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09.06.24: The Return of Friday night Showstoppa, Click Here For More

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The Party Crashers Check on Each Other.

Started by BunnySummers, Yesterday at 03:45:11 PM

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Bunny and Tonya and The Wolf are in the locker room, she is checking on tonya and Bunny who was attacked during the run in by the famous Monsters who jumped the Perry family as well Bunny looks at them and she then begin to talk

Bunny Summers. omg that Hurt you know them famous Monsters really packed a bunch but let me say this my main concern is you two your health means a lot to me you two are my family im going to be there for you two no matter what but i think we need help even with the world of the 1980s around us, and we do got the Wolf we do stil need help im sure we going be all right but are we going to get our revenge on them we need to get our revenge they can not get away with this.

Bunny Summers. We need to get our revenge Nobody puts their hands on us and get away with this we must go and crash their party somehow someway what if we go back out there and it happens again ? oh i want to kick their buts right here and now!

Bunny Summers why we need to be Hip to be Square this is the Heart of Rock n Roll, oh we need to be the uptown girls

Tonya Walker Bunny Bunny please calm down we are going be all right we been through this before, i got a ol friend who can help us

Bunny Summers a ol friend who's That is she around here, somewhere there are 4 of them and there are 3 of us we are kind of Out Numberd but what do you got planned and is your mind focused right now you did take quite a beating out there in the ring.

Bunny Summers i think we schould stay focused and check to see how we are going to get our revenge then calling up ol friends,

she wait for reply
Bunny Summers

Tonya Walker

Tonya Walker mabye your right i don't want you to get hurt there Bunny or Wolfe i want us to be safe but we are going to get our revenge soon im just very hyped right Now, but having back up wouldn't hurt, but we need to get our heads straight you are right Bunny they are not going to get away with this not by a long shot! we are going to get them back but Bunny i want make sure your all right as well i mean we did take quite a beating out there and Wolfe we know you was not out there but what do you suggest we do i mean your family to we don't want to leave you out.

she wait for reply
Tonya Walker.

The Perry Family

The Wolf look let's talk about that later and just focus on getting better i mean you two took quite a beating out there both you and the Perrys so let's just relax and focus on our health and state of Mind because that is what is important right now we are a family lets focus on each other and talk about getting help later

The Wolf we do not want to get to involved and hesitate and make a mistake this is our chance at the big time, we been in this business a long time, and trust me the main important thing is our mental health and well being but let it be said getting some help sure does not hurt so so when our mind is all settled and everything is fine we discusss it then but ido know the one person who would help us out who we got History with so we take care of one thing first and take it from there! like i said Mentel health is important. i think we should go get Pay a visit to get the Medics and take it from there

she wait for reply
Jade West

Tonya Walker

Tonya walker your right, your right hey Bunny lets' get checked out by the medics  u Be all right here Wolfe

Bunny Summers im sure she is going be fine lets get checked out and make sure we are going be all right.

Tonya Walker we be all right don't worry about us but she is meantal health and state of Mind is Inportand in the long run

they leave the locker room as the Wolf looks on she shuts the door and she grabs her cellphone and she then dials a number and she then begin to talk.

The Wolf hello there Jade ru there? good good look i need to talk to you did the perrys contact you out trying to get you on their side.

The Wolf well if u saw what happend on Friday Nite Showstopa oh you did good look we need to talk this is Major Inportand so please hear me out.

the scene cuts before she can finsh as she calls her ol friend for a favor
Tonya Walker.

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