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Burnout Card

Started by Da Gangstas, May 28, 2024, 09:09:06 PM

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Who do you think will win their matches?

Taylor Andrews
1 (100%)
Cliff o Clink
0 (0%)
0 (0%)
Daddy Mack
1 (100%)

Total Members Voted: 1

Voting closed: May 31, 2024, 09:11:04 PM

Linked Events

  • Burnout 35
    Underground Arena in Detroit, MI

Da Gangstas

Date/Time: Thursday, May 30th, 2024
SEF General Manager: Samantha Fame
Venue: Underground Arena in Detroit, MI
Theme: Coming For You by The Offspring
Event Staff
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Another New Manager Named To Help Run SEF

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Taylor Andrews v. Cliff o Clink
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Main Event
SEF Underground Championship Hardcore Match
J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack(c)
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 All Promos For This Event Go in the Thursday Night Burnout Event Promos
Underground Titleinternationalfranchise title

Da Gangstas

Frank Malone: Welcome Home to Detroit in the Underground Arena for Thursday Night Burnout! With a new SEW GM named and an Evolution GM, now we get a new manager to help run SEF! I thought we had a SEF GM in Samantha Fame, but she needs help now?!?
Bill McLane: Hey, she's a busy woman managing the whole umbrella organization that is SEF with SEW operating within, she deserves an assistant.
Frank Malone: Ok, sure. The rest of us may be looking more forward to Taylor Andrews and Cliff o Clink one on one in what should be as good as our main event.
Bill McLane: J X CASH looking to beat Mack for the Underground Title, a title Mack has held for a few years now, though it is not a very active title.
Frank Malone: It is our oldest title and was never very active and sometimes wasn't defended for several years, but it represents something special, the true underground of this business. That is why Mack holds the title and may take it to his grave. J X CASH could be a good representation of that title, but I don't know if he wants to be right now!?!
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Another New Manager Named To Help Run SEF
Famous Monsters by Saliva plays over the pa bringing Samantha Fame out on the stage wearing a red mini skirt, black heels, and a black blazer over a white blouse with her red hair teased up in a perm. The SEF GM has a microphone in her right hand as she looks to get down to business.
Samantha Fame: So I heard you Frankie and yes, I do need an assistant to run SEF and all its brands as we have two GM's running SEW and Evolution respectively, my sisters Stacy and Nykky. My new assistant will not only help me run SEF TV, Carnage, Sacrifice, and this show Burnout, but she will assist Stacy and Nykky with SEW and Evolution if she is needed. So why wait any longer?! Ladies and gentlemen, my new Assistant Manager of SEF, Sara Marie.
Back In The Game by Nonpoint plays out the AM who steps on to the stage in white heels with blue business slacks and a matching blazer. A white blouse under her jacket and her blonde hair hanging down her shoulders styled with her bangs teased a bit and Samantha hands her the mic.
Sara Marie: Thank you for that introduction my beautiful sister and anything I can do to help out around I am all game to do. It'll be fun running things for a change and maybe we can make a real change around here for the better!? SEF needs something, this place needs an injection from people who care to see it prosper. I will gladly be here to assist with that in anyway I can, to help put the focus on our stars over anyone else, to get them to make the world care about SEF.
Famous Monsters plays both women off the stage after their raise their hands together in unison.
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Taylor Andrews v. Cliff o Clink
A lock up begins this match and Taylor floats around into a hammerlock, then a side headlock and runs into a bulldog. Cliff shoving her into the ropes where Taylor leaps up to spring off and around with a flying roundhouse kick to the head of the CoC. Taylor gathering herself up to kick Cliff in the head, then drives a knee to his face and yanks him into a front facelock to plant him with a ddt. The Golden Gal rolling up to her feet and leaps up dropping a leg across Cliff's throat, then spins back up to head on to the top turnbuckle. Cliff out of it as Taylor flips off into a senton bomb driving her body into his, then she flips up to her feet stomping around the ring like she is ready to deliver her patented kick called the 3T. Cliff trying to get up and stumbles to his knee bringing Taylor running into him for a sto into the T & A. Cliff scurrying backwards to hook his feet on the ropes before Taylor can cinch it in and the ref forces a break nearly counting Taylor out who doesn't want to let go. Taylor heads up top flipping back with a moonsault to Cliff and pulls him up for a suplex, but Cliff flips around to land on his feet driving an elbow to the back of Taylor's neck. Cliff bends Taylor back in a reverse facelock to lift her up into a reverse suplex sending the Golden Gal on to her stomach. The CoC floating into a crippler crossface arching back Taylor's neck like he's ready snap it. Taylor refusing to give up and rolls backwards into a pin, but Cliff rolling holding the crossface on. Taylor rolling through into the ropes and ends up outside the ring with Cliff getting up inside to run across the ring and fly over the top rope with a senton bomb to the Universal Champion. Cliff pulling Taylor up to send her into the ring steps, then around into a ringpost. The CoC rolls into the ring and back out breaking the ref's count, then pulls Taylor up, but here comes Nick Torres and Troy Storms sauntering down the aisle in black jeans and t-shirts. They come face to face with Cliff who holds up the wolfpac sign touching fingers with the two pac members. Taylor in the ring getting the ref's attention to turn his back to the aisle where Nick and Troy notice to clobber Cliff down and run him into a ringpost. Troy with the Gangsta Bomb on the floor, then Nick rolls the CoC in the ring where Taylor pulls him up into an irish whip catching Cliff coming off the ropes with the 3T and falls on him with a hook of the leg for the pin to win this match.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, Taylor Andrews.
Whore by In This Moment plays Taylor out of the ring to grab her title and prance around the ring raising a hand to do the wolfpac sign with Nick and Troy showing they all play for the same team, but business is business.
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Main Event
SEF Underground Championship Hardcore Match
J X CA$H v. Daddy Mack(c)
X flying at Mack with a singapore cane swinging wild and missing every shot. Mack dodging and weaving gets behind X enough to snatch him down with a neckbreaker. Mack rolling up into a stomp on X's forehead, then spins off arrogantly and runs the ropes to spring back into a kick against the torso of J X CASH. Mack into an armbar fujiwara style bridging high to put the hurt on. X screaming in pain reaching out to grab the singapore cane and swing it into Mack's shoulder and head breaking the hold. X using the cane to stand up as Mack stumbles up catching himself from falling, but gets a cane shot to the ribs and X with a white russian leg sweep. X rolls through to his feet leaping up into a sloppy stomp, but catching Mack on the forehead and does a half a crotch chop, then goes wild with the cane. Mack rolling out of the ring and X throwing the cane at him, then runs the ropes to leap through with a suicide dive slamming Mack into the guard rail. X pulling a table from under the ring and lifts it up to slide it in under the ropes. He kicks Mack in the head and slams his head to a ringpost, then rolls him in the ring. X sliding in to pick the table up setting it up in the middle of the ring, then he pulls Mack up, but gets a kick to the gut and a european uppercut to the jaw. Mack with another uppercut of the european style, then rolls X on to the table and heads up to the top turnbuckle flying off with X to the chest J X CASH crashing him through the table. Mack jumping up like's all jacked up on something, and he is, adrenaline cause he be stomping his feet ready to end this one quick. Troy Storms and Nick Torres come down the aisle in all black as they did earlier tonight and this time they climb in the ring. Mack raising his hand in the wolfpac sign, so Troy and Nick do the same, but Mack with a crotch chop and ducks in between the two to dive out of the ring into a roll springing to his feet and turns doing another crotch chop. Jack Hines comes from behind clobbering Mack across the back and rolls him in the ring where Nick lifts Mack up flipping over back to back holding him in a crucifix, but Mack slips down and kicks the back of Torres knee. Mack ducking a big boot from Storms and comes to blows with Jack who is in the ring. Mack ducking and chopping now, then whips Jack into Troy and nails Da Shows Ova to Troy sending the big man down. Mack hammering Jack with punches and lifts him to drop The Corez Effect with a reverse atomic drop, then chop him into the ropes. Nick charges with a clothesline and Mack ducks letting him take Jack over the top rope, then turns and gets Da Shows Ova knocking Torres from the ring. J X CASH stumbling up to get hit with Da Shows Ova and pinned to end this match.
Greg Boone: Here is your winner, Daddy Mack.
Don't Tell Me How To Live by Monster Truck plays over the pa brining Mack to his feet and flashing the wolfpac sign to his fallen brothers before making his exit to dance up the aisle and party all night.
Frank Malone: Mack dropping Da Gangstas in this hardcore match to keep his Underground Title which he don't even carry anymore, but its not even about the title, its the Underground, Wrestling Underground.
Bill McLane: You're nuts man. The Underground his dead! SEF is here and SEW is taking over, move on.
Frank Malone: We will move on Bill, to Anarchy next Friday and Sacrifice nine days later!

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