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Evolution Card

Started by Da Gangstas, July 08, 2024, 10:12:28 PM

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  • Evolution 87
    WAR Arena in Flint, MI

Da Gangstas

 Date/Time: Friday, July 19th, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
WAR General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue: WAR Arena in Flint, MI
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
US Tag Team Championship Tables Match
Daddy Mack & LBD v. Bunny Summers(c) & Tonya Walker(c)
Underground Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Daddy Mack(c)
Main Event
SEW WAR Tag Team Championship Match
Da Gangstas v. Taylor Andrews(c) & LBD(c)

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW TV Event Promos
ix titlewomens evolutionus tag team

Da Gangstas

US Tag Team Championship Tables Match
Daddy Mack & LBD v. Bunny Summers(c) & Tonya Walker(c)
Tonya locks up with LBD and the latter forces Tonya to a corner laying a hard chop across her chest. LBD whips Tonya out to the ropes springing her back into a perfect dropkick to the jaw from the legendary Womens Evolution Champion. LBD pulling Tonya up looking for a piledriver, but Tonya twisting out for a swinging neckbreaker and gets up running the ropes to spring back with a leg drop to LBD. Tonya getting up to pull LBD up and make a tag to Bunny Summers who climbs up top. Tonya with a suplex to LBD and Bunny off the top rope for a frog splash, but LBD rolls out of the way. Bunny getting up in a daze and LBD catching her in the Southern Sleeper. Tonya coming in the ring, but Mack skipping in to catch her with Da Shows Ova and Bunny taps out.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners and NEW United States Tag Team Champions, LBD and Daddy Mack.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa and Mack helping LBD up to celebrate with their new Tag Titles belts.
Frank Malone: Mack never got tagged in to the match it ended so quick, but he was there for his partner to insure they walk out with more gold.
Bill McLane: As if Mack needs more gold!
Frank Malone: No, but no one else will step up! Which is why in our next match Mack will more than likely be walking over SImon Lee Nash!
Underground Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Daddy Mack(c)
Simon charges Mack who drops down to the mat letting the son of Nash run into the ropes, so Mack dodges to the side shoving him through again and runs to the opposite side of the ring to bounce back into a hard running dropkick while Simon looks for as spear only to get tattooed right in the head. Mack bouncing up to head up on the top turnbuckle standing tall to fly off with X to the heart of Simon. Mack dancing up this time and stomps around the ring before facing a corner to take one last drag with the motion of a doobie pinched between his finger and thumb, then flicks it down, snuffs it out and cocks back to plant a foot on Simon's jaw for Da Shows Ova. Mack falling on him for the pin to end it.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, Daddy Mack.
Don't Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck plays over the pa as Mack slowly stands up smirking over Simon's body and just raises his hands high for the standing ovation he receives.
Frank Malone: This Flint crowd loves Mack and if ya don't hate home, ya have to love him.
Bill McLane: I hate him!
Frank Malone: I doubt you're the only one!
Main Event
SEW WAR Tag Team Championship Match
Da Gangstas v. Taylor Andrews(c) & LBD(c)
Taylor starts for her team circling around Nick Torres who tries for a lock up, but the Golden Gal with quick kicks to his midsection and a jumping back kick staggers him backwards. Taylor clamping a side headlock on Nick and he tries to back suplex her, but the Universal Champion pulls him down and over to the mat still held in a side headlock. So Troy Storms makes a big fuss to get in the ring, but the ref stopping him and here comes Jack Hines yanking LBD off the apron and runs her across the announce table. J X CASH comes in the ring with a dropkick to Taylor's head, then slides out helping Jack hoist LBD up and secure her for a powerbomb through the announce table. Nick Torres with the Gangstas Edge on Taylor and Troy letting the ref go to make the pin.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners and NEW WAR Tag Team Champions, Da Gangstas.
Walk by Pantera plays over the pa as X and Jack get in the ring before Troy does, but all four celebrate the win.
Frank Malone: Another new set of Tag Team Champions tonight, although Da Gangstas using that gang warfare to make sure they got the WAR Tag Titles.
Bill McLane: Whatever works and its been working for them boys for thirty years.
Frank Malone: I know all about them boys! And I also know we're out of time for tonight, so until next time, stay tuned to sportsefed.com for more.

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