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Sierra And Cruella Have a Convo

Started by The Perry Family, August 14, 2024, 12:47:18 PM

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The Perry Family

Sierra perry is shown outside looks like she got a Harley Davidson Motorcycle and looks like she got a new attire wearing a black devils den tank top, She seems happy even though her and Cruella lost, she is drinking some beer and her sister Cruella comes to her knocks the beer out of her hand get's in her face and then begin to talk.

Cruella Perry what do you think your doing? we lost out there to the party crashers again and i was calling u for a tag and u just sat at ringside and drank beer after beer, u know what i m pissed off right now i don't know if u even want to be in the devils playground anymore your stuck in this own world 

Cruella Perry. and what the hell are you wearing! 

Sierra Perry. oh do you Like it! this is my new outfit i decided it is time for me to re event myself i learned that if you want to stay relevant in this business sometimes you need to do re invent yourself so you don't go stale and trust me putting up with you and Crow Black Heart for the past several months and not to mention years!

Sierra Perry.  Has Actually drove me to think and hell before we even came here we was a force everyone feared us but we been doing this for so long, trust me this hole devil worshiping thing is how i say Growing More Stale then a 2 week old Bread 

Cruella Perry what are you even saying Sierra!

Sierra Perry Iam Saying i want to venture out on my Own Start my own Career trust me you and Crow don't need me anymore and Nikita was right she was right about everything! and another Point is I Can Not Stand Crow Blackheart! i never could

Cruella Perry Wait Wait a Minute are you Serious, we are a family we have been through so Much, and you want to leave to be on your own or do you want to leave cause of Crow! if this has anything to do with what happened tonight we can talk about this!

Sierra Perry look we don't have to go on our own we can re invent ourselves this hole like i said devil worshiping evil doers of the night we need to be exciting again hell if we can not defeat Tony and Bunny after try after try after try then something need to change! i came back here for a career change to kick ass raise hell be remembered and since we came back we have kicked ass and raised hell!

Sierra Perry. and trust me if you came along with me and actually had fun look let' s go out for a couple beers have fun il get you a new attire you can thank me for this later!

Cruella Perry look Sierra if you want to be a beer drinking lush that is your business but that is not me we been through so much, but if you want throw it away like yesterdays news fine with me but trust me this is not me look let's try again im sure we can try again for a few more matches together im sure we can defeat Tonya and Bunny

Cruella Perry but if we are going to continue to team together yeah that the key word here, together but if you want to continue to want to be a drinking lush that's your business!  But like you i want to win im not sure if you want to though considering you was to busy to concentrate on our match tonight!

Sierra Perry. Hey i Can't Help it i was Thirsty i can't help it i love drinking cold beer raising hell and have fun thats my business this is the new me im not going to change i know when my baby son grows up and knows how awesome his mama is he going be just like me

Sierra Perry my baby boy loves me, someday il have a baby girl to 2 kids oh look why don't we go hangout at the new Bar and Gril i bought

Cruella Perry wait what what Bar and Gril you just Bought! what the hell are you even doing?  you bought a Bar and Gril

Sierra Perry yes yes i did, look this is what i mean you take everything to seriously let's go out and have fun, i don't want us to split but trust me iam starting to think if we don't change our careers soon we are going to do something different and soon. We are going down the toilet and im going to stop us from doing that!

Cruella Perry Look Enough Sierra iam not going be riding on a motorcycle and drinking cold beers every night, you can forget about that i want my sister to be a devil worshiper a evil doer somebody who i been teaming with for the past decade even before we came to SEF!

Cruella perry. and don't you remember everything that we been through the wars in our Village losing our family our friends it is this world's fault all of this is going on! they did this to us it is their fault we are worshiping the devil in the first place 

Sierra Perry you know im trying help but it seems you don't want to listen me and try to save our careers i mean look at Tonya walker before she became Tonya Walker she was getting nowhere now look her and Bunny are former War us Tag Team Champions! and they are on the best run of their entire lives 

Sierra Perry for the first time ever im going take control of my own Life my own Career im going do what i can to stay important if you don't want to listen to me and want team with Crow Blackheart and not me then i don't know what to say im going home or somewhere i need to figure this out!

Cruella Perry are you going to the bar again! 

Sierra Perry im not sure probably going go get some ice cream soon then im going to be alone for while! what about you

Cruella perry im going go back to the church get some fresh air i guess il see you when you get back

they have a moment together staring down one another! and they say their goodbyes and  leave the fans wondering if this is going be it for the perry sisters.

they leave separately last think they see is a devil playground sign on a window of a car.

Jade West

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