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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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Friday Night Evolution

Started by Da Gangstas, June 23, 2024, 05:11:43 PM

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  • Evolution 86
    WAR Dome in LA, CA

Da Gangstas

 Date/Time: Friday, June 21st, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
Evolution General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue: WAR Dome in Los Angelos, CA
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
Famous Monsters by Saliva plays out the Evolution General Manager Nykky Delight who wears a purple and black business suit with the pant legs flared out over strappy high heels. Her hair held back by a purple and black band and the GM with a mic in hand ready for business as she stands on the stage looking fierce.
Nykky Delight: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Friday Night Evolution!
A pop for that.
Nykky Delight: Now I am here for one order of business, to name the challenger to LBD's Evolution Title defense tomorrow night at Fight Night. She is the former Womens Evolution Champion, the woman LBD beat to win that title, Sara Marie.
Back In The Game by Nonpoint plays now and here comes Sara stepping out in a pair of blue jeans with a black halter top and her blonde hair in a ponytail. Her high heels clomping on the stage as she steps up near Nykky taking the mic as the crowd boos.
Sara Marie: Thank you Nykky and I promise, for the Famous Monsters, for Da Gangstas, for SEF, and for all these people...
Sara pauses a second as the crowd drown her out with boos.
Sara Marie: I will finally reclaim my Evolution Championship from LBD!
The crowd booing, but then The Way I Am by Eminem plays over the pa bringing J X CA$H out in baggy sweat pants, sneakers, and a black tank top with his hair in dreads. He has his own mic as he marches up to the GM and AM.
J X CA$H: Congrats Sara and you best get that title from LBD, we got yo back. But I need that Universal Title and Taylor ain't got no challenger tomorrow, so put me in there with her. I just won the SEW Title, I am the SEW Impact X Champion, and there is no one more deserving in SEF today.
The Purge by In This Moment plays over the pa bringing Cliff o Clink stepping out on the stage in a leather jacket and his ring pants and boots looking ready to fight. He gets in CASH's face pulling the mic over.
CoC: Make it a triple threat since that SEW Title match we had ended in too much controversy for you and I have anything, but finished business. Or give me a rematch against this guy and I'll take both his titles.
J X CA$H: No rematch. I want the Universal Title, but if you put all your titles you hold on the line in a match against me tonight and beat me, well, its up to Nykky or any of our GM's to make a Universal Title match for tomorrow night, but if you can beat me, I will push for a triple threat.
Nykky Delight: That actually sounds good.
Don't Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck plays over the pa and here comes Daddy Mack to a huge ovation making him clutch his chest showing the sarcasm in his cheesy smile. A backwards ballcap holds his blonde hair back and no shirt lets his chest breathe while he wears his ring pants and boots ready to spring into action. Mack stepping near Cliff and Cash.
Daddy Mack: Make it a triple threat tonight and I could care less about any title except that Universal Title, so it will be me fighting Taylor tomorrow night. And maybe after I beat her she will finally admit to being the one who dun it!?
Nykky Delight: Well I like the idea of Cliff putting all his titles on the line, so tonight it will be Cliff o Clink defending the Icon, International, US, TV, THC, WAR, WAR TV, Titan, Xtreme, and Franchise Titles in a triple threat match against J X CA$H and Daddy Mack with the winner also becoming the number one contender to the Universal Championship and receiving a match tomorrow night at Fight Night.
The crowd cheers for the match cause its gonna be great and Nykky getting between the guys as Sara Marie helps her save the fight for the match later.
US Tag Team Championship Match
Party Crashers(c) v. Nikita Perry & Cruella Perry
Nikita starts off against Tonya winning a lock up to clamp a side headlock on Tonya and drag her to the mat leaning across her. Tonya hitting the mat out of frustration and tries pushing herself up, but Nikita floats around behind Tonya forcing her up in a hammerlock, then back to a side headlock dragging her back down to the mat just toying with her now. Tonya pushing herself up and Nikita running her down in a bulldog, then gets up tagging Cruella who comes in kicking Tonya in the ribs. Cruella pulls up Tonya looking for a chokeslam, but here comes Nikita with a spear cutting Cruella in half. Tonya tags out to Bunny Summers who comes in off the top rope with a frog splash to Cruella for the pin to win this match.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners, The Party Crashers.
Walking on Sunshine plays as Nikita stands up between Tonya and Bunny raising their arms in the air showing what side she is choosing.
Frank Malone: Looks to me like Nikita is choosing the Party Crashers over her own sisters and I wonder where that leaves Jade West!?
Bill McLane: Hopefully gone for good. Was she rumored to return?
Frank Malone: Well, Nikita talks to her. I don't follow that circle much, but I pay attention to what goes on in SEF.
Backstage in a room sort of looking like a lounge area with a couple full length leather sofas across from each other and a wooden coffee table in between them with a few empty brown bottles and a couple roaches, not the insect, laying around the bottles. Nick Torres in his all black jeans and t-shirt, boots and glasses with his feet on an end of the table kicked back on one sofa. Troy Storms in his black jeans and a sleeveless black tee with sneakers and dark glasses over his eyes lays back on the other sofa with his long legs stretched over the other arm.
Troy Storms: So we were gonna come out there, but then we got high.
Nick Torres: Yea, mister four twenty over here!
Troy Storms: You pulled out the second one cause we weren't high enough.
Nick Torres: Still aren't!
Troy Storms: Well, shut up and let me handle this cause it ain't no big deal, but Da Gangstas are coming back to in ring action cause SEF f'n needs us. And we need to take this WAR Tag Team Titles from Taylor Andrews and LBD this coming Monday on Anarchy.
Nick Torres: I thought Anarchy was a Friday show?
Troy Storms: SEF has been around twenty years and has moved different shows to different days of the week so much who can really keep up!? Besides, that is what's on the calendar and that is the night Nick Torres and myself, Troy Storms, will beat the WAR Tag Team Champions for the titles.
Daddy Mack walks in now and grabs a steel chair pulling it up backwards near the end of the table where their heads are closer too and sits down resting his left arm on the back. He pulls a doobie from behind his right ear to place in his lips and grabs a purple BIC off the table flicking it to light up. Mack passing it to Troy.
Frank Malone: Nice four twenty break and what an announcement concerning the WAR Tag Team Titles. Even though them guys aren't in management, I'd say they have authority to make the match since their wives are the SEF and SEW GM's.
Bill McLane: And they know how to make matches cause that is a great match we all want to see. The return of Da Gangstas!
Frank Malone: Its a must see match and the return makes it a must see event.
Main Event
Icon Championship
International Championship
US Championship
TV Championship
THC Championship
WAR Championship
WAR TV Championship
Titan Championship
Xtreme Championship
Franchise Championship
Triple Threat #1 Contender To Universal Championship
J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack v. Cliff o Clink(c)
Mack whipping his hat at Cash and turns to Cliff trading a few punches with the CoC. Cash coming to get some and Mack ducking back letting Cliff catch Cash with punches. Mack catching Cash from the other side and ping pongs him back and forth with Cliff before Cash drops to the mat. Mack and Cliff start swinging at each other again and Cliff ducking a shot to spring off the ropes into a running dropkick. Mack pulling Cash up to take the dropkick and springs off the ropes into a baseball slide dropkick to Cliff, then goes for the Show Strangla.
Frank Malone: Mack already looking to make Cliff submit and this match is only a few minutes in.
Bill McLane: Cash won't let that happen.
Mack getting the hold in, but Cliff almost to the ropes and Cash runs up the turnbuckles and twists around into a Gangsta Splash hitting hard and awkwardly on Mack to bounce away holding his midsection. Cliff getting up to stalk Cash and hits him with a spear, then rolls Cash up looking for The End. Cash flips over dropping to his feet and runs the ropes springing back with a spinning wheel kick. Cliff ducking it to spring off the ropes into a dropkick sending Cash out of the ring, then Cliff runs into Mack with a spear and heads to the top turnbuckles to leap off with The Purge hitting it on Mack. Jack Hines comes in the ring to pull Cliff around into The Corez Effect, then rolls out to help Cash up tossing him in the ring. The crowd booing.
Frank Malone: Cash with help in the form of his brother who just cost Cliff the win over Mack.
Bill McLane: Triple threat means anything goes, so no one cost Cliff anything, he just wasn't ready for ANYTHING!
Cash into the pin on Mack who kicks out at two and so Cash goes for Cliff, but he kicks out at two, so Jack comes back in the ring to pull up Mack who springs up hammering Jack into the ropes. Mack looking for Da Shows Ova, but Jack catching his leg and spins him around looking for a V-Twist, but gets caught in a german suplex released on to the back of his head. Cash with Cliff up for the Asshole Cutta, but gets Da Shows Ova from Mack who sends Cash tumbling out of the ring. Cliff slipping off to bounce off the ropes into a dropkick knocking Mack down. Cliff pulling Jack up to nail The End and kick him from the ring, then turns to get Da Shows Ova from Mack who falls on the CoC for the pin to win it.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and NEW Icon, International, United States, Television, Total Hardcore Chaos, WAR, WAR Television, Titan, Xtreme, and Franchise Champion, and the number one contender to the Universal Championship, Daddy Mack.
The crowd goes nuts as Don't Tell Me How To Live plays and the song barely heard. Mack on his feet with his arm raised now collects his titles and asks for a wheelbarrow and here comes NBD down the aisle with a wheelbarrow as Mack is backing up the aisle holding his titles. NBD gets to him and Mack falls back into it letting the boss carrying him to the back with the crowd not even caring cause Mack is gold and always goes platinum.
Frank Malone: That backfired on J X CA$H who was hoping to walk out of here with a bunch of titles and a shot the Universal Title tomorrow night on Fight Night.
Bill McLane: Taylor will have Mack's number, she always does! And Sara Marie will get her Womens Evolution Title back tomorrow night as well.
Frank Malone: LBD will have something to say about that, but hey, wait, Jack Hines is having words with Cash.
Still at ringside, J X CA$H is helping Jack Hines up who is yelling at Cash, then kicks him in the balls to set up for The Corez Effect. Jack coming over to the announce table grabbing a mic.
Jack Hines: Tomorrow night its brother versus brother and I am relieving J X CA$H of the SEW Impact X Championship!
Jack dropping the mic and walks over Cash to the back leaving the crowd cheering and booing cause they knows its gonna be a good match, but hate them both.
Frank Malone: Good chance that match will be made official for Fight Night tomorrow, so let's get out of here and get ready for Saturday Night SEF TV!
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