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Sierra Only Got one Thing to Say

Started by The Perry Family, August 10, 2024, 04:53:44 PM

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The Perry Family

Sierra perry is shown backstage Alone looks in the camera and then begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. Now i Regained my composure let me say this nobody will ever break the devils playground we are unique special and dedicated family members what happened in the past is going to stay in the past, tonight me and Cruella wil break down and destroy the Party Crashers once and for all, we been a family for to long and we are sure as hell not going to be broken down like any Blonde Harid Bimbos like the Party Crashers, that Is Not how a real family operates tonight Tonya and Bunny you are going down for the count and there is nobody on god green earth who is going to stop us, if anyone is going to finally shut down them Bitches it is going to be me i will never ever die trying!

she walks off. 
Jade West

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