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Perry Sisters Vs Party Crashers Us Tag Team Championship Match

Started by The Perry Family, May 29, 2024, 12:52:16 AM

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The Perry Family

the Devil Playground music hits, and Cruella and Sierra are coming out to the arena, and do their usual devil worshiping pose, Nikita and Cora Blackheart, are following behind them, Nikita looks like she does Not want to be there at all least with the perry sisters, they walk to the ramp, under the ring ropes, in middle of the ring do their devil worshiping pose once again and gray smoke, covers the ring area where they are at. Cruella is handed a microphone and she then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry. well Tonight, is going be a special night for the devils playground we are in a us Tag Team Championship match, against our ol friends, the Party Crashers and this is a must win, for us we got the numbers game, we got our family with us because we are a real family unlike The Party Crashers who was just thrown together for a tag team title opportunity

Cruella Perry. this is a real family we was born a family we talk like a family, we act like a family we fight like a family.

[ While Cruella is saying this, Nikita is Looking frustrated for some reason, but she is listening to what she is saying, Sierra is standing right next to her along with Cora and Nikita, they stand there and Cruella continues to talk as well.

Cruella perry ever since we been here we have never held tag team championship gold, we had some opportunities ,but this time seems different, for some reason, unlike us

Sierra Perry. the Party Crashers are undefeated and have been on a hell of a role for a hell of a long time now well that ends tonight sure it is nice that they are a role for beginners but walker and Bunny let me say this good luck always runs out, and when your time ends trust us this is going be so much fun ending your two-winning streak,

Cruella Perry this is a chance of a Life time, and when we tell you this nothing is going make us more happier, then to watch you two lay on your backs and let us pin you, 123 the devil downstairs is on our side our family is on our side,  nothing is more prouder and means more

Cora Blackheart. then having the family on your side, and when you got family especially family born family on your side, and not just a thrown together tag team, that probably can not even tell apart their own reality then you don't know anything about family.

for some reason while, Cora is telling everyone what family means to them Nikita is not saying anything just standing there like she got something on her Mind,  just shaking her head and Cora then begin to talk again.

Cora Blackheart Tonya and Bunny let me tell you this we do respect you your run has been so incredible, we do respect you for all that you been doing so far but let me say Cruella and Sierra are going to win tonight and when that happens we are going to shock the world.

Nikita Perry Shakes her head and gives a evil smirk, and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry Cora i could not have said it better myself we might just shock the world tonight 

she then quietly says to herself Nobody is going to see it coming!

Cora Blackheart. Now we got this out of the way Bunny and Sierra time to get your asses out here right here and Now let's get this going. 

they wait for reply
Jade West

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