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Fight Night Card

Started by Da Gangstas, May 28, 2024, 10:42:56 PM

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Da Gangstas

 Date/Time: Saturday, June 22nd, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
SEW General Manager: Stacy Wayne
WAR General Manager: Nykky Delight
Assistant Manager: Sara Marie
Venue:  The Mack Arena in Flint, MI
Theme: Bury Yourself by Viking Barbie
SEW Impact X Championship Ladder Match
Jack Hines v. J X CA$H(c)
Universal Championship Match
Daddy Mack v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Main Event
Womens Evolution Championship Match
Sara Marie v. LBD(c)

 All Promos For This Event Go in the Saturday Night SEF TV Event Promo

Da Gangstas

The Mack Arena in Flint Michigan is sold out with a hot crowd as always this close to home in Detroit.
Frank Malone: Welcome to Fight Night! We got three big fights tonight and the Universal Title is not in the main event. LBD takes that honor when she defends the Womens Evolution Title against Sara Marie, a woman who is the Assistant Manager of SEF. Daddy Mack challenges Taylor Andrews for the Universal Title after winning a high stakes match last night on Evolution. And Jack Hines attacked his brother J X CA$H last night to set up a ladder match for the SEW Impact X Championship.
Bill McLane: That one is gonna get crazy and I have a feeling Taylor Andrews is gonna go crazy to keep her Universal Title. No Way Mack is getting gold tonight!
Frank Malone: Taylor has had a death grip on that title and after two years looks like she isn't letting go anytime soon.
Bill McLane: But seeing LBD lose that Evolution Title to Sara Marie will be sweet, then Da Gangstas are one step closer to total domination.
Frank Malone: Hopefully they stay in the back and leave that match one on one.
SEW Impact X Championship Ladder Match
Jack Hines v. J X CA$H(c)
Jack and Cash ignoring the ladder to begin this match with fisticuffs looking like they laying in some real shots and no one would blame them in their brotherly war they been battling for decades. Jack beating Cash into a corner and kicks him down to stomp a hole in his brother, then yanks him up into a spinebuster. Jack kicking at Cash and drops down just pummeling him with punches, then pulls up Cash into a snap suplex. Jack jumps up to drop an elbow to his head and mounts him to deliver several haymakers, then drags Cash up for a pulling piledriver laying out the Impact X Champ. Jack rolling from the ring to grab the ladder and drag that in the ring.
Frank Malone: Jack Hines is taking it to his little brother here like last night, he is upset with Cash not winning that match on Evolution.
Bill McLane: Well he should be, Cash let down Da Gangstas.
Jack getting the ladder stood up in the middle of the ring right under the title and turns to kick Cash in the head, then yanks him up looking for The Corez Effect. Cash twists out and around nailing his own version he calls the Ghetto Busta and crawls up looking to scale the ladder. Cash getting halfway up and Jack stirring to see him going for it and forces himself up behind Cash. Jack grabbing Cash's legs and yanks him down bringing both to the mat and throwing quick punches at each other. Jack with a kick to the gut and delivers a V-Twist to Cash, then turns to head back up the ladder. He gets near the top and Cash comes crawling behind him now and just tries crawling over his back latching on like a pitbull to yank him off the ladder bringing both crashing to the mat. Cash rolling into a corner to pull himself up as Jack staggers up and Cash runs at him with a tackles through the ropes out to the floor. Cash staying on Jack just swinging wildly at him trying to hit anything that moves. Jack trying to block as the crowd is going crazy for this hardcore war.
Frank Malone: J X CA$H trying to comeback in this one after Jack Hines showed some domination early on.
Bill McLane: I hope they both kill each other!
Jack shoving Cash into the guard rail and charges for a clothesline, but gets a backdrop over landing at the feet of the fans. Cash looking around and turns to pull Jack up draping him over the rail, then whips around leaping on to the ring apron and spins off into a leg drop across the back of Jack's head pulling him down and back to ringside. Cash dragging Jack up to run him into a ringpost, but Jack switches it up to send Cash into the post smacking him hard sending Cash whipping to the floor. Jack on him with kicks to the gut and drops a knee to his head, then hammers him with rapid punches. Jack pulling a ladder from under the ring setting it up next to the commentators table, then grabs a steel chair belting Cash with it until his body goes limp. Jack then lays Cash on the table and climbs the ladder to the top leaping off with a leg drop crashing Cash through the table.
Frank Malone: INCOMING!!!
Frank dodging out of the way in time as Bill McLane does the same and the crowd is chanting.
Frank Malone: Jack Hines is out to take that title from Cash and it appears he may do that in a minute or two.
Bill McLane: Cash should have got the job done last night.
Jack crawling to the ring and pulls himself up to roll in and get up looking up the ladder. Cash stirring and Jack not looking back as he heads up to the top and J X CA$H lays there almost letting him since he knows he is defeated with Jack grabbing the Impact X Title to yank it down and thrust it up declaring himself the winner.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and NEW SEW Impact X Champion, Jack Hines.
Floods by Pantera plays as the crowd cheers him on after a brutal match that left them impressed. Cash crawling away from the broken table and tries to get up when Jack comes down the ladder and rolls out of the ring helping his brother up and to the back.
Frank Malone: Hell of a match there, and these two brothers love each other, but they love beating the hell out of one another.
Bill McLane: And we love to see it!
Universal Championship Match
Daddy Mack v. Taylor Andrews(c)
Mack looking for a test of strength to start this match and Taylor going for it locking fingers with Mack, then kicks him right in the balls and the ref just looking dumbfounded for a second calls for the bell.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner by DQ, Daddy Mack, but still Universal Champion, Taylor Andrews.
Taylor driving Mack down with a ddt, then heads to the top rope performing a 450 splash and rolls from the ring as Whore by In This Moment plays her out of a pissed of crowd that is pro Mack.
Frank Malone: Hell of a plan to keep her title, but a major act of desperation that is bound to see Mack get another shot at her.
Bill McLane: He goes to the back of the line though.
Frank Malone: It won't be easy getting another shot, especially with the management team we got these days, but when Mack is bound to do something, he does it.
Main Event
Womens Evolution Championship Match
Sara Marie v. LBD(c)
Sara and LBD lock up to start this match and Sara using her height to leverage LBD into a corner. LBD using her power to turn Sara around and lay in chops to her chest lighting Sara up and letting out a whooooooooooooooooooooooo getting the crowd going.
LBD whipping Sara to the opposite corner and running across the ring leaping into a splash smashing Sara into the turnbuckles, then lets her stagger out and grabs Sara for a side headlock running into a bulldog. LBD into an armbar and wrenches her hard keeping Sara's face in the mat. Sara trying to get away and roll out of it, but LBD keeping her arm locked up. Sara getting to her knees and around to slug LBD in the stomach, then gets to her feet and nails a kick to her midsection breaking all the way free. Sara with a scoop slam and runs the ropes to nail a leg drop. She sits LBD up into a sleeper hold and LBD quickly fighting up to her feet elbowing Sara in the stomach. LBD shoves Sara to the ropes looking for a chick kick, but Sara ducks and catches LBD with a snapmare into a rear chinlock. Sara wrenches back on LBD's head stretching on her neck and the Evolution Champ kicking her feet trying to get to the ropes.
Frank Malone: LBD just got caught and Sara Marie has her in the middle of the ring screaming at her to tap.
Bill McLane: She may as well do it, just tap and save it for another night.
Frank Malone: But tonight is Fight Night and LBD isn't giving up without a fight!
LBD using her power to swing out of the hold Sara grabbing her arms now to wrench back on her shoulders. LBD screams and pulls Sara around to get on her feet and leap up to fall on her back, but has a hold of Sara's arms forcing her down to drive her feet into Sara's chest, then lets go letting her snap back to the mat. LBD getting up and pulls Sara up into a piledriver, then heads to the top rope delivering an elbow drop to the heart of Sara. LBD on her feet stalking Sara to kick her in the stomach and go for Southern Pride. Sara fighting out of it to twist around into a swinging neckbreaker, then bounces up to drop an elbow on LBD's chest. Sara pulling LBD up looking for a powerbomb flipping her up, but LBD countering with a hurricanrana into a pin for a two count. LBD leaps forward from the kickout and waits for Sara to get up hitting hjer with a chick kick, Sara spinning around and LBD catching her in the Southern Sleeper falling back to lock it in and Sara struggling in the hold, but taps out.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner and still Womens Evolution Champion, LBD.
Back From The Dead by Halestorm plays and the crowd cheers loud for the legendary Whitney Marret who is known to the world for the last couple years as LBD. The champ on her feet celebrating with the title held high and LBD pumping her fist in the air as the crowd chants her name.
LBD leaving the ring to make the walk to the back signaling the show is over.
Frank Malone: Hell of a fight here on Fight Night and a worthy main event that was with LBD securing a victory with a submission.
Bill McLane: The Famous Monsters aren't done with LBD!
Frank Malone: Probably not, but LBD will not ever be done with SEF and SEF will never die, so we'll see you all on Monday for Anarchy.

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