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07.12.24: Mayhem to Fight Night and a Summer of Evolution, Click Here For More

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universal6 star tag team

Bunny Summers is Depressed After Evolution

Started by BunnySummers, July 27, 2024, 12:07:30 AM

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Bunny Summers, is shown outside the arena after The Party Crashers Tag Team Lost to Daddy Mack and Lbd she thought they would be the Us Tag Team Champions Forever, she outside alone Waiting for Tonya and Nikita Perry to Join her she then begin to talk.

Bunny Summers, i Don't Believe that we Lost, this sucks, i mean what Happened, this is not fair at all but i got calm down just calm down, we are going to be just fine, just a small setback we will be Us Tag Team Champions again it will take time i know it will.

Bunny Summers me and Tonya and Nikita are going to be the biggest family stable around yes we will win again the 1980s Generation wil live on forever, they wil not let us down no Never they are our family, god yes they are our family.

Bunny Summers. Takes a Drink from her Sippie Stil Depressed, That The Party Crashers, Lost but not going to give up Hope she does miss being a tag team Champion and she stands outside alone for now waiting for Tonya and Nikita to come and join her.
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker shown outside the arena notices Bunny standing there by herself and she then takes a deep breath and then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker hey what going on why u out here look i know your upset about us Losing the Us Tag Team Championships, we wil get them back i know we wil i know this is your first Lost but there be another chance im sure we wil be Holding gold around our waist together again

Tonya Walker besides look at it this way your stil undefeated, you stil did not get Pinned, so we are still successful i think when Nikita comes out and Joins us we shall go out and kick some ass and celebrate, before we know it we are going be raising our arms in victory again your see.

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry came to the party by herself wearing a Party Crashers Jacket, she looks at Tonya and Bunny smirks and she then begin to talk.

Nikita Perry. hey look i know about this i have been through it before trust me we are going to be fine, we just got to relax and get back in to the Tag Team Picture we need to show everyone we are not to be taken Lightly, we need to go out there and show everyone why we are the Party Crashers this is not what we do we suppose to be partying and having fun we need to reform and just work out a new strategy, we wil be back out on top trust me we not going anywhere this is just a set back.

Nikita Perry lets go somewhere talk and figure out what is next. Besides Iam so hungry right now.

she wait
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker your right your right, we need to regroup and get our family back together once again, you know what let's go somewhere,and have fun and we are going be back better then ever, before the nice big event,iam Hungry to and im sure we are in for a title rematch it is a nice night out lets go to the beach and throw some fireworks sound like fun.

she wait
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers, your right lets go mabye some food some celebrating is just what we need we need to be more Positive, about everything no matter what we need to always stay on top and just be positive and we need to show the world, why we are Party Crashers like Nikita said, we are Party Crashers so let's crash some Parties.

she waits ready to party
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Nikita Perry you know what i would love i want a 6 person tag team match us vs The Devils playground Cruella Sierra and Cora blackheart i got some pay back and some un finished business with them you know what i mean, besides after what they put us through they deserve all the hell im going to put them through i want to rip their hearts out and rip them apart!

Nikita Perry grabs a glass bottle and smashes it against the wall and breaks it and yells really loud and then begin to talk again

Nikita perry i want to rip them apart you hear me rip them apart.u hear me i want to totally rip them apart one by one!! and have their heads on mantel in my room my bedroom yes that what i want to do! 

she throws a box to the wall and breaks it and walks toward the party crashers van and bunny and tonya watch on and one of them begin to talk
Jade West


Bunny Summers am am Tonya i have to ask is Nikita always like this, or is she just angry

Tonya Walker yeah most of the time don't worry she is totally harmless i swear she is come on im hungry dont worry we got nothing to worry about.

they head to the van and head out for the night
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Meanwhile back in the devil playground locker room, Cruella and Sierra and Cora Blackheart are watching this and sierra begin to talk.

Sierra Perry. so Nikita and the Party crashers want a 6 woman tag team match with us 3 huh hmm sounds like some devilish fun and i like what i see from her. evil determined and finally learning to be her own person, i know she had that evilness inside of her she just needed time to show it!

Sierra Perry. match is fine with us i hope i see more of this from Nikita she need to be more aggressive, so im all for it what about you two.

Cruella Perry fine with me i been wanting to get a hold of her and wrap my hands around Bunny and Tonya's throats for a long time Now,  she going to deserve what she get's from us she turned her back on us betrayed her family but ido hope she keeps this aggressive side of her. 

Sierra Perry maybe this is what she needed to get away from us maybe we finally pushed her to her breaking point, hey Cruella do u remember what happened when she went crazy like this before, u know like when we was back home.

Cruella Perry yeah i remember, it took forever for her to finally come back home and calm down it took months she broke some bones! broke some necks raises a hell lot of hell!  and even back when she was the Wolf, 

Sierra Perry. yeah that was a time to remember, far as iam concerned she stil is the wolf, she wil always be the Wolf to us even if she is Nikita perry hey u don't think

Cruella Perry look are you concerned over Nikita sierra! don't be look it was her fault she betrayed her family, she went to join the party crashers she did this to us she did this to herself she want to face us this is on her head u and me and cora wil take them out and destroy them 1 by one.

she wait
Jade West


Cora Blackheart. listens to what they are saying and she then takes a deep breath and then begin to talk.

Cora Blackheart u know from what iam hearing from u Cruella it sounds like you miss Nikita and you regret her leaving for the party crashers, and u and Sierra talking about the past makes me think u do miss her

Cora Blackheart. and even though it was your fault, she left in the first place, and you are nervous and scared after what you saw, your scared that the Wolf inside of her might return and rip u to shreads trust me Cruella she is the am Wolf Monster you created!

Cora Blackheart i can not wait to face her i hope this 6 woman tag team match happens now that i think about it this might be my debut match in SEF hell thanks Cruella u might of just saved my career actually all our careers!

Cruella Perry yeah am no problem yeah i hope this match happens as well

she stands there feeling concerned when she thinks about it cora is right

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