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universal6 star tag team

Triple Threat For The War Us Tag Team Championships.

Started by Tonya Walker, August 02, 2024, 07:57:22 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker and Bunny Summers Are In Their Locker Room, they are getting ready for their Tag Team Triple Threat Match for the War Us Tag Team Championships Unification Match, Tonya Smiles and they are more then ready to fight two other Tag Teams in Order to Reclaim their Tag Team Championships, Bunny is Stil Leaning, the ropes and wants to make herself a top woman wrestler here in Sef, Nikita Perry is in the room with them, she looks Happy and ready to Help them Out, Tonya smiles and she then begins to talk.

Tonya Walker. All Right Tonight is the Night we Have Been Waiting for we are going to go out there and reclaim what we never schould of Lost Our Us Tag Team Championships, Which after tonight wil become the new War Us Tag Team Champions and Bunny like i said before we got to stay Focused this is the match we deserve the match that we need i got so much faith in the Both of us Faith and Honor remember the 1980s Generation is Behind Us, we need to be Behind them! we can go out there and show them Nothing can defeat us Nobody this is a chance of a Life time! we can go out there i know it is going to be tough! but we can handle it we can defeat

Tonya Walker. Troy Storm's and Nick Torres, and Lbd and Daddy Mack i know it Looks Tough out there being 2 Other Tag Teams standing in our way and they want what belongs to us The War Us Tag Team Championships! Bunny i know we can do it we got everything to gain nothing to lose! this is a chance of a life time also a chance to show everyone not only our Opponents that are going to be in the ring, ready to take us On we going to take everything back that Lbd and Daddy Mack took from us Bunny i know we can do it! this is why we are here this is why we are going out there to fight fight fight!

Tonya Walker we can not let anything stand in our way, we can not let anyone or anything atand in our way of the Most Important Match of our entire careers we going go out there and kick all of their asses! show them what we stand for and show them what we are made of! show them why we have to be the new War Us Tag Team Champions! are you with me Bunny remember it is a match like this that we won these soon to be War Us Tag Team Championships in the first place remember that we did it before we can do it again.

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers, oh Tonya you know iam totally on your side this is going to be the biggest match of our entire careers! i know i have not been here as long as you have but i can totally see where your coming from i know me and you can defeat Troy Storm's and Nick Torres, and LBD And Daddy Mack i know last week was a total fluke as they call it i actually felt as i let you down but tonight it wil not happen this is a chance of a life time to face the best this company has got to Offor we can defeat them and win back our Tag Team Championships them War Us Tag Team Championships belong to us this is our dream and yes the 1980s Generation is behind us 100% WE Will Never Let Them Down we can not let them down the baby Boomers are behind us and my god the hole world of the 1980s is behind us!

Bunny Summers. Daddy Mack, Lbd, Troy Storm's and Nick Torres is going have no idea what is coming their way,no idea what is going on ! we are going to come at them from all different directions hit them with everything that we got! we are going to lay it all on the Line and my god come Evolution nothing i mean my god Nothing on god's green earth is going to stop us! iam so glad and Honored to have meet you the Party Crashers wil reign supreme tonight nothing wil be standing in our way

Bunny Summers so Everyone who is Involved in tonight Tag Team Triple Threat Match for the War Us Tag Team Championships good Luck because when it is all said and done we fear Nothing we are coming to the Party! we do thank you for keeping the Soon to be War Us Tag Team Championships warm for us but soon they are coming home to us and that all we got to say about that

she wait
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker. this is our big chance to show everyone in the Audience, and Managment, what we are Made Of, this is our Chance, we are going to make a name for ourselves tonight Bunny everyone is going to finally take Notice! we are going to put on the best show of our entire Lives, tonight after we defeat Lbd Daddy Mack Troy Storms, and Nick Torres, them Unified War Us Tag Team Championships are coming home to us around our waist! and After That Our Fans out there in the Audience, our Rock n Rollers our Party Crashers! our Generation 1980s Baby Boomers are cheering our name

Tonya Walker. The Whole World is Behind us we are Behind Us,we got Nothing to Lose, we got it all, everyone is rooting for us everyone we can not let anything stand in our way Bunny we got this we got this! i hope our other 2 teams we are facing tonight know what they are up against tonight we become 2 Time Tag Team Champions and the titles are going to be unified

she looks at Bunny and she then begin to talk

Tonya Walker i need to know if you are excited tonight considering what we are up against i got your back tonight Nikita is going to be at ringside, we are going to be winners tonight don't forget we are a family we are a family til the end,just relax for right Now and when we hit that ring tonight oh i can not wait

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

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