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universal6 star tag team

Party Crashers Talk About Their Up Coming Tag Match.

Started by Tonya Walker, August 19, 2024, 08:55:34 PM

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Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker and Bunny Summers are shown in the middle of the ring Tonya smiles and she then begin to talk.

Tonya Walker. Tonight live on Anarchy me and my best friend in the hole world Bunny Summers, and also our other friend Taylor Andrews are going to send the perry family packing, we are not afraid of the perry family we fear anyone, we dont fear anyone we never will,

Tonya Walker tonight is going be very special for us, very special this means a lot to us we know the Perrys are growing tired of facing us but we do not care, we love this business and this company, and we love what we do and if we have to face evil straight dead in the face,

Tonya Walker. then that is what we are going to do, we known the perrys for a very long time and trust me they are evil as they come, they are or was dark evil they was different and more unique then anyone has ever saw, i mean they use to do things that i could not even imagine.

Tonya Walker. realxes in middle of the ring, she looks around and she then begin to talk again.

Tonya Walker. well they use to be like that i mean there was a time, when they was undefeated and now they are losers don't get me wrong i don't like them as much as anyone else does we do know we are getting respect for Sierra i mean she want to be her own person i know where she is coming from!

Tonya Walker and Tonight me and Bunny and mis Taylor Andrews, are going to destroy them if Sierra ever get in the ring again and not at ringside drinking a cold beer but its all right its her life she can do what she wants and to make it even better.

Tonya Walker. Our Other Bestie the Wolf Nikita Perry wil be at Ringside during our match tonight so she can watch also we are so Happy to be teaming with Taylor Andrews tonight so this is going be gold. we can not wait anyway my bestie Bunny has something to say as well

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.


Bunny Summers Your Right Tonya tonight is really special the Perrys can not beat us and it is driving them crazy they don't know what they are getting themselves in to it is going to be like last week and they wil lose again and yes we do got one of the best woman ever to grace this company mis Taylor Andrews the Universal Champion of Sef and the World Champion of sef wow really great accomplishment we are so happy for her wow anyway

Bunny Summers, Hey don't know what they are getting themselves in to when they are facing us i don't want to sound mean or anything but they don't seem to understand is that they are not evil anymore they are not they do not scare us and they never will, they do not scare us!

Bunny Summers u see Perrys our 1980s Generation our Rock n Rollers our Family is in the Audience tonight rocking on like always u can not defeat us they can not put fear in to us, your family is falling apart and you do not even know it it is going be a pleasure it is going make us proud to show u the generation of the 1980s is coming to take you out and show u the greatest year of the entire world is taking over and nobody is going to stop us!

Bunny Summers realxes in middle of the ring  and she takes a deep breath as people chant party crashers and 1980s all over the arena she smiles and talks again

Bunny Summers good Luck Perrys your really going to need it tonight me and Tonya and Mis Taylor Andrews are going take you out before you even know about it!

she wait for reply
Bunny Summers

The Perry Family

Nikita perry is between them she then smiles and then begin to talk.

Nikita perry yes yes so true sisters so true, yes iam going be ringside during this awesome tag team match im going to enjoy watching the party crashers just beat the living hell out of the perry family they use to be fun and evil now they are losers they suck they are a shell of their former selves, and ido owe Black Crow payback for beating me last week, Crow iam coming for you soon.

the Perry family appear on the tron and Cruella Sierra and Black Crow are all standing by the restroom door, and Black crow then begin to talk.

Black Crow hey bitches you want us your going have to come and get us, Right now we wil give u to the count of 10 so come on bitches what are you waiting for.

Cruella perry yeah come on bitches get down here now.

she waits 
Jade West


Bunny Summers talks on the Microphone and begin to talk.

Bunny Summers am No Black Crow we not that stupid we know you got something planned show us what guts you got and bring your asses down here before tonight when we hand them to you on a silver platter we dont got all night come on what are you waiting for.

she wait as all 3 stand their ground
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker yeah Bitches if you want us that bad and want to stay Backstage just like a Bunch of Cowards that you 3 are then we suggest you get your asses down here right Now, and come on unless you 3 are scared of us which im pretty sure you 3 are so what are you all waiting for

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

Cruella Perry you bitches are such assholes fine you don't want come over here and play with us fine with us,we wil wait til tonight and trust us your asses are grass,

Sierra Perry we wil see you later and when we do there is going to be nothing left of anyone of you,

Black Crow. we wil seal the deal with you 3 later and trust us like Sierra said when we finsh the 3 of you off later on tonight we can not wait to beat the holy hell out of all 3 of you.

Cruella Perry hey bitches i was wondering where is your 3rd partner at we told you before nobody cares about anyone of you 3 Bitches and Nikita u use to be family and now you one of them Losers we knew you would wild up being nothing and that is all your all ever going to be.
Jade West

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