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The Wolf Has A Word For Black Crow

Started by The Perry Family, September 22, 2024, 04:23:33 PM

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The Perry Family

The Wolf is Back for Good and she is searching for Black Crow, she is wearing a black and gray Wolf outfit, she feels comfortable and warm since it is pretty cold in the building today she is searching for Black Crow, she finds her looks at her and she then begin to talk.

The Wolf Black Grow you and Me, in a rematch i stil owe you from the lost i took when we had our first match together, now

The Wolf im sure i can defeat you it only takes time i know i have not had many matches as of late, and that is fine it builds up my aggression more, and trust me iam full of Ruthless Aggression and when i get my hands on you trust me Bitch it is going to hurt once i bite my teeth in to your neck! and when ido trust me your going straight down to hell! got anything to say bitch

she wait for reply
Jade West


Black Crow u want a match against me Nikita oh im sorry Wolfe fine with me but let's make it a tag team match, a 6 person tag team match.

Black Crow it is not that iam afraid to face you by myself which is not true at all i just want my family around me when iam single handedly destroy you and embarrass you once again  because trust me next time i defeat you lol you wil not be getting back up iam going take you out once again and when ido it is going to be for good! what do you say about that bitch

she wait

The Perry Family

The Wolf look Bitch all i want is you and me one on one last woman standing match, i want to show the entire world the wolf is here to stay just u and me i want to rip you apart if you think you got one match against me let me tell you something i don't go down so easiely got it Bitch! i never going be done with you u know Devil Playground was a family before you came along! and everything was fine yeah the party crashers are my new family but let me say this you are not my family so the only way i can finally have peace with myself is to beat you down for good u and me just one on one what u say

she wait
Jade West


Crow Blackheart. Look Bitch that is Fine with me I Would love to Embarrass you again and this time you want a last woman standing match fine by me that makes it even better i plan to be a top Bitch in this company and to get there iam going to destroy you once and for all and trust me when i beat you down bitch you are going to stay down! and trust me when i say this, devils playground is a lot better without you there trust me nobody misses you at all and i know deep down that must hurt you does it Wolf.

she wait

The Perry Family

The Wolf. Fine by Me, i would be more then happy to beat the living hell out of you one by one, and nothing is going to stop me nobody and nothing look crow i did not get to be the wolf by giving up which is something i wil never do never! if im offered a match by a bitch like you trust me iam going to take it ! i don't give up not now not ever especially by a crazy bitch like you it is going give me great happiness to throw you around like the dog that you are! and trust me i fear nobody il see you when our match is Booked i don't need help pushing you down to size!

The Wolf. Nothing you say to me is going to make me upset u hear me Nothing! iam not offended iam not going to get my feelings hurt by any means iam proud to be who iam and trust me not even a bitch like you is going to change it never!

she wait 
Jade West


Blackcrow look Bitch im not afraid of you i never was before iam not now, and trust me ido respect you calling me out to my face but like it or Not Wolfe your time here is done it is you are going to be done here and also you are going to be hurting from head to toe iam going to be very happy and feel so thrilled once i go down as the bitch who retired the Wolf!

Black Crow. and im sure you are going have some kind of a plan, to help you out with a win but guess what it is not going to work Wolfe the Crow is going to come out and bite you on your Ass i hope you are ready for the biggest bite in your neck because it is going to hurt i may be your sister but that don't matter here your time is done sister and nobody is going to stop me nobody

she wait

The Perry Family

The Wolf you don't understand names and threats don't work on me and my family! u just need Cruella around to keep your Relevant and you know without her and without us you will not be able to survive on your own, i know how it is you are going to go down for the count once iam done with you! you are going down for the count! we don't threat at all we have been through so many wars and battles, and once you heard we was doing good here in the wrestling business you was not doing anything important with your life so you came here!  to make yourself feel Important hell it took you several months to even get yourself a single's one on one match which was against me! and now once iam going to go through you once again! and this time you are going straight down u beat me once trust me it is not going to happen again!

she wait for reply
Jade West


Black Crow ok first off you trying to get inside my head is not going to work you can make any Threats that you want the truth of the matter is, you are going down, and your talking about how many matches i have had what about you stupid ass! how many matches have u had here, you was in a lot more matches when you was in Devils Playground, and since u went to What is it the so called Party Crashers your career went down Kita it went Down! and you know it 2 don't you, face it Kita or Wolfe your career is going absolutely nowhere, anyway im done here wasting my time with you il see you when our match gets Booked see you bitch.

she leaves the scene leaving Wolfe by herself

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