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Started by Liz, November 05, 2022, 02:00:21 PM

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Liz B. Decker
Founder of SEF/ Co-Owner of SEF


August 25th, 1984

Height / Weight

5'7" / 150lbs.


Owensboro, Kentucky
Pro Debut
December 15th, 2001

Entrance Music:
"Back From The Dead" By Halestorm

Finishing Move

Southern Pride
(Pedigree into a X-Factor)

Trademark Moves

Southern Sleeper (Dragon Sleeper into a Body Scissors), DDT, Suplex, Scoop Slam, Low Blow, Powerbomb, Piledriver, Cross Body Block, Hurracanrana, Bulldog, Swinging Neck Breaker, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Flying Elbow Drop, Spinning Kick, Elbow Drop, Armbar, Headscissors, Dropkick, STF, Handspring Back Elbow, Chick Kick, Bitch Slap, Hair Takedown, 450 Splash, Shooting Star Press, Flying Elbow Drop, Sling Blade

Wrestling Style

Aerial - Technical; Whitney likes to keep the match going on the mat and is very well versed in mat wrestling. She will take a chance or two by going to the top rope, but tries to finish off her opponent may holds and moves. She loves a straight up technical matches. She likes to take to the air to take the ultimate risk and can go hardcore if she must. She is not real powerful, so her strength is not up to par against most. She also has a bad knee, her right one as she one had it injured and since then it has hurt from time to time. Put her in a gimmick match and she's not to be too happy about but will do it because she loves the business.


Whitney started out wrestling on February 16th, 2002 under the alias of Stephanie McMahon. She created SEF on that day with a lil help from Viper. She continued to wrestle under that alias until December of 2002. She left and then in 2003 she came back to SEF as Whitney Marret. At SEF's Wrestlemania in the year 2003, Whitney Marret made her debut into SEF when she beat Willow and Aaralyn Michai in a Hardcore Rulz Bra & Panties match. Since then, Whitney has gone on to align herself with Daddy Mack and eventually the two were married in the spring of '03. Around that same time, Whitney won the Women's Title for the first time after beating Emily and held on to it for close to a month before ultimately dropping it and taking a lil time off. After King of the Ring though, Whitney came back strong as ever and got back in the hunt for the Women's Title, plus looked to go after the World Title as well, but due to people of SEF getting lazy, Mack closed SEF down on July 7th. The closure didn't last more than a month and once SEF re opened, Whitney was back and going for the Women's Title. At SummerSlam that year, she captured the title for a second time after beating Cassie Michaels. She held the title for over a month and defended it proudly, even winning the XCW Women's Title and merging the two titles. Before that though, she challenged then World Champion Viper to a match and did very well, gaining respect from not only the women, but men as well and solidified her status as a dominant figure in this business. After that match though, she joined Viper's Deadly Force to oppose Mack's Rebellion and after a lil feud, they forced Mack's rebellion to dismantle. Four days after the Anarchy Rulz show, she lost the title to Cassie Michaels in a ladder match and due to personal problems, left SEF. Close to Two months later, Whitney came back and was welcomed with open arms by Mack who appointed his wife CEO and made up much more to her. Now The Dominant Couple is back to stay. She is now divorced from Mack and out on her own. Will she make it without him? Time will tell. Right after that happened, Whitney announced that she as in love with Viper and formed a personal relationship with him. The two looked like they were inseparable until a tragic accident happened at the Royal Rumble of 2004. During a Japanese Deathmatch, Viper fell a cut his throat on a barbed wire that formed the top rope. After the match was done, he was rushed to the hospital. Whitney went on in the Rumble but didn't win. Later that night, she found out that Viper died. After SEF was closed and Whitney took a little break from wrestling, her and Mack got back together and are living happily in Detroit, MI like the Extreme Dominant Couple should. Now in DOGG, she looks to be the best wrestler and diva in the business. When Mack won the ratings war against Matt Matlock, SEF was back open for business. Whitney enjoyed the success that she was having until in the summer of 2004. At Heat Wave, she faced Cassidy Michaels for the SEF Women's Championship. All though Whitney won and had Mack and Cassidy's quote on quote dad there, she felt like she had lost something. The two had a heated battle that finally spilled over until SummerSlam. Then at SummerSlam, she faced Cassidy to end the war. The two gave it there all but in the end, Cassidy won the Last Woman Standing match. About 3 days later, she shocked the sports-entertainment industry by announcing that she is officially retiring because of a series of injuries causing her not to be able to perform at her best. Now, Whitney runs SEF as CEO with her husband, Daddy Mack and will continue to do so. Whitney was extremely busy helping Mack run SEF until she was officially clear to wrestle by her doctors. She was happy to hear the good news. After she announced to the world that she was back to claim her title as the dominant woman of the ring. She went on to win the SEF Diva Title. Whitney was content to hold the women's title again but was urged by something or someone to go about what she had accomplished. She did just that. Whitney won the SEF Television Championship and held it proudly. Then Mack closed SEF again. She followed Mack to a promotion called W2K. She was supposed to wrestle but news came to her that her grandmother died and she rushed to be with her family. No one has heard from her since. Now she's back in the wrestling business again. She came back from the devastating demise of her grandmother and challenged the current SEF World Heavyweight Champion, Scorpion, to a match for his title. Scorpion turned her down and Whitney faced Matt Matlock in a match to see who would face Scorpion in a match at Guilty As Charged. She won and went on and faced Scorpion and two others, Strife and D-Von Dudley, and won. That night she became the first ever woman to win the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. In the middle of the ring, she cried her eyes out because of her achievement. She defended the title for a month then it was time to defend it against the man that she won it from, Scorpion. At King Of The Ring, she defended the title against him. Instead of "No Remorse" by Metallica playing of the loudspeakers, "The Unforgiven" blared and out walked what appeared to be Scorpion. He got in the ring with her. Whitney looked shocked as Scorpion tore a piece of flesh colored tape of his neck to reveal a scar from ear to ear. Whitney was in disbelief from the start and the man was revealed as Viper. The one that Whitney supposedly fell for and was heartbroken over his death. The match that they fought in was a Steel Cage match. Even though Whitney won, Viper made sure that she knew who held the title. Now that Viper is back form the "dead", what is Whitney gonna do? It appears that she is going to make his life a living hell for what he did to her. But as everyone thought Whitney's life couldn't get any worse, it did. On July 31st, 2005, Daddy Mack turned his back on her and revealed that the person that was though as Stephanie McMahon that founded SEF and owned it for a while was to be none other than Whitney herself. She doesn't deny it. And later that night, Daddy Mack won the 2005 SEF Royal Rumble. That meant that Daddy Mack and Whitney Marret at SummerSlam on August 2005 at the Dogwood Derby Dome in her home state of Kentucky. Earlier that night, it was revealed that Mack and Julie were Viper along throughout SEF History. Then the match that everyone was waiting for happened. Mack/Whitney for the SEF Championship. The two faced off in the Dogwood Derby Dome in a DOGG Fight. Whitney gave Mack all she could. But in the end, Mack won the SEF World Heavyweight Championship from her. The next night, Mack was out in the ring gloating and rubbing it in everyone's faces that he took the title away from Whitney. Whitney soon appeared and ripped the divorce papers up and decided to have a match at Anarchy Rulz. The match type was name by Whitney as a Texas Bullrope Match. Will she have what it takes to take the title away from Mack or will she fail victim to his games again? At Anarchy Rulz, it looked like Whitney was going to be able to take the SEF World Heavyweight Championship away from Mack but to no avail, Mack retained. But Whitney made her feelings known to Mack by yanking on the rope that strapped them together and nailed Southern Pride on Mack before leaving the ring. After that night and on through September and October, Mack made Whitney's life a living hell. But on November 7th, 2005, Whitney was paired up With ECW's lil runt, Spike Dudley in a two out of three series against Impact X (Shane Mack (aka Daddy Mack) and The Serial Thriller) for the SEF World Tag Team Championships. At some points in the match, Spike and Whitney looked like they were going to lose the match. But in the end, Spike nailed Dudley Dog and won the first match in the series. And on November 14th, 2005, Spike and Whitney faced off against Impact X. The match was a non-stop match for both sides. In the end, a new tag team was born. The Dominant Extremist. TDE won the titles and celebrated. They held the Tag titles. Then on December 5th, 2005, Whitney laid down a challenge to Mack for his World Heavyweight Championship. But there was a catch. If Mack lost, well...he loses his title. But if Whitney lost, Whitney had to retire forever. Mack accepted the challenge and it was signed that Whitney and Mack would face off at Christmas Carnage. But over that weekend, Spike challenged Mack to a title defense at a house show and won. The match between Mack and Whitney would still happen at the pay per view but it wasn't going to be for the title. At Christmas Carnage, Mack made his and Whitney's match to be for the number one contendership to the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. The match went back and forth until Viper came out and nailed Venom on Whitney. It looked like Mack had the advantage from that point on but in the end, Whitney made Mack pass out and win the match and gaining a number one contendership to the title that her best friend holds. The next night on Extreme, on the last edition of the Hardcore Hotel, Mack had Whitney scheduled to be on the show but instead Mack ended the HH and the view panned back and Whitney was in bed with Shane and the two looked to have made up by making love as the cameras cut back to ringside. The next week on Extreme looked be a better week for TDE. They faced Impact X. The match seriously looked like Whitney and Spike might lose but in a strange twist of events, a tall African-American came strolling down to ringside and made Mack lose track of what was happening. Whitney tagged in Spike and Spike won the match for TDE and retained the titles. It looks like Skull, one of Mack's friends from his past, is back from the dead. What will happen to The Dominant Extremist after New Blood? Who Knows?! A lot has happened to Whitney since New Blood. But the major thing that has happened is that her best friend, Michael McMoney came back to SEF. After that, Mack formed Impact X with McMoney and had McMoney's buddy, Big Country, join up with them. Then The Serial Thriller joined. But at one point, Mack looked like he was having a falling out with IX. Big Country and Michael McMoney even went to the links of tying Whitney to a ring post and threatening to set her ablaze. Mack came to her rescue. Then before Wrestle X, Mack revealed that he wasn't splitting with IX. Later that night, Whitney joined up with them. Whitney has been happily with Mack and IX ever since. After all that has happened, Whitney has remained happy and calm by Mack's side. The last part of July and first part of August, she took an Leave of Absence from SEF to take care of some very personal business. Whitney then came back to SEF after two weeks. She challenged for the World title to Julie, the champion at the time. But lost. She has been unreachable by anyone as of late due to the fact that she is in a remote part of the world, away from prying eyes to get back to her old self. When will she return to the ring? It's anyone's guess but when she does, she will be prepared. Now that she is back, she looks to be a dominant force to be reckoned with. So, SEF should look out as Whitney takes SEF by storm. But no one could have been prepared when Whitney aligned herself with Triple V revealing the two to be in a relationship, so obviously her and Mack have split. With Viper the Deadly Venom Faction has been reformed and Whitney friend Jordan Brooks was brought in as the bodyguard/enforcer to the group. The faction looks to reign over SEF in dominant faction much like they did five years ago, only time will tell if they can. Not too soon after DVF was created, Whitney went straight for the one title that she felt she had to have in order to finally take out a threat. A threat to Whitney's claim that she is the dominant one of SEF and whole realm of sports-entertainment. The other woman that shared that claim was Whitney's ex-best friend, Julie aka Victoria Kalispell. The two fought a war that ended at Wrestle X. At Wrestle X, Whitney fought Vickie in a Snake Pit Match. Whitney and Vickie fought their hearts out but the end result of Whitney retaining the SEF Women's Championship. That same night at the end of the SEF World Heavyweight Championship match, a man walked to the ring with Sean Martin and it was revealed that Whitney's father was indeed the owner of SEF, Richard Martin. Whitney had found her father and he father presented Viper with the SEF World Heavyweight Championship and left. Every since then, in Whitney's life, everything is how it should be.......With her as The True Dominant Woman of the Ring....Period and with a man that she could not be more happier with, Viper. It seems to everyone that Whitney has everything that she could've ever wanted and more. And Whitney is the happiest she could have ever been in her life. The Martin family never existed and the reason they were made up is unknown. It was an idea that Whitney scrapped due to the atmosphere at Unscripted '07. Sean Martin was revealed to be somebody from SEF history and is now the Commissioner as he used to be, Bill "Sly" McLane. Richard Martin, never existed and the person who played him, unknown as he was apparently a nobody. Whitney revealed all this at Unscripted at the end of the show, earlier in the show she announced her retirement and the retirement of the Women's Title as divisions do not need to be separated in SEF considering she had broke the barrier years ago. At the end of the night she announced that Frank E Dangerously's Wrestling Underground would now be working with SEF, although still separate companies delivering their own product, SEF will help them financially as they have helped SEF with talent over the years, most of our top names came through the Underground. Whitney is the CEO of SEF and so she is either in Detroit at the headquarters working hard handling the business, corporate side of SEF or she is in her hometown in Kentucky relaxing, but would get forced out of SEF by Richard E Dangerously formerly know as Richard Martin/Leer and also known as Fate. The name of SEF was even changed, to EF'NW, but the war was won and control regained, the name of SEF standing strong for over ten years and on the ten year anniversary show she went into labor. That night she delivered her and Viper's first child, a baby boy and also they both stepped down from power leaving the one constant owner in SEF, the rarely referred to anomynous owner who revealed himself to be the Informer. Obviously a few people know, namely Whitney and Viper, but they aren't talking, their enjoying peace which they've earned! Always ones to lend a hand to help SEF grow Whitney and Viper still help out with Whitney taking on the role of lead Interviewer. She asks hard hitting questions sticking to the point and conducts herself professionally at all times. Doesn't go hunting for an interview either, but rather sits down face to face in a set location. No longer an interviewer or doing anything for SEF unless she wants to, Whitney is the first inductee into the Hall of Fame in SEF. She earned a rest and a chance to enjoy a new life as a wife and mother, but will never be forgotten. Once again the CEO she cannot be forgotten, but will remain behind the scenes and unreachable by anyone outside the board of directors she serves on. If anyone wants to contact Whitney, they must talk to Viper first!
In 2018 Whitney Marret is at home with her children happy for the first time in 6 years because it was 8 years ago that she left SEF behind her, never to be seen again, well, except when her leech of a cousin that claims to be her sister, Jenom, decided to masquerade herself as Whitney and be Viper's right hand bitch. Whitney did have a hand in running Evolution 7 years ago as she did bring the show back, but could not be there to keep it going. Whitney Marret is not happy about that and has been thinking hard about how to comeback from the lies and treachery that was done to her character, to her name that she and she alone made famous. After all she has battled to keep SEF, after all she has battled to get her children, to keep them, to raise them in her eye, she still has no answer for how to step back into SEF and show the world who the real Whitney Marret is. Maybe she has done enough and when SEF finally does start a true hall of fame, she will be the first and only inductee with nobody following her the next year or the next, or the next because nobody can?!?!? Maybe she just needs to stay away a little longer before she comes back to avenge her own name? Perhaps she doesn't need to do anything and should just enjoy her rest before she is ready to just step back in and give us a whole new Whitney Marret we have never seen, ever?!?
Whitney Marret is dead. Liz B. Decker came back to SEFWUN to set the record straight about what happened to her and to find her husband. To which in her eyes, she credits Shane "Daddy" Mack for giving her back ANA. Now that all is right with Liz, she's more determined to take back her legacy from Viper and Jenom. On her way, she will collect gold and when the time comes, she will remove Jenom from SEF forever!


SEF Founder
SEF Owner
SEF Co-Owner
SEF World Heavyweight Champion[2]
First Ever Woman To Hold The SEF World Heavyweight Championship
MCW World Heavyweight Championship
SEF Intercontential Champion
SEF World Women's Title[7]{(Retired The Women's Title The Night She Retired.)}
SEF Women's Hardcore Title
SEF Women's Tag Team Title[Terri]
SEF Commissioner
XCW Women's Title
SEF Diva Title[3]
SEF World Tag Team Title[3][Daddy Mack-2][Spike Dudley-1]
DOGG Tag Team Title[Daddy Mack]
SEF Television Title
Diva Of The Year Award[2002-2003, 2003-2004]
Shut Up & Kiss Me Award[2002-2003, 2003-2004]
SEF Hall of Famer(Class of 2012)

Ring Entrance

"Back From The Dead" hits as red, purple, blue, green, and white lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Liz comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp as Jenom announces her.
Jenom: Making her way to the ring, from Owensboro, Kentucky, she weighs 150 pounds, she is the Founder of SEF and Co-Owner of SEFWUN.....she is L.B.D.....Liz B. Decker!
She makes her way to the ring and climb the steel steps. Once inside the ring Liz goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air. She lowers her arms gets read for her match.

Favorite Quote(s)

"I am the bluegrass bombshell"
"I am the cutest lil southern belle you will ever lay your eyes on"
"I am the true dominant woman of the ring"
"I am the dominant woman in sports entertainment"
"I am the True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the Soldier of the Ring"
"Don't Cross The Bluegrass Bombshell"
"Don't Cross The True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the True Dominant Woman of the Ring....Period!"
"I am The True and ONLY Dominant Woman of the Ring......PERIOD!"

Favorite Weapon(s)


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Date Posted:31/12/2008 12:54 PMCopy HTML


Whitney Marret
"The Dominant Belle"

August 25th, 1984

Height / Weight
5'7" / 145lbs.


Detroit, Michigan

Theme Music
Money, Power, Respect by The Lox

Pro Debut
December 15th, 2001

Finishing Move
Southern Pride
(Pedigree into an X-Factor)

Trademark Moves
Southern Sleeper (Dragon Sleeper in a Body Scissors), Powerbomb, Piledriver, Hurracanrana, Swinging Neck Breaker, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Flying Elbow Drop, Handspring Back Elbow, Chick Kick, Bitch Slap, 450 Splash, Shooting Star Press, 
Single Leg Boston Crab, STF

Wrestling Style
Aerial/Technical; She loves a straight up technical matches. She likes to take to the air to take the ultimate risk and can go hardcore if she must. She is not real powerful, so her strength is not up to par against most. She also has a bad knee, her right one as she one had it injured and since then it has hurt from time to time.


Whitney founded SEF back on February 16th, 2002, was one of four owners in the beginning and over time struggled to keep it, but ultimately lost her power due to some underhanded tactics by Richard E Dangerously aka Fate who tried to destroy SEF. But with help from several people SEF was kept alive and Whitney got her power back and now for the first time ever is full owner, hundred percent of the company belongs to her. She remains behind the scenes though, so no one is allowed to see her. If anyone needs to talk to management, then talk to the General Manager as Whitney is off limits, case closed! Although she has since revealed as of the Juy 25th showing of Extreme, #178, that she is not the owner, that she has simply played a part for the real owner who wants to remain anomynous and is sick of it doing so. She is sick of being in that light when she has no real power in SEF anyways, she just wants to be here for Mack, with Mack and so the top power couple of the company is back roaming the halls together, still she is untouchable. And no longer with Mack now as his first love is wrestling, Whitney has recconected with Viper and The Dominant Couple is back. Although a long run may not be in their future, Whitney has found her true love to settle with. Althought that is true for the woman behind the make up of Whitney Marret, Viper was never the one, nor was any man, but one A Native Americano.

Favorite Matches
All types of matches. Whitney excels in them all. She doesn't particularly like gimmick matches.

Favorite Quotes
"I am the bluegrass bombshell"
"I am the cutest lil southern belle you will ever lay your eyes on"
"I am the true dominant woman of the ring"
"I am the dominant woman in sports entertainment"
"I am the True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the Soldier of the Ring"
"Don't Cross The Bluegrass Bombshell"
"Don't Cross The True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the True Dominant Woman of the Ring....Period!" 

Favorite Weapons
Sledgehammer, Brass Knuckles, 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire, Steel Chairs, Black Steel Ball bat

SEF Accomplishments

Founder, Owner, Grand Slam Winner, Triple Crown Winner, World Title(2), Underground Title, Womens Title(7), X Diva Title(6), IC Title, World Tag Title(5), International Title, TV Title, Hardcore Tag Title, SEF Rumble Winner(2009), Wrestler Of The Year(2008), Miss SEF(2002-06), Tag Team Of The Year(2004-05), Shut Up & Kiss Me(2002-06), Impact Of The Year(2009), Fued Of The Year(2008), Match Of The Year(2005-06)

SEFZONE Merchandise
"Who Divas Wish They Could Be" T-shirt 

"Dominant Belle" T-shirt
"Dominant Woman" T-shirt
"Southern Belle CEO" T-shirt
"Bluegrass Bombshell" Beanie

Whitney is more inclined to wear tight, leather dresses or blue denim jeans. Low cut halter tops or tight baby t-shirts. For footwear she wears stellio high heel boots or just strappy high heels. For ring attire, she wears a red and black bra like top that has grommets that outline it with matching pants, but the pants sorta lace up the sides from midcalf to her side with matching colored wrestling boots.

Ring Entrance
MONEY, POWER, RESPECT hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp with her arms up in the air elegantly.

Making her way to the ring from Detroit, Michigan, she weighs in at one hundred forty five pounds.........Whitney Marret!
She makes her way to the ring and climb the steel steps. Once inside the ring Whitney goes to the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air. She lowers her arms and gets ready for her match.


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Date Posted:02/02/2009 11:22 PMCopy HTML

Stephanie McMahon
(1999 - present)
00468.jpg picture by Southern_Belle_Dominant_Diva0825 
Whitney Marret
August 25th, 1984
145 LBS.
Detroit, Michigan
Aerial - Technical
Whitney likes to keep the match going on the mat and is very well versed in mat wrestling. She will take a chance or two by going to the top rope, but tries to finish off her opponent may holds and moves.

"Money, Power, Respect" by The Lox
Southern Pride
 (Pedigree Into An X-Factor)
Trademark Moves
Southern Sleeper (Dragon Sleeper in a Body Sisscors), Powerbomb, Piledriver, Hurracanrana, Swinging Neck Breaker, Side Russian Leg Sweep, Flying Elbow Drop, Handspring Back Elbow, Chick Kick, Bitch Slap, 450 Splash, Shooting Star Press, DDT, Suplex, Scoop Slam, Low Blow, Cross Body Block, Bulldog, Spinning Kick, Elbow Drop, Headscissors, Dropkick, Hair Takedown

Submission Moves
Single Leg Boston Crab, STF

Pro Debut
December  15th, 2001
Whitney started out wrestling on February 16th, 2001 under the alias of Stephanie McMahon. She created SEF on that day with a lil help from Viper. She continued to wrestle under that alias until December of 2002. She left and then in 2003 she came back to SEF as Whitney Marret. At SEF's Wrestlemania in the year 2003, Whitney Marret made her debut into SEF when she beat Willow and Aaralyn Michai in a Hardcore Rulz Bra & Panties match. Since then, Whitney has gone on to align herself with Daddy Mack and eventually the two were married in the spring of '03. Around that same time, Whitney won the Women's Title for the first time after beating Emily and held on to it for close to a month before ultimately dropping it and taking a lil time off.  After King of the Ring though, Whitney came back strong as ever and got back in the hunt for the Women's Title, plus looked to go after the World Title as well, but due to people of SEF getting lazy, Mack closed SEF down on July 7th. The closure didn't last more than a month and once SEF re opened, Whitney was back and going for the Women's Title. At SummerSlam that year, she captured the title for a second time after beating Cassie Michaels. She held the title for over a month and defended it proudly, even winning the XCW Women's Title and merging the two titles. Before that though, she challenged then World Champion Viper to a match and did very well, gaining respect from not only the women, but men as well and solidified her status as a dominant figure in this business. After that match though, she joined Viper's Deadly Force to oppose Mack's Rebellion and after a lil feud, they forced Mack's rebellion to dismantle. Four days after the Anarchy Rulz show, she lost the title to Cassie Michaels in a ladder match and due to personal problems, left SEF. 

Close to Two months later, Whitney came back and was welcomed with open arms by Mack who appointed his wife CEO and made up much more to her. Now The Dominant Couple is back to stay. She is now divorced from Mack and out on her own. Will she make it without him? Time will tell. Right after that happened, Whitney announced that she as in love with Viper and formed a personal relationship with him. The two looked like they were inseparable until a tragic accident happened at the Royal Rumble of 2004. During a Japanese Deathmatch, Viper fell a cut his throat on a barbed wire that formed the top rope. After the match was done, he was rushed to the hospital. Whitney went on in the Rumble but didn't win. Later that night, she found out that Viper died. After SEF was closed and Whitney took a little break from wrestling, her and Mack got back together and are living happily in Detroit, MI like the Extreme Dominant Couple should. 

Now in DOGG, she looks to be the best wrestler and diva in the business. When Mack won the ratings war against Matt Matlock, SEF was back open for business. Whitney enjoyed the success that she was having until in the summer of 2004. At Heat Wave, she faced Cassidy Michaels for the SEF Women's Championship. All though Whitney won and had Mack and Cassidy's quote on quote dad there, she felt like she had lost something. The two had a heated battle that finally spilled over until SummerSlam. Then at SummerSlam, she faced Cassidy to end the war. The two gave it there all but in the end, Cassidy won the Last Woman Standing match. About 3 days later, she shocked the sports-entertainment industry by announcing that she is officially retiring because of a series of injuries causing her not to be able to perform at her best. Now, Whitney runs SEF as CEO with her husband, Daddy Mack and will continue to do so. Whitney was extremely busy helping Mack run SEF until she was officially clear to wrestle by her doctors. She was happy to hear the good news. After she announced to the world that she was back to claim her title as the dominant woman of the ring. She went on to win the SEF Diva Title. Whitney was content to hold the women's title again but was urged by something or someone to go about what she had accomplished. She did just that. Whitney won the SEF Television Championship and held it proudly. 

Then Mack closed SEF again. She followed Mack to a promotion called W2K. She was supposed to wrestle but news came to her that her grandmother died and she rushed to be with her family. No one has heard from her since. Now she's back in the wrestling business again. She came back from the devastating demise of her grandmother and challenged the current SEF World Heavyweight Champion, Scorpion, to a match for his title. Scorpion turned her down and Whitney faced Matt Matlock in a match to see who would face Scorpion in a match at Guilty As Charged. She won and went on and faced Scorpion and two others, Strife and D-Von Dudley, and won. That night she became the first ever woman to win the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. In the middle of the ring, she cried her eyes out because of her achievement. She defended the title for a month then it was time to defend it against the man that she won it from, Scorpion.  

At King Of The Ring, she defended the title against him. Instead of "No Remorse" by Metallica playing of the loudspeakers, "The Unforgiven" blared and out walked what appeared to be  Scorpion. He got in the ring with her. Whitney looks shocked as Scorpion tore a piece of flesh colored tape of his neck to reveal a scar from ear to ear. Whitney was in disbelief from the start and the man was revealed as Viper. The one that Whitney supposedly fell for and was heartbroken over his death. The match that they fought in was a Steel Cage match. Even though Whitney won, Viper made sure that she knew who held the title. Now that Viper is back form the "dead", what is Whitney gonna do? It appears that she is going to make his life a living hell for what he did to her. But as everyone thought Whitney's life couldn't get any worse, it did. On July 31st, 2005, Daddy Mack turned his back on her and revealed that the person that was though as Stephanie McMahon that founded SEF and owned it for a while was to be none other than Whitney herself. She doesn't deny it. And later that night, Daddy Mack won the 2005 SEF Royal Rumble. That meant that Daddy Mack and Whitney Marret at SummerSlam on August 2005 at the Dogwood Derby Dome in her home state of Kentucky. Earlier that night, it was revealed that Mack and Julie were Viper along throughout SEF History. Then the match that everyone was waiting for happened. Mack/Whitney for the SEF Championship. The two faced off in the Dogwood Derby Dome in a DOGG Fight. Whitney gave Mack all she could. But in the end, Mack won the SEF World Heavyweight Championship from her. The next night, Mack was out in the ring gloating and rubbing it in everyone's faces that he took the title away from Whitney. Whitney soon appeared and ripped the divorce papers up and decided to have a match at Anarchy Rulz. The match type was name by Whitney as a Texas Bullrope Match. Will she have what it takes to take the title away from Mack or will she fail victim to his games again? 

At Anarchy Rulz, it looked like Whitney was going to be able to take the SEF World Heavyweight Championship away from Mack but to no avail, Mack retained. But Whitney made her feelings known to Mack by yanking on the rope that strapped them together and nailed Southern Pride on Mack before leaving the ring. After that night and on through September and October, Mack made Whitney's life a living hell. But on November 7th, 2005, Whitney was paired up With ECW's lil runt, Spike Dudley in a two out of three series against Impact X (Shane Mack (aka Daddy Mack) and The Serial Thriller) for the SEF World Tag Team Championships. At some points in the match, Spike and Whitney looked like they were going to lose the match. But in the end, Spike nailed Dudley Dog and won the first match in the series. And on November 14th, 2005, Spike and Whitney faced off against Impact X. The match was a non-stop match for both sides. In the end, a new tag team was born. The Dominant Extremist. TDE won the titles and celebrated. They held the Tag titles. Then on December 5th, 2005, Whitney laid down a challenge to Mack for his World Heavyweight Championship. But there was a catch. If Mack lost, well...he loses his title. But if Whitney lost, Whitney had to retire forever. Mack accepted the challenge and it was signed that Whitney and Mack would face off at Christmas Carnage.  But over that weekend, Spike challenged Mack to a title defense at a house show and won. The match between Mack and Whitney would still happen at the pay per view but it wasn't going to be for the title. At Christmas Carnage, Mack made his and Whitney's match to be for the number one contendership to the SEF World Heavyweight Championship. The match went back and forth until Viper came out and nailed Venom on Whitney. It looked like Mack had the advantage from that point on but in the end, Whitney made Mack pass out and win the match and gaining a number one contendership to the title that her best friend holds. The next night on Extreme, on the last edition of the Hardcore Hotel, Mack had Whitney scheduled to be on the show but instead Mack ended the HH and the view panned back and Whitney was in bed with Shane and the two looked to have made up by making love as the cameras cut back to ringside. The next week on Extreme looked be a better week for TDE. They faced Impact X. The match seriously looked like Whitney and Spike might lose but in a strange twist of events, a tall African-American came strolling down to ringside and made Mack lose track of what was happening. Whitney tagged in Spike and Spike won the match for TDE and retained the titles. It looks like Skull, one of Mack's friends from his past, is back from the dead. What will happen to The Dominant Extremist after New Blood? Who Knows?! 

A lot has happened to Whitney since New Blood. But the major thing that has happened is that her best friend, Michael McMoney came back to SEF. After that, Mack formed Impact X with McMoney and had McMoney's buddy, Big Country, join up with them. Then The Serial Thrilla joined. But at one point, Mack looked like he was having a falling out with IX. Big Country and Michael McMoney even went to the links of tying Whitney to a ring post and threating to set her ablaze. Mack came to her rescue. Then before Wrestle X, Mack revealed that he wasn't spliting with IX. Later that night, Whitney joined up with them. Whitney as been happily with Mack and IX ever since. 

After all that has happened, Whitney has remained happy and calm by Mack's side. The last part of July and first part of August, she took an Leave of Absence from SEF to take care of some very personal business. Whitney then came back to SEF after two weeks. She challeneged for the World title to Julie, the champion at the time. But lost. She has been unreachable by anyone as of late due to the fact that she is in a remote part of the world, away from prying eyes to get back to her old self. When will she return to the ring? It's anyone's guess but when she does, she will be prepared.

Now that she is back, she looks to be a dominant force to be reckoned with. So, SEF should look out as Whitney takes SEF by storm. But no one could have been prepared when Whitney aligned herself with Triple V revealing the two to be in a relationship, so obviously her and Mack have split. With Viper the Deadly Venom Faction has been reformed and Whitney friend Jordan Brooks was brought in as the bodyguard/enforcer to the group. The faction looks to reign over SEF in dominant faction much like they did five years ago, only time will tell if they can.

Not too soon after DVF was created, Whitney went straight for the one title that she felt she had to have in order to finally take out a threat. A threat to Whitney's claim that she is the dominant one of SEF and whole relam of sports-entertainment. The other woman that shared that claim was Whitney's ex-best friend, Julie aka Victoria Kalispell. The two fought a war that ended at Wrestle X. At Wrestle X, Whitney fought Vickie in a Snake Pit Match. Whitney and Vickie fought their hearts out but the end result of Whitney retaining the SEF Women's Championship. That same night at the end of the SEF World Heavyweight Championship match, a man walked to the ring with Sean Martin and it was revealed that Whitney's father was indeed the owner of SEF, Richard Martin. Whitney had found her father and he father presented Viper with the SEF World Heavyweight Championship and left. Every since then, in Whitney's life, everything is how it should be.......With her as The True Dominant Woman of the Ring....Period and with a man that she could not be more happier with, Viper. It seems to everyone that Whitney has everything that she could've ever wanted and more. And Whitney is the happiest she could have ever been in her life.

The Martin family never existed and the reason they were made up is unknown. It was an idea that Whitney scrapped due to the atmosphere at Unscripted '07. Sean Martin was revealed to be somebody from SEF history and is now the Commissioner as he used to be, Bill "Sly" McLane. Richard Martin, never existed and the person who played him, unknown as he was apparently a nobody. Whitney revealed all this at Unscripted at the end of the show, earlier in the show she announced her retirement and the retirement of the Women's Title as divisions do not need to be separated in SEF considering she had broke the barrier years ago. At the end of the night she announced that Frank E Dangerously's Wrestling Underground would now be working with SEF, although still separate companies delivering there own product, SEF will help them financially as they have helped SEF with talent over the years, most of our top names came through the Underground. Whitney is the CEO of SEF and so she is either in Detroit at the headquarters working hard handling the business, corporate side of SEF or she is in her hometown in Kentucky relaxing, she is never on the road, so no one will ever talk to her at an arena, she won't be there. 

Whitney got a call to go to MCW where she became the first ever MCW Champion and the first woman to do so. But now that SEF is opened again, she looks to prove why her monkier is true. "The True Dominant Woman of the Ring......Period!" 

Favorite Quote(s)
 "I am the bluegrass bombshell"
"I am the cutest lil southern belle you will ever lay your eyes on"
"I am the true dominant woman of the ring", "I am the dominant woman in sports entertainment"
"I am the True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the Soldier of the Ring"
"Don't Cross The Bluegrass Bombshell"
"Don't Cross The True Woman Of Greatness"
"I am the True Dominant Woman of the Ring....Period!"
Favorite Weapon(s)
Sledgehammer, Brass Knuckles, 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire, Steel Chairs, Black Steel Ballbat
Favorite Match(s)
All types of matches. Whitney excels in them all. She doesn't particularly like gimmick matches.
Manager/Valet/Bodyguard/Tag Partner/Signifigant Other
Shane "Daddy" Mack


She loves a straight up technical matches. She likes to take to the air to take the ultimate risk and can go hardcore if she must. She is not real powerful, so her strength is not up to par against most. She also has a bad knee, her right one as she one had it injured and since then it has hurt from time to time.

Ring Entrance:
"Money, Power, and Respect" hits as blue, green, and red lights circle the arena with matching pyro going off. Then Whitney comes out and poses for the crowd at the top of the ramp.
Announcer: Making her way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, she weighs 145 pounds, she is Whitney Marret!
She makes her way to the ring and climb the steel steps. Once inside the ring Whitney goes to the middle of the middle of the ring and throws her hands and arms in the air. She lowers her arms gets read for her match.

Ring Exit:
If Whitney wins a match, she gets to her feet as "Money, Power, and Respect" plays over the PA and starts pumping her fist in the air. if Whitney loses, she gets a pissed off look on her face and head straight to the back.

Whitney is more inclined to wear tight, leather dresses or blue denim jeans. Low cut halter tops or tight baby t-shirts. For footwear she wears stellio high heel boots or just strappy high heels. For ring attire, she wears a red and black bra like top that has grommets that outline it with match pants but the pants sorta lace up the sides from midcaf to her side with matching colored stiletto high heel wrestling boots.


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