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War #1

Started by kstancil13, December 14, 2013, 09:52:37 PM

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{[Kristin snickers as she looks over the card causing Maegan to look up a little annoyed since her 'perfect' anniversary weekend was caused by her sitter getting sick.]}

Maegan "What's so funny?"

Kristin: "Things are technically looking up for me but they've gone straight to hell as far as you're concerned.  The only good thing about it is that its a Battle Royal to determine a number 1 contender for the X-Diva title but your opponents....well one in particular....."

{[Maegan glanced down at the fax and groaned.]}

Maegan: "Hopefully she's so preoccupied in trying to keep Mack's attention that she'll keep her hands off of me.  [sighs]  She was always copping feels when I was helping to train her.  Now, [gags] I know its because she turned Marissa."

{[It's Kristin's turn to groan]}

Kristin: "I don't think it was Marissa who turned her."

{[Maegan looks at Kristin concerned and decides to change the subject back to the X Diva title opportunity]}

Maegan: "Okay so Kimberly Pain and Kasey Winterborne, I'll have to watch tape on them.  I'm not entirely clear on who they are.  Brandon's been watching tape himself so..." {[she shrugs]} "I'm born clear on several of the male competitors.  Luckily, Tina likes to do things dirty and intergender so it helps."

Kristin "Don't look past the battle royal!  Pain and Winterborne maybe xfactors but you do know Danika and she's conniving.  In between whoring herself to the Mack she's probably begging for more training.  It would be the smart thing and the silicone did nothing to her mind."  [{Maegan arches her eyebrow and Kristin smirks]} "Yeah I know, [{rolls her eyes]} "I was one of her biggest advocates until she and Marissa came out as Josh's swinging partners."

[{Maegan gags again and starts making notes on her ipad so she can check out SEF's archives.]}

Maegan: "The good thing about watching recorded events is I don't have to watch the in-ring porn.  [{she adds a couple more things and then sends Brandon a text]} "No rest for the wicked.  I'll catch you later."

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