sprint bouncing off the ropes slamming Mack down with a spear. Cliff pulling Mack up into a firemans carry, then spins him off into a cutter and makes the pin for a two count. The CoC pulling Mack up in a front facelock to deliver a ddt, then heads up to the top rope delivering a frog splash. Cliff rolling off holding his ribs and pulls himself up to yank Mack up and lift him for The End almost hitting, but Mack pushing Cliff's knees down with his hands to drop back and the CoC staggering up to his feet gets clocked with Da Shows Ova. Mack falling on him for the pin and The Showsteala wins.
SEW Womens Evolution Championship Match
Samantha Fame v. LBD(c)
Samantha luring Liz in for a lock up, but kicks her in the midsection and hammers LBD back into a corner with forearms to the face. Samantha with kicks to her midsection in the corner nailing a few before the ref almost counts her out. She backs off and LBD rushes out with a clothesline dropping Samantha, then Liz runs the ropes to come back with a leg drop across her opponent's throat. Liz sitting Samantha up into a sleeper, but gets forced up with elbows to her midsection. Liz turning the sleeper into a facelock and then into a swinging neckbreaker. The Womens Evolution Champion heads up top to deliver a 450 splash, but gets knees driven into her stomach from Samantha. LBD rolling away clutching her ribs as Samantha gets up to run into the ropes rebounding back with a baseball slide dropkick to Liz's head. Samantha pulling LBD up looking for the Sammy Bomb, no, she flips her over back to back looking for the Sammy Slam. LBD rolls through into a sunset flip pin getting a two count. Samantha rolls out and leaps into LBD with a dropkick to her face, then she heads up top to deliver the Dime Drop and makes the pin getting a two count. Samantha upset that wasn't three and looking a bit frustrated she hoists LBD up into a suplex looking for a brainbuster, but Liz flips out of it to land on her feet. Liz tuns to catch Samantha in the Southern Sleeper dropping back with her legs locked and the challenger eventually taps out.
Main Event
SEW Impact X Championship Match
J X CA$H v. Phoenix(c)
Phoenix wasting no time in putting on X on the ropes with chops to his chest and grounds the premiere highflyer with knee chops and grapevines to the legs. Phoenix working X over pretty good making him hop around the ring, but the gangsta leaping off the ropes throwing his body at Phoenix to take him down. X all over Phoenix now and gets him on the ropes returning a few chops, then drops him with the Ghetto Busta. X not even trying for a pin and heads up to deliver a Gangsta Splash and eats the knees of Phoenix. The Impact X Champion getting up kick X while he is down, stomping at his head, then punts him in the side turning X on to his stomach. The challenger pushing himself on to his hands and knees while Phoenix looks for Phoenix Rises, but X dodges avoids it and jumps up with a spinning kick to the head of Phoenix. The challenger looking for a vertebreaker, but Phoenix flipping away to deliver Rising Phoenix on X ready for Phoenix Risesa again. Jack Hines hustles out there to get on the ropes as Troy Storms and Nick Torres follow him out to surround the ring and all three get on the apron. Phoenix sensing they won't come in and cause a DQ goes for Phoenix Rises planting X in the center of the ring. They all enter now and here comes Samantha Fame out in a pair of flared suit pants, a matching black jacket and white blouse underneath. She holds a microphone in her hand as Phoenix comes to blows with Jack, Nick, and Troy.
Samantha Fame: This match is NO DIQUALIFICATION! And I am your General manager of SEF, so I have the authority to make that announcement!
Jack eating a superkick from Phoenix who pummels Troy into a corner, then turns to kick Nick down and look for Phoenix Rises, but gets a low blow from the Westsiders Edge. Troy coming over to deliver a Gangsta Bomb on on Phoenix, then Nick hoists him up for the Gangstas Edge. Jack helping X up who delivers the XXX on Phoenix and makes the pin to become NEW SEW Impact X Champion.

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