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Started by Da Gangstas, July 27, 2024, 05:53:24 PM

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  • Evolution 89
    Underground Arena in Detroit, MI

Da Gangstas

Date/Time: Friday, August 2nd, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
WAR General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue: Underground Arena in Detroit, MI
Theme: Welcome To The Family by Avenged Sevenfold
Triple Threat WAR US Tag Team Championship Unification Match
Troy Storms(c) & Nick Torres(c) v. Bunny Summers & Tonya Walker v. LBD(c) & Daddy Mack(c)
Triple Threat Icon Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Jack Hines v. Daddy Mack(c)
Main Event
SEW Championship Cage Match
LBD v. J X CA$H(c)

 All Promos For This Event Go in the SEW TV Event Promos
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Da Gangstas

Triple Threat WAR US Tag Team Championship Unification Match
Troy Storms(c) & Nick Torres(c) v. Bunny Summers & Tonya Walker v. LBD(c) & Daddy Mack(c)
Tonya starts with Nick Torres and LBD looking like a bobblehead trying to keep her eyes on both opponents. LBD rushing Nick to duck behind him and Tonya running into the big man trying to out punch him. Nick knocks her down, but LBD comes from behind with a chop block to the back of his right knee. LBD kicking at his knee getting Nick down and clamps a side headlock on him looking for a bulldog. Nick shoves her to the ropes readying for a shoulderblock to catch LBD on the rebound, but she quickly slides under his legs and pops up into a dropkick knocking him into the ropes. Tonya running into Nick with a clothesline trying to take him over the ropes and LBD runs over to help her clothesline him out of the ring. LBD backs off eyeing Tonya now who circles around looking for a lock up. LBD engaging her and forces Tonya to a corner laying in hard knife edge chops to her chest. LBD whips her to the ropes looking for a clothesline and Tonya ducks to spin around with a roundhouse kick. LBD ducks and catches Tonya in the Southern Sleeper laying back with her legs locked. Nick coming back in the ring, but Mack skipping in to knock him out with Da Shows Ova and skips over to knock Bunny Summers to the floor. Troy Storms coming and Mack charging him with a tackle into the corner and here comes J X CA$H running to the ring. Taylor Andrews is right behind him and as both slide in the ring Taylor blocks Cash from breaking LBD's submission with a tackle of her own. Tonya taps out finally.
Greg Boone: Here are your winners and NEW WAR Tag Team Champions, LBD and Daddy Mack.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa as LBD helps Mack dispose of Storms to the outside and Taylor sends Cash retreating and stands with Mack and LBD. Famous Monsters by Saliva now plays and here comes the SEF GM Samantha Fame in a black leather cat suit with her red hair teased and hanging down her shoulders. A microphone in her hand as she stays on the stage to raise it up.
Samantha Fame: Taylor Andrews, you want to get involved in business that is not yours, then I got some business for you concerning the Universal World Titles you hold. At Gangstas Paradise on August seventeenth you will defend each of those titles in a fatal four way two falls match, so you could lose one and keep one, or lose both, or keep both. Your three opponents in this match are Troy Storms, Nick Torres, and LBD.
The crowd cheers big for the last name and Taylor raising LBD's hand in the air, then grabs Mack's and all three raise their arms in the air before delivering crotch chops.
Triple Threat Icon Championship Match
Simon Lee Nash v. Jack Hines v. Daddy Mack(c)
Simon charging Jack since Mack hangs back on the outside even doing a bit of commentary.
Daddy Mack: Damn, Simon is unloading on Jack here tonight.
Bill McLane: Jack will bounce back and beat him to become new Icon Champ. You just sit right there champ, no need to worry about a thing!
Daddy Mack: Why should I?!?!
Frank Malone: You're nuts Mack!
Simon hoisting Jack up for the F-5, but Jack slips down and nails a russian leg sweep. Jack heading up top looking for a top rope leg drop crashing down on Simon's throat, then goes for the pin, but Simon kicks out at two. Jack picks him up to toss Simon out of the ring, then catapults himself over the top rope with a splash to Simon and unloads on him with punches. Jack pulls Simon up bashing his head on the announce table, then lifts him up dropping him facefirst on it and Simon bounces back to stagger into the ring. Mack leaping on to the table to drop a double axe handle smash to the head and back of Jack, then runs him into the ringpost and delivers the Mack Attack on the floor. Simon trying to pick himself up in the ring when Mack slides in to pop up and nail him with Da Shows Ova, then falls on him for the pin to end it the match.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, Daddy Mack.
Don't Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck plays over the pa as Mack slides out of the ring dancing his way to the back.
Frank Malone: I guess we know why Mack wasn't worried!
Bill McLane: Yea! Someone has to knock him down one of these days!!
Main Event
SEW Championship Cage Match
LBD v. J X CA$H(c)
Cash dancing around like he's gonna pounce, but turns to try and escape up the side of the cage. LBD right on him though getting on the top rope and yanking Cash down to crotch the top rope, then kicks him in the face. Cash crumples to the mat and LBD with an elbow drop to Cash, then yanks him up for a bulldog, but gets sent into the cage facefirst. Cash grinding LBD's face into the cage and nails a russian leg sweep on her. Cash with stomps to her head and runs the ropes nailing a quick leg drop, then rolls up pulling LBD into a piledriver and makes the pin, but she kicks out at two. Cash with a sleeper hold on LBD who flails around and fights to her feet backing Cash into a corner, but he yanks her down by her hair and hops up on the turnbuckles to drive a fist down into her head. Cash pulling LBD up for the Ghetto Busta, but she twists out and around into her own russian leg sweep. LBD rolling through to her feet and springs up doing a crotch chop, then runs the ropes springing back into a shining wizard. LBD pulling Cash up to nail some knife edge chops to his chest backing Cash to the ropes and whips him across the ring leaping into a dropkick, but Cash ducking to spin around with a back kick. LBD ducking that to go for the Southern Sleeper and Cash desperate to keep free backs her into the ropes slamming LBD into the cage, then turns around quickly drops her with the Ghetto Busta. Cash with a pin and only gets two, so he heads up the cage now. Cash getting up to get a hand on the top of the cage as LBD gets up to pull herself up the ropes and scale the cage. Cash swinging a leg over the cage and LBD reaching him to hold his other leg and climb up to the top of the cage and both get on their feet making the whole crowd gasp as they trade chops and punches. LBD with a low kick to Cash and hooks him for Southern Pride pushing them off the cage to drive Cash all the way down to mat facefirst. LBD bouncing back holding her knees as Cash lay facedown and out as the crowd chants.
LBD intro the pin with a leg hooked to get the three and end this match.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and NEW SEW Champion, LBD.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays over the pa and LBD making her way out of the cage to collect her new title and walk around the ring celebrating the fans.
Frank Malone: What a way to end that cage match with a Southern Pride off the top of the cage and Cash is still out of it.
Bill McLane: Damn kid is never gonna get over himself.
Frank Malone: Been a long road for Cash, but LBD has had to overcome her own long road, so we'll see where their paths end up.

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